Treasure Hunt [Inactive]

"Okay, Mirro, shortcuts are good." The twins spoke in unison. It scared some people in the land. It was as if they knew exactly what to say, as if they shared the same brain. "Brecka's right. Trouble is unavoidable and the best we can do is to avoide it as much as we can." Fiona said in a serious tone. "At least we'll have each other to watch our backs. All of ours, teamwork is the best way to go," Finn added to Fiona's statement.
Mirro nodded, tossing some change on the table with the food and nodding. "I cant help but be curious of you two, but its more entertaining to figure things out as we go. Lets see your collection, if everyone wants to?" She said, rushed but hoping they would go along with it. She would rather not be wasting time, though now it was other peoples time she would have to think about to. How confusing.. I cant afford a minute though.
Wes looks up from the map and looks at the group," well one thing is for certain here we got a big day tomorrow." wes yawns and grins, " its getting late guys I suggest that we all get a room and start to prepare for tomorrow." wes gets up to go pay for a room, " ill see you all in the morning, goodnight." gets his room key and starts to head up stairs.
Mirro frowned and nodded. "Yeah, sleeps good.." She said in a quieter voice before grinning again and waving him off. "I'll be preparing out here if anyone needs me."
"I'm simultaneously intrigued and frightened to see what this 'collection' is...I like you both already" He grins as he takes a large chuck of one of his many steaks and devours it with inordinate ferocity. "I'd want to see what you were all capable of before I entrust you all with my livelihood, but I feel like I can innately trust you. To treasure!" He chuckles as he raises a glass.
Fiona and Finn exchanged smirks but Finn was a little cautious. He didn't exceptionally like to share his 'toys'. Fiona , on the other hand, was more than glad to share her tools of the trade. In truth, magically items were quite addictive and once obtained, the person would be attached to them. Sadly, in Fiona's case it happened and she had buckets of the items hidden in her coat. "Follow us~" The twins said together, getting up from their seats. "We'll put on a show in the back. Anyone else like to join?" Finn asked. Fiona smiled and nodded, "To the outside!"
Stone rushes to Mirro's side and watches Wes leave the lobby of the inn. He lets out a small yawns but quickly covers his mouth, trying to hide the fact it's also past his own bedtime. He stares at the twins, interested by the thought of a so-called "show."
Finn and Fiona smiled and said, " A toast first? Sounds good! To treasure!" The twins picked up a random glass and downed the contents. Finn sputtered when the bitter taste of ale came down his throat. "Okay not a good idea." He muttered putting the glass down. Fiona punched him in the arm and said, "Pussyfoot!" Finn glared at her and raised an eyebrow. "That's your latest insult?" His answer was a punch in the stomach.
Mirro picked Stone up, smiling down at him. "After a drink, I think I will put you to bed.. or are you excited for the show?" She said with a smile. She set him on a seat, keeping a keen eye on the kid before saying cheers and downing most of her Ale.
Over hearing the conversation wes decide s to stay and see this show," I'm back and I would like to see what you to are capable of before I hit the hay and Finn heres a tip look to see what in the mug first," wes chuckles and waits to go outside.
"Hahahaha, this will certainly promise to be a trek worth remembering...that is if you get to piss drunk to do so." Brecka downs his drink in celebration. "Now lets see this show, keep in mind, you are within sword swinging distance." He says jokingly.
"you know mirro someone could actually mistake you for his mother ya know." wes laughs and smiles at both mirro and stone. 
"well brecka I think if they tried anything we could take them." we chuckles and smiles playfully.
Finn turned bright red, almost as red as Fiona's highlights. "I know, geez! I-I just don't like the taste of ale, water is better." He glared a little at the group, being thoroughly embarrassed was not something he liked to do. "Okay, let's head outside. Now you might want to stay away from my army of hidden weapons. There's some pretty stuff but one touch and I'll have your head." Finn said, heading towards the door. He was highly overprotective of those very weapons.

Fiona rolled her eyes and said, "He loves his weapons." She walked over to her brother and out the back door with him.
Stone lays his hands patiently in his lap and watches them with wide, curious eyes. His answer to Mirro is a weary nod, trying to agree to watching the twins' act. He is a bit surprised the female picked him up, but he doesn't question it and stays calmly mute. After the toast, he looks at Mirro, wondering if it is custom to be carried again.
She feigned a pout before downing the rest. "I look that old, do I?" She laughed. "Nah, I have a lil' brother back home. He's why Im here. The kids the most important thing I have, so cant help it if this little man acts so much like him." Thinking for another second, she slammed down what once held her ale and abruptly stood. "Well, lets all have some show and tell, shall we? And don't worry Finn, I have no interest in taking your weapons." She smiled at Stone. "Sorry, it was habit. let me know if you get more tired though, alright?"
Wes gets up and follows," I understands how Finn feels, " wes chuckles and rest his arm on his sword hilt. "well what are we waiting for anyway lets get this show started."
"I assure you, you aren't the only one with hidden abilities" He follows suit and stops before them with an expectant expression as to what their performance would entail. He smiled softly at Mirro's motherly display "Regardless, you would make a great mother, any man would be luck to have your assistance in nurtering a child."
Stone slides off the chair. "Okay." He smiles at her with a goofy expression and skips outdoors, excited to get out of the large box. He dives to a section of grass and waits for the entertainment.
Finn took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. His eyes darted to it once or twice before reaching within the folds and started pulling out a vast armada of swords, guns, bows, you name it. His eyes were as bright as a child. He had a thing for sharp things when he was younger. Fiona was by a tree, taking off her coat and rolling up her sleeves. She carefully put down her coat and reached into their folds. The blackette successfully pulled out a few handfuls of what looked like jewelry. A good enchanter or enchantress would know magic when they see it.
Wes looks back at Mirro and said in a concerned voice, "is he ok I mean you said your here because of him is he sick or something." wes suddenly looks embarrassed and looks away quickly turning bright red.
Mirro flashed both Brecka and Wes a genuine smile and whispered to Wes, "A story for another time." She was now entranced in what Fiona. As a girl of magic herself, she couldn't help but be happy.
"well it looks like we have a weapons master and a wizard in our group." wes looks at the items in awe and then chuckles and pulls out his broadsword, "but I gotta ask Finn is all these really necessary when you could just have this, wes holds out the sword
"Why not both?" Brecka smirks as azure essence swirls around the digits of his left hand down to the point where they enveloped his right forearm while brandishing his shortsword in his left hand.
Stone claps his hands together and grins, appearing as though he believes the show is just for him. He glazes around and clicks his tongue, calling a small rabbit to his side from a nearby hedge, hoping it would also enjoy the action. He holds the rabbit in his lap and stares in awe at all the shiny weaponry.
Mirro grinned, watching the display, completely entranced. Everyone is so powerful, she couldn't help but be completely absorbed. The weaponry alone would have been enough to amaze her. The magic added to it greatly.

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