Treasure Hunt [Inactive]

Stone nods at the question of his race and stays closer to the female who spoke to him. He watches the tall people chat about a mysterious treasure and twists a lock around his finger once more. "Can I come?" He smiles meekly and seems to look only at the females for approval.
Mirro's lips stretched into a frown, a strange feature on her face, but it showed concern for the boy. "Its really dangerous, you know. I'd hate for anything to happen to you." She found herself talking to him the same way she would to her brother. They looked the same age. "You have a name, sweetie? You can call me Mirro. Do you need some help, or are you lost?"
"well it seems he likes you Mirro , so what do you say can he come?" wes chuckles and looks at Mirro and tinkers with the hilt of his broadsword.

"id let him come. I bet he can Handel himself."
Brecka looks at the child slightly puzzled at his willinness to join them on their trek to the treasure. "I agree with Mirro it certainly isn't a place one so young should be going to, hate for that youth to be stifled so early" he said almost coldly but with a genuine sense of concern. "If he wants to come, I'll look after him, but the parenting end of this arangement falls to...anyone but me."
(Sorry! I had to go somewhere but I'm back now! :3)

Finn tapped his sister on her shoulder and muttered, "Fi, the treasure isn't really a physical being. Well, there are various accounts of it but, the most promising is it being something there yet not there." Fiona turned red and hissed, "You couldn't have told me that a year ago?" The male shrugged and said, "You never asked, I said treasure and you told me to start on researching it." She glared and turned away from him and towards Mirro. "So aaaanyways. Before I was so rudely interrupted. We're interested in finding the treasure like you guys. Were willing to offer our info if you are," She said, smiling.

Finn sighed and turned to Wes. "Oh, hello Wes. I'm Finn and that hotheaded girl is my sister, Fiona," He said, smiling slightly. He watched the others talk to the elven child. The child was cute alright but he furrowed his eyebrows in concern when he heard of his request to join the journey. "Kid, I don't mean to underestimate you, but it is dangerous."
" guys I'm going to take a guess and say he's older than all of us since he's an elf." wes starts to study the group that has now formed and chuckle.

"This is an odd gang of treasure hunters and I'm going to say this we may have a chance to fine the treasure" wes smiles happily and chuckles. 
"Just give the little guy a chance guys and nice to meet you to."
"You're damn right about that Wes" he chuckles at his observation. "Oh and I never got to the formalities, I'm Brecka, it's a pleasure" he said nodding to both Finn and Fiona. "What intel would you have on the treasure that we don't already know?" He lurches forward on his seat clearly intrigued by what these two might have to offer to their effort. "Whatever you're about to say, I hope it's a shortcut" He grins.
Mirro looked down, thinking Im still worried.. he still has a lot of life ahead of him, and a small body.. After some thought, she looked back to the odd group and nodded. "We have more than enough to take care of one person. Its a pleasure to meet all of you, I am perfectly willing to share anything I know and" She heard a clacking of plates on a table. "Food!" She said a little too excitedly, earning a slight blush and a reluctant laugh. "Lets here what you two've got, hm?" She made her way to the table.
Finn blinked and smacked his forehead. "How could I be so stupid? I can't believe I forgot that factor. However, in his kind, he's considered a baby," He said, scratching his chin. A stubble was beginning to form due to to being able to freshen up in a while. "Yeah, let's give the kid a chance. Though I shouldn't be speaking.... Anyways it's nice to meet you all." He said but turned to Brecka and smiled. "Nice to meet you." He said, in a polite tone.
Stone puffs up his chest and tries to stand up taller. "I'm brave! I've been by myself for over 170 years!" The child crosses his arms and stares up at them all, ignoring the talk of anything but his request to come. "Either way, I can go. I can follow you. You can't stop me."
" thank you guys for agreeing with me and now to another topic we need someone in charge id like to nominate Mirro for that position since she was the one who seems to know the most about this treasure. What do you guys think?" Wes finishes and looks around to see who all agrees. 
"you got spunk for an old guy well it seems were all in this together now."
Mirro saw the elf do this and she laughed, not in a teasing way. Just generally happy. She came back over and ruffled his hair, getting on her knees in front of him. She was tall for a girl. She was sure she would look like a giant hovering over a kid. "170 years?! Wow. Im going to need you to take care of us then! Up for it?" She said, happy to see someone who reminded her of home. Even his hair and eyes reminded her of Arlin. She was suddenly all the more motivated. "Leader?! Eh.. my my. Im here for all the same reasons you are." She shrugged, face still red, the bridge of her nose now matched her hair.
"Mirro..Mirrooooo" Stone giggles to himself, enjoying the sound of new words and names. He realizes he never gave his own name, but decides to keep to himself, since the others seem serious about this journey. The boy walks over to the table with food and sniffs the plates, confused at their toppings.
"I'd have no objections with that, I'm just putting in my account here now that I wish this to be a democratic proccess and that we all have fair say. Of course Stone here holds grounds." He laughs slightly and balances his elbow from his sword hilt.
Finn and Fiona shrugged at the same time. "I'm all for!" Fiona shouted. Finn nodded and said, "Right. Now info. Well, Fi and I uncovered a map a few years ago." The male pulled out a large map from inside his coat. How did he fit it in there? Magic of course! "The places marked in black are possible, from the original owner of the map. In red are the places we tried but failed."
Wes notices how red Mirro is and laughs," You know Mirror you are blushing alot." wes then grabs some ale and takes a swig.," So who agrees that Mirro should be in charge?" 
"you guys sure get around alot." wes studies the map with great intrest and ask," how did you get this map anyway Finn?" wes looks at Finn with a new sense of curiosity.
Stone continues to explore the room, never experiencing human culture. He daydreams while carefully listening to their discussion. The elf child takes a piece of meat into his hand from a plate and squishes it in his fingers, knowing it looks to horrid to taste sweet.
Mirro curiously made her way to the map, ignoring all the nominations she was getting with a touch of amusement in her eyes. "Do not! Only fools like you who think some selfish kid like me should take charge makes me embarrassed." She said, with no actual bite in her words. "Lets see..." She traced her fingers along a black line into what was marked as a deep forest, one most need to avoid. It was the only way to reach a large lake in the centre that would need to be crossed in order to reach the safest and least deadly parts of frozen mountains ahead. "This.. is where we need to go... otherwise the pest dragons would pick traveling fools off."
"I don't think there should be a formal leader, but I would feel satisfied if it were her. Knowing that putting Stone in charge would likely lead us to a playground and not a treasure" he jokes. "I am curious as to how you aquired this map, and if there are more like it. If there are we might be expecting some company on the way there."
Finn sighed and said, "Let's say a friend gave it to me." He winked and smiled, a sudden change in his mood. There was many secrets to this man, for all you know, it could have been obtained illegally. The male listened to Mirro intently and nodded. "I trust your judgement. You are leader anyways," He said, and nodded to himself unconsciously. Fiona peered at the map and nodded. "I trust my brother's judgement so I trust yours."
Wes nodes at breka, " you have a point there breka and Mirro you do realize that even if we did go through the forest and the lake we still may run into some trouble ya know." wes still looking at the map carefully tries to figure out how this is going to work.
Mirro looked at Wes Solemnly. "Better attacked by bandits, demons, lost or hungry than picked off by dragons. Thats all I can say to that. Every other part of the mountains would be no mans land. Also, I have a trick up my sleeve to get us to cross the lake easy."
Finn stroked his chin again, a bad habit of his."Well, if we travel in numbers and keep each other's back. We might stand a chance. We've got heavy artillery, Fi and I, we're collectors of sorts....." He said, his voice growing lower at the end. Fiona nodded, "Course we could show you, but we can't, not here."
'Trouble is unavoidable the only malleable factor is how much we could get ourselves in." Brecka sits up to peer at the map, he breifly entertains the idea of crossing through Golems crossing but with a pained expression and a small sigh he shrugs that idea away and opts to remain quiet.
The child hears mention of traveling into a forest and he grins, hoping to gather more fruit for the road. Humans seem to eat like vicious carnivores. This similarity to wild beasts make Stone gulp and watch the others more carefully.

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