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Fandom Total Drama: Fandom Worlds

Welcome to Total Drama: Fandom Worlds! You will be stuck with me, as you are put into 4 teams (Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Gryffindor) based on Harry Potter. Each challenge will be based off of a book like Percy Jackson or Divergent. You do not have to be a reader to join, but hey it is going to be great! Join me, your host, Piper Smith, as we show you what Total Drama should be.

Each challenge will have a loser and the own team mates will vote the person off. 12 contestant will go face to face for rivalry!

Total Drama: Fandom Worlds is hosted by Piper Smith because of Chris's arrest. Please imply to rules stated by her. Teams will be chose by her and time changes will be choose by her.

The Host's Mansion

1. Make characters different

2. Don't murder people

3. Romance is allowed

4. Keep RpN rules in mind

5. Don't make perfect characters

6. Fill out full form when creating characters

7. If your character gets eliminated, you are gone. You may unwatch the thread, but I can message you the winner.

8. If there are any questions, please say so

9. The prize is 1,000,000 dollars, so please keep that in mind

10. Not all characters are super smart, like the show

11. Please do not post in character sign up thread unless you are posting a character

12. You must RP at least 3 times in a challenge or your team looses and someone will get eliminated depending on votes

13. If you read these rules, please put 2 words in your sign up in bold

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