To Reign in Hell


Dialectical Hermeticist


I beseech thee, O Principles,

Sing thee now of truth

And let me be thy avatar and vessel

That with vision beyond mortal eye

And mine own sight divine

Thy prison be revealed.

You, listener!

Know now of darkness,

The night which is without beginning or end

Whence all come, to which all proceed

And draw back the inner eye, reveal

The sphere of light which confines the dark

Though it persists.

Know now of light, which cannot be seen

For it blinds mortal eyes

And troubles mine own sight divine.

This light is Pride, First Circle here;

The sun of which the sun men know

Is but a pale shadow cast

Upon empty, paltry heavens.

Witness now the palaces and balconies,

And shining devas of might and beauty

Who light the heart of this realm.

Know now of night, which is felt,

Velvet and woven of sleep,

And is ever where light is not;

The Second Circle, Sloth,

Primal and serene where walk

Those devas of nightmare and of dreams.

A shadow cast, and thou art blind

Unless they feel mercy for mortal eyes

Or spite of sight divine,

And wander here forever.

Know now of fire, and of stone,

Of crackling storm and heat,

Where roam beasts of rage and flame

And all Circles meet.

The Third Circle, which is Wrath

And walked in mighty tread

By hooves of basalt, blood of iron

And swept by gaze which sears the flesh

Whether mortal eye, or sight divine.

These devas are vengeance, and thou hath sinned.

Know now of ice, and of tears

The bitter chill and loathsome sting,

Stalked by shadows from the deep,

Hunted by silent wings.

Fourth Circle; Envy,

Salt and sea and crippling cold.

Words of venom,

Palaces but temporary

That taunt and fade

Before mortal eye, or sight divine.

Know now of flesh, and hunger

And all indulgences and deprivation.

All pleasures and pains

And their meeting-place.

Fifth Circle, that of Lust

Which wanders as it please

Bound not by place or form

Nor taboo nor law.

To mortal eye or sight divine

It revels in perversity.

Know now of glass and steel,

All things made one, and none

The crash of iron, the choking smog,

Devices which devour.

Greed, Sixth Circle,

Covetous of jewels

Of mortal eye or sight divine

Of hope or love

That they be made to obey

The order of cog and gear.

Know, then, of Pandemonium

Of the Demon City!

How beautiful in aspect, how vast in scope.

It is forever under the sun, forever

Beyond thy vision.

It is without end, though it begins

At the Spire 'round which revolves

The Palace and Prison wherein they wait.

Beyond this vision, draw back

The inner eye, and see

We return to but a sphere of light,

In darkness it recedes, that night

From whence all come, to which all proceed.

Welcome to Hell. You are Counts; the bottom of the pecking order in Demonic Nobility, but at least you aren't Rabble. Expressing a Vice, ruling a patch of blasted ground in a Circle, your duties are manyfold and outstripped only by your ambition. You must tend your Estate, serve your betters, fend off the efforts of your underlings, compete with your peers, and seek to usurp your Baron. And all against the backdrop of Hell's beauty and wonder, from the glittering sphere of Pride, Hell's Sun, to the crystalline streets of Pandemonium, to the mysterious of shadows of Sloth​


Powerful Characters: The player characters will be Demon Counts, beings of considerable personal power and with regions over which they rule.

Character Driven: The game is all about the players' goals, ambitions, and actions, and they may compete directly against each other, with a heavy emphasis on playing your character rather than simply running a kingdom.

War & Peace: Seduce, assassinate, negotiate, trade, declare war, ally, betray, do whatever it takes to succeed.

Corruption: Visit the mortal world to claim souls and raise Hell, to bolster your prestige and forces back home.


Motivation is important, but you needn't post too frequently - though bear in mind you may be overtaken by players who do, should your schemes intersect with theirs. You should also have the imagination to flesh out your domain, as it is an extension of your character. Players may also choose to serve another player as their sworn-sword, knight, yojimbo, whatever flavour your want. You'll need a willingness to engage with a die-based system, but I'm always on hand to teach it to new players.

Rules here.
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This game is Approved. So it is written, so it shall be.

Captain Hesperus
Darn eet. Stop being so tempting, Grey's games! >_<

*succumbs* I'll throw my name in as a lieutenant or demon-for-hire for another player. If you want to play with trouble fermenting within your own estate, I can do that. Or if you want someone to fight in your gloriously damned name with purple prose!, I can do that.

Greed, most likely. *covetses shinies* Sloth and Envy according the poem sound really interesting though. Have any of those been claimed?
Cirno said:
Greed, most likely. *covetses shinies* Sloth and Envy according the poem sound really interesting though. Have any of those been claimed?
Nope. I'd actually allow multiples of the same Vice, since they'll compete more directly. So far only Silvertongue has suggested any concepts. To my surprise, none of them Wrath.

I'd also let people play two characters if I feel guaranteed of no metagaming - one Count, one Ally.

  • Already a sturdy creature, <G> is rarely seen without its plated armor. Detailed embossing covers polished metal and bare skin alike, broken only by a series of gashes on its backplate. The mark is a crude version of its Count's emblem and not wise to mention in <G>'s presence.

    <G> seeks mechanical knowledge and freedom to apply it. Letting <G> know there is a library or laboratory on the estate is dangerous. Granting <G> free access to such sanctums is essentially surrendering one's title. Perhaps it is most useful as a personal guard while visiting another's court, where it can strain someone else's defenses.

Allies seem easier to do since I don't have to imagine a whole realm. But now I has indecision.
Grey said:

I beseech thee, O Principles,

Sing thee now of truth

And let me be thy avatar and vessel

That with vision beyond mortal eye

And mine own sight divine

Thy prison be revealed.

Know now of darkness,

The night which is without beginning or end

Whence all come, to which all proceed

And draw back the inner eye, reveal

The sphere of light which confines the dark

Though it persists.

Know now of light, which cannot be seen

For it blinds mortal eyes

And troubles mine own sight divine.

This light is Pride, First Circle here;

The sun of which the sun men know

Is but a pale shadow cast

Upon empty, paltry heavens.

Witness now the palaces and balconies,

And shining devas of might and beauty

Who light the heart of this realm.

Know now of night, which is felt,

Velvet and woven of sleep,

And is ever where light is not;

The Second Circle, Sloth,

Primal and serene where walk

Those devas of nightmare and of dreams.

A shadow cast, and thou art blind

Unless they feel mercy for mortal eyes

Or spite of sight divine,

And wander here forever.

Know now of fire, and of stone,

Of crackling storm and heat,

Where roam beasts of rage and flame

And all Circles meet.

The Third Circle, which is Wrath

And walked in mighty tread

By hooves of basalt, blood of iron

And swept by gaze which sears the flesh

Whether mortal eye, or sight divine.

These devas are vengeance, and thou hath sinned.

Know now of ice, and of tears

The bitter chill and loathsome sting,

Stalked by shadows from the deep,

Hunted by silent wings.

Fourth Circle; Envy,

Salt and sea and crippling cold.

Words of venom,

Palaces but temporary

That taunt and fade

Before mortal eye, or sight divine.

Know now of flesh, and hunger

And all indulgences and deprivation.

All pleasures and pains

And their meeting-place.

Fifth Circle, that of Lust

Which wanders as it please

Bound not by place or form

Nor taboo nor law.

To mortal eye or sight divine

It revels in perversity.

Know now of glass and steel,

All things made one, and none

The crash of iron, the choking smog,

Devices which devour.

Greed, Sixth Circle,

Covetous of jewels

Of mortal eye or sight divine

Of hope or love

That they be made to obey

The order of cog and gear.

Know, then, of Pandemonium

Of the Demon City!

How beautiful in aspect, how vast in scope.

It is forever under the sun, forever

Beyond thy vision.

It is without end, though it begins

At the Spire 'round which revolves

The Palace and Prison wherein they wait.

Beyond this vision, draw back

The inner eye, and see

We return to but a sphere of light,

In darkness it recedes, that night

From whence all come, to which all proceed.

Welcome to Hell. You are Counts; the bottom of the pecking order in Demonic Nobility, but at least you aren't Rabble. Expressing a Vice, ruling a patch of blasted ground in a Circle, your duties are manyfold and outstripped only by your ambition. You must tend your Estate, serve your betters, fend off the efforts of your underlings, compete with your peers, and seek to usurp your Baron. And all against the backdrop of Hell's beauty and wonder, from the glittering sphere of Pride, Hell's Sun, to the crystalline streets of Pandemonium, to the mysterious of shadows of Sloth


Powerful Characters: The player characters will be Demon Counts, beings of considerable personal power and with regions over which they rule.

Character Driven: The game is all about the players' goals, ambitions, and actions, and they may compete directly against each other, with a heavy emphasis on playing your character rather than simply running a kingdom.

War & Peace: Seduce, assassinate, negotiate, trade, declare war, ally, betray, do whatever it takes to succeed.

Corruption: Visit the mortal world to claim souls and raise Hell, to bolster your prestige and forces back home.


Motivation is important, but you needn't post too frequently - though bear in mind you may be overtaken by players who do, should your schemes intersect with theirs. You should also have the imagination to flesh out your domain, as it is an extension of your character. Players may also choose to serve another player as their sworn-sword, knight, yojimbo, whatever flavour your want.
Do you have enough players to begin?

Usually I don't like playing anything hellish because hellish things are usually played as an absolute of evil. Which is silly, how can you do anything when it's just supposed to be a single idea? Here, however, I sense an air of Hell as a subtle field of...well, you can go ahead and insert your psychoanalysis here. But you have my tentative interest as a count of Wrath.

Also rule of threes so this is the last grey game I will infest I swear
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Flarglrargl
Usually I don't like playing anything hellish because hellish things are usually played as an absolute of evil. Which is silly, how can you do anything when it's just supposed to be a single idea? Here, however, I sense an air of Hell as a subtle field of...well, you can go ahead and insert your psychoanalysis here. But you have my tentative interest as a count of Wrath.

Also rule of threes so this is the last grey game I will infest I swear

>implying you are not welcome in my games forever

You are correct, Hell is not just LOLEVIL. It has nuance and scope; remember that Demon implies something that was once an angel, and merely being broken isn't destruction.
Grey said:
You are correct, Hell is not just LOLEVIL. It has nuance and scope; remember that Demon implies something that was once an angel, and merely being broken isn't destruction.
Does this mean one could make a Sloth character a little loony and think that if she just waits, she'll reach a future where they've been redeemed?
Cirno said:
Does this mean one could make a Sloth character a little loony and think that if she just waits, she'll reach a future where they've been redeemed?
A bit passive but entirely workable. She might not be right, either - Demons are pretty divided on their history, origins, destiny... Some of them think the mortals figured it out somehow, others believe this is just the natural order, yet more consider a kind of magical evolution to be responsible. The only ones who know for sure are the Princes, and they don't talk.

See, some of the Demons? Used to be people, just like some of our friends in Fallen...
A Clarification

Just to be very clear, Hell in this instance is not a place where souls go to be punished for their sins. It is a place of staggering beauty and terrible extremes. Standing at a safe distance, the Emerald Storm raging along the Cape of Fury is a glorious, shimmering maelstrom of gemstones cut to razor sharpness. For any unwary creature in its path, it is still a glorious, shimmering maelstrom of oh fuck oh god my skin why.

Admittedly, evil people do end up there. But that's because evil people are more likely to sell their soul, and assuming they're skilled and clever you can make a pretty good living in Hell. Some mortals end up there by accident or design, and that can really go either way.
Hrm. If I did play a demon of Sloth, I think I'd ditch my previous idea and have her working to extend her power laterally instead of trying to creep upwards in rank. And maybe act a little out of touch due to casually warping space just to keep her immaculate floaty appearance.

Are sworn-swords, knights, yojimbo, etc. usually of the same circle as the one they're serving?
Cirno said:
Hrm. If I did play a demon of Sloth, I think I'd ditch my previous idea and have her working to extend her power laterally instead of trying to creep upwards in rank. And maybe act a little out of touch due to casually warping space just to keep her immaculate floaty appearance.
Are sworn-swords, knights, yojimbo, etc. usually of the same circle as the one they're serving?
Frequently, but they don't have to be. It can be interesting to mix and match.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Alright just let me know :) !

I think I'm good to go with these three players, and I know one other was interested. Maybe more will bite during the recruitment phase, too.
Awesome, welcome.

What is the ritual to summon Dark Wizard for approval? Anyone remember?
/falls through ring of green flames to land face-first in the summoning circle.

/gets up and dusts clothes off

I take it you are ready to proceed through to the ST forum then?

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]/falls through ring of green flames to land face-first in the summoning circle.
/gets up and dusts clothes off

I take it you are ready to proceed through to the ST forum then?

Captain Hesperus

Aye cap'n

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