Threatening Affairs - Accepting


New Member
Mitch Knox sat back in his well-worn chair, rubbing at his sore neck and aching back. A cup of coffee sat beside him, steaming and fresh. He wished secretly for a stronger drink, but settled and took a long gulp. Mitch ruffled his mousy-brown hair. The bright-lit computer screen burned into Mitch's retinas(eyes?), making this sleepless night even worse. His office was pitch black except for a soft-glow office lamp in the far corner.

Eugene Fitzgerald, founder of some foreign company Mitch could hardly pronounce, let alone remember, had been missing for a month thus far. He was a classic example of the American dream: a poor slum who grew up poor, then struck gold with his company. It boomed quickly and soon Fitzgerald was a household name. Coupled with some rumors from several politically based sources, it was found that Fitzgerald had hands in everything from government interests to medicinal paraphernalia to trafficking.

Mitch's eyes began to sting. Closing them, he began to crumple back against his well-worn chair and slip into a soft slumber.

  • Threatening Affairs is a role-play mystery.
  • The main goal is to find Eugene Fitzgerald's dirty secrets, to find him, and bring him to justice.
  • There can be 5 - 7 detectives working on the case, not including Mitch Knox.

  1. Detectives are the people who want to bring lawful justice to Fitzgerald, which will most likely end in arrest.
  2. These will be the people who were assigned to work on the case

  • There can be, at most, 3 vigilantes who wish to terminate Eugene Fitzgerald on their own accord.

  1. Please message me your characters and what they are [vigilante/detective].

    As of your being accepted, if you wish to discuss plot twists or ideas you've had, please feel free to message me. I'm very open to suggestions, ideas, or thoughts; the main point of this is to have fun!
Vigilantes are the people who want to bring moral justice to Fitzgerald, such as torturing/murder.
These will be the people who have been morally/legally wronged by Fitzgerald, or had someone they loved be morally/legally wronged, and wish to bring him similar pain.

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