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Fantasy The World of Dragons (always accepting)


If you see this, then I'm in my pj's
We are humans who can turn into dragons. We keep peace between all humans and dragons. The other mythical creatures don't like the half dragon/humans. The dragon/humans are trying to make peace with everyone. Will they successes? Will they fail? Who will you be? Is my spelling and grammar correct? Sorry for the random question.
Ni had been in her dragon form, wanting to escape to a place that was almost devoid of all noise. She ended up settling on the top of a for tree that was overlooking the lake she usually played with friends in and around. She closed her eyes and absorbed the sounds of nature that were all around her.

(Your spelling and grammar looks great! =^.^=)
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(Thx) A young vampire girl saw the dragon, and with her kind heart and curious spirit, she had to say hello. "Hello there. I'm Violet."
Ni didn't hear the girl approach, and jumped when she first began speaking. She looked down, and decided to get more level with the girl. She drifted down onto a head level branch, "Hello. I'm Nithroel, or Ni. It's nice to meet you. What has you out on this fine day?" She was emitting a soft purr.

@Godless555 @BunnyBear0626
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Green glowing eyes opened in an extremely large cave, Dogma had just awoke from one of his 5 year naps, releasing a yawn and small stream of green fire. Now Dogma wasn't small by any means, if anything he was large enough to wrap around the empire state building several time. Standing with a stretch he flew out of the cave and high into the sky. His shadow streaked over the ground under him, before unknowingly stopping over two girls in the forest.

@BunnyBear0626, @Floreilinn
Violet looks up at the dragon. She was curious if his name. She was talking to another dragon before and didn't wanna seem rude so she kept quiet.
Ni was shocked to see the girls fangs, she wasn't expecting it for some reason. Her shock was put to the side when a monolithic dragon was above them. She pinned her wings back, similar to a scared cat's ears. She sniffed the air, unsure of his intentions.

@BunnyBear0626 @kenryuko
Ni laughed. "No. No. Although it's beginning to appear as that." She couldn't get over the size of the large dragon with them
Lucas was sitting in a chair in the city drinking a cup of coffee while playing a game on his phone.
Dogma watched as birds flew around the clearing and deer grazed, unaffected by the behemoth of a dragon. His whiskers seemed to blow in a false breeze as he laid down, and enjoyed nature in peace.

@BunnyBear0626, @Floreilinn
He decided to get up and walk around to the farms where he lived.
Violet got bored and just fell back into the short, bright, green grass.
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Ni shook her head no, "I've probably seen him from far away, but I've never personally met him. We could go over... If we're careful, I'm sure he wouldn't mind us."

(Storms are terrifying! Thanks for surviving it =^.^=)
When he gets to his farm house he decides to walk his dog so he takes the dog in to the woods
Violet runs to the big dragon as if she didn't her the part where they had to be careful. "Hi I'm Violet. What's your name?"

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