The World has always been ending

Name: Drake Angeckson (Pronounced And- jecks- son )

NN: Firebreather

Age: 19

Personality: Very quick to anger, and very difficult to calm down. Drake protects his friends- well... if he had any...- with a fiery passion, and would do anything for any of them. However, he is also very sensitive to other people's emotions as well as the environment, so his mood can change in an instant.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/upload_2013-10-5_22-22-10.png.ab12e88ae6cc6bf4af137594722319d3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/upload_2013-10-5_22-22-10.png.ab12e88ae6cc6bf4af137594722319d3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History((optional)): He knows nothing of his past other than the lab he had been kept prisoner in. No memories of his parents, his home, nothing. And, when he finally escaped and met up with the other people like him- those who had been kept prisoner- he didn't know what to do. Other than wait.

And watch.


Weapon: A katana, which he keeps with him at all times.


Other: He can breathe fire for a limited amount of time, but it tires him after a while and if he does that too much, he'll fall unconscious. He's also a bit of an Empath.

{This may sound foolish, but what is a Wonderbolt?}



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Name: Reina Faye

NN: Faye/ Ray

Age: 18

Personality: Reina is rough and a fighter. She hates to be told what to do. She has a hard time making friends and tries to be nice but doesn't always make a good impression. She prefers to be alone but knows that a group could survive longer.



History: She was taken to the base as a young child and was trained by the scientists to be a good, strong fighter who never got hurt. She was injected with steroids and other drugs to strengthen her and make her almost invincible. You could call her a "pet" because she was loved by all the scientists and was treated better than the others. She hated the scientists though and any chance she got, would make them look foolish or hurt them in some way. When she was 16, she attacked a scientist and got in big trouble. She started getting treated more like the other subjects. Then she escaped. She doesn't remember anything before she was taken.


Weapon: she has a sword, daggers, a whip, and some ninja star thingys.

Job: assassin (that's what the scientists wanted to make her)

Other: She wears armor that she found in a nerd store

Name: Alex


Age: 18

Personality: Alex is always happy and never gets upset at everything. He things positive things about everybody. He's pretty much always smiling except for when situations are serious. He's also extremely smart and strategic.



History: The scientists messed with his brain so he doesn't remember.


Weapon: He keeps a knife in his shoe... just in case but he had never used it (he has a hard time with blood and killing)


Other: He carries around little pocket books to read

Ahem.... I am trying my best to resist doing that long enough to ask this: So, uh, am I accepted?




I woke up to silence and darkness. I shuddered as a cold wind blew through the room. The scientists were back. I could hear their voices and stood up, walking backwards until my back hit the wall. The door squeaked as it opened and they walked in. They didn't say a word as they stared at me. I glared back. I didn't expect the lunge and got tackled to the ground. I struggled but they had ten or so holding me down. I finally gave up and they shackled my wrists and ankles. They dragged me out of the cell and into another room. I could sense someone else in here. They unshackled me and closed the door quickly.


I heard the scientists in the cells next to mine. I ignored them as best as I could and closed my eyes. As I slept, the feeling of being moved haunted me. To my surprise, when I woke up, I was out in the middle of a field. There was nothing and nobody around. I stood up, blinking a few times. Where was I? Wait a second.... who was I? I panicked, trying to remember something, anything. Only the name Alex stood out in my head and I wondered if that was my name. ((The scientists gave him amnesia pills so... he doesnt remember the base))

I glanced over at the other girl. "By taking us out I hope you me am letting us go." I joked, knowing what it she actually meant. "Well... since we're going to die, I'm reina. "

I grinned. "I am, in fact, a hunter." I crossed my arms. "Since you know of me, I'm guessing you're the tracker?" I remember the scientists speaking briefly of this girl and I saw her once or twice back when I was treated nicely. "Well, Okami, its a pleasure to meet you before I die." I sighed and stared at a blank wall. "Why do they drag it out, though? Why not just shoot us and get it over with."

"What?! But that's like... impossible! There's no way." I didn't remember what the outside world was like. Id been here for as long as I can remember. I stared at the ground and then at the ceiling and then over at Okami. "I... I.. we should be happy." I was excited. Adrenaline was pumping like drugs through my veins. I was leaving.

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