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Futuristic The Watchers of Lynnhaven Characters

Sir Galahad II

Semi-colon Evangelist
OOC: The Watchers of Lynnhaven OOC
IC: The Watchers of Lynnhaven IC

Your character receives a message. It could be via letter, text, etc. It reads:

"You have a particular set of skills that could be of use to us. Time is short. If you wish to serve your country, follow these coordinates at the designated time. Dispose of this message after copying them. Tell nobody, do not bring anyone with you, and most of all, be careful.

Sic semper tyrannis

This RP uses a system adapted from a cyberpunk Create Your Own Adventure (CYOA) online, both in order to make character creation a bit more fun/ interesting and to balance them out. Note that if there are augmentations, skills, or complications you want that aren't found here, list them anyway and I'll either approve or deny them.

This list is kinda long, bear with me:
Character Points
You have 16 points to spend on hardware, wetware, nanoware, and skills for your character. If you want to spend additional points, you must select a complication. You gain 1 character point for every complication you choose.

(Pick a number of skills. Costs listed are total, I.e. it takes 4 skill points to get max level, not 7)
  1. [1 skill point] You are familiar with the basics of networking and communication and understand common ways to bypass consumer level security setups.

  2. [2 skill points] You have practical experience breaking and defending networks. You can reasonably expect to intrude an average corporate network.

  3. [4 skill points] You are an expert at netwar, with a deep understanding of the theory and practice of network security. You can hack almost anything given enough time.
Melee Combat
  1. [1 skill point] You've had enough simulated close combat work to understand the basics of close quarters combat, and you can fare decently in a close range fight.

  2. [2 skill points] You can wield a wide assortment of blades and bats effectively, and you know more advanced hand to hand combat.

  3. [4 skill points] You are a master of unarmed and melee combat, and can even hold off a few opponents at once with reasonable skill.
  1. [1 skill point] You know what it's like to be shot at, and you know the basics of how to shoot back. You are able to operate small arms effectively.

  2. [2 skill points] You are incredibly talented with firearms. You've got a solid understanding of tactics and a basic familiarity with a wide variety of weaponry.

  3. [4 skill points] Hitting a bullseye on a target is rarely a challenge anymore. You know how to use just about any weapon there is, and with proper equipment, you are difficult to kill.
Robot Operation
  1. [1 skill point] You are a hobbyist robot operator. You can decently control a single robot with a standard interface.

  2. [2 skill points] You are a more experienced robotics operator, able to control up to three robots at one time, and you can work around more unique interfaces if needed.

  3. [4 skill points] You are a professional robotics operator, one with the machine. You can control a small squadron of up to 6 all on your own, regardless of interface.
  1. [1 skill point] You've had enough simulated first aid to know the basics of it. Cuts, broken bones, frostbite, heat stroke, etc. are all things you can work around.

  2. [2 skill points] You've performed first aid on enough people to be experienced with it. You can identify many different illnesses and disorders, and you can help with a wider variety of injuries. You can move a severely injured person fairly well without harming them further.

  3. [4 skill points] You are a miracle worker. Even without the proper equipment, you can still find alternative treatments. You can perform surgery wherever needed, and you laugh in the face of severe bleeding, severe burns, poison, and explosions.
  1. [1 skill point] You've worked as an actor, conman, politician, or otherwise have had to rely on your ability to convince people to go with what you want at least a couple of times.

  2. [2 skill points] You have a silver tongue and know how to use it. You have an easy time getting people to follow along, able to wiggle out of sticky situations with only words.

  3. [4 skill points] You are a natural leader/diplomat, solving pretty much any dispute with a well-placed word to the right person. You are the ultimate peace keeper as long as you've got an ear that's willing to listen.
  1. [1 skill point] You have a rough formal education and skill in use of electronics, cybernetics and nanotechnology. You are capable of doing basic maintenance service and making simple mods.

  2. [2 skill points] You've done serious design work building new devices with the latest tech, able to squeeze more performance out of most common devices - or disable them entirely.

  3. [4 skill points] You've done literally revolutionary work, likely with a PhD level knowledge of relevant fields. As a master of the lab or workshop, you can make machines do things they really shouldn't.
  1. [1 skill point] You have a light step, make little unnecessary noise when moving, and are gifted in avoiding detection, but not trained to your full potential.

  2. [2 skill points] You’re pretty good at getting into places where you shouldn't. You can utilize sensor shadows, good timing, and maybe electronic tricks to keep yourself hidden.

  3. [4 skill points] Your level of skill tends to scare people. No security system can hold you back. Guards are left looking cluelessly for you, and some say you're capable of impossible things. People will rarely see you unless you want them to.
  1. [1 Skill Point] You have basic handling of cars and motorbikes, anything more than the recommended speed limit and you get into trouble. You could successful chase down someone who has never driven before.

  2. [2 Skill Points] You have been driving for a few years and handle larger vehicles such trucks and tanks. You could handle the pressure of fast driving and could successful chase down an average driver.

  3. [4 Skill Points] Driving is a main part of your career, and you could manage flight capable craft. You can weave in and out of heavy traffic at near subsonic speeds and you could chase down advanced drivers.
Legality determines if you can be detained for simply owning the augment. If you don’t meet the requirements, your character had to get it from the black market.
Subtlety determines how noticable your augment is.
Legality scale:
1- Perfectly legal 2- Legal with a permit 3- Law enforcement/ military/ government only
Subtlety scale:
1- Undetectable without proper equipment 2- Undetectable without close inspection 3- Visible unless properly concealed. If concealed, it ranks at 2

(Pick a number of hardware upgrades. Hardware augments are physical things such as robotic limbs. They require maintenance, and if damaged, they cannot be healed, only repaired.)
  • Skinweave: Your skin has been replaced with a synthetic mesh, making it tougher overall. It feels rough to the touch, and can be customized to look like real skin. Small arms, knives, and lasers still hurt, but their damage is greatly reduced.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 2

  • Shell: Your entire body is now a mechanical shell, storing your internal organs within. Damage resistance is comparable to Skinweave, only it also offers increased resistance to larger melee weapons. You are also heavier and make more noise. Augmentation like this sends a message, which, depending on who views you, is either good or bad. Synthetic skin is optional. Requires Cyberarm x2 and Cyberleg x2.
    Legality 2, Subtlety 3

  • Cyberarm: Replaces an arm with entirely mechanical enhancements. Double the strength of a normal human arm, blade proof, and small-arms proof. It can be visibly mechanical, or it can be covered in fake, synthetic skin, but it will still appear mechanical to scanners. Can be taken twice, one for each arm.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 3

  • Cyberleg: Replaces a leg with entirely mechanical enhancements. Double the strength of a normal human leg, increases running speed by 50% per leg, blade proof, and small-arms proof. It can be either visibly mechanical or covered in fake, synthetic skin, but it will still appear mechanical to scanners. Can be taken twice, one for each leg.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 3

  • Power Surge: Allows a small generator in your cyber arm to generate electricity over the course of 1 second. After the second has passed, you can strike or grab something to send electricity through it. It has a cooldown of about a minute (two turns). Against an organic creature, it can knock them out if they’re weak enough. Against a machine, it also deals extra damage, and it can short out weaker machines, but advanced ones will simply be powered by it. Like regular electricity, the power generated will travel through certain material. Requires at least one cyber arm to equip. Can be taken twice, one for each cyber arm.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1

  • Fang: A self-sterilizing syringe is hidden in your robotic arm. It is used to draw blood from targets and purify it before absorbing it into the bloodstream. According to conspiracy theorists on the dark web, this augment is used by the members of Pentacorps to theoretically increase their lifespans. Due to it being a symbol of Pentacorps, government officials across with world will immediately neutralize any unauthorized people with this augment.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1

  • EMP Mesh: Internal cybernetic components are shielded by a dynamic mesh. They cannot be damaged or disrupted by EMP weaponry.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Enhanced Musculature: Your muscles are augmented by synthetic material, doubling your strength. This bonus does not stack with robotic limbs, because they lack organic tissue.
    Legality 2, Subtlety 1

  • Enhanced Senses: Replaces various eye and ear components with mechanical parts. This allows the user to see and hear with 1.5 times the distance of a normal human, and with better quality.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Post-visual Sight: Allows the user to see using thermal, infrared, and x-ray, which can be toggled at will. Can also be used to analyze an organic creature's body and augments. Requires Enhanced Senses to equip.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1

  • Respiration Boost: Replace your lungs with mechanical lungs that can store oxygen for up to 30 minutes and filter harmful particles from the air (to an extent). You will also have drastically improved endurance, letting you do more physical activity without getting tired.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Thermal Adaption: Smart materials and advanced cooling systems enable you to comfortably survive greater temperature ranges.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Thermal Chameleon: The addition of an internal heatsink and systems to redirect heat enables you to blend in with the thermal background of your surroundings, making you hard to see on thermal cameras. Requires Thermal Adaption to equip.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1

  • Cyber Organs: Some of your organs have been replaced with mechanical counterparts, reducing damage taken to the torso.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1
(Pick a number of wetware upgrades. Wetware is composed of various mental upgrades. They can be used to do many tasks related to thinking.)
  • Endocrine Control: Enables fine control over your internal hormones. You are able to ignore the effects of fear, lust, anger, and other emotional stimuli. You are also able to ignore the effects of hunger, thirst, and fatigue as well. However, continuing to do so for too long will result in death. These effects also build up as you ignore them. (Ie. if you ignore fatigue, you will become very tired when you stop.)
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Mnemonic Augmentation: Allows perfect recollection of any memory up to 1 month ago, including all sensory and what you were thinking at the time.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Muse: An AI voice that lives in your brain, providing advice and perspective, as well as being able to execute most simple networking tasks on its own.
    Legality 2, Subtlety 1

  • Social Analyzer: This implant provides rapid social advice and analysis, enabling you to rapidly gauge what others are thinking and what the optimal strategies are to respond.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Linguistic Augmentation: Enables rapid acquisition of lingual patterns, allowing you to imitate accents and speak flawlessly in other languages you know. With some training, you can even learn new languages much easier than other people. Requires Social Analyzer.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Reflex Package: Enables rapid training of reflexes and muscle memory, enhancing the speed of most reactions.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Multitasking: Mini-cyberbrains act as additional loci of processing, enabling you to concentrate on multiple things at once.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • ICE Breakers: Embedded quantum computers enable your cyberbrains to crack average encryption in your head, enhancing your ability to hack communications more effectively. Requires Multitasking to apply.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Neural Tap: An implant allows you to send a mental message through a powerful brain wave to another person with the same implant. However, this signal cannot travel through thick objects, like walls. You must look in the direction of the person you want to send the message to.
    Legality 2, Subtlety 1

  • Neural Breach: Your implant has been upgraded, allowing you to transmit a rather intrusive signal. You can surround yourself with the signal to distort the thoughts and senses of anyone with brain augments (including allies) within a five foot radius, or look at someone to send searing, nonlethal pain through their brain to temporarily distract them. If a victim has Neural Tap installed, the effects will be intensified. The signals do not go through thick objects, like walls. Requires 3 minutes to recharge. Results may vary. Requires Neural Tap to equip.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1
(Pick a number of nanoware upgrades. Nanoware can perform various functions within your body, and they replenish themselves over time. The longer you go without food, the slower this process is.)
  • Medical Nanites: Your blood is filled with small medical nanites that attack diseases and assist in repairing damaged tissue. You become immune to most conventional diseases and heal twice as fast as normal.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Self-repair: Nanomachines allow your hardware augments to heal as if they were living tissue, eliminating the need for maintenance.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Lazarus Protocol: If you are killed by critical damage to one organ (except for the brain) or some event that does not result in overwhelming damage, you will go into a hibernation mode rather than die, and slowly repair yourself over the course of time ranging from five to six hours, depending on injuries and available material. Requires Medical Nanites and Self-repair to apply.
    Legality 1, Subtlety 1

  • Skinflex: You can reconfigure your facial features and skin tone over the course of several minutes. You may revert back to your natural face if you wish.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1

  • Chameleon Shroud: You can extrude nanites around you and your gear that can read and project blurry images acting as camouflage. Is especially effective if you stand still.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1

  • Cloaking Shroud: Your nanite shroud gains the ability to link together and act as a material cloak. You and your gear are completely invisible to the naked eye. You are still able to be detected by thermal, infrared, or x-ray scanners, however. Requires Chameleon Shroud to apply.
    Legality 3, Subtlety 1

  • Oracles: Nanites throughout your brain build a mesh that they use to monitor your attention and focus. When necessary these nanites can trigger neurons to alert you of patterns or sensory input that you might have missed. In practice, it means that you are almost never surprised or distracted.
    Legality 2, Subtlety 1

  • Mental Speed: The nanite mesh is used in a more predictive mode, analyzing and preempting patterns of activity. If activated, you can squeeze 30 seconds of thought into two seconds, causing the world around you to appear to move in slow motion. This ability can only be activated once per minute, and overuse can lead to brain injury or death. Requires Oracles to apply.
    Legality 2, Subtlety 1
(Take a number of complications and gain 1 point per complication. Complications have ongoing consequences that cannot be easily dodged or voided; they will at least partially define your character.)
  • Watchlist: You are on a government watchlist. No one is actively looking for you, but if you are seen by law enforcement or a security system, you'll be recognized and they will attempt to detain or even kill you.

  • Killswitch: You have a killswitch planted in you. If the person who planted the killswitch activates it, it will be deployed, crippling you. You will then have 24 hours to find someone to deactivate the switch before it kills you, regardless of nanoware.

  • Edited Memories: Your memories have been altered. You don't remember how it happened or even for sure if it ever did, but it may turn out that your friends aren't really who they are. It may turn out that your whole life was a lie.

  • Broke: Either through hacking or through law, your ID number is no longer usable for any purchase, and your bank account is now gone. You lost most of your money, or perhaps you didn't have much to begin with. You may still use physical credits to make most purchases, but you don't have a debit or credit card anymore. Any attempt to buy things that require an ID (such as alcohol or weapons) will always fail, assuming someone asks for it.

  • Junkie: You're addicted to something - Alcohol, drugs, controlled endorphin release, an electrical signal in just the right place, whatever. It's actively destroying your life, making you weaker, slower, and more vulnerable. Kicking the habit will take major effort and self-discipline, if it's even possible.

  • Modified Behavior: You have some form of modified behavior; command words that can force you to shut down or flee, images that can cause you to go into a rage or become apathetic. You are aware of most of the modifications and can take measures to avoid them, but there's always a risk - especially if your enemies were to find out about this.

  • Diseased: You have a non-contagious illness. Any attempt to find a cure so far has failed. You are weaker in some way, requiring frequent medication, and it is very likely you will die in a few years if a cure is not found.

  • Hunted: A hit man has been sent after you. You have no idea who they are or where they are, and you might not even know that they're there at all. If they find you, they'll pose a serious threat to you.

  • Hated: A group of people has it out for you, whether it be a small gang or your own family. At best, they'll try to blackmail you. At worst, they'll try to kill you.

  • Blind/deaf/mute: Self-explanatory. Blind and Deaf cannot be taken with Enhanced Senses.

  • Frail: You are physically weaker than most people, both in strength and how well you can take a hit. Cannot be taken with Enhanced Musculature.

  • Hemophilia: Your wounds are difficult to heal naturally. Cannot be taken with Medical Nanites.

  • Asthma: Physical endurance reduced. Cannot be taken with Respiratory Upgrade.

  • Missing limb: Self-explanatory. Cannot be taken with Cyber Arm or Cyber Leg.

Application template:

(Above 18, and have reasonable augmentation if you want to play an old character)
(Please keep it reasonable)
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Name: Bruno Fifty

And he wears these clothes

Age: 34 or that at least how old he thinks he is.
Personality: Bruno is a fairly nice guy to hang with. He's a fairly optimistic point of view even with the mystery of his past and current terrifying control by the government over the nation and the world. It could be the very reason why he's optimistic, because he already pasted rock bottom and there is no reason why to be sad when the future can only get better. With his optimistic attitude he enjoys sharing stories of his mercenary career and tries to keep spirits up. Besides that he gets vast enjoyment when it comes to alcohol, fighting, shooting, guns, and learning anything to do with his past.
Skills: Max- Melee and Gunplay
Two ranks- Driving
One rank- Social
Hardware: Shell, 2x cyber arms, and 2x cyber legs
Wetware: Reflex Package
Nanoware: Self repair
Complications: Edited memories and Hated
Backstory: Bruno life or well his early memory started as he lives life, full of excitement and gun fire. As far as Bruno has learned he was apart of a possible super soldier program ran by the government. One day the lab was being over run terrorist or freedom fighters, Bruno still isn't sure who they were. Either way though as chaos began erupting Bruno was released from a glass pod full of water or some other kind of strange liquid. Confused and alone Bruno ran and ran. When he bumped into some guards he, without thinking, slammed one into the wall and took his gun, kicked to another guard who was coming at him before finally firing on them and killing them. Unsure what was going on Bruno kept going and made his way out of lab through a broken hole in the outer wall.

That all took place seven years ago and in that time Bruno has had a living for myself with comes to him naturally and that's kill people. He worked for wide variety of people over this time and done many different jobs from assassinations to body gaurding. So when he got a message from an unknown source for what seemed to be job, he had a big smile before crushing the device holding the message in his hand. After memorizing time and location first of course.
Equipment: Bruno regular carries a big knife to use close combat when he think he needs a little more then just his robotic fists

Then Bruno has a powerful handgun with power close to that of a shotgun and with the range of a hand gun

Calista Codix

  • Name: Calista Codix
    Age: 20
    Personality: Calista is rather eccentric. Most of the time, she's an extroverted and sociable person, enjoying the company of those she trusts. When she's introverted, its during times when she's focused, or performing a job or simply just being around people she doesnt know. She can be incredibly persistent and manipulative in order to achieve her goals, and she loves taking challenges head on. Every now and then, she gets ahead of herself, making her reckless.

    Backstory: Most of Calista's history is shrouded. The way she remembered her past is that she had a loving family and two younger brothers. She wanted to enlist into the military and serve the government, putting down various rebellions and the ever famed Minutemen. She almost succeeded. That is, until something went wrong.

    Her true past was one completely different than the scientists had made it out to be. Calista was an orphan and was plucked out from the streets by a scientist of the corrupt government. She was taken to a secret location where she underwent tests and experiments to be transformed into a form of a super soldier, one capable of putting down any opposition permanently. From those tests, they were able to successfully augment the child with Enhanced Senses and other mental augmentations. They gave her an AI in her head to keep Calista company in her bland and empty holding chamber.

    When they wernt performing tests on her body, she was taken to physical training. For most of the day, save for meal time, she underwent hand-to-hand combat training as well as firearms training. By the time she was 14, she was proficient with gunplay and her melee combat skills were catching up quickly. They had her train manipulate computer systems, manipulate other people, and even threw into various vehicles to see how well she could learn on the fly.

    As the girl grew older, the scientists grew bolder. Too bold, some might say. Despite her young age at the time, Calista was taken to a completely different room, one she had never seen before. There were many large machines and robotic parts scattered about. She was strapped to a table and quickly drugged to the point where she was practically dead, yet kept alive by medical machines. There was blood everywhere as Calista's left arm was removed, replaced with a cybernetic one. When the girl woke, all she could feel was pain as she panicked and screamed, attempting to free herself. It was hard for her to think straight and even the AI in her mind was being overwhelmed with data.

    Out of control, Calista managed to break free of her bonds, killing a few scientists in the process. The AI in her head had shutdown for a moment, rebooting minutes later. The reboot has caused all the restrictions on the AI to be damaged and eventually deleted, giving the AI free rein. It told Calista what do to and where to go. Calista had no one else to trust, so she followed the AI's instructions, managing to escape the building she was in. It turned out to be a remote government facility just outside the city borders. The AI guided Calista into the city and helped the child set foot into life, assisting Calista by establishing a bank account under a false name and wire transferring money from random accounts to Calista's account.

    As the years went by, Calista grew up and learned the true nature of the world and the current situation of it. At first, she took no side, surviving on her own. In doing so, she had to sometimes fight and kill. She had assaulted gangs and now multiple gangs were after her. At the same time, the government had learned of her escape and that she was aware of the true situation of the world and immediately put out an order to have her killed on sight and actively hunted. But with the skills she had learned during her training, it was hard to even find her let alone engage her.

    To this day, she's become multiple things. An assassin, a messenger, a mercenary. She takes any job given she's paid fairly.

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I like the idea. However, your augments don't match up with the points you have. I'll 100% accept you if you fix that.

(Also, does hacking +3 mean rank 3 hacking?)
Gabriele Dement

Gabriele is energetic girl and athletic girl even so, Gabriele is actually more girly and image conscious and is weak in tech , hacking, and robotics, but makes up for it with pure spirit and energy as well as in combat. She also has a large appetite and loves to eat chocolate. She likes shopping, but tends to squander her money and ends up having none when she needs it most. She also loves sunny days, and she hates fighting with her friends. Gabriele is the type of girl to get flustered whenever she is around a guy she likes. Gabriele tends to be quite popular with the boys but, to her dismay, she also tends to be popular with the girls as well. Probably because of her tomboy nature. Gabriele has a great sense of justice. She hates that innocent people get hurt for things they had nothing to do with.
Melee Combat - 4
Gunplay - 2
Social - 2
Infiltration - 2
Driving - 1
Medical Nanites
In the beginning Gabriele lived a pretty good life. Her father worked for the government and they were very well off. Though things started to go down hill when her other got sick and died. Her father then later remarried another. Wanting her to have a mother. Her new stepmother also had daughters but they didn't get along with Gabriele right away though her stepmother at the time seemed nice. Things continued that way until her father mysteriously disappeared. That was hen her stepmother changed. Of course Gabriele soon realized that this was how she always was she just hid it from her father. Her stepmother and stepsisters took over the house and fortune and turned Gabriele into a servant.

While Gabriele was growing up her father had been teaching her how to fight and even gave her a ew lessons in shooting. She never knew why and when she would ask her father would say "You'll never know when you'll need it." Of course he never bother to tell her why he would need it. But she could now learn why. One day while cleaning she came across her father's office. She usually never allowed to go in there but since her father wasn't around anymore she decided to look inside. To her surprise the place was a mess. Her father was usually very organized so this came as quite surprise for her. Though she did noticed her father was acting strange before he disappeared. She decided to clean it up. While she was doing that she came across a tape. It was very old she didn't even understand why her father would have relic like this. She also found a note attached to it with her name written on it. In the letter her father said how he had a feeling he wouldn't be coming back. He also reveled how he was actually working against the government and had been leaking out information to the rebels who was trying to take them down. He also said that he needed her deliver the tape. He even told her some of things that were really going on and how corrupt they were. After reading the letter she snatched the tape stuck it in her pocket and left. Some how the government found out what she had done and she is now on their watch list.
Two Pistols​
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Johnathan Maddox
Skills: Hacking 2, Gunplay 4, Infiltrate 4, Social 1
Hardware: Enhanced senses, Post Visual Sight
Wetware: Reflex Package
Nanoware: Oracles, Mental Speed, Chameleon Shroud, Cloaking Shroud

: 25

Personality: John can can be described as practical in nature preferring carefully laid out plans to impromptu performances. Sometimes coming off as cold or withdrawn when his full attention is focused on the job at hand. Recently the calm guardsman occasionally reveals a bitter edge which seems rooted in his perceived betrayal by AAI; doing little to make him anymore endearing. He does have redeeming sides however, being fairly charitable toward those less fortunate and willing to lend a helping hand where its needed.

Backstory: Born and raised near an Alcorr Arms Industry enclave Johnathan never knew the love of a mother but he did have the stern guidance of a father whom worked hard to provide his son an education within enclave grounds. Less kind voices would claim the man immersed himself in work to drown out the loss of his wife. Either way the youngster showed dedication and a reasonable skill with firearms which landed him an enviable offer upon graduation; though he would have to relocate to Lynnhaven.

While Lynnhavens smaller branch office could not boast the same amount of variety in research nor the impressive splendor of the main enclave; they had gathered a number of promising employee's to push AAI's nanoware department onto the national scale. Johnathan started as a simple guardsman, making use of his gift for firearms and rudimentary network knowledge to safeguard the facility. The job came with a few basic augmentations (reflex and visual enhancements) allowing him to better fulfill his duties. While hesitant the young man agreed to the modifications.

Shortly after recovering from the surgery John managed to catch the higher ups attention, stopping a data heist by his lonesome. He was deemed highly receptive to modifications and showed potential for further implantation's in light of this event. What was never revealed is that an anonymous tip had guided his steps that day. The anonymous assistance did not stop there however as again and again information was siphoned to him. While suspicious it was hard not to accept the benefits of climbing the corporate ladder.

When the late security chief passed in an unfortunate unfolding of events, Johnathan was elected as replacement. As part of the promotion however, he signed on for further augmentation. This time allowing the local think tank to implant some of their more advanced nanoware into his body. It didn't take long before another message from his anonymous benefactor arrived. This time with far more sobering news. The nanoware in his body was rigged with a killswitch, a method to end his life at the push of the button!

With his world turned upside down, the proverbial Damocles sword hovering overhead and a growing feeling of betrayal the newly minted chief agreed to a rather suspicious offer. 'Quid pro quo' the message read, a solution to the killswitch in exchange for a favor. Emergency leave was a thin cover, but it would buy him a few days before the chase began. Whomever planted the switch would grow suspicious and ambitious competitors wouldn't shy from gunning for his position... a few days before the hunt was on in earnest.

Equipment: Heavy Pistol, Smoke Grenades, Knife, Rifle w/attachable silencer

Complications: Killswitch (Hidden in his nanoware), Hated (elements of former corporation gunning for his position or life)
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Just now occurred to me that I forgot to add complications to the CS, lol. Looks like everyone has taken care of that, though.
Name: Kralkatorrik
Personality: Aggressive, Easily Excitable, Intuitive, honest, jittery

Skills: Melee -4
Gunplay - 2
Social - 2

Hardware: Shell
Cyber Arm x2
Cyber Leg x2
EMP Mesh
Thermal Adaption
Thermal Chameleon

Wetware: Social Adapter

Nanoware: Self Repair

What happens when you give a man with too much imagination over 30 million dollars to do as he wishes. Daniel Bennett was lucky enough to win the largest lottery to ever be held, but also unfortionatly the worst person to give it to. Daniel was addicted to augments, changing and morphing his body to become something new. One day he could be cloaked as a wowan, the next he was a heavily armored human with flame throwers for arms. It was something new each day, but he never left his work center to show off his work, ALways staying underground and just enjoying himself. One day though, something went wrong. He had an idea for a new shell, a dragon like suit ment for combat and social interactions. Possible a shell that could go out into sociaty and be loved by the people, but needed by the military. The perfect mixture between creativty and performance.

When he had almost his whole body replaced, a riot started to heat up just above his work center and as the machine was replacing parts, it short cicuited and caused damage to his brain, causeing almsot complete memory loss. Lucky for himt he computer detected the error and gave im emergency memories so he wouldn't be reduced to the thought process of a child. When he exited the pod and found himself as a machine with no memories of his past life he simply left, trying to find out where he was and who he was. He wasn't able to understand his skill, but it was like he was built to be social and good at combat. Though the world is still new to him he is already hated and hunted for his parts, but strives to improve and learn who he was.

The name he chose Kralkatorrik was off a famous dragon he saw from a book that was in the same room as the pod he emerged from. Though he never told the name to anyone, he was still known for being the odd ball that he was and apparently, some higher ups did as well, receiving some odd letter asking for his help...

Equipment: Shoulder and leg mounted thrusters. Tazers within his knuckles. Plasma dagger attached to his leg. Minor flame emitter within his mouth.

Complications: Hated, Hunted

Other: Though he is a well built machine at this point, he still has the thought and ideas of a human so he still can make mistakes and feel emotions, though is feeling of touch and are gone. He also has pain receptors installed so he can still hurt and even bleed as he was once a human, some key organs still remain.
Amara Jaeger

The lone solider





600 pounds

His name explains it all, Amara is calculated, intimidating, and cold individual. He does what needs to be done, as does it when nobody else does. He has been through extreme trauma and has lost many friends, making him develop a lone wolf personality. He is also very good an predicting his enemies movements, and can very effectively think the way they do. This also makes him extremely dangerous to both his enemies and comrades alike.

Melee combat: Maxed
Gunplay: Maxed
Infiltration: Maxed

Watchlist: Being one of the most dangerous criminals in the U.S

Hunted: By agents, hitmen, and bounty hunters. Hopefully not the Agent known as "Fracture"

Modified behavior: Part of his conditioning. Certain words or phrases can make Amara respond either violently or calmly

Edited Memories: Part of his conditioning. They erased all memories of positive emotions, only leaving the bad ones. All with his knowledge and skill attached

Hated: Mainly by the U.S government, many of its agency's, and a few criminal organizations

Mute: Part of his conditioning. Was suppost to make him more compliant to orders

Broke: Although far from poor, Amara only works with physical government credits and buys from the black market, as any legal transaction he would make could be monitored. However, he does have a very large stash of credits that he has earned in his mercenary career, all stored up in his hideout

Energy: Because of his extensive Augmentations, Amara requires a charge once every three days. If he does not come prepared with the necessary batteries beforehand, he runs out of power, and he will shut down

Cyberarm x2
Cyberleg x2
Enhanced senses
Post-visual sight

Reflex package

Chameleon Shroud
Mental speed

Born on a small island of the coast of Japan, Amara was raised in a very rural home. His parents did not rely on technology at all, only on tradition, and were a very traditional family that followed ancient Japanese culture. The island was also privately owned by the family and known by many few outside of it, as it was forbidden for any person to leave. Amara was raised to be a samurai while growing up, being trained in many martial arts and mastering many of them at a young age. He was taught honor, bravery, and tenacity. He became a worthy successor at the age of 15, as he had already surpassed his father and brothers in combat and academics. But his eldest brother grew jealous of him, and great hatred was built up in his heart. It drove him mad, driving him to murder his fellow brothers and father who were loyal to Amara. In the end he was defeated, but Amara's life as he knew it was gone. And after giving his family an honorable burial, he set out into the unknown world

Traveling to America and joining the military at the age of 16, He was sent out to the growing conflicts in the middle east. As a cadet, his skill had been noticed and Amara was chosen to be apart of a specialized elite unit. Amara went through extensive mental and physical training. And after months of Conditioning, he was formed into a killing machine for the U.S military. He quickly rose through the ranks above his other elite squad members, and was promoted to their captain. He carried out missions in the middle east for 4 years until he had an unfortunate accident. While on a transport into enemy territory, Amara's vehicle was shot by an enemy missile, leaving him as the only survivor of his elite squad. He lost both his arms and legs, had extreme trauma to the head and spine, and had internal bleeding. He then had a choice. America's most advanced tech companies had been working on some advanced prototype models and needed a test subject for experimentation. Amara agreed, and underwent the dangerous and extensive procedure. After a 48 hour operation, Amara was a completely different person. His face had been replaced by machine, and his height increased by over 6 inches. After the operation, He went back onto the battlefield, and Amara became an even more valuable solider with his new obtained enhancements. He was now Americas greatest asset in the middle east, and he paved the way for many key locations to be taken from enemy capture

After his time in the middle east, Amara ended his military service at the age of 21. He then was recruited for an elite government agency, receiving even more extensive training and conditioning. During this time he met many other skilled agents, the most curious one being an agent going by the code name "Fracture". Amara and fracture were evenly matched, and became very good friends. However, his skills were put to the test when the government sent Amara on his first mission. He had to assassinate a influential politician who was on the opposing political party. Thats when Amara came to the realization that the work he was supposed to be doing was not for the purpose of justice and peace, but for the purpose of chaos and greed. He then left the agency. Now being a dangerous rouge agent and being on the top of the governments watch list, Amara went on the run. He took the job of a Mercenary and only delt with government credits, as any digital transaction could be tracked. There were now probably dozens of Agents, Hit men, and bounty hunters that were now after his life. He knew that he could defeat them all, but he feared one man and one man only. Hopefully he would never run into Fracture


Fully automatic twin modified DE50AE pistols with silencers

L115A3 sniper rifle with silencer


Twin titanium diamond bladed military grade tsurugi

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Name: Nikolai "Dome" Chepurnov
20170905152527_1.jpg Nikolai 2.jpg Nikolai.jpg
Social 3, Robotics 2, Technology 2, Gunplay 2, Melee 2, Infiltration 2, Driving 2
Complications: Watch List, Broke,
Hardware: None
Mechanized Infantry Neural Implant:
Nanoware: None

Personal Defence Matrix:

M-816 PDWs:

Alexander Cleric


Alexander is a calm and charismatic guy, often relying on his charm to get out of a problem. A little bit sarcastic, but likes to take care of his friends.
Melee 4
Social 4
Cyberarm 2
Razors 2
Reflex Package 1
Enhanced Senses 1
Social Analyzer 1
Muse 1
Self Repair 1
Medical Nantes 1
Cleric was a child of the streets. Being abandoned in an orphanage as a baby, he grew a huge contempt of the system, cruel and cold. When he turned 10, he fled the place, choosing to live on the street rather than on the orphanage. The boy lived a life of petty crimes, pickpocketing and stealing, begging when none of these were possible. Cleric slept whenever he could, an alley behind a Chinese restaurant, on the roof of a building or an abandoned apartment, he did what he could to survive. Anything was better than the orphanage.

He saw his life turned around when he was approached by a man of the Seed Networks, a famous corporation dealing with large scale network infrastructure. As with many corporations, they had their own "operatives team", dealing with issues that the normal paper pusher could, and most of the time, potentially lethal. Reluctantly, the boy accepted the man's invitation of being inducted into the corp and trained to operate. It was a long and arduous training, mostly merciless for the young boy, but the resilience and strength of mind made him pass through. Soon, he was on the streets again, but this time, deadly and armed to the teeth. He worked with the Seed for years, dealing all sorts of missions: From assassination to corporate espionage, he and his team were efficient, and with him as a leader, there were no mission left behind.

They were so efficient that Seed Networks decided to invest a huge amount of money in equipping Cleric with augmentations, making him a state of the art operative, but with that, jealousy came. A fellow operative, Dietrich, a skilled marksman, became jealous of Cleric's accomplishments, and seeking to take his place in the leadership of the group, planned the leader's downfall. On the middle of a dangerous mission, he and a group of allies deployed a trap for Cleric, killing the ones who were loyal to him and almost killing Alexander. With an inch of his life, he fled, and when he recovered, he discovered that Dietrich told Seed Networks that Cleric turned rogue, killed his fellow operatives and almost killed him. Cleric then made his escape from the hospital, he knew that Dietrich would go after him and finish the job when he knew that Cleric was still alive. Alexander now is on the run, from Dietrich that wants to kill him, and from Seed Networks, until he proves his innocence.
First aid kits, a .45 pistol, 3 flash grenades 3 smoke grenades and a shocker baton; Encrypted PDA, a set of operative and casual clothes.​
Name: Rui Henderson
Age: 22
Personality: Rui's appearance already lends him to being perceived as a girl, but his personality and voice do nothing to help. Scatterbrained and easy-going, and mischievous at times, it seems like he's treating life as a sort of game, with his hacking as the big puzzle. Though due to recent events, he's a bit shaken, and has lost a bit of his cheeriness. Calling him a girl will set him off, though he's rather harmless and will call the offender a few mean names and huff.
Skills: Hacking 3 (Maxed)
Gunplay 1
Technology 2
Infiltration 2
Robot 2
Social 1
Hardware: CyberArm
Power Surge
Wetware: Muse, Multitasking, ICE Breakers
Nanoware: Chameleon Shroud
Complications: Watchlist (Seen as a cyberterrorist to be apprehended)
Hated (Seen as a menace by several corporations)
Backstory: Rui grew up in New York City, with a world renowned brain surgeon for a father and a world famous painter for a mother. He grew up rich and was on a path to success since the day he was born. He attended one of the worlds most prestigious academies and lived a life of relative ease. However, as he got older and around when puberty started, he began to protest at his fathers constant prodding to become a doctor like himself, wanting to live his own life. His body wasn't developing quite like other boys. Instead, he stopped getting taller, standing a mere 5'2, and became more girlish in appearance. This of course, was subject to severe bullying at the academy, leaving him miserable and spiteful.

Then he discovered computers. Oh what he could do with them...especially to those jerks he attended school with. What started as pranks to get back at his bullies became him sitting at a computer for hours, testing the schools security systems. He wanted to see just how far he could go. His family, much to the dismay of his father, insisted he further his talents, leading him to go on and get a degree in Network Security, with a small focus in Engineering.

That knowledge would go on and allow him to become a well respected consultant for large companies. However, it didn't take long for him to realize the money was better when he could steal company secrets and emails to the highest bidder. It was a hell of a rush too. Within the time of 2 years, he would instead be hired by those same companies to steal from one another. Of course, no one knew his name or what he looked like, giving the public a nameless entity that was causing havoc throughout the country. But after a while, it began to get boring. He needed a new rush, something bigger. Something dangerous. Why not see what he could do against the country?

Somewhere along those two years, he made a mistake. Something small, but it was enough for someone to figure out just who he was. The government wasn't a fan of being his new toy. A raid on his apartment a few weeks ago had now lead him to being on the run. But where? Well..that message he got was looking a lot more interesting each passing moment.

Beretta PX4 Storm chambered in .45 Auto

Messenger bag containing various devices and tools for his trade, be it hacking to robotics and maintenance.
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Name: Symere Wright
Appearance: upload_2017-9-12_10-23-8.jpeg
Personality: Symere is not a relatively outgoing person with an expressive personality. In fact, social interaction with outsiders will likely startle him and leave an attempt at conversation into an interrogation at gunpoint. However, if this is not the case then Symere is a compassionate person with care for others. His heart longs for freedom and independence from a regime that stole it from his youth, it's a feeling of vengeance followed by pride once the goal is met. Even if his words don't convey power, his silence and gun play always will.
Skills: +4 Gunplay, Medical + 2, Infiltration + 2, Melee Combat + 2
Hardware: Enhanced Senses, Thermal Adaptation
Wetware: Endocrine Control, Reflex Package, Multitasking
Nanoware: Medical Nanites
Backstory: Symere was born and raised on the countryside of Georgia. He lived on the prairie with his father helping to tend to the crops and helping his grandparents whenever. The art of gun play was a tradition within the family which dated back to their ancestors who fought for the Union in the Civil War. Symere never had time for school with the high maintenance of the prairie which needed constant observing and tending to. Life away from the bustling cities and constant eye of authority figures and military was one of peace and isolation from problems that plagued other parts of the nation. Symere was looking forward to a promising life full of harmony and less observation from the government.
Yet it was the government that ruined this journey to peace and prosperity, his family killed over a dispute with the militant tax collectors whilst he was out in the prairie tending to crops had left him orphaned without a family and without proper care.
Vengeance plagues Symere's heart ever since the incident, he's armed with two individual revolvers with which he's causing disruptions for the government. Sadly, the "forks in the roads" are only slight contributions that can't satisfy his thirst of revenge against the government he plans to enact revenge upon. "He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father, I kill with my heart." and with this statement he looks for a larger contribution to which he can enact his revenge.
Equipment: Dual Six Shooters, Ammunition Belt, Bowie Knife, Some First Aid supplies, His Trench Coat, Modifications.

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