The Street of the Dead (Post-Apocalypse)


the Silent
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~Character Skeleton~

Full Name:

Nickname(If Applies):






Relationships: (Family? Friends? Significant Other?)


Appearance(Picture preferred):

Anything Else?:


~Character Skeleton~

Full Name:

"My name is Hunter, pleasure to meet you."

Hunter Eve Koneko


"Call me what you wish to."



"This matters? It's an apocalypse!"



"You can't tell?"



"I'm quite the soft-heart..."

Hunter is pure at heart, she only appears tough; Hunter is really a sweet, soft-spoken girl who'll give up her life for another. She's actually quite shy, but won't be afraid to talk to someone after she trusts them; gaining her trust is a hard thing to do. Hunter likes watching the sunrise and sunset, it's calming to her. She acts like it's nothing when someone speaks of her past, but in reality, she walks somewhere else and cries quietly.


"Why does this apply?"

Cats, Companions, Safety, Killing the Dead, Hugs[shh].


"Why should you know my weaknesses?!"

Spiders, The Dead, Darkness, Raiders, Idiots, Jerks, Untrustworthy and Not Honest People.


"Where's Andi?!"



-Younger Brother(Adrian)[Missing]


"C-Can we m-mo-move o-on, please?""

Hunter was raised with a younger brother, Adrian, whom she practically raised herself. He was 7 when this apocalypse happened, they had lost their parents after Adrian turned 4. Their parents were murdered one day after the other. After it all happened, Hunter grabbed everything she needed, including her prized possession, a katana. She ran away with Adrian, raising him up to be tough and survive.

When the apocalypse happened, Adrian and Hunter got separated, Hunter still doesn't know where her younger brother is. Alive, she'll be leaping with joy. Dead, she'd be forever depressed.


"Where did you get that?!"


Anything Else?:

"Jerk... I didn't mean it! Don't hurt me!"

She keeps her katana with her at all times.

Her left eye(eye patch) is not the same color as her right, it's a white-red color. [White on bottom red on top, mixed in the middle]


~Character Skeleton~

Full Name:

"Adrian! Pleased to meet you!"

Adrian Lee Koneko


"My sissy called me Andi."



"Where's sissy?"



"I'm a boy, if you can't tell!"



"People call me adorable."

Adrian is an adorable little kid who will do anything to find his older sister. He is very sweet and gives off happiness to others who need it; Andi also likes helping people. He will often be found trying to find his sister, Hunter, who raised him. He's not afraid of talking to people, especially if they're nice; if they're mean, which he can tell, he'll be shy and run away. He acts like it's nothing when someone speaks of his past, but in reality, he walks somewhere else and cries quietly.



His Older Sister, Animals, Nice People, Hugs.



Spiders, Scary People, The Dead, Raiders, Darkness.





-Older sister(Hunter)[Missing]


"C-Can we s-skip th-th-this?"

Adrian was raised with an older sister, Hunter, who practically raised him. He was 7 when this apocalypse happened, they had lost their parents after he turned 4. Their parents were murdered one day after the other. After it all happened, Hunter grabbed everything she needed, including her prized possession, a katana. She ran away with Adrian, raising him up to be tough and survive.

When the apocalypse happened, Adrian and Hunter got separated, Adrian still doesn't know where his older sister is. Alive, he'll be leaping with joy. Dead, he'd be forever depressed.


"Sissy told me not to show you that!"


Anything Else?:

"Wait, don't go! Help me find Hunter!"

He keeps his sister's Glock in his back pocket.


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Full Name:

"Just like the ace of spades."

Ace D Lancelot

Nickname(If Applies):

"Well this is what happens when I play cards, you get Aced."



"Young and free~"



"Teh, female obviously.....Not."



"Mister quiet Guy, that's me."

Ace often displays himself as a cool-headed, though lazy, bored and quiet individual. He is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things yet little interest in activities that he does enjoy or even his own future. Furthermore, Ace has shown that he is a pessimistic, believing that "heroes" do not exist; rather, he believes that surviving in the world would only come out of the individual's own power.


"Why do I need likes?"

Seeing the dead well dead, Sword fighting, killing the dead, Small groups of people and Girls.


"Why do I need dislikes? Its just like likes, but backwards."

Seeing the dead walking, large groups of people, dictator's.

Relationships: (Family? Friends? Significant Other?)

"What family? ..... *Sigh*"

All dead.


"Why do you need my past? Its the present that counts."

Ace never knew his real parents and was raised by a swordsman who's wife couldn't produce a child so he was the next best thing so it was Ace, his parents and his brother(not blood related). Ace's father taught him everything he knew before his "brother" decided that he no longer wanted to be the student but the teacher instead so he (the brother) killed his parent straight in front of Ace's eyes this caused Ace to lash out so he grabbed his fathers bloody katana and attacked his brother which turned out bad for Ace causing him to lose his eye.

Appearance(Picture preferred):

"Hey come on, this an't me at my finest, wheres my six katanas?"


Anything Else?:

"You wanna fight a guy who has six katanas?"

He always has six katanas with him.

((Its funny since we are both using pictures of date masamune well kind of))
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Full Name • "Tsukki... Tsukki Sabuka."

Nickname(If Applies) • "My name isn't that long, so Tsukki will do fine."

Age • "Whatever." [She's nineteen.]

Gender • "I wonder..." [Female.]

Personality • Tsukki is a stand offish, kind of dull and serious person. She often doesn't lose her cool, and sees right through people if she needs to. She's very intelligent, and charismatic in her own dry, boring way. She can become stern and mother like when it comes to people she's close to. Tsukki is however, a scared and lost female. Once you break through her shell, she is a coward who forces herself to be brave for the sake of others. An insecure, shy and soft spoken girl, who was once someone who could've been called happy.

Likes • "Nesi... Living... Food is really good..."

Dislikes • "Zombies, zombies, and this constant fear."

Relationships •

Father {43} Hanabusa Sabuka [Dead.]

Mother {39} Dori Sabuka [Alive and fighting.]

Baby Brother {7} Mirotaka Sabuka [Infected and considered dead.]

Best friend {25} Kiyoya [Separated from Tsukki and now Missing.]

Panties the Pet {1... In dog years of course} German Shepard [separated from Tsukki and now Missing.]

Back-story • Tsukki was born in a rough and tough family, with a happy life that spiraled out of control due to the apocalypse. Nothing really that special.

Appearance •

Anything Else? • "Nesi is my gun if you didn't notice."

"This scarf is Kiyoya's."

"And the reason why these boots are so big is because they're... My Father's."

~Character Skeleton~

Full Name:
Antonio De La Rosa-Remirez

Nickname(If Applies): Ants

Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality: before the apocalypse he struggled to juggle study with partying and womanizing. although the apocalypse has changed his outlook on life, a single drop of alcohol and he's back to his happy self. despite his affinity with the macabre he dislikes violence mainly because he is not good at it.

Likes: a good pre-apocalypse party, seeing non-mutated birds.

Dislikes: american beers, ales, ciders and spirits (they are so awful.); things that used to be considered scary like clowns and spiders. no idea why.

Relationships: used to have his friend protect him from zombies with his fighting skill, but he died in recently (and instantly) from a feral dog attack. (they are now used to the taste of human meat.)

Back-story: Born in madrid, he moved to america to study medicine. he quickly lost his student accommodation, when he wrecked it at a party he finished his first year staying in a hostel.

Appearance(Picture preferred):

Anything Else?: meh
everyone joined so far is online, i guess thats the cue for you (elionza) to set the scene!
Let the RP... Begin!

Of course, this means
anyone can still make a character and join! Let's get this apocalypse on!
Full Name: Willow Serenity Blackthorn

Nickname: Wisp


Gender: Female

Personality:She is a very intelligent girl. Her father having taught her everything he had learned on his travels. She is loud and outspoken, and acts like one of the boys. She is mischievous, but also careful when in new situations. She is confident about herself, and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her at all. The way she looks at it, She is who and what she is, there is no changing that. Though, sometimes she does wish she was smaller in the stomach region. Her personality makes her different from the other girls around her, which are constantly worried about impressing other with their looks. She is callous when it comes to most people.


She enjoys reading books that might test the average persons intelligence, she likes the mental work out provided by some authors. She likes complex tasting foods that excite and enrich her palate. She enjoys spending time with animals, as she thinks no human can ever really understand her. She has a secret love of singing, and can be head from time to time practicing that love.

Dislikes:She dislikes bland food that leaves her mouth washed out and dry. She doesn't like people who are only concerned about looks, she thinks they are shallow and pigheaded.

Relationships: None, normally a loner.

Back-story: After the apocalypse stole the life of her family, she has been by herself. She is 19 and has been wondering alone ever since the death of her loved ones.

Appearance:(Don't have a pic yet, sorry.)

Willow is short for her age, only reaching approx. 5 feet 4 inches tall. The averge height of a girl her age of her race is approx. 5'11". A full adult reaching about 6' 3".

She is round of stomach, with blue eyes that shine with a deep and innate intelligence. Her hair is as red as the fur of the very animal she becomes. It is cut shorter in the back to keep it off her neck and kept longer in the front, so as to frame her face. Her hair is thick and straight, with a soft texture.

She has a round face with oval eyes, a small nose and plump lips. She has smooth, creamy skin the color of ivory.

She wears mid thigh length black shorts, a black t-shirt, and black sneakers with ankle high socks. She has no piercings, and she wears no jewelery. She doe have a birthmark on her left hip, in the shape of an eye. On her hands she wears black fingerless, fishnet gloves. She has a single tattoo on the inside of her right wrist. It is the symbol of tranquility.

Anything Else?:
Willow prefers long distance battle. She is highly trained in using a bow, as that is the weapon of choice where she is from. Her Bow of choice is a Longbow, made of burch wood, with cherry limbs, and mahogany tips. It's built for speed and stealth. She has a quiver of about 20 arrows, all hand crafted with the finest cherry wood, all with finely sharpened points at a combined length of about a two feet long. She is quick at the draw and her follow through is flawless. She began her training as a child, at around the age of 5. She was a prodigy from the beginning. She isn't very good at close quarters combat, due to her lack of speed and agility.
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Full Name:

Alexis Nightshade

Nickname(If Applies):







She doesn't talk as much because she's very shy. People thinks that she prefer to be alone because she don't talk to people as much as normal people. Even though she's quiet and shy, she still care for others and always like to help them no matter what.


Sword, quietness, helping people


Fighting, flirting and the dead

Relationships: (Family? Friends? Significant Other?)

Her family are all dead, she's the only one left.

No friends...


Alexis don't know who her parents are, they were gone before she could meet them. She was raised by a stranger from a rich family and they moved to America. The stranger was murdered, and Alexis decided it was best for her to leave the place too. So she left the place, now wondering and hoping to find a safe play in this cruel world.

Appearance(Picture preferred

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.2bd7affab8e842342343d152a28df32b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22654" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.2bd7affab8e842342343d152a28df32b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Anything Else?: nope.



  • image.jpg
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:) May I join ;) I was peeking at what Rebellious Teddy Bear was doing so... :D Still open?
Full Name: Takeshi Momentsu

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Takeshi is very harsh. She is very mean . She is very trustworthy, but hard to warm up to. She doesn't really care for people so if she is actually nice to you, your one lucky person.




*the feeling of being safe


X children

X katanas even tho she is good at using them

X zombies

Relationships: N/A


Takeshi was raised by her dad which was in the army so her family moved from place to place. She was always beaten because of her constant wondering off which made her stronger. One day she walked in at the age of twelve of her dad beaten her mom. She didn't know what to do but angered build in her so she grabbed the closet thing to her. A gun :o . She aimed it at her father and tears streamed down her cheeks but when she shot the gun jerked and got her mom instead. After that Takeshi ran away from her father and trained her self in the woods in a little cabin she had found. When the Apocalypse she ran to find her father , but found nothing but his guts. She grabbed a few of his guns and some ammo and stocked up on food. She took all she thought was useful.


Anything Else?: she never felt what love was like.

(This the first skelly I've did where they have a harsh past)
Elionza said:
Let the RP... Begin!
Of course, this means
anyone can still make a character and join! Let's get this apocalypse on!
If you read the second sentence, you will see that we are still accepting. Also, in the name of this, the tag beside our title still says: Need More Members. So just make a character app! Don't be shy or ask if you can. X3
:D I may join later on, right now I have two roleplays that I need to be very caught up >///< I'll join soon though
Here's my Skelly..

Full Name:

Griffen Nite








Griffen was lost in the apocalypse when he was young. Having lost his family to a Raider attack, he quickly lost all sense of care, or mercy. Griffen is a very sarcastic, and often trouble making person, he loves to prove people wrong, which often gets him in trouble. He is also very anti social.


His Twin Revolvers

His Dagger

Any candy or sugary product.



People in General

Anybody who double crosses him

Relationship:N/A, Don't expect him to fall for anyone.


Griffen had a Very happy childhood, with loving family, but that all changed when the apocalypse struck. His family survived for a little while in their house, boarding it up and protecting it from zombies, but one night a group of raiders broke into his house, killing his family by execution, in a state of rage, He took a gun from the nearest Raider, and Killed all of them, without mercy, after that, He wandered. He often stopped to help people, but that was the only good thing he would do. He hunted raiders for the majority of his life, Hating what they Did.


(I can't find a good picture to i'm going to describe him the best I can.)

Griffen is a Tall, Muscular Man, His body Often Hidden by a long black trench coat. Under his trench coat is a Grey T-Shirt, accompanied by Black Jeans. He has Auburn Hair, which is often messy, and Caked with mud and dirt. His Dagger is attached to his belt, Accompanied with his Dual Revolvers, The revolvers are Colt Pythons, With a Dragon engraved across the handle, ending at the Barrel. He has 1 Tattoo, Which is a Scorpion across his shoulder.

If it's not too late ^^

~Character Skeleton~

Full Name: Kite Nighthawk

Nickname(If Applies): Kite

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Kite is a very straightforward and cheerful person. He's a very nice kid who will show some respect to other people, though it's hard to tell if he's being sarcastic or not. Though, polite to strangers he has a pretty witty sense of humor to those he's close with. He's the type of person to stop whatever he is doing to help someone else.

Likes: Friends, Books, games, bows, swords and daggers.

Dislikes: Zombies, Evil people, fighting people, guns


Mother (Deceased)

Father (Deceased)

Siblings (None)

Best Friend (Location unknown)


Kite was a 14 year old boy in his second year of junior high school. The day the apocalypse happened he had gotten sick and had to stay home. Then, he heard screams from downstairs he walked down slowly to see what was going on, to his dismay they were being eaten alive by countless what he thought to be 'crazy' people. Kite grabbed his bow and arrows. Then, he made a break for it into the woods uncertain of what to do he had little survival skills..but at least he knew how to build a fire, hunt, and build shelter.

Appearance(Picture preferred):


Anything Else?: Kite is ambidextrous. (Just ignore the awesome looking ends to the bow O.o it should be fine after that) 
Character Skeleton~

Full Name: Akira Rose

Nickname(If Applies): (None as of the moment)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Akira is quite rude and cruel to everyone, but at times can show extreme kindness, though she can be highly selfish. She loves guns and weapons with a fiery passion and will demand the weapon be hers (provided she likes it). Akira has a some-what big sister role with Kite not forgiving anyone that would do him harm. As she clearly states only she can hurt him. Although, (for some unknown reason) Kites selfless act of going out of his way to help someone, pisses her off extremely to the point of actually scolding him whilst beating him on the head.



Guns & Weapons



Other Unknown things.


Cry babies

Weak people

Others taking her stuff

Annoying people

People taking things she likes

Being told what to do


Mother (Dead)

Father (Dead killed herself)

Siblings (None)

Best Friend (Alive location Unknown)

Back-story: Akira was living at home on school suspension when the apocalypse happened. Whilst her mother and father were both bitten. She didn't hesitate to kill her dad, while her mom ended up killing herself to avoid turning into one of those things. Akira was seperated from Kite when he got attacked by a pack zombies (10). By the time she got done with the slaughter he was already out of sight. She has been looking for him ever since but is unknown if he is actually alive or not. Though, before the apocalypse happened she would always beat up Kite calling him weak and annoying. However, this was short lived as he came to grow on her and referred to herself as the 'Big Sister' in the relationship. Kite was unable to disagree because every time he did she would whack him on the head really hard. So, it ended up sticking. Through, some time and effort (with the help of Kite and a local gunsmith) she modified her gun to be able to be turned into a silenced Rifle or Sniper whatever the situation may require.

Appearance(Picture preferred):


Anything Else?: She has hidden knives somewhere on her body alongside two glocks. Her bag carries mostly ammo for her weapons along with other 'fun' toys such as grenades and otherwise.
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Full Name: Joshua Dracnitch Trojan

Age: 19

Height: 6'2

Gender: Male

Nick Name: David (He tends to call him that, rather than his past name he wishes not to hear)

Personality: Joshua is, well, broken. His mind is haunted with horrid memories, damaging him to be a scared, defensive state. Upon the same time, however, he wishes for friends, to be accepted as well as acknowledged. His mood swings at the drop of a hat, either extreme easily coming out of him. He tends to talk to himself a lot, and even at times zombies. He is a gentle person most of the time once he is gotten to know people, seemingly becoming more mature with people he knows more.

Likes: Zombies, games, talks, blades, guns, pictures, things with sentimental value, hope, friends, suits.

Dislikes: Ignorance, being rejected, silence, lonliness, zombies (Intentionally in both slots), failure, judgement.

Relationships: None, he's been alone for a long time.

Back-story: At the young age, Joshua was abnadoned. He had no one to go to, his time spent in the darkness of alley ways, or abandoned homes. Whoever he befriended had ended up leaving him or dying in a tragic way. Over years upon this method of life, his mind became corrupt, growing attached to the simplest of things. he imagined a being talking to him at the age of 16, which he decided to name Noah. Strangely enough, this false character has been the reason he is alive, a conversation but as well his instinct telling him what to do vocally.

Appearance(Picture preferred):

Anything Else?: Along with his seen clothes, Joshua has a set of Dog Tags, which he places around a zombie he finds suitable to speak to at a time. When he finds the conversation going stale, he’d “Remove” the zombie of the burden and take his dogtags once more, looking for another place to go. As well as his mind is damaged, it can be repaired through sane adventures, such as speaking to a real person and achieving things by himself or with groups.
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It probably was so go ahead and post. She does by comments. So yea your probably accepted. Plus the rl is open but the owner no longer post. Were trying to keep it alive. So people making skellies all are accepted.

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