The Snowglobe: A Christmas Crossover Romp!


Sad Shroom
~Character Creation~

Right! This RP is all about fun, and the character creation process is no exception! In fact, it's one of my favourite things about RPing, so I ho-ho-hope you have as much fun making characters as I usually do! Although you will be using familiar characters, you will need to make a new form for them here, though if you insist on being lazy you can probably get away with copy and pasting certain details into certain categories.

As mentioned before, there should be no characters made especially for this RP. You should either use character's you've used in other RPs, or characters from other realms of fiction (films, tv shows, anime, books, ect). You may submit up to three characters, but depending on the RP's popularity I cannot guarantee that all of them will accepted. Don't worry though, it's highly likely that the vast majority of characters will be accepted! I would also prefer to have more RP characters than other fictional characters, but obviously I'be given you the option either way as can't really be justly frustrated if things don't turn out that way.

Each sections of the form should be filled out to a reasonable level of detail, and characters should be interesting, well thought out and well rounded. Thus I would suggest not submitting a character who would be ridiculously OP (like a Demi-God or something), or instead giving them suitable flaws to make them fair to play.

Before we get to the sheet itself, here's a detailed look at each section in detail:

Section 1: General Information

Your basic info, simple data pieces that require little elaboration.

Name: Include a nickname if necessary. Age: If your character is not a human, you might want to explain how this age would fit into human years.



RP/World From: Provide a link to the RP if needed.

Section 2: Specific Details

The expanded essence of your character's being, the very 'who they are' that makes them beautiful.

Appearance: A picture is always helpful and I'd appreciate one, however, I also want about a paragraph of appearance description too. You might want to nclude their height (in feet) as this data normally ends up in my database thingy that I shall make :')

Personality: Should be balanced to include both strengths and weaknesses. NO MARY SUES!! Two paragraphs minimum.

Background. Doesn't have to be too long, but should provide a brief explanation of the characters past and the RP/world they came from.

Section 3: Fighting Data

Anything related to combat!

Battle Strengths: Any details on weaponry/fighting skills should go here.

Battle Weaknesses: To ensure you're rounded out in the fighting department.

Special Abilities: Anything outside of the norm that could be used in combat, such as magic, special powers and similar abilities. Take care to make sure any overly powerful abilities have suitable repercussions.

Equipment: What does your character usually carry around? Include details of their inventory and any weapons they use.

Section 4: Additional Bonuses

Any extras that don't fit in elsewhere

Interests and Fears: Any interesting likes/dislikes, hobbies and fears should go here.

Other: Anything that doesn't fit in anywhere else. Like potentially any talents or bonus details like how they speak, mannerisms, ect.


Theme Song: (optional) For those who love stuff like this

And now the bare form itself:





RP/World From:




Battle Strengths:

Battle Weaknesses:

Special Abilities:


Interests and Fears:



Theme Song: (optional)

A couple of little extra details now:

-Each character will be on the 'good side', as in sided with the elves and working to save themselves and Christmas.

-Each character will start in their first post by waking up from a dream and finding themselves lying in the snow of Grotto Gorge. They won't start out knowing anything of what's going on, nor what the elves are and what they are doing, but things will be explained to them after a short while.

-Remember, you can submit any character as long as they fit the crossover criteria! Your character doesn't necessarily have to be human, and they also don't necessarily even have to be from a world that would have any understanding of Christmas! Diversity is one of the more amazing things about a crossover RP, and I hope we get it here!

~Character Database~

Right. I love data and statistics, 'nuf said. So here I'll complie some comparitive data about our character pool for you guys, and I hope you find it useful and cool!

  • Gender Ratio (male:female): 10:12

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Name: Annabelle Jane Crister

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human

RP/World From: A world where a disease spread and killed nearly 72% of the world. It hasn't begun yet.

Appearance: Jane has wild and wavy red hair that she does not tend to very often and big seafoam green eyes that are usually hidden by her goggles. She had her ears pierced when she was only three and her freckles have yet to leave her face, as she complains they make her look silly. Jane dislikes makeup very much and the only time she will wear makeup is for a special event, in which she will only wear lipstick and and maybe a bit of blush. She is fairly tall for her age, standing at 5'9", and her father always threatened to lower the ceilings on her as a joke. Instead of the necklace that contains a ring in the picture, it as actually a necklace with a watch that does not work. She keeps it with her to remember that some things cannot be fixed.

Battle Strengths: Jane is better at hand-to-hand combat, where she can swing and hit close up. She studied self-defense when she was younger so she has very little experience with that and is handy with a wrench, in both building things and smacking people in the face with it.

Battle Weaknesses: She is not very skilled with battling at all, really, and could use some training. Her battle style is go big or go home, so she tends to 'pounce' on whoever is closest without any strategy.

Special Abilities: If you consider a wrench to be a 'special ability', then a wrench. Otherwise, she is a brilliant engineer, inventor, and mechanic.

Equipment: A small satchel with the basic tools, screwdriver, wrench, etc.

Personality: Jane is a fun, rambunctious and happy girl. She loves to crack jokes and see others laugh. Jane very much dislikes the name Annabelle and decided to go by her middle name. She can get very angry if you call her Annabelle or any of the nicknames that come with the name.

Jane can get very focused on her work, sometimes not even saying a word for many hours except for 'Hand me that blow torch' until the job is finished. Her father is an engineer and he is very proud of his only daughter, and often likes to help her work, even if she doesn't need help. Even though she is very skilled at building things from scratch, she prefers to fix already broken things. She finds it funner to give machines a new life then make new machines, since there are so many broken machines that barely ever had a chance. Her favorite place to hang out is the junkyard, where she goes most every day to find a new machine to fix and improve her skills.

Jane's mother died when she was very young and Jane never knew her well, so it does not hurt very much, but she does wonder what having a mother would be like. Her father, soon after the loss, became very depressed and started to drink, but overtime stopped because of Jane, to take care of her. She is very thankful for this.

If you hit a sensitive spot by saying something, Jane can get very angry and/or sad, sometimes saying things she doesn't truly mean. She has a quick temper, and if you anger her, she is quick to snap, but never with her machines. Oh, no. Jane could spend hours on her machine, failure after failure, without so much as a sigh. They mean a lot to her. Jane is very protective of Joey and won't let anyone talk rudely about him in front of her, and although it may be hard for Joey to deal with, Jane really does love him.


Jane's father, Danton Chslovaiokie met Ellie Crister in college, both majors in engineering, graduating and the top of their classes. They both wanted to make the world a better place by inventing things that would help solve world problems. When they married, Danton took on the name Crister instead of the other way around, because who wants to be Chslovaiokie?

Just when they realized they were having a baby girl, Ellie was diagnosed with cancer. She died just after Jane was born, and amazingly, Jane came out perfectly healthy. Danton loved Jane with all his heart, but was consumed with grief over the loss of his beloved wife and it took him a couple years to finally put the past in the past.

When Jane brought home a broken machine and sat down to work, her father would often stand over her shoulder and touch her hair, remarking how much Jane looked like her mother when she worked. When she turned 12, Danton gave Jane her mother's favorite gadet; an old watch passed down in her family for many generations. It stopped working long ago, and Jane tried to fix it, but was never able too. Danton said Jane's mother was also unable too, as was the past generations of her family, even though they were all brilliant inventors.

Danton died of a heart-attack when Jane was 16. She was sent to an orphanage, but did not have to stay very long because she was near the age of 18. In her time in the orphanage, she befriended a young boy named Joey with a troubled past, and he opened up to her more than he ever opened up to anyone, which even that wasn't much. When she became old enough, Jane adopted Joey. Jane inherited all of her father's money, which wasn't too much, but it was enough to start a life. Jane got a job at an auto-body shop to support them.


An airborne virus was introduced to America, and it spread like a wildfire. It didn't turn you into a zombie or give you powers, it just shut you down. Your body would stop working within a day or two. Warnings were given, announcements made, but most didn't believe it. They thought it was stupid. They were wrong.

Before they could shut down airports and ports, the disease had spread to Asia and Europe, wiping out nearly 72% of the world. The President had contracted the virus, panic struck, and normality ceased to be.

In the south of Georgia, a woman named Astrid found a safe home in an abandoned mansion. It was broken and old, but it was safe, and a patch of land outside grew food amazingly. Over a few months, small groups of people found Astrid and she allowed them to stay. They all worked together, pulled their own weight, made a new community. It was soon believed that the virus had died out.

Jane and Joey had been travelling for some time, trying to find a place to stay, a safe haven. They found Astrid and were accepted into the group.

Everything seemed to be going fine.

Interests and Fears: Jane loves to build and fix machines and has become a near master. She can look at a machine and very quickly she will be able to diagnose the problem. She is utterly afraid of snakes and her true big fear is that she will loose Joey, or that she will loose touch with her machines. Jane always feels like she knows gizmos and gadgets better than anyone, and if she lost the ability to fix or create such things, it would tear her apart.

Other: You shall find out during the roleplay :)

Timezone: Pacific

Theme Song: Not available at the moment.

Name: Joey Renenza Crister

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Species: Human

RP/World From: See above.

Appearance: Joey always keeps his messy brown hair over his eyes, as a sort of shield from having to make eye-contact. He stands at 5'2" and his hair is always unkempt and dirty, and he slouches. He usually wears jeans and a t-shirt, but the one thing Jane has never been able to replace or wash or even touch was his big brown jacket that is much too large for him. It has holes and is very worn out but he refuses to take it off. Jane suspects that it's the only personal possession he had when he came to the orphanage.

Battle Strengths: Joey is a very quick and clever opponent. Stealthy and small, he can easily avoid attacks if need be. This is unknown to Jane, but he keeps a very small pocket knife in his boot with a knife in case of emergencies and is pretty skilled with it. Not in killing or hurting though, in carving wood. If need be, though, he could hurt someone pretty badly with it.

Battle Weaknesses: Joey will avoid any bloodshed if possible. Due to past experiences, he tries not to hurt anyone if he can. Because of this he can give himself up easily, just to avoid hurting someone.

Special Abilities: N/A

Equipment: Small pocket knife.

Interests and Fears: His only known interest is drawing. It is assumed that he is afraid of sharing things with others, but the reason is unknown.

Personality: Joey is an incredibly quiet and cold boy. He rarely speaks, and when he does, it is only to Jane and barely audible. It is known that he has had many traumatizing experiences in the past that he does not speak of, ever, not even to Jane. It seems unlikely for a boy such as Joey to befriend anyone, but Joey took a liking to Jane as soon as she first stepped in the orphanage.

Joey loves to draw. At least, that was what Jane assumed, as under his orphanage bed were at least 10 sketchbooks and scattered pencils, and despite how hard Jane tried, she just had to peek. His art was amazing. But it was dark, and Jane realized he was quiet for a reason, a reason that changed him.

Jane spent as much time as she could with him after she saw his artwork. Trying to make him talk, trying to make him smile, anything. Joey seemed to be fairly happy about this and slowly began to speak to her.

History: On January 21st, a young boy stood on the front steps of a large old building, known as 'Lorencia Orphanage'. It was a dark and windy night, rain pouring down mercilessly. The small boy raised a clenched fist, preparing to knock on the large wooden doors, but could not bring himself to do so. He was soaked, and cold, tired and hungry, but not ready to accept the fact that this was going to be his home now. He was officially an orphan.

For an hour or so, he raised a fist, brought it to the door, and stopped. Raised a fist, prepared to knock, stopped. Until finally, he gave up and slid down to the floor, leaning against the doors as he hugged his knees close to his chest and rubbed the fabric of his giant brown jacket affectionately. There he slept, the pouring rain acting as a sort of lullaby. Only in the morning did he wake, when a young girl with curly red hair opened the door, wanting to get some fresh hair, found a boy right there, his hair messy and still slightly wet, sound asleep.

She carried him inside.


He never knew that she was the one that took him inside the orphanage. Joey became interested with Jane, constantly peering at her or following her around, and Jane thought he knew that she was the one that carried him inside, but actually not. Joey just liked her. Jane found this quite silly and yet amusing, and finally talked to him, but he did not reply to her questions for a long, long time. Jane considered them friends, and when she was officially no longer a minor, she asked Joey if he would like to come with her. He agreed.

Jane does not know much about his past, and he refuses to share it with anyone. The one time she asked him, he just gazed at her with his big black eyes, and Jane could see all the fear and anger and sadness in his young eyes that knew too much. Jane never asked again.

Otherwise, not much is known, and is never told.

[For world history, see above]

Other: TBA during the roleplay.

Timezone: See above

Theme Song: Coming soon
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Name: Kiyo Tamachi

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Species: Human

RP/World From:">

Appearance: Kiyo is nothing special nor are his looks above the average .He wears a black kimono that is big on him. It goes all the way down toward his ankles and toward his wrist. the Kimono is outlined with white that spreads to be 2 inches wide. The top of his kimono is also wide, showing off his stomach and refined chest. It is loose in that area for the sash that keeps it together is loose. He often putting his hand through if he doesn't want it in the sleeves. Body wise he stands to be 6'0. He has biceps that are bigger than melons giving him the strong hunky look. He has an 8 pack but is covered with scars from previous battles, back in his younger years. He wears thick sandals that wrap around his big toe and up his ankles. His hair is black and short, a little messy. Someone would say that is just his style while others would think it's his bed hair. He has red eyes that are always narrowed as if he's glaring at you. A cold emotionless face that send many girls running.

Personality:Kiyo is more of a silent but talk when the situation arises. He likes to keep to himself. Silence is the key he says. Keeps him off war which leads him to be more calm. The mention of war or any argument coming from someone, it makes his blood boil. He was always a man of fighting, battle plans, small fights to prove a mans worth. He wouldn't waste a second to get in to a fight. Most girls try to approach his tall cold demeanor but fail to do so when he responds with short answers. Some short and rude , some sarcastic. When you get to know the big guy though he's nicer than he seems. Helping you carry things, asking about your day. He'll jump to the offer of training you or watching over you. A mentor in disguise.

Background:Kiyo was 3 when his parents were taken from him. Sad story, well he doesn't really want your pity nor did he want the man that took him in. Morako and elder man that has yet to reach his prime. He told Kiyo . "Don't let the flames of vengeance burn in your heart. Learn from this." Kiyo was a stubborn boy and didn't listen to what he said at the time. It was when Morako took a knife to the arm for him did he understand. After that day Kiyo started to pay attention, to learn from him. He taught him everything. Battle plans, black smithing, reading and writing. He was his father and he respected him. When Kiyo had gotten a little older that was when he taught him how to properly use a sword. By the time Kiyo mastered it he killed his master. Not out of spite or hate, his master told him to do so, he didn't want to die of old age but to die by a true man.

Kiyo then took the path of a battle commander. He's been through many wars and killed many people that the blade claimed its on soul it's on purpose. He soon took refuge in a village named Itsuki . He befriended the prince and requested that he would be a battle commander. Having his request granted he spent most of his time hanging around Hayato . Teaching him a few things, and showing him the ways of the females.

The world Kiyo lives in , is in the feudal ear where Nobunaga still reigned, and brought chaos to the civilians who lived under his rule and those who didn't. Kiyo was scouted by a young prince who emerged from the ashes of his fallen to take revenge against the reining king, so he could forge a new and better one. As the battle commander of his newly fledged army, Kiyo takes the role of his right hand man, helping him achieve his goal.

Battle Strengths: Kiyo is good with planning out tactical movements, along with brute force. He has the ability to make quick choices under deep pressure and shortened amount of time. What makes him the best is his leadership and undying devotion to make sure all the men that are under him don't die.

Battle Weaknesses: One time during a battle that took place in the mountains, Kiyo had tripped over a rock after being ambushed by several enemies. Landing on his back there was another rock that he fell on, hitting the nerve above the bone that connects to his spine. Every time Kiyo falls or is hit from behind a surge of pain runs through his body, leaving him unable to move for five minutes.

Special Abilities:None

Equipment:Kiyo only carries one weapon and that one weapon has helped him survive through many battles. He named this sword after his first master who died by the same sword he holds. Morako. The blade is long like his pride. It is 13 inches long and is a double edged sword. It's smooth and made of fine steel that will not be easily broken. The cover is the color of his kimono. Black with white designs around the cover and up toward the hilt. The handle with white thread that crosses over another.

Interests and Fears:

He carries around a bottle of sake. He is strong and has a bad habit of quoting things from his master

Timezone: USA Easter Standard Time

Theme Song: (optional)

More Below


Name:Chimera "Chime" Rosco

Age: 24



RP/World From:

Appearance: Chimera is a medium sized female approximately 5'5 that weighs around 170.6 lbs. She is a pale busty beauty with the cup size of your average 38c (Medium sized bust). Chimera has long blond with black streak hair that is tied in either a pony tail, messy bun, straight, or her personal favorite clipped back. She has blue crystal like eyes with random splotches of green. Chimera has rosy lips , not to big and not to small. Chimera's body built is above average if you were to question her muscle mass. Due to her being an ex thief she continues to wear a brown leather like holster around her left thigh, usually to keep rolled up maps tucked away, with a small knife in between. Chimera also kept the rather large brown gloves and the red bow that was given to her by her employer before she called a quits. Now in her new line of work, Chimera has obtained leather boots that are 5 inches below her knee, both having snap latches to secure the boot, the shoe laces below only there for minor tightness but mainly for decoration. Trading in her baggy pants and worn out shirt she now wears short forest green shorts with a golden button. For Chimera's tops, she has a crop top red with four lines going down the side of her bust and toward the center. Over Chimera's crop top is a forest green jacket with short sleeves and no zipper. Since it is short the jacket never comes over her bust and is mainly used to cover her shoulders. As for any other items Chimera finds no use in jewelry , nor any use for personal items such as lockets or handbags.

Personality:Despite Chimera's looks she is a rather crafty girl, always getting out of sticky situations and creating the perfect traps. Chimera was recruited to be a thief just because of that and her quick steps, along with outstanding agility and flexibility. Chimera was then recruited as a pirate due to her witty smarts on how to work a map, and good decision making. Chimera always came up with the right plan, and would commence to getting it done without anyone having to tell her to do so. Beside Chimera's work force she hold a rather vast mind of craft work , and holds higher intelligence then most who she has hung around. Chimera is obedient and very loyal to both work and others. Chimera is very optimistic and always tries to find a way to cheer some one up whether there bad or good.Though Chimera may seem nice, good in a few things she fails to put a cap on her anger. Chimera is your average group hot head but with a little more fire and tons of oil. Chimera hates being talked down too and would challenge anyone who would do so, proper term would be her not knowing her place or when to shut up. Chimera is awfully nosy and will butt into anyone's conversation, not caring whether its personal or rumors. Being a female you must have manners such as no sir or yes mam, please and thank you. Chimera has zero manners and would easily push you out of the way if your blocking her path. Shes a fighter and would start street brawls , usually being pulled away to calm down or be given a warning. Above all else Chimera doesn't like staying still. You may keep tabs on her and watch her every move, but as soon as you look away Chimera won't be there. She would have you up all night all the way to morning just out looking for her.

Background:Chimera lived in a well brought up family, medium classed if you were to put them on a scale. Her mother Lu was a teacher at a nearby school, her father Bron was a fisherman and her eldest brother Rick worked the markets. Chimera around 5 was at the school with her mother , always sitting in the back fiddling with wood , rock , leaves and sand. Her mother always worried about her because she seemed uninterested in things like playing tag, getting to know the other kids or even helping clean up. Most children tried to approach Chimera but all were turned away as she shot a nasty glare , much like her father did when her mother didn't have food ready before he had gotten home. Her mother thought it was because of Bron's abusive behavior that she refused to play with others. That night they had an argument and I'm sure you know how the rest of that night went.

Chimera always found herself reaching up toward the sky, always thinking about what else is out there other than this place. Chimera wanted to travel the skies, she didn't want to stay in one place forever. With such thoughts Chimera did not hesitate to leave when the fourth day came, only taking the knife her uncle gave her and the ribbon as well.

The ship she was on was known as the Quaint, a medium sized ship that housed 20 people. The rule of the ship was always move forward, detours later. Chimera spent the rest of her years on the ship called Quaint till she reached 23.After a night where the captain had gotten to drunk and decided to swing at Chimera, she decided that she needed a new employer and not some gas bag who trashed her opinions. She stole a side ship from the captain, along with some pocket money and bread.

Chimera lives in a world of magic , drama, many untold events and a diverse selection of people. It was during a certain event that her life would change. Attending the festival at Kael, she met a man names Max. Curious Chimera was she followed him, becoming his subordinate and if needed helper. Unsure of what might become of her she took the life on the edge, sensing an air of mystery and trouble around Max.

Battle Strengths:Chimera was graced with the ability of magic, though because she was not on Licia when puberty had hit her , she instead learned magic from Irrea. Chimera is able to use fire magic , though not like your fairy tail wizards. All Chimera has to do is think of what she wants and the fire bends to the will of her mind. When using magic Chimera is a little below average, since she is more of a hand to hand fighter than a magic user. As far as hand to hand combat and weapon skills she to her understanding is a skilled at hand to hand, combat. Thanks to her agility and great flexibility from her numerous hours of training back on Licia she is able to evade easier and slip into tight spaces. Chimera is quick on her feet due to her previous job ,so her attacks range from stealth to up close combat. Other than hand to hand combat and a little magic, Chimera is oblivious to weaponry and only knows how to use a knife when making traps.

Battle Weaknesses:Chimera hasn't been in any battles as of much, but if she had to name some off the top of her head it would be failure to pinpoint where the enemy is,and underestimating her opponent.

Special Abilities: Can use Fire

Equipment:A small knife that can be found in her holster

Interests and Fears:Chimera hates fish, all she ate was fish when she was on Licia, so the sight of it makes her throw up. Chimera loves the sky, whether its hot or cold, whether the stars are out and the moons so bright or if its just pitch black. Chimera has a keen sight for anything shiny, specifically knives and daggers. Nothing really scares Chimera except the sight of blood and those who would cause her harm, that includes strangers, weird people and those who approach her with a glare in their eyes. Usually Chimera is on guard but if she is grabbed instantly she will scream and most likely rely on her animal instincts, giving no care to the human life. At that time the sight of blood will not phase her until she has calmed down.

Other: Chimera has a thing for command, you could say its a fetish of some sort. She likes birds and most of all the sky. If you ever look for Chimera she is usually carrying around a sack filled with snacks.

Timezone:Eastern Standard Time

Theme Song: (optional)

More Below

Name:Rem Bell Myers

Age: 28



RP/World From:

Appearance: Rem stands to be 5'7 in height with a lean yet curvy body. Rem weighs approximately 160.3 pounds and has a 30 c bust size. Rem is a German white female with a blue eyes and purple hair though her natural hair color is a dirty blonde. As for clothing she usually wears brown short shorts with stockings underneath. As far as her top wear goes she tends to wear countless white t shirts with a black and purple jacket, the hood of it resembling cat ears. To finish off her attire she wears a pair of tight fitted clogs with a small purple ribbon going across the lip of her shoes.

Personality:When you glance at Rem you see a reserved carefree girl who couldn't possibly hold any knowledge of anything, but that is exactly want Rem wants you to see. In truth Rem is quite the intelligent woman, serious and hardworking. If you had to define her most strongest characteristics it would be her stubborn ideal of how things works. To Rem what is not visible nor touchable can not be real nor true. What can be broken down to the bare minimum and proven wrong is also not true, so you can already count her as a non believer in religion. At first the whole subject on supernatural abilities was hard to take in for her , but she soon accepted what she could do, only because she was able to see it happen. After gaining such abilities Rem retreated into herself for a short period of time to work on her concentration. As far as conversations go with other people, talking amongs one another tends to go pretty smoothly , though there are times when Rem would blurt answers if no one would pick or question her.

Now Imagine a dog or a cat. When you step on them they get highly defensive and rather angry. That is what Rem is. Faster than you can mutter a simple sorry Rem has already snapped and have thrown words at you that you wouldn't be able to comprehend. Rem will even incorporate a few German slang with a lot of German curses. If you pushed her far enough Rem will try to fight you, throwing weak punches but powerful kicks. Though it wouldn't take long to calm her down, just a few hits to the head and some sweets, she'll be back to normal. You could say her worst characteristic is her temper , but that can be easily handled. When she must do something, she will put her anger aside and focus on the task that needed to be done.

As far as quarks or out of the ordinary goes, rem has a bad habit of hissing at people when she feels undermined. When in a happy mood she can't stand still, always circling the one she's following or speaking louder than she should. When Rem get's angry her eyes twitch every three minutes, her skin beginning to itch as her body temperature rises , putting her in a very uncomfortable state. Despite her little quarks and bad child like persona she can handle concentration extremely well, and with no problem can switch from playful to seriousness.

Background:Rem was born into a German family of four located in Bavaria. Out of the other child Rem was the youngest. During the time of her life her parents had signed up for various organizations. Bother her mother and father had decided to join the Preservers however it was her mother who received the more important position. Her father was still given a chance but his jealousy got the best of him so he decided to stay home and watch the children. Her father however harbored jealousy toward her mother and would gather small habits of leaving in the middle of the night with Rem's elder brother. During the times as her mother was away Rem spent most of her time in the mini library her father had created from past years. Sometimes her friends would come over and they would all play a game of chess that always ended with Rem being the victor. As her father became distant , Rem was preoccupied with chess tournaments that would be held in the park near the cafe stores and libraries that were all aligned very neatly in a row. It was one day when Rem had beaten the champion of chess, she came home to a bloody brother and a father who was viciously attacking the drawers in their home, clearing out all their clothes and belongings.Soon after police came rushing in with their batons and guns at the ready.

After four hours she was released from the station with new of her father being arrested for illegal acts committing a crime. If her brother hadn't died he too would be arrested and sentenced to death for his actions as well. Unsure of what to do next Rem sought refuge with one of her close friends, growing up and taking a job at one of the local libraries. From time to time she would embark in a good game of chess, never once loosing. At times though Rem would be unable to sleep. Her father's wrong doing and her mothers leave of absence always haunting her, worrying her. Every time she touched a book that a child returned she was able to see what he had did before hand. When she slept she felt something leave her, and every time before she woke she would feel a slight pressure on her body, always waking up aching and sore around the shoulders and neck.

After locking up the library Rem was approached by a face she knew all to well yet the other she wasn't aware of. Rushing to give her mother a hug, her mother proposed an offer to her. She stated that Rem was like her in many ways , and would be able to help her, give her a life changing life then what she already had now. Accepting her offer, she was able to leave behind the memories of what her father did , joining her mother in Psydrium

Rem lives in a world, where the mind is powerful and everyone has the ability. It's peaceful with rules like any other great city , and just like every great city, there are those who do not follow them. There is a certain place where the council reside, calling onto her and a few others to embark on a mission to find and bring back their founder. Rem being a dreamer, one who can astral project had said yes to this said task and will do everything in her power to help. Going over sees she , will risk her life to bring back the founder , but not without unraveling the secrets behind whats going on.

Battle Strengths:Rem is a Dreamer, she is able to remote view, remote hear, aura perception, ‘reading’ objects, glimpsing the past, ‘scrying’, glimpsing the future, and astral projection. The key to being able to do all of this is her keen ability of concentration. Rem has yet to be in any battles , but her strong points are her concentration and ability to stay calm under pressure, or any dangerous situation. She thinks things out and also had good leadership skills ,but she never uses them.

Battle Weaknesses:Their are many weakness for Rem, such as vulnerability when she does astral projections. When she glimpses into the past, that takes up time and concentration, so she is unable to do any physical fighting and will always need protection if she can not find a decent enough hiding spot. The biggest weakness is energy. All of her abilities requires her brain, using up so much can drain her and eventually give her fatigue.

Special Abilities:Dreamer


Interests and Fears:Rem is interested in drawing, reading and writing. Rem fears oblivion.

Other: Rem is an artist and loves to write

Timezone:Eastern Standard Time

Theme Song: (optional)

copy and paste everything !!!!!!!!!!
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Erasmus Cain "Affordable" Justice







RP/World From:

Old RP I GM'd for a couple of friends back in the day, slightly based off of one piece.


(Ignore picture's clothing)

Erasmus can be counted into the upper layer of a crowd, standing at six feet five. His thin build tricks the eye, hiding the sinewy muscles that lie beneath his clothes. His sharp chin is cleanly shaved and he barely has a beard growth to begin with. His ears are left untouched by the short undercut he insists on styling every morning through sweeping the white wavy hair atop his head to the backwards, yet that doesn't keep it from standing more or less straight up. He moves with confidence, yet enough swiftness and agility to weave through most terrain, leaving it undisturbed behind him. His high cheekbones portrude just beneath his constantly open and observant bourbon-brown eyes, and lead up to his small, wrinkle-free forehead.

He usually dons a bright grey vest over a white shirt, along with a pair of white pants supposedly so that he can see every drop of blood that he manages to spill. This bad habit has costed him plenty a beli so far, but he shows no sign of giving it up. His two white Katana hang fashionably off of his left side, connected to his thick white belt. He has a long white piece of cloth tied around his right wrist that he ties around his head to keep the hair out of his eyes when he fights. He's rarely seen with a small red scarf, that he's very split about whether it fits with his outfit or not. Should it happen to be cold outside, the regular suit vest that covers his torso is simply replaced with a padded vest, a larger red scarf is applied constantly, and perhaps he puts a hat on, but don't count on it.


Once upon a time, Erasmus was a spry young boy who worked as a servant for the rich noblemen of his home island... and his personality hasn't changed too drastically since then. Between his lust for adventure and his past within the circus boat of Yellow Yoru, Erasmus has an unkempt energetic side of himself, that often shows it's head and causes him to spontaneously climb the mast, or something along those lines.

He's got a very flirty side as well, and almost always refers to women as "Cutie", "Darling", "Dear", "Sugar", and the list goes on... He used to hit on anything that moved in his past, but after realizing that most of the girls he talked to were annoyed to no end with it, he slowly settled down in that manner, yet still uses the nicknames as a sort of bad habit. He's pragmatic enough to avoid using this in situations where it might lead to inconveniences, even though if presented with a situation where he's supposedly bound to die, he would be very cocky and offensive.

Erasmus, though it's calmed somewhat in the past two years, has an enormous ego. He believes that he is beautiful, and that anyone who would reject him clearly are out of their mind, and/or has an incredibly bad taste in people. Due to this enormous ego, he seldom reacts with anger, but instead automatically assumes that the other person has no clue about what they're doing, and that he should correct them. The fact that he's been told and is aware of this, along with the bridling methods of teaching loyalty and discipline brought to him at a young age, still means that he respects authority. However, his sense of authority may vary, since he is first and foremost a bounty hunter, and is technically self-employed.


The world of Tresteroth is covered in oceans and islands with very different biomes and natural resources. Magic isn't used as a primary weapon type, but is instead usually used alongside regular weaponry. Adventurers, pirates, marines, and bounty hunters are regularly found out to sea. This is the world that Erasmus originates from, on his small island of Cajuun.

The rich nobles of Isle Cajuun often select random newborns from the public to be raised in their large castles and become the perfect servants. Amongst this select few, were Erasmus. The process of kidnapping babies to become royal servants in Cajuun is publicly accepted, and seen as more of an honour than a punishment of any kind, but due to this Erasmus was never able to meet his biological parents. He spent the first period of his life within the large manors and small castles that belonged to the great noble ones, polishing silverware, screwing in light bulbs, cleaning all sorts of surfaces, presenting fancy meals, buying new furniture, looking after the nobles' pets, handling guests and sometimes hunting exotic beasts with a few of the nobles with such interests. The hunting was probably the only reason he made it through the dull days of a servant. Don't misunderstand, he didn't dislike being a servant, he still saw it as a privilege and an honour, but some days... He just wished he could go outside for longer. He wished that he could fall asleep in the grass under one of those large oak trees. He wished he could go to the sea and smell the salty air.

So he did. One day, just after he turned 11, he ran away. Servants trying to escape was not a usual thing in Cajuun, despite them technically being slaves and getting paid nothing, the culture was that you were dealt the cards in life that you should use, and fighting your destiny was synonymous to betraying your entire bloodline. He didn't want to disappoint the family he'd never gotten a chance to know, and he didn't want to actually run away from Cajuun, it just kind of happened.

As he sat on the shore, next to the small town about a mile away from the rich estate, a stout woman approached him and sat down by him on the beach. Something about the way that she moved, something about the way that she smiled, something about her plump shape and the way that she talked told Erasmus that she wasn't there to hurt or return him to the estates. They looked out over the ocean together for a while, and the woman revealed to him that she was the captain of a ship. She told him the craziest stories of what she'd seen out there, of the treasures she made by managing her own circus, and of the freedom of a sailor's life. After an evening of watching the sunset and hearing the most amazing stories he'd ever heard, Erasmus got tired, and decided that it was about time that he'd head back to the estate, hoping that they'd take him back, and that's when she offered him to join her.

"Yellow Yoru's Jolly Circus." That's what it was called. He was very tempted, and Yoru convinced him to at least come meet the crew, which he agreed upon. The members of the Circus were all kind people, and didn't show a hint of aggression towards him, but instead immediately accepted him, and shared their short stories about wonderous things as well. In the end, Erasmus' years of brainwashing made him decline the offer, and he stood at the pier as they took off. When the ship was just beneath him, Yoru finally shouted "It's not too late to come with us, you know!". Erasmus stood there in tears, not sure what to do anymore. Do what he'd been convinced he should be doing for his entire life, or do what he really felt like? As he stood there, he heard voices behind him, and recognized the faces of his fellow servants, along with one of the lower nobles. They saw the situation, and quickly shouted to him "It's not too late! We'll still accept you back! Don't do anything you'll regret!". It was the hardest decision of his life, but he is still happy with the choice he made. He jumped of the pier, and fell down only to be caught by strong hands on the ship's deck. Yoru picked him up and hugged him, telling him that she would make sure he'd never have to regret his decision.

Life aboard the Jolly Circus wasn't exactly all it was promised to be, but very close. He hadn't realized at first that he was expected to carry his own weight and help out in the circus somehow, but he wasn't a stranger to hard work and under the supervision of the members of the circus he turned out to become a great acrobat. The years passed and he had the time of his life, travelling the world and making people happy, but when he turned 15 things grew sour. Yoru's obesity was catching up with her age, and into the very end she refused to do anything about it. If she was going to be the fat lady, she was going to be the fat lady, and she was riding that ship until it sank. She perished, that spring. Erasmus grew quite depressed for a while. He almost thought of her as his own mother. It didn't help that most of the crew disbanded after she went under, and that the circus was more or less in ruins.

One of the crew members who stayed was an ex-marine, who'd left the marines due to personal reasons. He managed to slowly convince and poison the minds of the formerly honourable circus members, turning them into a band of pirates. Erasmus, due to his current existential crisis, allowed himself to get swayed by the convincing voices around him, and was trained in combat, simply because the crew member who'd now grown to become the captain of their marry little pirate band claimed he saw promise in the boy. Erasmus didn't reject the additional training of course, since it still kept him from the battlefield where he really didn't want to be. He wasn't afraid to draw a little blood, he just didn't want to injure anyone innocent.

Once he grew up a little, and got past his depressions, Erasmus realized how bullshit this was. He tried to stand up for himself, holding a brief speech on deck about how they'd strayed from their original idea, but was disappointed to find out that what was left of his former comrades had been flushed away with the wave of blood they'd caused. He was thrown into a cell of the ship and in this room of solitude he sat alone without food for two days, until he heard the sounds of a battle outside. As a matter of fact, it woke him up from the slumber that might've been his last. He sat up in on the floor just in time to hear the sounds of battle dying down, afraid that his vision of the greatest people in the world had finished slaughtering the inhabitants of another civil ship. What happened next wasn't what he'd ever thought though.

Two men kicked open the door leading down to his small cell and slowly walking down the stairs, all the while joking about how easy it was to kill those lousy pirates, and how they hoped there would be a few escort girls in their dungeon. Needless to say, they were pretty disappointed by the starved boy who sat in the corner of the cell. One of them loudly spewed a bit of profanity and kicked the bars hard, causing Erasmus to recoil. They ended up dragging him out of the cell and up onto deck, where he was deemed weak and pointless. They beat him for a while, and then proceeded to throw him off the ship, assuming that he wouldn't have the strength to survive.

Little to their knowledge, Erasmus was an excellent swimmer. If by chance or divine intervention, the battle hadn't been far from shore either. He took a deep breath before diving beneath the surface, escaping the rain of bullets that followed him into the depths. He managed to pull himself onto the shore and crawled into the forest, hiding amongst the green bushes from the dangerous searchlights. His escape proved to have been successful, he realized as he woke up in broad daylight, not even remembering when he'd fallen asleep. He managed to scrounge together a rather boring meal of fruits that tasted better than the most luxurious dishes to the starved boy.

The was a small village on the island, where the people lived in peace with nature. Their calm demeanours and warm hospitality was very welcome with him, and he managed to get his strength back shortly. Even a small village like this one wasn't entirely self sufficient however, and there was a trader who'd set up a makeshift port on one side of the island, where a merchant's ship came by once every month. In exchange for doing some pretty messy jobs aboard the ship, Erasmus managed to get a ride off the island to the closest large inhabited island. Erasmus was only 16 at this point, and was utterly lost on what to do when he came to the city. He couldn't start a job as a servant anywhere the way he looked now, and he couldn't start a circus with himself as the only number, so he ended up using the only skill he had left. Fighting.

Now, it was more by chance than an actual decision. He soon realized that he had no money and that the easiest way he could see to get more money was to collect bounties, and the island had no lack of criminals. It turned out that a trained body and a bare grasp on how to fight made bounty collecting very simple on a low level. Erasmus made more than a living off of it, and got better and more secure about it by the day. He eventually invented his own little way of fighting with a gun and a katana at the same time, and started travelling beyond the island to collect bounties. For 5 more years he kept this up, growing up to be a very confident guy as he'd never even faced anyone close to being able to hurt him.

One day, as he was sitting on the pier of the city that had now become his home, he remembered that day with Yoru. He still remembered the stories she had told him, and that's when it hit him. In these ten years of adventures, he hadn't once experienced anything as amazing as the things she had described. He jumped up from his seat on the pier and immediately started going through the different options he had. He wasn't a half-bad warrior, getting recruited by someone shouldn't be that hard. Becoming a pirate was out of the question. He remembered what the last months aboard the Jolly Circus had been like, and he never wanted to go back to that. He was pretty sure he had to apply to become a marine at a much younger age, and to be honest, he didn't want to be a marine.

Battle Strengths:

Erasmus is mostly a 1v1 fighter. His fighting styles are not made for apprehending multiple targets at once, but he has a lot of techniques made for fighting single targets and unleashing concentrated power. He excels in regular sword to sword melee, but has a few runes engraved on his arms to boost his magical capabilities. He's able to fire weak elemental projectiles, create weak shields, and boost his regular fighting slightly, either through boosting his strength or adding magical effects to his attacks.

Battle Weaknesses:

Pit Erasmus against more than five opponents and he will get quite confused, and even with five his focus is spread thin. Though his magic is definitely strong enough to be lethal, he isn't very great with it. He can control it well, but if he was attacked with a greater magical attack, there isn't much he can do about it.

Special Abilities:

Erasmus' magic works mainly from the runes carved into his arms, but he can conjure magical abilities that aren't represented by the runes. The runes themselves are alchemical symbols, and boost the power of certain spells, or if they are unusually powerful, an entire element. The negative side of the runes are that his magic has permanently been limited to a certain range around him, depending on the spell he uses. Instead of automatically disappearing after a certain distance is reached however, the magic fades away and is reduced in power the farther it gets from him.

The largest rune is one on the top of Erasmus' right hand, a square with the power of fire. It allows Erasmus to send off fireballs, enchant his sword with fire, create a fire tornado around himself, or anything else you can imagine.
Just above this mark on his right hand, there's another rune, which looks like a smaller triangle of the same type that's connected to the larger one, and has a cross in it. This smaller rune is a boost specifically for the fireballs, and together they allow him to shoot fireballs up to 50 meters around him before they completely fade, though at that point they're barely dangerous.

The second largest rune is on his chest. It's a large cross with a spiral through the center of it. It allows him to reinforce his body, or things in close proximity to it. It's either used to increase the damage of his physical hand to hand hits, increase the durability of his weapons, or defend himself against incoming attacks. It looks like this.

He's got other smaller runes all around, but to avoid more OPness, I will only have them there for the looks.

Other than the magic, a rather usual ability to have in the original universe of the character was to send slashes farther than the weapons themselves reached. That is, to say, that Erasmus is able to attack with his sword, and hit something up to 20m away.


"Lotus" Katana

While being named "Lotus" this katana his little to no special qualities. It's a rather sturdy katana made completely of a white metal. Erasmus spent money on getting this katana just to have a weapon that matched the rest of his outfit. He couldn't go around with a regular grey hunk of metal, as that would "cramp his style".

"Silver" Katana

"Silver" is a weapon looted from one of the first few bounties that Erasmus had collected. It's a katana like any other, but in the hilt, aimed up adjacent to the blade, there used to be bullet barrels. It had a trigger just beneath the guard that would send bullets wherever the blade was pointing, but unfortunately it was broken and then removed during one of Erasmus' later battles. It's referred to as silver because the weapon itself almost looks like it's silver, but it is in fact a much more combat efficient and cheaper metal.

Interests and Fears:

A small dream of Erasmus' is to get set for life during his adventures, so that he can retire and become a big game hunter.

While he's content with his own way of living as a free man, deep down Erasmus wouldn't mind become the personal bodyguard of a noble, or something like that.

Despite having spent most of his life on the sea, Erasmus has an irrational fear of the oceans and deep water most of the time.



Height: 6'5''

Weight: 185lbs

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Character Race: Human

Date of Birth: 14/5

Character Sign: Taurus

Commonly Associated Numbers: 999

Commonly Associated Color: White

Associated Animal: Release Pigeon

Smells Like: Citrus

Favourite Type of Island: Warm Climate Archipelagos

Favourite Foods: Pasta. Any and all kinds.



(Anything wrong? Feel free to point it out.)
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-Penny Wilson




-Female in personality. Due to mutation, gender has slightly less meaning.


-Slime Mutant

RP/World From:



Due to her state as a slime based organism, her looks and density is a very malleable thing that does not exactly always make up who she is. Her entire body weight is usually regulated to around 120 lbs to keep the amount of slime produced down, and her height is a very petite 5'3". She is small in size regularly, but she has no qualms with

changing it to something horribly tall or muscular is she is made fun of, her insecurities playing on the fuel of spiteful or mocking words. Usually dressed in artificially made cloths, from her subconscious, that are always kept to be a lot more denser than Penny's entire body is, Penny does not really give much importance to cloths for a certain reason.

See, since Penny's body is made of a slime that only builds things according to Penny's will, she does not have a reproductive system, her mammaries also just a show since Penny can only remember that she had two lumps on her chest when she was human, for whatever reason. Her body green tinted, everything about her having some green in it, it should not be surprising that her eyes are a very bright green that sparkle. Due to the unstableness of he
r control, however, Penny's form can sometimes become nothing more than a puddle, or some muddled attempt at keeping her form, making her looked like a "walking" and "talking" monster.



-Shy and quiet, Penny doesn't really have all that much to say with other people. She enjoys watching people, giving her a reputation as "creepy" in other earlier school systems. Penny is also a problem-solver, but due to lack of people to solve problems for, will often ease drop on people's conversations and try to solve the conflict their having in her head. Not the best at stealth, this pastime has also helped in branding Penny as a "creep". Scared of social interaction, Penny really wants to have friends and tries the hardest she can to be social, managing to talk to small groups of three or four, but no amount of effort can stop her from locking up in fright at the mere thought of going to a place filled with countless strangers. Penny is also considerate of others feelings, almost dangerously so, and will usually put others before herself due to her own lack of self-worth.

Penny's mental ability with her Slime Physiology is quite complex when compared to the average person. Instead of a physical brain, Penny's intelligence and mental capabilities travel through the small electrical charges that run through her semi-solid body. This sometimes gives her a lapse in intelligence, while other times it will give her a small boost in observational clarity and mental processing speed for short times.

On the other hand, Penny is also a food lover, due to her physiology, and can never be satisfied. Having a very high metabolism, Penny's body craves food, especially ones with high acidic levels like lemons or actual sulfuric acid, and her mood depends on how her appetite is at the moment. This is extremely important when she is starving. When Penny is almost completely out of food, her bodily instincts kick into overdrive and release a persona called "Feast". "Feast" isn't a different personality, but rather, another part of Penny's own personality that only comes to head with certain stimuli.

"Feast" coming into the open is evident as Penny's skin loses it's light green tint and is replaced by an angry shade of red, along with her eyes and her hair. Due to her nerves being in a very active state, "Feast" has a genius level of Mental Processing and Observational skill. "Feast" doesn't deactivate, until ether Penny's body completely runs out of energy to keep form, or it fills up completely, which is a hardy task due to Penny's metabolism. "Feast", as a part of Penny, has the same likes and dislikes as her, but they are dulled in favor of it's designated job of consuming food.


--Volonil, a city known for its size and variety in sections and zones in which people can go about their day in, was struck by a horrible event that changed the lives of everyone within the vicinity of the town. In the night, a large explosion went off in the sky, prompting some militaristic action, but otherwise, no serious methods were used. That was true, however, until the sickness began to happen. Everyone, babies, old people, young people, most of them were getting sick on this disease, and it was killing them, destroying their bodies. Some people survived this sickness, and went about their daily lives, grateful the return of the mundane
lives they had gotten so desperate for. This was not meant to be. The survivors of the sickness began to have problems in social life, some huge, some minor, and these problems revolved around the actions of their new powers. The military looking for them for different reasons, some of these new mutants hid, in buildings or plain sight, while others fought back against their oppressors, using their powers for good or evil.

Originally a normal Freshman in the public school system of Volonil, Penny spent many days watching people go about their days, unable to join them in their conversations and events. Born as the middle child of a middle class family, Penny was often seen as the blight of her otherwise appreciated family. Her mother was a known participant in many charities that went on throughout the city and her father had many connections in the multitude of small businesses that were built throughout the city. Her little sister, Marcie, was known as a social butterfly, as well as a 'cutie' to everyone she met, while her brother, Andrew, was a sports lovers, participating in many sports, and even getting a few scholarships to Volonil University. However, amongst this perfect family, Penny struggled fitting in, and constantly felt like a fifth wheel on a truck, unneeded and unwanted.

When the explosion rang out above the city, Penny had been at a party her entire school was invited to. Well, she wasn't 'at' it per say, but she was spending her night across the street from it, hiding in a bush, trying to force confidence and go over to it. However, the explosion broke her will, and she spent the rest of her night crying herself to sleep. Her streak of misfortune stayed strong as she became one of the first to come down with the disease people were only beginning to think was dangerous.

Herself not knowing the deadliness of her disease, Penny was still kept from school by her parents, a blessing and a curse, and was subjected to a personal quarantine. No matter how many times they said differently, Penny knew her family subconsciously looked for ways to push her out of the picture, going so far as to overreact to the sickness and keep her locked up in her room, save for bathroom breaks and food deliveries. Even with the right precautions, the family was unable to keep themselves safe from the disease, as Marcie and Andrew quickly came down with the sickness as well, followed by Penny's mother.

Unknowing of if they would be safe, Penny woke up in the middle of the night, about a month after she had been afflicted with the disease, due to stress pains in her stomach. Used to the stress from her nervous tendencies, Penny went to the bathroom, where she would sit it out. However, after sitting down, Penny realized the pain was far worse than just Stress Cramps, and was unable to stop her body from quickly becoming less and less solid, and green.

With her now liquid and unstable disposition, Penny had also been unable to stop herself from being plunged into the toilet, where she had waited, her mind unconscious due to the change and the sudden arrival of water to her system. After much waiting, Marcie walked into the bathroom, and had flushed the toilet, still half-asleep, because of the weird texture of the toilet's water. Penny easily rushed through the piping and into the sewer system of Volonil, stopping up the toilet with the bits of her left behind.

Due to the rough changes of the transformation, and the interruption of so much water interfering with her now complex physiology, the electrical impulses attacking her fragile brain, when she awoke on the side of the sewer, her slime subconsciously drifting itself to any dry land it could find, all she could remember were "Ghosts' of the past, and that she was hungry.

Now, after months of surviving in the sewers on Rats and the occasional human, Penny has begun to regain her personality, as well as her moral and social restraints. She has also begun to have more control over her density and overall control of her body. However, with this new intelligence, comes with a sudden guilt ridden
state due to her actions towards the people she ate and is constantly battling the urge to consume more. She had just gotten finished with her last meal, this time a local food stand after finally escaping the sewer, when she was teleported.

Battle Strengths:

-Penny's physiology is very acidic and can break up and material, no matter the density, over a period of time. This broken up matter is reused to make herself even more acidic, creating a constant state of increased acidic levels. Penny cannot be killed, unless completely annihilated by something, leaving no trace. Even the tiniest portion of Penny can begin the process that will eventually give birth to her once more. Due to Penny's malleable state, she possesses the ability to reshape herself and portions of herself into many different things based around the amount of control she has at the moment. This also means she can create a level of dense muscle that can, at times, can rival even the most fit of adversaries. Her speed and strength are reliant on the amount of muscles she possesses. Penny, when being used by the "Feast" persona, is incredibly battle proportionate, and it very hard to kill due to the innate abilities of Penny and here skill at utilizing said abilities increase ten-fold.

Battle Weaknesses:

-The presence of water can severely hamper Penny's ability to control the density of her body, and it makes her overall control of all functions temper down into a more muddled state that can make many easily done things, ten times harder. Water also reacts negatively to her exposed electrical impulses and can cause great amounts of pain to her system. A lack of sustenance can cause Penny to lose control of her innate hunger and give bodily control to her more ravage and bloodthirsty side, labeled "Feast". This removes her ability to see right from wrong, and also differ enemies from allies, making any action she performs dangerous and destructive. Penny is unable to completely change her bodily state back to what it once was, nor is she able to make it completely solid, leaving her in a constant state of danger where she can lose control can become an puddle of green slime. As of now, Penny is able to control her body and speak regularly, but she has short relapses if frightened. Penny's acidic physiology does not affect glass or materials made of glass or diamond.

Special Abilities:

-Slime Mimicry: User's physiology made up completely of slime. With this physiology the user has many special abilities that come with it. Unless completely destroyed, leaving no slime behind, the user can regenerate back, the time it takes depending on their damage, and can also scatter in time of need, may it be escape from an unwelcome situation or a serious battle. Slime is also acidic in nature.

Also due to flexible build, user has invulnerability to most physical attacks, and can suppress pain when actually hit. Bodily make up also grants the capability of either increasing or decreasing slime density and energy use, the effect being increased strength, innate armor, slight size manipulation, and enhanced endurance.


-No equipment.

Interests and Fears:

-Enjoys reading books, or at least, subconsciously does.

-Is utterly terrified of Social Interaction, no matter how much she wants to be a part of it.

-Loves watching people and picking out their problems.

-Fears water, and any kind of liquid that could potentially harm her in the same way water does.


-As the amount of time Penny uses energy increases, her need for food rapidly increases as well. Due to her bodily instinct to consume, Penny can sometimes be swayed over to do otherwise unfavorable actions with the promise of food, and can be accidentally distracted from doing things when in the presence of edible things.

-After reforming, Penny is often afflicted by either bouts of "Feast-like" actions and strong cases of amnesia.

-Penny's control over her slime form is unstable and can spaz out at times, causing her ability to fight or stay useful is hindered.

-While "Feast" usually only comes out due to lack of sustenance, the persona can also come out if Penny is subjected to extreme stimuli, like a life or death fight.

-Penny really liked to read books as a normal human, and still has urges to even with her lack of memories.



Theme Song: [media]

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Right, largely things are looking fine all-round, though I'll be sending out PMs with some small critique at some point tonight (to those who need it; if you get no PM presume your character is fine :) ). One thing that everybody's neglected to do however is providing a brief explanation in the background section of the world your character has come from. Copy and pasted backgrounds are fine, but they come across as rather out of context and that little explanation will bring light to your character's story. Another, minor thing for those who haven't done so already, but height is one of the data catagories I collect in my database thingies, so if you haven't done so already, you might want to add your character's exact height (in feet) to the CS!

At least one of my characters should be up today and should hopefully exemplify exactly what I'm trying to say here for those who are potentially a little confused :)

Name: Skyre Eraldus

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human

RP/World From: The Isle of Valia, from 'Lords of the Magistone' (link: )

Appearance: Tall and thin (6'2'') the baby-faced Skyre looks far younger than he actually is; his face, smooth and well rounded, makes him looks like a teenager. His eyes, a beautiful piercing emerald, buck this usefulness however, and give him a sense of wiseness and authority. He has a long nose, sharp jaw bone and long mouth, and whilst he's hardly drop-dead gorgeous, he's also far from being Shrek's lookalike. His most notable feature, however, is his wild fiery hair, a bright ginger and styled to mimic a large flickering flame. This gravity defying hairstyle is seemingly without explanation.

His standard attire is a selection of earthy coloured wools, generally worn and torn from his travels and experiences. He wears a green cape/cloak over his top, and a sturdy pair of black boots that are good for travel and exploration. At his waist is a thin belt at which his sword is holstered. Physically, his frame is narrow, and he's not very muscular. He also carries a simplistic backpack in which he carries his survival equipment.

Personality: At his heart, Skyre is noble, just and caring. Intelligent, witty and cryptic, he prefers to keep to himself and remain enigmatic when he can. He takes almost everything at face value, and is always ready to forgive and forget, although this can lead to him being rash at times. However, his greatest downfall is that whilst he attempts to remain an enigma, he wears his emotions so much on his sleeve that it is so easy to tell what he'd thinking. He's a little too self-absorbed too, and can often get caught up in personal matters, prioritising them inadvertently over group matters, especially when romance is involved. Focused, and with an aura far beyond his years, he is calm, collected, and mature, though at times elements of his youth shine through. He's very hard on himself, but really he's a great guy and a great friend, and the kind of guy who'd go out of his way especially to help others.

A gifted leader, he is responcible beyond his years, although he's far too modest to realise that he is actually leading, instead somehow supposing every decision was group made. Not fussy in the slightest, he's the kind of guy who accepts things readily and doesn't ever seem to be picky ot moan. He can be vague in his declarations, and sometimes his sarcasm can be a little too harsh. Thoughtful and secretive, he struggles to show people real worthy emotion and make himself personable, and he has a habit of over-thinking issues and problems. However, although he fiercely rebukes himself for selfishness, he is fundamentally kind and friendly, and a genuinely nice person.

Background: Skyre was born and bred in the world of Valia, a desolate fantasy. Its people lived in relative harmony, making scientific headway into understand magic and it's sources, when the Shadow King, a powerful dark Mage, reeked havoc upon the kingdom. Assassinating the king, his Shadow Warriors ripped through the towns, massacring all in sight until only a scarce few survivors remained. One of these sole survivors, Skyre was in the midst of a desperate quest to avenge his fallen people when he found himself in the Snowglobe.

As for Skyre himself, his life was fairly uneventful until the apocalypse occurred. He grew up as a quiet, distant child in a rural town located in the far west of Valia. He dreamt all his life of learning wind magic, and so when he was of age, travelled off to the capital city of Aliak to study in the University of Wind Magic. He was in his final year of study when the apocalypse hit. Since then, he's been one month on the run of the Shadow King's forces.

Battle Strengths: Highly alert and perceptive, Skyre is quick-witted and tactical, a highly strategic fighter. He utilises his wind magic primarily to aide his mobility, and so he's pretty quick on his feet and evasive, and is a decent swordsman. He can also use his wind magic for magic based attacks.

Battle Weaknesses: In brute strength alone, he's not too strong, and the only reason he can wield his sword so well is because of how light it is. He's absolutely attrocious with any other weapon, and without his magic he's fairly lousy as a fighter. He can also be distracted by factors such as pain, emotions, and the need to play 'hero' and save others over himself.

Special Abilities: Skyre is a talented wind magician. In Valia, magic comes in the form of 'magic energy', a kind of invisible quantity dormant in the atmosphere. Each person stores up this energy naturally over time, but only trained magicians can learn how to release it and convert it to useful elemental magic. Each person has a capacity to their magic, however, and once they're out of magic energy, they can use magic no more.

Skyre didn't quite complete his education, but he is still quite the powerful magician. He has superb control of his magic, and creates little buffets of air to boost movement and hearing. He can also unleash blasts of wind and even fly/levitate for short periods of time. However, using too much magic in one go leaves him extremely drained.

Equipment: Skyre always carries his sword, 'Cloud'. Carved into the blade is a number of runic symbols, although these are purely for decoration and have no magical properties in the Valian world. Bizarrely, his blade has two sharp 'wings' that extend when he unsheathes it, making it more of a glorified trident in actuality as opposed to a sword.

In his pack, Skyre carries spare clothes, food supplies, sleeping equipment and a few magic potions, which give him a boost in magic energy.

Interests and Fears/Over:
Skyre is a huge lover of the outside world. He is constantly amazed by nature and its beauty, and can even feel a little claustrophobic inside sometimes. He is a pacifist usually, and only fights against creatures he know he has to defeat. Skyre's voice is one of his most defining qualities; deep and rich and lucious far beyond his years. This beautiful voice is a major contributor into his strong leadership skills. He is an avid musician, and plays a Valian woodwind instrument called a 'Herthuin'.

Timezone: GMT +0

So there you are. The first paragraph in the background section (Skyre really doesn't have a backgroun of importance :') ) is what I meant when I spoke of explaining the world of your character. There'll be more characters from me soon! In the mean time, as I said on the other post, I will 'like' your character when it is fully fine. Keep spreading the word!


Jeeves Blackbone aka the talking sword.


Hundreds...or was it thousands? No one knows exactly




Legend has it Jeeves was a human. Nobody knows for sure if the sword itself has his soul fused to it.

RP/World From:

Ringarok. A world ruled by magic and conflict between The Confederation and The Iron Pact. Both of the factions seek aid in battle from demon-like beings who have recently appeared on Ringarok. (A world from a 1x1 RP I came up with a friend some time ago. Not on this site.)


The sword itself looks like it's made of steel. Its handle is covered by quality leather and has a star ornament on the not-so pointy end. The sword glows a crimson red when it expects battle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/sword_PNG5525.png.6496b7f38b9416a951f74cef0c829f6c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35359" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/sword_PNG5525.png.6496b7f38b9416a951f74cef0c829f6c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Jeeves the human,as the legend goes, was not a very bright individual. He was very eager to get in fights as the old stories tell of the many bar fights he's been into. None won that is. His very stubborn nature made it so that the battles happened everytime he'd get better. Overall the sword caught many of Jeeves' attributes and quirks. One of them being that he has a big mouth, which might annoy and or frustrate the user of this mighty weapon.

The sword will most likely tell its wielder stories of Jeeve's great accomplishments and definitely the bar fights. In the most appropriate of moments Jeeves will start whistling,making bad jokes that are sometimes funny,but only by sheer luck or he will make remarks about its wielder.

Jeeves does not care about good or evil. All he cares about is his own situation. If his wielder doesn't take proper care the sword will either backfire or dull its blade to the point where a butter knife can cut better.


The old legends say that Jeeves was a blacksmith's first son. He was rash,reckless,stubborn,arrogant and ignorant. The young man fancied himself a fearsome warrior that would always get the ladies,either by flirty remarks and poorly written literature. One of his greatest accomplishments was killing a bear who was killing off villagers. He returned with the pelt of the bear. The old stories never really told of how the sword itself came to be. Some say an old wizard fused Jeeves' soul with the sword.

The world of Ringarok was based on a combination of multiple RPG titles. Mainly Azeroth and some brainstormed ideas from me and my friend.

Jeeves' world is one dominated by a great war between two factions. A major event happened recently involving demon-like beings coming to Ringarok and both waring factions try to hire the newcomers as mercenaries. A very powerful one joining the Iron Pact. At the time Jeeves' wielder was an arrogant orc.

Battle Strengths:

Though the sword cannot engage in battle by itself,its blade becomes progressively stronger with every kill. Some say that a part of the victim's soul remains in the sword,therefore slightly increasing its power. Others say it's the blood that tempers the blade as the sword constantly lusts for blood before a battle, Jeeves' average timbre lowering into a much more demonic one.

Battle Weaknesses:

Jeeves is highly dependant on the skill and battle knowledge of its wielder. Without him or her,he's just a talking sword...being able of doing nothing more than engaging in short talk and analyzing its environment.

Special Abilities:

Can double its power for a short duration,but it needs to cooldown after that. The cooldown consists of the sword's basic power is halved for a whole day,sometimes even dumbing down to a common sword, completely stripped of its power,except being able to talk and observe its surrounding. When paying attention,it can be a pretty good spotter and helper.


The leather around its handle and about 200 souls strapped to its enchanted steel.

Interests and Fears:

It likes when it's being impaled in the guts of enemies. Jeeves likes listening to flute music and hates being slashed at rats,spiders, giant worms and walls. The thing Jeeves fears the most is any human-being looking creatures smaller than 5 feet.


Jeeves' voice is surprisingly sweet and calming,but even so the way it uses it might frustrate some. It has a pretty thick scottish accent. The sword is a two-handed one weighing 10 lbs. and standing at 5 ft. itself



Theme Song: (optional)



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Galatea_crop.jpg.b453cac09daea58db282a307aa965634.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Galatea_crop.jpg.b453cac09daea58db282a307aa965634.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Galatea

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Human

RP/World: Rebirth - Rise from Discord

Stats: 5' 8" tall, 135#

Element: Air

Battle Strengths:

Very proficient with longbow

Stealthy in natural surrounding

Performs best as a skirmisher

Battle Weaknesses:

Heightened accuracy is countered with reduced damage

Never aims to kill an enemy

Unable to withstand significant injury

Appearance: (see pic) Galatea is a mid-sized brunette who prefers to wear modest, earth-tone colored clothes which allow her to move freely. Galatea's green/grey mottled cloak is her signature apparel item and is dutifully used for camouflage. Soft, leather, mid-calf boots help her stealthy strides.

Soft, brown eyes compliment her features which are average at best. Her tanned skin is the result of many long hours/days spent in the wilderness. Although not fastidious, Galatea keeps herself neat and clean despite living much of her life away from the comforts of civilized society.

Personality: Galatea is a very open and innocent girl. Her upbringing in deep seclusion was a lonely one, and when she is around other (or even new) people, she is extroverted and oft times excitable. She loves all living things, regardless of their morality, and naively believes that everyone deserves as many second (third, fifteenth, whatever) chances as they need to be good and decent.

Galatea is not quick to judge and rarely ever throws the first punch. She prefers to view altercations from a far so as to understand as many parts to the argument before she tries to get all parties involved to make compromises. She is not known to carry a grudge; Tanaka does that for her.

Galatea never lies. She views deceptions in this way to be indecent and counter to the pureness of nature.

Background: Galatea's talent with air was recognized when she was a toddler. Her parents were afraid of her because she had no control over her element at such a young age. When word of her ability leaked out, a man visited the house and convinced Galatea's parents that it would be safer for her to be reared with those who knew how to handle her. They agreed and thus Galatea was raised by a foster family in a far rural areas.

Being so far removed from most civilization, Galatea grew and learned how to control her ability to manipluate her element. She was taught about the elemental king and how important it was for her to acquiesce to society's acceptance of their overlord and how dangerous it would be for her if anyone found out about her talent. Thus, Galatea lived much of her life in seclusion from anyone other than her foster parents.

As a teenager, oft times Galatea would roam the vast openness of the region around her home. She learned how to us a longbow and with incessant practice became extraordinarily good with the weapon at a young age. At fifteen, she encountered a wolf which had been injured from a fall into a deep crevasse. Galatea used her control of the air to lift the wolf from the depths of its plight. With her air talent, she carried the wolf home where she tended to him and nursed him back to health. She named him Tanaka, and they have been virtually inseparable ever since his rescue.

On her eighteenth birthday, the same man that had brought Galatea to her foster parents arrived at their home. He related stories of the perceived threat that she and others of her kind had on the elemental king and how the king's forces were scouring the lands with orders to seek them out and slay them. Directions given, the man instructed Galatea to flee to the last, hidden elemental shrine where she would meet these others who had elemental talents. It was his hope that together, the six with elemental talents would find a way to dethrone the king.

It is during this trip to the shrine that Galatea becomes disoriented in her travels and lost during a freak, unnatural blizzard that eventually brings her to the SnowGlobe (I was going to address this in her opening post).

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Tanaka.jpg.d558a4f903cd1a7d8810e51374c46ebd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Tanaka.jpg.d558a4f903cd1a7d8810e51374c46ebd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Other: Wolf companion (Tanaka) – Galatea and Tanaka have a mutually beneficial relationship. The wolf is still a free spirit and Galatea would never restrain him; however, he respects her and will usually listen to her commands. Tanaka is fiercely protective of Galatea, a result of their bonding when she nursed him back to health. Their companionship is so tight that Galatea seems to believe that she can understand Tanaka simply by the ways in which he looks at her.

TimeZone: USA EST (GMT -5)



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Iris "Scarlet" Leornes






Mutated Human Champion/ Neko

RP/World From:

Arcadia - and Glory


Height: 5'6" Weight 130lbs

Large emerald green with gold flecks around the Iris, crimson hair cut short around her neck in layers, long slender well tones body crimson cat ears, slender tail, claws on her hands and feet, teeth are sharper, slightly tanned skin with dark tiger striping along most of her body. She is usually wearing a black skin tight suit which expands for when she is in her alternate form. Metal gauntlets which extend over her fingers, hands and forearms. Her boots are black and silver and reach up just below her knee. She has a tracking collar around her neck and no peircings


Iris is a generally energetic, fun loving and a bit violent. She has difficulty concentrating at times and her mind is always rushing through thoughts as such she can be very disorganized and insensitive. She is very affectionate and excitable always up for anything she deems fun. Some of her feline mutation does seep into her personality mostly in the way she reacts to things, hissing, meowing and growling. She will purr on occasion when happy or really comfortable. She likes to make friends and doesn't mind the attention gained from being a Champion of Arcadia.

When in combat her hyperactive nature shows more as she rarely stops moving. Her ususaly tactic is to be above her targets and drop down on them. When that doesn't work she will simply attack aggressively and with no remorse. Iris is very dependent on her partner Roy, using him as a focus point for when her thoughts start to overwhelm her. While under the effects of Nectar she becomes much more feral and has only objectives hunting, killing and protecting Roy.

Attitudes: Affectionate, Childish, Insensitive, Determined, Cheerful, Dependent

Attributes: Alert, Excitable, Disorganized, Resourceful, Trustworthy

Social Traits: Affectionate family upbringing, Previous success with in the family, psychological problems with in the family

Skills: Graceful, Problem-solving, Lack of time-management and negotiating

























  • Mental Stability

    Preexisting Conditions: ADHD

    Nectar Side Effects: Restlessness, twitching, increased heart rated and blood pressure, delusional

    Current Symptoms: Insomnia, muscle twitching, visual hallucinations, paranoia

    Severity: Insomnia- mild, muscle twitching- mild, visual hallucinations- moderate, paranoia- mild


Iris grew up in a world were most of humanity is dead or mutated to have some sort of ability or power. Not only have the humans mutated but so have the animals. Decades have passed and better methods of defeating monsters have been discovered. By researching the human mutations a serum has been developed, one that has allowed people to surpass natural limitations and use their powers nearly unrestricted. The name of the serum called Nectar, it would be known on the street as "Line", due to the glowing lines that would appear on the users skin, created by the neon glow of their arteries and veins. Slaying monsters became easier, to the point where it has now become a very popular sport.

Iris came from a very affectionate medium class family who did well for them selves. Her father was part of the police force and her mother a teacher. While growing up she was always a bundle of energy and had trouble concentrating. School bored here and she wasn't much of a fan with reading. She excelled in athletics so she was signed up for various after school sports; doing best in track and field. She looked up to her father very much and admired him for his strength, focus and heroism he showed while at work. When ever she got a chance would plead to go to work with him, which more often than not resulted in a no. Despite the lack of discipline she did put her all into trying to become just like her father. Unfortunately her lack of an attention span and inability to sit still proved to be too much of a challenge for work where patients and forethought were key.

Around the age of ten is when Iris realized there was something else she could do that was almost like her father only didn't requite quite as much tact and patience. Champion hunts had never been a popular thing to watch in her house. Her parents appreciated the safety the Champions brought but not so much the manner in which it was done and the use of Nectar was never something that sat well with her father. This was because he had to deal with the dealers who obtained the drug and tried to sell it on the street. Iris saw her first hunt at a friends house and became excited at the idea of being able to hunt monsters and be famous for it.

Iris trained as hard as she could to make sure she passed the entrance exams for the academy. She passed the physical and mental portion of the exam but struggled on the academical portion. She studied day and night for weeks to make sure she was ready. When the day of the exam came she was nearly a nervous wreck. She took the test but left feeling defeated after struggling through the exam. Iris stayed in her depressive slump until her results arrived. To her surprise she passed all three parts of the exam, the academics just barely but it was still a pass.

Iris spent the next five years living her dream, training and studying to become a full fledged Champion. When she was introduced to Nectar she was hesitant at first with how her father had spoke about it. She met Royce Medellin who also didn't want to use Nectar and they became odd but fast friends. She trained and tried to fight with out the use of it. She managed two years before feeling her self starting to be left behind by everyone else. It wasn't until she was severely injuries while fighting against a monster that she caved and started using Nectar.

The rush of power and euphoria was immediately addicting for the girl and she started to excel in her training once more. The only issue was the fact that her body metabolized the Nectar quickly leading her to take more than the normal dose. She would have easily fallen into addiction if not for the support and example provided by Roy. Iris finally graduated from the academy, a little worse for her mental state but balanced out by her friend and new team mate Roy. The two helped and covered each other during hunts.

Battle Strengths:

Very good with close combat, relying on heighten senses, acrobatics and speed. She is very feral while in battle and attacks with no mercy. Shes has extensive training with close combat styles though most of it revolves around using her claws to strike at vital points. Her favorite method is using stealth to surprise and catch her enemies off guard.

Battle Weaknesses:

Has no ranged combat ability, with out nectar her ability to deal damage is severely decreased. While on Nectar she can be unreasonable and very feral. May attack ally if they pose a threat. When the nectar wears out she is severely dehydrated and starved of nutrient.

Special Abilities:

Primary Power:

Cat Physiology - Overall her strength, balance and flexibility are enhanced, Her hearing is more sensitive and she can see in dim lighting perfectly fine. She has fairly tough claws on her hands and feet, all of her teeth are sharpened.

(No Nectar): With out Nectar Iris's enhancements are very slight. Her strength only slightly improved upon but the most she could do is crack a 2ft thick wall of concrete. Her sense are slightly enhanced most her eye sight and hearing. (With Nectar): Iris's overall size increases as she appears more tiger than human, doubles her size and strength. Very easily distracted, grabbing her tail will cause a severe lost of balance, metabolism burns much quicker in this form metabolizing the dug much faster.

Secondary Power:

Enhanced Speed: Physical speed and reaction time is increased. She runs faster when on all fours. She can only reach up to a top speed of 75 miles/ hour. She can only run at her top speed in short bursts before she is exhausted.


>Suit: The suit protects again blunt trauma and slicing damage if it is just a glance however will not protect fully from a deep cut or piercing attack. The suit can be programmed with one of 5 presets to blend in with the environment (Forest, snow, rocky, dessert, dark/night).

>Impact Absorbent boots: Absorb and protect against blunt impact. The bottom of the boots have some spikes which allow for better traction when running

>Shock Gauntlets: Slightly armored gloves which absorbs kinetic energy to convert and store it as electricity to then be discharged at will. Interlocking blades lay over the fingers reaching out past the tip to form 4 inch daggers. The blades are extremely sharp. Back up weapons include several daggers With in the fore arm guard of the gauntlet on her left arm is an infusion system for Nectar.

>Collar: Can monitor her vitals and the amount of Nectar in her system, also has a speaker and mic function to communicate.

Interests and Fears:

Interests: Sleeping, Hunting, Stalking her team mate (Roy), Singing, training, climbing trees

Fears: Overdosing/ using too much nectar, being by herself, getting lost on her own.



Eastern Standard Time

Theme Song: (optional)
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Katrine "Kat" Doyle







RP/World From:

Yet another old RP of mine entitled "White Bulwark",which is a different timeline of the real world. I'll explain more in "Background"


Kat no longer has a left arm. Due to an incident her arm has been replaced by a prosthetic not so long ago with one she built herself. She wears peculiar looking pants ,a black tank top and enchanced hyper carbon boots. Katrine is slightly muscular,but can be feminine whenever she wants. She sports a piercing on her left eyebrow. One more major thing about her appearance is a high-tech bionic eye. More details about her enchancements in the "Equipment" and "Battle" tabs.

She has a tattoo of multiple brass cogs on the left side of her abdomen going towards her back.

Katrine also used to have eyes of djfferent colors,her left eye being dark brown and her right eye being dark blue. Since she now has an artificial eye,its iris has been painted dark blue to match the color of the old eye.

Katrine is exactly 6 feet tall and weighs 165 lbs.


(Yay colors!)


Kat can sometimes be hyper-active and even impulsive. Her mentality revolves around taking action against power-abuse and the like. While not exactly fancying herself as a leader,she can raise the morale very well and drive small groups to discipline when panic ensues. Katrine is optimistic in nature and keeps an open mind most of the time. While definitely trying to do the right thing she might overlook subtle details and when really motivated she will ignore a change of plans.

When calm she is rational and will not rush to judge things. If she is extremely angry Katrine will be reckless and will engage in combat with what she sees as an enemy or simply anyone that stands in her immediate vicinity. When extremely happy she will easily trust friendly looking creatures and be playful and sometimes even more than friendly with people she trusts well enough.


Katrine Doyle takes part in a rebellious movement against the corruption going on in her country. The world behind White Bulwark is mainly an alternative timeline of our universe. The difference is that the RPs universe is very technologically advanced to the point of every building being able to levitate and move around like a giant vehicle capable of sustaining life for a large amount of time.

Kat is an agent of The White Bulwark, a multi-national revolutionary organization that tries to keep corruption and power-abusing authorities under control.

She was born in Old England, the equivalent of our England to an engineer and a scientist. Her father was an engineer that specialized in light metals and machines,while her mother was a scientist researching sound and how it affects the environment.

As a child she was always interested in her mother's work a little more so than her father. Nevertheless Kat learned from both of her parents. One major accident in her teenage years left her without a left arm. The limb had been severed completely by a malfunctioning vintage cutter. She has since engineered herself a prostethic arm capable of projecting bass. Yes,bass. The thing that comes from a sub-woofer.

Battle and Abilities:

A moderate combination of agility and strength describe Kat almost perfectly.

Her prostethic limb is capable of creating short-range shockwaves that can destroy weak structures,but anything stronger than thick wood cannot be pierced.

On the other hand...(pun intended) Kat has a power gauntlet customized to the point where it can play songs and yet again...project bass. This monster of a gauntlet is powered by soft light cores which can overheat pretty fast in normal temperature if overused. The cores power the gauntlet only and not the song playing features,meaning that those use a battery strapped to the gauntlet.

The power gauntlet also known as the power fist is capable of breaking through concrete,but not anything stronger. Depending on the thickness of the concrete several hits may be needed. Since she has added several other features to the gauntlet such as short-to-medium range shockwaves that are controlled mainly by the melody itself and light ray projecting,which is a precise short-range laser and sound projecting,the machine can overheat very rapidly. That can melt the cores and render the power fist unable to do more than play songs. The gauntlet is powered by 4 individual cores. If one of the core is neutralized the others will increasingly heat up until melting point.

Her boots also absorb shock which means that if Katrine lands on her feet, a part of the shock is reduced.

One more thing to note is her eye,which can lock on to targets, detect threats and has zoom-in optics,which can make Kat dizzy if she doesn't close her left eye. It cannot detect magic or the likes, but can let her see in the dark for a short duration. Has a built-in recorder that sends video footage to the gauntlet. Kat is an adept of boxing.

She has no long range abilities.


High-tech Power Gauntlet

-The shock-waves it emits are perfectly synced with the songs in Katrine's extensive playlist.

-Has a high-powered short range laser beam. Can cut through dense materials.

-Can punch through materials as strong as concrete.

-Other features than the shock-wave and punching will rapidly overheat it.

-Is powered by 4 Soft-Light cores. If near melting point they will be exposed in the cooldown status. While in cooldown no abilities other than the sound player can be used (it basically becomes a huge mp3 player).

-Can be dettached from Katrine's arm and disassemblied for compact storage.

Enchanced Eye

-Has improved night-vision.

-Can lock-on to targets between 2 to 20 feet.

-Has a video recorder that sends footage to a memory card inside the gauntlet.

-Has high quality 16x zoom-in optics.

-Each feature consumes energy and can be combined with two more features.

-If energy is low it can't do anything more than just provide Kat with vision.

-Has a recharger that slowly restores energy.

Hyper Carbon Boots

-Absorbs shock from short to medium falls.

-Are incredibly comfortable.

Two Clip-on Bags

-They have powerful positive mini-magnets that are around as big as dust particles. Those clip to the even smaller negative ones in her clothing.

-One that clips to her wrist and one that is a backpack.

Prosthetic Limb.

-Can replace the gauntlet if it is unavailable. That means the hand will reposition its parts and transform into a small sound-cannon that creates shock-waves directly where the hand is pointed at.

-Shares data with the power gauntlet.

-Can turn into a sound cannon in 1.6 seconds.

Interests and Fears:

-She loves electronic music

-Hates the undead with a passion

-Is a very good engineer

-Cannot stand hypocrisy

-Fears being physically unable

-Loves good jokes


She has a britanic accent due to her roots in Old England. She has a sultry voice and a physical appearance to match. The hair on her haid grows quicker than average. That means that in two months she can have enough hair for a pony-tail.

Oh and she is an awesome dancer!

Timezone: EET GMT+2

Theme Song: (optional)


(Took me a while...skip to the 0:55 mark for something nice <3)
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Royce Medellin







RP/World From:

Arcadia - Blood and Glory


Five foot seven, one hundred and fifty pounds. Blue eyes, brown hair. His body build is light. He has two slashes from the claws of a bear, which are diagonal. One runs from the left collarbone down to the right rib-cage, and the other runs from the lower-left rib-cage to under the abdomen. There are also three scars on his face; one on each cheek, and one across his nose. He wears three bandages at all times to hide the scars on his face, because he considers them to be gross imperfections that make him hideous.


Roy can be summed up in a few words. The man is courageous, responsible, optimistic, calculated and completely selfless. His action is driven by emotion, he is certainly a risk taker and comes from a family with a low socio-economic standing. He tends to be somewhat personable, though withholds a natural distrust for most people. Roy is a stupendous communicator, a great teammate and either learns or knows how to solve most problems without much issue. He does have problems with self-confidence in terms of how he looks, as he considers himself to be ugly due to his scarring. The subject is rather touchy. When Roy gets angry, he trades in his rationality for the empowerment of blinding rage.


Roy was born to two parents, who were completely and utterly in love. Not married at the time, the two raised him out of wedlock for a number of years before getting enough money to tie the knot. Roy’s father was an inventor and his mother was disabled due to a car accident which had left her legs paralyzed, when Royce was only an infant. She was not able to work, so the family remained poor for quite some time. At birth, Royce was not expected to live past infancy.

When he reached five years old, his parents were told he would not live past ten. At fifteen, he was a smaller stature than most his age; something that rang true his whole life. Rather than letting it keep him down, Roy used it to his advantage. At least he was quick, and he had quite a knack for technology. In the middle of his teenage years, Roy’s father gifted him an exoskeleton – and passed down a sword that his grandfather had used to slay monsters. The teen immediately began training with the suit, which was when he learned that he had powers.

After prematurely engaging a monster with the exoskeleton and the sword he was gifted from his grandfather, anxiety and fear of death had saved him when it manifested in the form of an aura construct – yellow in color. Of course, it had only been discovered after his hyper-endurance power had been tested. The scars on Roy torso were from the fight with that same bear… Or, what once was a bear.

The boy trained in Arcadia, grew in Arcadia, and fights for Arcadia at twenty years old. He is pretty popular, and his parents no longer have to worry about money. He met his teammate, Iris, in his first year of attending Eximius.
Battle Strengths:

The champion is acrobatic, fast and skillful with his weapons. He is precise and accurate with his dealings. Roy can remain focused and on-task when he fights and has a wide scope of experience battling monsters of all sizes.

Battle Weaknesses:

Roy is known to act on his emotions from time to time. Without use of the nectar, his abilities are near-useless. The young man goes into a catastrophic breakdown if his partner is hurt or lost. Due to his smaller stature, he could be overpowered by much larger monsters or people relatively easy, causing him to stick to his speed and natural fighting skill.

Special Abilities:

Aura manipulation & Hyper-endurance.


Roy uses an exoskeleton which is powered by a system of hydraulics, which primarily deliver energy to each one of his limbs. The use of the exoskeleton allows a significant boost in both strength and speed. The exoskeleton starts from a small piece of technology that appears to be a small backpack. Out of that, the technology molds to the frame of the human body, from the head to the feet. It is not a suit in the traditional sense; it does not cover the entirety of Roy’s body. Just the outer-part of his limbs. The whole front part of his body is untouched. When Roy puts on his headphones, it effectively blocks out all sound; allowing him to focus more on his powers and manifest them with more ease. This is more common practice by muscle memory rather than done for useful means. The headset also works as a way to communicate with his teammate(s).

Interests and Fears:

Roy loves eating, loves Iris and tinkering with his technology. He likes being a leader, though will play the role of a follower if that is what is needed. Roy can get down with some good music, and enjoys being left alone by strangers. He fears that one day he will have to say goodbye to his partner-in-crime, fears people seeing his face without bandages and generally feels the drug which acts as the primary stimulant for his special ability. Roy is also disgusted by crabs.



Theme Song: (optional)


Aura Manipulation Explained

There are seven different auras, each with their own unique attributes and colors.
Red: Enhanced condition. Speed and strength at max efficiency achieved to the maximum point in which the body would allow it. Orange: Surfaces during moments of extreme emotion. It is a personal affliction more than anything else. Yellow: Aura generation (constructs), weapon infusion. Green: Healing. The bigger the problem, the longer it takes to heal. Massive trauma can result in the user going into a coma for an undetermined amount of time. Blue: Combat perception, enhanced intelligence. Indigo: Mental communication through touch. Violet: Aura reading, illusion awareness.
Kundalini is the trump card. All of the auras could be used at once, for an extremely limited amount of time (let's say, one post). It's triggered under moments of extreme trauma. Leaves the character in a coma, for two posts worth of time. Each time Kundalini is accessed, it causes extreme trauma to the body and significantly shortens the overall length of life. This would obviously only be used if escape seems impossible.

Hyper Endurance Explained

Overall, Royce takes a reduced amount of damage from normal actions which would usually hurt a person. He could still feel all the pain inflicted onto his body. When using the line, monsters actually hurt themselves when striking Royce with blunt force due to the increased density of his bones.






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Name:Jade Crocker a.k.a Jadey

Age:Sixteen Years Old


Species:Human with special abilities

RP/World From:From Homestuck by Andrew Hussie (Homestuck is a webcomic on about a game that brings a group of kids into a world beyond their wildest imaginations. They meet the Trolls, an alien race from a planet called Alternia and team up to take down a villainous cherub, who killed his sister and combined their jujus which enable the kids to transform into Tricksters.)

Appearance:Jadey has multiple appearances due to her abilities. Her basic look is easy enough to describe. She is 5'5 and is slightly over weight. She has baby cheeks and is often found blushing. She has a skin tone between ivory and olive and has bright cyan eyes that are shielded behind oval, wire rimmed glasses. She has short wavy black hair and often wears a long skirt with a tee-shirt and converse.


Personality: Jade is lively and likes to be a bit random. She cares about mostly everyone and is willing to do everything in her power to take care of those who cannot fend for themselves. As her 'normal' self, Jade has a hard time trying to say something if it's going to hurt someone's feelings but if she is pushed and prodded she will snap and unleash an endless tirade of fury upon whoever ticked her off. As a Trickster, Jade cannot keep her mouth shut and is dead set on making whatever male in close proximity to her, her husband. She doesn't know when to quit and can be terribly annoying for hours on end until the effects have worn off. When Jade is possessed however, she yields no emotions and will do only as ordered with no free will of her own. If the Batterwitch ordered it, she would kill her best friend and have to live with the repercussions after breaking free. As such, Jade harbors a deeply rooted self hatred.

Background: Jade lived in the Washington suburbs with her father before entering the Sburb Alpha session with her three best friends. They fought terrific battles together and spent a year dawdling until their ectobiological family showed up. But the minute they arrived, everything went to hell. Jade and her cousin were possessed by the Batterwitch and went on a rampage. Her friends were either captured or killed. There was a moment of freedom when Jade's cousin used her omnipotent special abilities to transport Jade away. Although she was no longer in the session, she is still under the Batterwitch's influence and constantly worries about the family and friends she was forced to leave behind.

Battle Strengths: Jade is good with wielding larger weapons, such as a pitchfork, giant fork that changes into a spoon or a giant lollipop.

Battle Weaknesses: Jade is absolutely terrible with hand to hand combat or ranged battle

Special Abilities: Jade is the Maid Of Life of her Sburb session and has the ability to revive the dead and heal. She can only revive a person once though so if they die again she can do nothing about it. As a Trickster, which she becomes after tasting the Cherubs' combined jujus (the giant green and red lollipop), she can turn threatening enemies or darkness into things that are not so threatening and light. Although once the Trickster effect wears off, she is left a shaky trembling mess and goes through severe sugar withdrawals. In her 'cursed' form, she is far more powerful, with the ability to damage objects with the wave of her hand. Although she still retains her Maid of Life abilities in this form, the same rules apply. Also when she is possessed she becomes robotic and unable to act on her own free will, only able to follow orders given to her by the Batterwitch.

Equipment: Jadey uses three weapons, depending on her form.

Interests and Fears: Jadey likes to bake and pretend to be a detective. She's afraid of letting down the pople she cares about and she also fears not being able to save them when the time comes. The Batterwitch is also one of her biggest fears because Jadey has no idea when she will take over Jadey's mind and put her on autopilot.

Other: Jadey very rarely swears instead using saying things like "Golly" or "Dang nabbit". She also laughs like so: Hoo Hoo Hoo.

Timezone: Eastern Time US & Canada

Theme Song:"Lies" Marina and the Diamonds
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Jonas Bail







RP/World From:





Extroverted, Intuitive, Intellectual, Observant


Jonas' father studied for a decade at the mystical heart of the world, K'un L'un in Asia. His father learned the art of magic, but after some time he decided to leave K'un L'un for the outside world. His father married and had Jonas. Jonas' father taught him about magic and how to control it, however, when Jonas was 11 his father disappeared. Now, Jonas makes money as a street magician, astounding people by simple feats. Now, Jonas "honors" his father by fighting crime as The Magician. He was awestruck when he met his first fan, but seeing s he's only met two since then the whole hero gig is starting to lost it's charm. Still, Jonas perseveres.

Battle Strengths:

Long range combat

Swarms of weak opponents

Battle Weaknesses:

Tank-like opponenets

Short Range Combat

Special Abilities:

Kinetic Shield

Kinetic Bolts

Attack Strength-( 75% chance of bad, 20% OK, 8% Good, 2% Perfect)- Determines Effectiveness

of spell.


Razor Sharp Cards

Interests and Fears:

Spiders (Fear)

Being Recognized as a Hero (Interest)


Like Rock Music



Theme Song:

I Need A hero (Bonnie Tyler)

Wile E. (Ethelbert) Coyote

Age: Unverified in canon

Gender: Male

Species: Carnivorous Vulgaris

Occupation: ACME Employee, Genius

RP/World From: Looney Toons, the southwestern US desert

A anthropomorphic coyote, whom to many I do not need to describe. Standing at about just over four feet tall, and covered in brown fur of varying shades, with a bushy tail and ears that are slightly drooped. His eyes, too, are tinted a slight yellowish, and he sports a lovely set of sharp teeth and claws. He is a creature that would stand out in a crowd, and from other coyotes. Life in the desert has not been easy on him, this being seen by his lean appearance.

Personality: How would you feel, being portrayed as a villain even though you are just trying to survive in a place with sparce food? So maybe he is a bit excessive, borderline fanatic perhaps. Hunger is the driving force behind Wile E., but the perhaps most notable point of his personality is that unbending determination to succeed. To try and try again despite the number of failures. An admirable trait, and let us not forget the depths of his creativity and the willpower and intelligence to put it into action. You think he is dumb? I would like to see you try to build some of those things in a moments notice, or master just by reading a single how to book once.

He is, however, an impatient coyote, ( perhaps a bit narcissistic, too) and despite his self proclaimed status as a "Super-Genius", has tendency to overlook the possible consequences of his actions. Particularly of the immediate variety, such as trying to run into a painting that he knew was a wall. Or become easily startled when in a state of focus. But this can not all be blamed on stupidity. The inferior wares that he uses and the struggle against inconsistent physics can wear on a guy.

Coming from the desert of the south western United States, Wile E. has spent a good portion of his life just trying to stay fed. The parched and rocky lands does not offer much to eat. Hunger is what he knows. And heat and rock and sand. Not to mention that never ending chase of that infernal Road Runner.

But the coyote was not the only of his kind, many other toons existed throughout, entertaining the masses with their looney antics at the Warner Bros. Studio. Helping people laugh even through such trying times as WWII and the Great Depression, and more. The toons quickly became a staple of Saturday mornings and beyond. Their legacy has lasted well over 80 years, passed down the generations where they are still beloved today.

The Toons have spanned across the world and time in their adventures, even going as far as completely destroying the fourth wall and entering into the three dimensional world that we call our own on several occasions. As well, the Toons have made strides in seeing that the next generation of toons know how continue their legacy through the education at ACME University, of which Wile E. has even volunteered hours to teach the aspiring Calamity Coyote.

Battle Strengths:
Fast, inventive, great resistance to death and pain, has experience with a vast variety of weapons and tools.

Battle Weaknesses: Bad Luck, most plans back fire somehow, frequently uses faulty equipment, gravity.

Special Abilities: Cartoon physics. (Where did that sign come from?)


ACME's Arsenal.


Interests and Fears: Catching the road runner / starving to death

Other: Though generally not much for communication, it is not hard to understand what he is thinking through his expressions, body language, and the occasional white picket sign. Because a talking coyote would would just be a little too unbelievable.

Timezone: EST

Theme Song:


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Name: The 7th Doctor (Referred to simply as 'Doctor')

Age: Unknown but at least 700, physically in his mid forties.

Gender: Male

Species: Time Lord

RP/World From: Galifrey, the 'Doctor Who' franchise.

360 × 480 -​

Appearance: In this incarnation, the Doctor appears as a short, plump, eccentric man of 5'6''. He is always clad in a cream blazer, dark checkered trousers held up by red braces, and a question mark encrusted yellow jumper over a shirt and red tie. He always wears a distant, whimsical expression, like a clown in deep thought, and less abstractly always wears a cream hat. He also carries around a black umbrella with a red question mark handle, of which he is particularly fond.

Personality: The Seventh Doctor shares the same integral traits as all of his other incarnations. He is highly intelligent, eccentric and just, strictly adhering to good morals and striving to displace injustices throughout the entire universe. Though he is a hero of sorts, he sees his adventures as mere travelling, though really he loves what he does. Quick-witted, brave and authoritative, he is intuitive and a strong leader.

This particular incarnation is perhaps one of the most enigmatic. On the surface, he is a peculiar buffoon equipped with an entire arsenal of eccentricities, and indeed a lot of his mannerisms (the wide expressions of his face, he light Scottish accent with particular over pronunciation) reflect this persona. Inquisitive and quiet, he politely enquires and cares over people, his short height and less dominant personality helping him to stand out less and have less natural authority. However, he does have some sort of weird power about him, for people find themselves following his plans and ideas hook-line-and-sinker almost every time!

This is because, underneath his tomfoolery, The 7th Doctor is actually a master manipulator who solve problems by moving others into place like playing a giant game of chess. He is reluctant to show his true motives, although his politeness and intelligence normally ward away any such suspicions. He always strives to do what is best, but sometimes losses must be made and people must suffer pain. At other times, he can become a little sullen and grouchy over dangers spiralling out of control, and can also get impatient and angry when things are completely chaotic. In the face of danger, however, he never truly loses his wits, and he often insults his enemies with jokes and quips, or instead emotionally manipulates them into making a mistake.

This Doctor has a rather unfortunate knack of getting himself into unflattering situations, and his clumsiness can sometime get him into trouble. Strange but likeable, the Doctor never flinches from the game of terror, and can even find moments to settle down and ponder deeper questions in the face of imminent doom.

Background: The Doctor is a Time Lord, a member of an elite alien species from the planet Galifrey, species of extremely high power and authority. Many Time Lord arrogant are of extreme value and have powerful supernatural consequences; like their name suggests, they created (or rather nurtured) time machines in which to travel anywhere in time and space, although they are standardly so pompous and on such a moral high-ground that they refuse to interfere in the matters of the outside world. This angered the Doctor, and so one night he decided to steal a TARDIS and flee.

After a spell of travelling with his Granddaughter Susan, he settled on Earth, the 1960's, until Susan's inquisitive teachers discovered that she lived in a junkyard, or rather more specifically, a time machine disguised a police box in a junkyard. This spurned the Doctor on to keep on travelling, and he has never stopped ever since. With various different companions, he journeys the dimensions fighting off evil.

The Doctor's actual history is relatively unknown. It is presumed that he had a family of sorts seeing as he has a Granddaughter, but he's never spoken about them. He also has a true name that he keeps a dear secret.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses: The Doctor is standardly a strict pacifist, and refuses to take part in violence of any sort. That said, he is very tactical, and with rather hypocritically allow others to fight for him as part of his master-plans. His strongest weapon is his tongue, and he can often talk himself out of positions of danger by reading his enemies and judging around that. He's also not the most physically fit in this form, and so his stamina is poor at best.

Special Abilities: Like all Timelords, he can regenerate if he is killed, regenerate into a new body, though it will not come to that here. He can transfer information and memories over to somebody by touching foreheads with them, and is also immune to the cold and to certain poisons and gases.

Equipment: The Doctor's most notable piece of equipment is his TARDIS. A time machine stuck in the form of a 1960's British police box, it can travel anywhere in time and space, and is also bigger on the inside than the outside (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space). However, it isn't taking very kindly to the impossibility of the Snowglobe, so is highly unpredictable and liable to explode or fail to function properly. Surprisingly, the Seventh Doctor actually lacks a lot of the tech of his other incarnations. His sonic screwdriver was destroyed in his fifth incarnation by the Tereleptils, and he never got around to rebuilding it (the psychic paper is also yet to come about). He instead prefers to use his wits or instead his resourceful pockets, which seem to hold an enormous amount of random stuff.

Interests and Fears: The Doctor loves to collect information and solve puzzles. He is not known to harbour any particular fears, though he is sensible enough to be able to judge something sinisterness and gauge a reaction appropriately.

Other: He rolls his r's when he speaks. Has a habit of likening things to trivial matters and also bringing very casual things into deep speeches, such as often reference toast of various different states. Knows a variety of different circus skills, such as playing the musical spoons and juggling.

Timezone: GMT +0

Theme Song: [media]

As for my other character, this will have to suffice, as I am going to be very busy for the rest of today. Woop!

Malikah Irkbaan Farah







RP/World From:

Surprisingly...yet another one of my own.

The Golden Domain of Menargond

She is from the deserts of Ruk'Maduh


Farah is a brown-skinned woman. She is 5"8' feet tall and weighing around 140 lbs,her overall appearance resembling a middle-eastern theme. Farah has two big curved swords which she keeps tied to opposite sides of her belt. Physically speaking she is quite attractive and fit,though on her back she has multiple scars made by nothing else than a whip. Farah is cursed to carry the burden of her old life as a slave. She has dark brown hair going down to her waist,tied at the very end. Her hazel eyes seem innocent,not revealing Farah's intentions.

Her armor consists of a brass breast plate,that ends 1 inch beneath the rib cage and chain-mail on her arms and hands. The belt resembles a beetle's head. She wears sturdy sandals as in the deserts,sand gets caught in boots and either destroys the boot from the inside or gives the wearer a wicked rash. On her shins,however she wears brass shin and knee guards inside a layer of fur from an interesting animal.



Farah seeks to eliminate slavery in the Ruk'Maduh deserts,her home. She is a very vindictive woman with a taste for slavers and noble blood. Her skills include manipulation,seduction and intimidation and when combined with her deadly twin-blades make her a fierce opponent. The years as a slave took her innocence away and mads her merciless towards slave-masters and nobles who take away the liberty of the less fortunate. Farah will never hesitate to end the lives of such people,but not paying them back with the same coin.

Farah,however, isn't heartless. She loves children and enjoys making and seeing them happy. She has made a promise to herself and the goddess of vengeance to never kill an innocent man,woman or child. The woman is very loyal to the ones she trusts and betraying her will only result in a hunt for the traitor. Farah will share her life story with who she deems worthy and is not afraid to show affection and is very calculated.


Farah was born a slave. Both of her parents were killed after her birth and was raised instead by other slaves. The noble who she amongst others belonged to was a wicked and merciless executioner. His sadistic and perverse pleasure of killing made very feared among the commoners and very famous among the nobles. He would torment,kill and abuse his slaves in unspeakable manners. He was the very definiton of monster.

The young girl was raised by two of the executioner's favorite slaves. They wouldn't be punished as severely as the others and given the situation Farah had been raised in better circumstances than the rest of the slaves. Nonetheless she was still very much exposed to physical punishment. Her step-parents loved her and tried to raise a healthy child,which they did to some extent. Her life still wasn't as tragic as that of the other slaves.

One dreaded day came as her owner forced Farah into his quarters and stripped the 14 year old of her innocence. Luckily she overcame the trauma helped by her loving parents,but the hatred of the executioner grew and Farah was utterly disgusted by his actions. She trained to become stronger and planned the slaver's demise with careful steps. When she turned 17 Farah found the opportunity to take down the monster. At night she prayed to the goddess of vengeance and seduced the executioner. When he finally let his guard down she strook. Farah slit the man's throat and watched,stunned and covered in his blood with her eyes wide open as the infamous Marok'Dalan slowly died being unable to yell for help. In a sudden adrenaline rush,Farah shouted at the top of her lungs and hate consumed her. The lifeless husk of a horrible man was once again being introduced to the cold steel of a poorly made shiv.

She knew what she had done. Quickly letting the shiv down,Farah took what she could from the executioner's quarters and fled the city. She ran for what felt like hours upon hours, as far away as she could from the place she once called home.

Exhausted, Farah lied down next to a palm tree and spent the night in the cold. She couldn't sleep,not with the image of the man's face burnt in the back of her mind. She started weeping uncontrollably as she realized that she was now a murderer.

Soon after she stopped crying,embracing that. She looked up at the sky and was stunned to see the stars resembling the goddess of vengeance's symbol shining brighter than ever. She became an agent of vengeance,giving freedom back to those unfortunate. The people of the Ruk'Maduh call her "Irkbaan" meaning simply "hatred".

The Golden Domain of Menargond is a world that heavily relies on five main landmasses. The Southern Swamps, The Northern Icelands , The Western Kingdoms, The Empire of East and The Central Desert of Ruk'Maduh, Farah's homeland.

There is talk of an ancient evil spirit that has been released recently.

Battle Strengths:

Farah is fierce warrior whose skills in battle thrive based on the number of enemies she fights. As their numbers grow so does her power. Her fighting style revolves around making use of the environment and her opponent's numbers. If she is surrounded she can easily turn the tides using her agility. She has no long range alternatives,besides throwing daggers.

Battle Weaknesses:

Since she had never seen snow or ever been in a snowy place her skills are less effective. She will most likely be so cold that she will shiver missing many thrown knives and be unable to fight as well as in the deserts.

Special Abilities:

-Can run very fast

-She has a curious mechanism on her gloves and swords. She can atach the swords on her backhand and rotate them at will.

-Is a very effective seductress and highly perceptive when it comes to body language.

-She can disguise herself well.



-Can cut though chainmail and slender sheets of metal.

-Can be rotated in a very intimidating manner.


-Can be thrown.

-Can pentrate armor.

-Are balanced so they can stay in the air more.

A Long Scarf

-For all your desert-traveling needs.

Interests and Fears:

-Likes children.

-Hates slavery.

-Is constantly afraid of killing innocents even though she would never do that.

-Likes music of many sorts. She'd stop by whenever musicians from around the 5 continents would show up in the deserts for concerts.


She is a very good cook and an extremely good bellydancer. Farah is also an exquisite singer.

She has a middle-eastern accent.

Timezone: See above.

Theme Song: (optional)


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Name: Luna Von Soulis

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Neko

RP/World From: Another rp entitled "Fantasy HighSchool " Original Character. Within her world, Luna is the princess of her parents kingdom. She isn't really allowed to go and venture out on her own accord, and her parents always advise her with a bodyguard before taking off anywhere.

In her world, she was somewhat quiet and disearning of others. She didn't surround herself with other royals, but rather surrounded herself with quiet things and what she loved most. Nature.

She attended a highschool where her parents, seeing that she didn't surround herself with people, hoped she would warm up to those other students around her.

It had been only a few weeks since she had been attending that school, when she was suddenly thrown into this new world of which she had no accurate knowledge of nor logical reason of being there.



Luna is 5" 5 with hazel-blondish hair that extend down accurately to the hem of her waistline. She has purpled stones of glistening irises for eyes. Upon the top of her well shaped head would be seen a delicate pair of matching cat-like ears. The exterior of these said ears blend extremely well with her shade of hair. They do stand out, being a bit darker in its shade of color. The interior, or inside of her ears were a glistening, perfectly clean shade of white, one of which hair emitted from the inside, extending to just the edges of her ears. A few inches in front of her ears, laid her folded, yet freely mobile bang of which spread along the perimeter of her forehead, extending to a length of which halted just at the top of her luciously long black lashes that shielded her already described irises from harm of any sort. Accompanying her ears, of course was a tail. One of which grew from the top of her bottom, settled to align with the middle of her lower back. This tail was seen to be the same color as her hair and ears, having the odd streaks of white, which resembled the inside of her ear, tailing along throughout her tail, barely seen from afar. Although, the end of her tail was dipped in a sharp white shade, again resembling the inside of her ears, this being the one thing that could be seen from afar upon her body besides her ears and clothes.

Personality: Luna is purely known throughout her parents kingdom to be rebellious, self-contained, sometimes caring, but only when it matters, blunt, brutally honest to whomever it may be, and questionable as well as curious. Even though she was known to have all these traits, she never regarded them as being the words to describe her. Even if they were completely and utterly true, she also adored nature to every extent. She was one to become her true self when engulfed with nature completely around her. She would play, and become as gentle as a butterfly when surrounding herself with such things as flowers and waterfalls.

Background: Luna is a princess in the world she is from. As a child, she was comstantly introduced to death and murder thus creating a solid form throughou her. She had no fear of blood as growing up and would sometimes ask her mother and father to allow her to visit the building where dead bodies were kept before they were buried. She would like to stare at them, and even sometimes pay with them just as if they were her normal toys. She knows nothing but what she was taught by her increasingly strict parents due to her title. Even so, she constantly would get herself into trouble due to her rebellious act of self-contentment.

She has always had much expected of her, and was scheduled an arranged marriage to be commenced just days before her sudden disappearance to this world.

Battle Strengths: Luna is best when fighting with her katana

Battle Weaknesses: She uses speed entirely too much and will eventually weaken herself due to her lack of continuous , non-stop endurance. She also has a weak spot for kittens and puppies.

Special Abilities: Luna is able to move at incredible speeds when entirely focused. She can also mimick or impersonate others after being around them for at least a few minutes. Enhanced sense of hearing.


A black armored katana

Her ears : enhanced sense of hearing

Interests and Fears:

- Nature




-Physical activities

*Being alone

*The death of her parents

*Boys(to an extent)

Other: Has an elder brother back at home (unless I decide to add him too), brought her companion along with her, a Native American breed named Flora


Timezone: Eastern (U.S : State of Florida)

Theme Song: (optional)

(Will edit once song is found )
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Sica Pera

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Full Body cyborg

RP/World From: Achilles - She was a part of the earth military to defend a designed quadrant of space against a force known as 'Kriten' who was known for travelling across planets and completely ravaging the landscape until it was uninhabitable. Technology of earth is incredibly advanced, cybernetics are relatively common but are incredibly expensive. Space travel is limited to businesses and military while normal civilians are still only limited to the world around them. Though despite all of the technological advances cars cannot fly and the world still relies on roads, public transportation and electricity.

Appearance: Sica previously stood at a full height of 5'8" before she went through with the cybernetics but now her current height is 5'11". Her entire body, or more accurately 'chasis' is extremely pale to look like skin but still feels like metal. Her eyes are a gray color while her crimson colored hair only reaches down to her waist. There is a barcode located on the back of her neck which, with the proper technology, can quickly pull up her blueprints for quick repairs but this barcode is almost always covered by her hair.

Personality: Has somewhat of an attitude problem at times but respects authority, she enjoys the thrill of combat and chaos that surrounds it. It is said that sometimes she enjoys the cybernetics too much, always wanting to find a way to incorporate a new weapon such as her recently acquired arm cannon. Her appearance is only matched by her attitude, she is often rude and doesn't seem to care about much that doesn't directly affect her. After years of stealing she had finally developed a minor case of kleptomania though she isn't particularly sure if it occurred naturally or if it is due to the CPU connection to her mind.

There is very few things she won't want to shoot as she spends most of her time trying to find new weapons and ways to incorporate them into battle. She no interest in romance and considers it only a 'waste of time' though she is willing to form a friendly bond with someone, as long as they can tolerate her standoffish attitude. She also tends to enjoy a completely pointless argument just to antagonize people, though she is smart about who she argues with so she doesn't anger someone who she mad need later.

Background: Sica grew up in the lap of luxury. Her mother was the CEO of a weapons company and her father was a retired army veteran. Growing up under a set of strict rules set by her ever present father was not something Sica learned to appreciate. At the age of 15 she began to question why she put up with her father's rules and her mother's constant absence, so as a way to rebel against her father's rules she had met a friend-of-a-friend who was more than willing to help Sica, after all she did have quite an allowance that her mother mindlessly gave to her every week. The money had been spent on surgery for a few cybernetic enhancements, she knew her father abhorred the idea cybernetics and that was what she had planned on. When he father saw what had happened he had thrown her out house. Upon her mother hearing the news Sica had received a huge payoff from her mother as an apology. What Sica had not planned though was how much she enjoyed the enhancements. The recklessness of her obsession and teenage mind had left her to spend what should have been enough money for rent and food for two years was spent on cybernetic enhancements. By the time she was 18 her body had been 96% cybernetic, just how she had wanted it.

She spent the next several years of her life staying at her friend's house for brief moments of time while acting as a street rat the rest. Eventually the law caught up to her as she had the choice of prison or a military academy, since the idea of living in a cell for years wasn't particularly attractive she accepted to go to the academy. Unexpectedly she had turned out to enjoy it she had even been in the top 10 percent of her class. After she had graduated from the academy she spent a few years pushing papers, much to her annoyance, before being transferred to the Achilles.

Battle Strengths: Sica prefers to stay at a range and use her arsenal to her advantage. She relies heavily on her arm cannon, which is the most reliable, powerful and longest range weapon she has. She is able to withstand some degree of damage to her chasis. She utilizes her cryo post only when she is required to get into close range she will pull out her sword quickly and will use it without hesitation.

Battle Weaknesses: While she is durable she is also incredibly reckless and will sometimes believe she is too durable or can handle more than she can. Along with her recklessness comes a lack of close combat experience, large amounts of ammo consumption on her cryo pistol, lack of attention to detail and large degree of reliance on a full charge leaving her extremely vulnerable to any amount of electricity.

Special Abilities: 97% of her body has been replaced with cybernetics which means she is more durable than most humans, slightly faster and does not have to worry about 'stamina'. It is also rare for her to simply 'forget' something as the CPU that interacts with her mind tends to save everything she knows as a digital file so she is able to remember even if her physical mind forgets.


  • Internal: Arm cannon (as seen in picture), Knife blade in left wrist.

Interests and Fears: Her interests are fighting, weaponry, action movies and nearly any type of competitive game. She is afraid of being disconnected from the CPU, being torn apart for scrap, large bodies of water (even if it won't actually harm her) and heights.

Other: If she runs out of powercells a simple electrical charge for a few hours can keep her running for a few days.

Timezone: Eastern

Theme Song: [media]

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(I do not possess any characters from this site obviously, and those from RPGuild have quirks that discourage me from formatting them into this site.)

Souichirou Kuzuki

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Human

RP/World From: Fate/Stay Night



Height: 180cm

Weight: 70Kg

Appearance Details:

Kuzuki appears to be a completely ordinary but serious man. He wears ordinary work attire and ordinary glasses. His facial expressions are sharp and defined, but as they are emotionless they do not attract attention. His eyes are a decaying black shade of dullness. His hairstyle is never flamboyant or changing, and remains an immutably ordinary facet of his being. Kuzuki's general frame is lanky with long limbs accentuating a sort of spindly fragility. However, Kuzuki's body is heavily, but supremely efficiently muscled, with not a single ounce of excessive bulk. Kuzuki's body generally appears sleek and streamlined, contrasting with his rugged and angular face.


Kuzuki appears to be an austere and impersonal man with a deadbeat personality exemplified by a countenance firmly and constantly set into an emotionless visage. He shows little interest in the world around him and acts as if he were a machine, reacting and living on but with no human sentiment involved. Kuzuki is however, a strong willed man with a deep sense of self which he strives to find. His inner self is full of repressed turmoil as he strives to understand what it is that his life is to accomplish. However, Kuzuki has long realized that his only purpose in life was to perform a single assassination. Even after becoming an accomplished and respected school teacher, the only emotion that gnawed at his core was the same enervating emptiness he had felt upon completing his assassination. It is what he was trained from his earliest memories to accomplish, and it is that which should have immediately preceded his suicide as his life's work had essentially been accomplished when he finished his first job. Yet Kuzuki still clings onto a false hope that there may be yet something more to his life. The only thing he had felt upon accomplishing his assassination was a emptiness that branded itself into him like a bottomless void, and he could not accept that his life was one that he himself could not desire from his heart. All of these traits were borne out of his upbringing as the perfect assassin. His emotionless, serious and austere sides are products of his arduous training to become an assassin with no connections and regrets. His conflicted inner self and his quest to identify himself are produced from the effects of his first assassination, whereupon he felt a simple emptiness that signified to him that either there was to be more in his life or that his life was one meaningless to him. For now, Kuzuki exists as a near automaton, realizing the futility of his quest to find purpose and yet hoping despite that.


Kuzuki was orphaned from practically his birth, and he was raised by an Assassination organization that trained orphans they took in to become perfect and emotionless assassins. The residence that Kuzuki called "house" in his childhood was a ten meter square bloc of forest located in the mountains, while the actual building of the organization is separated from the forest where Kuzuki and others like him were trained. There Kuzuki was taught killing techniques, emotional conditioning, arduous physical conditioning, and survival skills for over twenty hours a day every single day without end for twenty years. He was taught a respectable degree of education in the event that an outsider should stumble upon him so as to not raise suspicions. Children that disobeyed or had doubts were dissected and taken apart live, and were often subject to cruel experiments where their brains were placed within animals and preserved. These preserved specimens were then shown to the remaining children as a form of "diversion" and a severe warning. The organization itself can be called a factory that churns out mere "products", not humans. An assassin trained by the organization is expected to perform a job covering his or her training costs and then is expected to commit suicide. No matter how gifted or talented the child is, it is still a product and thus easily disposable. In the case of Kuzuki, he was trained with 20,000,000,000 yen and performed successfully a 20,000,000,000 yen job. However, he escaped the organization's clutch and integrated himself into society where the organization did not have power over him. He took up residence in a local temple when the monks welcomed him in and eventually finished his education to become an accomplished high school teacher.

Battle Strengths:

Kuzuki, as evidenced by his upbringing, is a master killer and assassin. Trained from near birth to become the perfect assassin to perform one single job and then to commit suicide right after, Kuzuki's entire life purpose can be said to have been the act of assassination. Kuzuki specializes in unarmed assassination through an ambush martial arts style that is highly effective in first encounters and surprise attacks as it was designed to work 100% in killing almost any target at that given moment. It is not so much a martial art style than a series of actions of killing perfected beyond human capacity, honed beyond compare through endless repetition and practice.



The name of Kuzuki's assassination technique, a highly specialized unarmed fighting style designed to kill an opponent as soon as possible.

The crux of the fighting style is to keep his arms flexible like whips while quickly moving at unexpected right angles in order to keep it from having a concrete shape. He keeps his arms and stance steady like a rock while waiting to strike, and he is able quickly close in without revealing any hints as to how he advanced. His arms quickly extend, and his forearms move even more quickly from that point to strike with his "mountain-like fingers." The strikes come from the outside to the inside, the swinging arms changing direction using the elbow as the fulcrum to strike from impossible directions. He can easily strike the back of the head from a very close distance completely unbeknownst to the target. Even if that strike is seen through, he can easily alter the circular orbit of the path into a straight line directed from above to smash down on their head. He can quickly reach through an opponent's guard to strike them, and then use the "body of the snake", an elbow, to deal an additional blow.

Each is accurately aimed at the target's vital points and weak spots, and are heavy and rapid in their intensity, rendering them almost invisible to an unexpecting fighter. Dodging the attacks does little, as his fists are "live snakes" capable of changing path to come back to the target. Kuzuki can also use the style in defense, making him able to react to a perfect surprise attack, in charging speed, footwork, timing, and the attack itself.

All of the strikes up until that point are performed with only his left hand, as he doesn't use his right hand until the final strike. Unlike previous attacks that follow a arcing line, he executes the attack as a point and thrusts his fist like a lance directly at his target. Using precise accuracy, the attack can pierce through a throat, break bones, and smash a head to pieces. Even if the strike is dodged, he can instead dig his fingers into the target's neck, as they can easily forget that a hand is originally something used to grab rather than punch to perform a powerful throw or grapple.

The main idea of the style is to confuse the opponent and slay them before they can understand the mechanics of it, and it is further backed by his normal appearance that doesn't give away the idea of him being a trained killer. As an assassination technique only meant to be used once before the assassin kills themselves, it is something that must be fatal on the first strike. While the blows are strong, they are too odd and easily seen through if the opponent is not confused, showing the difference between a "technique" that is trained to an art and an "action" that is trained to the utmost limits.

Battle Weaknesses:

Obviously, the first and foremost weakness that Kuzuki possesses is the fact that he has zero ranged combat capacity. He must rely on his enhanced physical condition and reflexes in order to cover distance against a ranged opponent, as he has no other way of dealing with one.

Another weakness is that the Snake technique is most effective in a first time encounter as it is designed to surprise an opponent and confuse them with its sheer versatility and unpredictability. The lethal power of the style is a supplement required for the technique to be as highly effective an assassination technique as it was. However, second time encounters against experienced opponents will have Kuzuki struggling as they will not be fooled by his normal looking appearance and the unpredictable nature of his strikes.

Kuzuki's only strength lies in his Snake, so having countermeasures against physical melee combatants in general will be highly effective against Kuzuki.

Special Abilities:

Breathing and Walking

A supernatural technique developed from Kuzuki's advanced physical training and exceptionally sturdy mindset. It is one that focuses on connecting one's inner world to their outer world through inspiration and expiration. Poetically speaking, by breathing in, Kuzuki draws the world, or inspiration, within himself, and by breathing out, he releases his inner world and links it with the outer world. "Walking" is the simple effect of Breathing, a physical result of the connection between inner and outer worlds. The "worlds" in question here are not literal worlds, but abstract terms for a supernatural energy derived from nature and the mind. By enhancing his Breathing and Walking, Kuzuki is able to strengthen his mental conditionbeyond that of a regular human's and reinforce his body's strength to extraordinary levels to the point where just one of his snake bite blows can crush skulls fatally.


Kuzuki travels lightly, carrying only bare necessities required for his profession as a teacher. The clothes on his back, a few writing utensils in his coat pockets, a small notebook, and reading glasses are staple carried items.


Kuzuki is not quite interested in anything he does, as he does not understand what it is that represents "interest" to him as knowing that would fulfill his wish of understanding his life's purpose. However, he does have a sense of pragmatism created from his serious nature so he would naturally prefer efficiency over waste and the like. Additionally he does not dislike education and recognizes teaching as his occupation, albeit an empty one.


Due to his upbringing, Kuzuki has little fears about anything tangible in the world. He has trained to deal with any and all surprises regarding threats to his life, and as such conventional occurrences meant to scare the human psyche will fall flat on Kuzuki. Kuzuki does possess powerful internal fears. He fears that he will never find a true purpose in his life, and has already accepted the fact but yet yearns for more as a natural human being would. Kuzuki's greatest fear is feeling the degrading void he felt upon his first assassination, when he realized that his sole life's purpose was one that meant nothing to him. He wishes to never feel such emptiness again, and instinctively fears events or people related towards such emptiness.

Timezone: C.S.T

(I must say, the formatting for posts on this site is immaculate and efficient, dozens of times better than any other site I have graced)
Name: Lyndis Rayne (typically goes by Rayne)

Age: 39 (Approximately equivalent to 24 human years)


Species: Kitirian

RP/World From: Cypress Collegium (Original Character/Race)


(We're all going to pretend those are tails, rather than a part of her outfit.)

Rayne stands at 5'4". Being a Kitirian (more on Kitirians in background), she looks remarkably young, though still mostly human. She's got waist-length dark violet hair (slightly different than pictured), and smooth, elegant features. Her eyes are a bright, vivid blue, often times appearing nearly silver or gray in color. She's got five (differs from picture) full, bushy tails (more on tails, and their meanings in Background) that she usually keeps woven together, giving the appearance of a single, thicker tail. The beads used to bind her tails are a set of tribal beads, from her homeworld of Kitris, typically used for ceremonial purposes (such as marriage, etc). The exact purpose of the beads Rayne wears isn't known by many.

Her fingers have small claws on the ends of them (~1-2" in length) that are typically used for combat, unless the Kitirian has developed skill with another type of weapon.

Rayne can typically be found in rather good spirits. As a Kitirian, she's naturally light-hearted, and comes across as being rather carefree, which is true in most circumstances. She's always been sort of a loner, as most beings view Kitirans as a strange and mysterious race, in part because of the lack of knowledge of the newly-discovered race. While she loves meeting people and making new friends,s he's typically too timid to initiate many conversations with others. She finds other races to be rather intriguing, and having little knowledge of them, can be rather inquisitive about their lifestyles, sometimes to the point of irritating the person she's questioning.

Being rather young, Rayne lacks some of the patience and discipline that her kind strives so greatly to build, and can often come across as extremely excitable, even over seemingly trivial matters.

While she's adapted nicely to new the culture of the new world she lives in, Rayne can still have difficulties at times understanding things like humor. Some forms of humor are still quite foreign to her, and many attempts at humor appear to go right over her head.



The Kitirans are a recently discovered species. They appear mostly humanoid, apart from the fact that they are typically seen with tails (an exception made among half-breeds, who are not deemed worthy to bear the tails. A half-breed's tails are docked at birth, and they are injected with an anti-catalyst early in life, that prevents the tails from growing back). Though little is still known about the race to the majority of the universe, it has been rumored that the more tails a Kitirian has, the more powerful they are. Lower numbers of tails (1-3), are rather common, and the power difference between those number of tails is rather small. After three tails, exponential power increases are required, to form other tails. As such, the power difference between a Kitiran with 6 tails, and 7 tails can be astronomical. From what little creatures outside of Kitirian society have been able to find on the history of the Kitirians, the most prestigious of their race had a total of 10 tails. That Kitirian has long since passed away. Currently their monarch is the most powerful known living Kitirian, having just developed an eighth tail.

Typically, Kitirians are more agile and intelligent than humans are, though they're much more slender than humans, and somewhat lacking in physical strength. In physical combat, Kitirians are more likely to be seen outmaneuvering, or outwitting their opponents, to gain the upper hand, which has led to some races viewing them as dishonorable creatures.

The Kitirian race is an odd one. The members of Kitirian society live their day to day lives completely carefree, seeming to enjoy themselves in anything they do, whether it be at play, simple household chores, or even war. Their lighthearted mannerisms can be deceiving, often leading to their opponents underestimating their abilities.
Rayne was quite literally born to be an adviser to the next monarch of Kitris. Her father is the current adviser, and though he never took a wife, the strict Caste system required him to father a child, to ensure his duties were passed along to one who was of pure enough blood to properly fulfill the task.

Rayne never knew her mother, but was brought up with all the benefits, and disadvantages of royalty, as if she, herself were destined to be the next ruler. The most intelligent of the Kitirian were her personal tutors, and she was kept under constant watch. Every aspect of her life was observed, to ensure she was raised properly, and fit to be adviser.

After the discovery of their small planet, by a merchant ship that had been forced into a detour while navigating their normal trade route, visits became more and more regular from merchant vessels, as the current monarch allowed trade between the various species' of other worlds. The merchants would often tell grand tales of the other planets they visited, and bring strange items that were unfamiliar to the Kitirians. With each merchant that visited, Rayne felt her discontent with her inevitable future grow.

After one such visit, Rayne had asked her father if she would ever be able to visit the other planets. At the thought, her father had simply scoffed, assuring her that she had been born for a purpose greater than other planet could give to her, though it did little to convince her. She still longed to visit the wonderful places in the merchants' stories.

With each passing day, Rayne's contempt for Kitirian society grew, but she refused to let it show, practicing the poise she'd been taught since early childhood. Over the next few years, she became good friends with one of the merchants, and ended up confiding in him the future she was destined for, but didn't want. The merchant offered to transport her back to Earth, if she could find a way to get aboard his ship without the other Kitirians noticing.

A few months later, when the merchant next visited, Rayne managed to get aboard the ship, and the merchant made good on his promise, delivering her safely to Earth. Life on Earth has been difficult, especially after coming from a life where everything was provided for her. Rayne has only just managed to get by, with the help of the merchant who had transported her to Earth.

Battle Strengths:
Rayne is incredibly nimble and intelligent, a trademark of the Kitirian race. Though she's not very powerful physically, she makes up for it by being extremely mobile, and difficult to keep up with. Rayne can typically be found using her superior intelligence and agility to outmanuever enemies, capitalizing on the mistakes they make in combat.

Battle Weaknesses:
Rayne is physically somewhat weak, compared to the average human. In a straight up one-on-one "fair fight", due to her lower levels of strength and her somewhat fragile constitution, Rayne is typically at a disadvantage. She has a difficult time taking hits, and isn't very effective against heavily armored targets.

Special Abilities:
Rayne has two Cybernetic implants, that augment her combat abilities. The first of these augments is an AeroCybernetic, which allows her to manipulate the air around her slightly. It's typically used to help her enhance her own speed, or released in small gusts to knock her opponents off balance.

Rayne's second Cybernetic implant is ingrained in the base of her tailbone, and augments each of her tails with small barbs that can be retracted, and deployed at will. The barbs carry a potent toxin that dulls the victim's mind, and slows their reflexes, affecting them with a lethargy of sorts.

For weapons, Rayne favors the natural claws Kitirians develop as they grow older. She doesn't typically wear armor, even in combat, as it inhibits her movements, and proves to be more of a burden than a benefit.

Interests and Fears:
Extremely inquisitive by nature, there's not much in this new world that Rayne doesn't find interesting. She's developed a hobby of collecting... well, things. Just about anything she finds that she deems worthy of being collected.

Rayne fears the loss of her freedom more than anything else, since it's also what she cares most about in her new life.


UTC-07:00 (Mountain Time)

(Think I got everything. If I missed something, or you'd like me to clarify on something, let me know, please! Also, Prizzy Kriyze sent me. Not sure if that's relevant, but yeah. *Thumbs up*)
Name: R-Z93 (Robo-Ky)

Age: 3

Gender: The police enforcer bots are designed to look like a male human.

Species: Gear

RP/World From: Guilty Gear.

Appearance: The police enforcer bots were made to resemble and mimic the fighting abilities of national hero,Ky Kiske( commander of the police force).All police Gears wear the standard uniform,a mimic of Ky Kiske's legendary sword ' Thunderseal' and are equipped with a voice synthesizer.

Battle Strengths: Robo-Ky is constructed from a hard alloy to protect his internal circuits. He also has a vast database containing a large array of police tactics,fighting styles and criminal profiles.He can tap into this data to formulate a quick response if need be.The same trick won't work twice on him as he is able to store all the moves he sees ( and dialogs) in his database.

Battle Weaknesses:If the enemy does not appear in his database he might find himself in a nasty situation as he will try a very standard approach.He is also quipped to fight humanoid criminals not other kind of targets.

Special Abilities: He can overclock his Core to increase his speed and reflexes as well as processing power but will leave him weakened for the remainder of the day.It can cause him serious harm if he overclocking for a long duration such as fried circuits or even total system shutdown.

Equipment: A Thunderseal replica,standard police uniform, integrated medkit, swiss knife and a taser.

Personality: He recently developed a sense of self, Robo-Ky tries to understand the world around him beyond the '1' and '0' he was programmed with.He wished to find the essence of the 'soul' the humans talk so much but it has eluded him so far.

Background: There's not much to be said except he was build at the Fringorn factory ,the biggest industrial plant in Asia ,the place where the right tools were present to design complicated models like the police Gears.Unknown to the public ,the Gears are not only made of metal and circuits but are also composed of human souls. A mere software program could not suffice for the demanding task of being a police officer.A Gear not only is capable of tapping into databases but also capable of imagination,a quality only present in humans.

Interests and Fears: Being shut down or decommissioned.

Other: He is curious to meet and talk to Ki Kiske.

Timezone: EET GMT+2

Theme Song: (optional)
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