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Fandom The Sanguinian Heresy Main

Ixia heard Artio's announcement that he was going down now. She honestly should have expected that as well he would be the kind to compete with angron on who would be the first into battle. At least neither of them was a complete berserker so they could be trusted to stay alive. Kelvis it seemed wat taking longer to emerge from the warp than the rest of them. That was fair enough the warp was like that even for the best of navigators. Dumah came through and seemed ready for an ambush. Ixia had thought of that as well, but she hadn't been attacked yet so she figured any ships were dead or to damaged to register. Though the ships could be waiting powered down in the remains and asteroids of the system for the right time. Ixia was glad at least Dumah was keeping his head, even though he seemed to have seen this and not told them. The idea of an ambush from him now worried her more than it normally should. Ixia brought up some of the scans and looked over them all displayed as a hololith before her that moved as she interacted with the lights.

Ixia brought up a vox link to Dumah " I am not getting any energy readings that say a ship is waiting for us anywhere nearby. Though if they pretty much turned the ship off then they could be hiding. i think for now we are safe to assume the void space is safe for us" She replied as her ship and escorts moved into orbit taking things slower than Artio's forces had.

On the planet of istvaan V as the forces of The Mathan Mòr would find despite this world having been clearly a war zone, nothing contested their landings. The world was eerie in how quiet it was. The forces would slowly make their way out and vox to their genefather as they took the assigned points. it was easy to easy. The strangeness extended to how despite this place supposing to have been where legions fought there were no corpses. The world was empty and grey the buildings crumbled and deserted.

That was until a mist rolled in even around the landing for the primarch which was equally deserted. The fog was unnatural and the Librans noticed this. It grew deeper and deeper, thicker and thicker obscuring the view of all in it till they could not even see their hands at the ends of their arms. The fog seemed almost alive as while it moved there was no notable wind to bring it in this fast and no water to generate it. Once the landing forced were engulfed in the fog which took only seconds the trap was srung. From deep in the fog bolters flashed sending their explosive rounds at the landing forces. The traitors had played one card in their hand and sought to claim the life of Artio before the others landed.

Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian Soviet Panda Soviet Panda RikuXIII RikuXIII

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