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Fantasy The Rag Tags


You are a member of a rag-tag group of teenagers who are special in their own way. You can morph into a certain animal. No one knows of our secret except for us. You were born to regular human parents who don't even know of your capability, unless you told them which is unlikely because who knows what they would do when they find out their kid is some shapeshifter. You may be homeless or belong to an orphanage, but it only makes it more difficult to try and sneak out atleast every other week for the "pack" meetings. But now, times are getting hard. Humans are becoming more and more suspicious of beings other than them in the world and some are beginning to search for us. We need to go into hiding and soon.

You will arrive at a "pack" meeting and will receive the announcement of our much needed departure. You will have little to know time to pack, just come trusting your leader.

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