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Realistic or Modern The Purge

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

In an America ravaged by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government sanctions an annual 12-hour period during which all criminal activity -- including murder -- is legal. Those who are not purging are advised to take shelter and prepare at least three hours before the commencing of the annual purge. Hospitals suspend help. It's one night when the citizenry regulates itself without thought of punishment. It's survival of the fittest out there.

Your objective?


Or stay alive.



The clock on the wall of the diner Taylor worked at read 4:00 pm. Exactly two hours until the purge would commence. She stood and watched through the large window, people hurrying, whistling for cabs, pulling their children chaotically along by the hand. Everyone knew how this worked, and most people who could afford it were on their way to an airport to board a flight to Mexico, or Canada. America was without a doubt not a safe place on March 24th. Taylor brushed off her pale blue short skirted dress, protected by an apron. She wore white tennis shoes with it. So white they were practically blinding. She looked like a silly vintage pin up girl. There were few customers in Empire Diner. Only a man with his coffee and a woman looking to pick up some dinner for her family before the purge began. Taylor only knew this because she was nervously rambling on about how she wanted her precious children to make it through the night. "Please, God." Taylor really did feel sorry for her. But there were many others to feel that sympathy for, too. "You can head home, dear." Taylor stopped wiping down the counter, smiling warmly at Rosie. Rosie was the owners wife, a really wonderful woman, who was chubby and smelled like cupcakes. Since Taylor had spent so much time working at Empire Diner, she'd considered Rosie as kind of a second mother. "Stay safe, darling." Rosie said, furrowing her brows as she wrapped her arms around Taylor and gave her a squeeze. Taylor winced, as she was fairly petite in size and Rosie was surprisingly strong. "I will. You too." She replied, letting out a breath. "Go, go now." Rosie waved her off, and proceeded to the kitchen to let off the other employees. Taylor walked out of the diner, into the crisp March air. The sky was a pale grey, and it looked as if it might drizzle.



Lisa checked her phone. 2 hours until the purge officially began. She pinned back her hair in the mirror of her car as she drives into town, passing lanes full of cars heading out. With a glance at her rearview she saw nobody behind her. She was the only one heading into Los Angeles. No shock there. March 24th was not safe for anyone. Except maybe the ones doing the purging. Her dark hair hung in wavy layers by her ears, covering the straps of her grey-blue tanktop. She had paired it with dark black yoga pants that would allow her to move freely once it began.

AS she pulled into a parking spot in a garage she noticed a man with a knife, presumably homeless, preparing to defend himself. She shook her head in his direction though she knew he was a goner. Lisa walked up the stairs heading for the apartment building above to prepare for a night of purging. The city was quieter than normal and she liked it.

She skipped steps on the way up to her apartment, almost excitedly. She had planned out her night detailedly, since she knew where the hotspots were and how to get around hem unseen. The day for her was mostly a thievery party since most of her money and appliances were not payed for. It was allowed after all. She looked at the weapons and heavy eyeliner she was to wear, along with the red contacts so she would be harder to recognize. Masks were more common among the killers.​

Klyde stylishly walked the streets of downtown Los Angles. His switchblade, neatly tucked into his shirt pocket and his yellow stripped bandanna wrapped around his head. Underneath his coat and shirt, a bulletproof vest secretly tucked away from other purgers. As he always believed in, "Wear the vest, save your chest." An old quote he got from some 70's kung fu movie he saw as a kid.

The dozens of people rushing there way through the streets making their way through the purge's countdown to madness. The ticking time aspect of the pre purge chaos always hyped Klyde for the oncoming death, disaster, destruction, and demise, or as Klyde called them, the four deadly D's. With his 9mm micro uzi in his duffel bag around his neck, he politely greeted everyone who passed. With an overcast sky hanging above him, he frowned at the thought of his nice deluxe suit getting wet. He walked in to a gas station, probably one if the only ones open, and bought himself a lighter and some cigarettes. With nowhere else to go, Klyde parked himself outside the shop for the time being.

He aimed to beat last years record death count of 42 people. He prided himself at the success of killing off an entire resting home. Armed with only a hand ax and a Colt .347 he broke into a retirement home and killed 38 elderly and four staff members. With this years expectations so very high he planned this years purge to be one of the best ever.

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Fox was waiting. He had dressed for the night, dark and sturdy clothes. He had chosen his jeans, a black T shirt and a dark leather jacket. The leather jacket was more for protection from blades than anything. He didn't want to fight tonight, his job was to help those that needed it and nothing more. He had no score to settle, just a continuing job. His belt had plenty of medical supplies and his fold-up surgical kit. It would do for the night. In case anything went wrong and he ended up having to fight, he had a couple bladed push spikes in his boots and one inside his jacket as well as a larger fighting knife on his belt. This was bound to be a long night, just like the nights being deployed. Plenty of chaos and destruction would go on and the rebuilding afterwards would be slow but ultimately for not much. He waited for it all to start from an apartment rooftop.
Lisa pulled on her black hoodie and headed into the street. Gangs were prepping in the streets and she didn't bother going around since they only had a while before they would be trying to kill people. She scanned rooftops and spied plenty of people, typical black clothing and such. Her pulse was racing in anticipation of the purge. She was sort of an adrenaline junkie. She had never killed or hurt someone but she had ran someone into a trap before. It was fun. But this year her friends were in New York for the purge leaving her unprotected. She was more nervous than usual...


The area were starting to clear out as Taylor walked farther downtown. The normally bustling LA streets had been reduced to the occasional car breezing by her, going way above the speed limit. Only someone who wanted to get killed would be moving under it right now. Just as she had feared, Taylor began to see men in masks, holding clubs and guns. There was nothing that she hated more than the masks. They admittedly scared the crap out of her. She quickening her walking speed, white tennis shoes tapping on the grey sidewalk. She looked up at the buildings around her inquiringly, most were less luxurious apartments. Downtown was the more rundown area of the city. It had a bad reputation for being dangerous, and full of potheads. The purge only made it about a hundred times as worse as it already was. Taylor continued hurriedly, beginning to feel a knot in her stomach. Why had she gone this way? She should have tried to catch a cab outside of Empire Diner. She scolded herself in her head as she approached the local gas station and headed for the small convenience store to use their phone, as hers was dead. Of course, it had picked today to not hold a charge well.

The place stank of smoke and booze. The men around him tried their best to hide their nervousness, but it wasn't enough. It is 4:00 P.M., and after two hours, everything will go out of control. The barista started to polish the remaining shot glasses, while stealing furtive glances at the wall clock just above the door. Lukas smiled and held up a hand. One more drink, then he'll get out of this place. The nervous chuckles, hurried whispers, and excessive coughing is starting to get to him. The new scent of sweat mixed with mint did not help either. After downing his drink, he got up and left.

The cool air is a pleasant exchange from the stuffy bar he was in moments ago. The scenery however, is no different. Downtown LA is the last place you want to be in during the Annual Purge. Men with masks, clubs, and all sorts of weapons already roamed the streets, itching to get started. Lukas ran a hand through his hair and continued walking. Today, he decided that he'll go simple. No mask, no weapons. There will be plenty of those during the purge after all. He wore nothing but a grey shirt, torn, brown jeans, and red sneakers. Harmless, weak; that's what he wanted them to think. He'll be the last of their worries, unless someone just wanted to kill for fun. He is ready for those kind though, all he needed is his wits.

After walking for quite a while, he stopped at the local gas station. Lukas leaned on one of walls, deciding to wait out the remaining hours from there.
Lisa checks her watch again and sighs her hand clenching and unclenching. The closer it got to five the more she was rethinking this.

Her dark hair fell in waves that shielded everything but her nose and lips from sight. She pursed her lips looking around. She headed for a gas station saw a purger and narrowed her eyes. She had no reason to be afraid since it wasn't five but it was close to it. She walked by hem and inside ignoring them. She grabbed a flashlight off a shelf, gave a look to he cashier and walked out like 'try me'.

Five O'clock

With the commencement of this years purge nearing closer and closer Klyde removed his Uzi from the duffel bag. With a smirk expression he peered at the young lady passing his way. He checked off his list about the gun

Amo, check

Safety Off, check

12 Rounds, check

Switchblade, check

he was so hyped about this years purge. With an entire root planned out, he couldn't wait but begin his reighn of terror and destruction. He had a something
special planned that was tightly confidential.



The cashier handed her his phone without much question. She didn't exactly look like a threatening individual, what with her petite height and short pastel dress. Not to mention the shoes. She had to find something to make her look at least a little bit tougher. Taylor started to dial her mother's cell, but looked up to see a tall dark haired girl come in and simply take a flashlight off a display, without so much as a flinch. The cashier didn't move. He looked so nervous it was unbelievable. Poor guy. His store would be a wreck by morning. If he was even alive to witness it. She held the old flip phone to her head, only for her mother to not pick up. She tried her father, but it went straight to voice mail just as her mother's had. She tried Kevin's, her younger brother, and he didn't answer either. Nor did her sister. And that, was when the panick really started to settle in. Taylor looked down at the phone, the time reading 5:15. Only forty five minutes till the purge would begin. "Thank you." Taylor muttered in a weak voice to the convenience store owner, not meeting his eyes as she returned the phone. She walked out of the store, looking around frantically as if a cab would appear out of nowhere. Her every muscle began to grow stiff, and for a second Taylor questioned if she would remain conscious. The only people there were purgers, clearly. The tall brunette, the man in the suit and bandanna, with a blade in his pocket, and a man who Taylor actually wasn't sure about. He seemed completely defenseless. Maybe he was drunk, or a foreigner. But that was of no matter to Taylor right now. She was probably quite a sight to see. A diner waitress standing with her dead phone in her hand, obviously not belonging on the streets that day, her pink shimmery glossed lips parted with utter shock and horror. The time was now 5:28.

Nikita Mears:

Nikita had showered and changed into a black pants and a shirt. Nikita was packing up a bag full of guns. She heard a Knock on her door and she opened it."what do you want." She asked a man at the door."Nikita dont do this your life isn't worth loosing. "He said." Michael I am doing what I have to you stay inside and stop worrying about me I will be fin Michael."She said. She kissed his cheek."go home be safe."She said. She shooed him out.

Nikita packed her bag up and grabbed her boots slipped them on. She made her way down to the street and got into her car. She made sure it was drivable on this night.Nikita would make her way across the parking lot and got in her car. She started it and started to drive across town to find her target.

Death to all betrayers


Current time: 5:50

The minutes were slowly ticking. Taylor watched as waiting purgers lit their cigarettes. A couple of guys wearing the signature purge masks were currently staring her down like she was a pound of meat. Taylor walked closer to the convenience store, as if it would make much of a difference. She could see purgers slowly beginning to populate the streets. Although it wasn't quite as busy as it was in midtown. They loaded their guns, and sharpened their daggers. A man even tapped the tip of a knife with his index finger prior to looking across the street right at her. Taylor immediately looked away. Eye contact would only worsen the situation.


"Up and Ready"

Klyde lit himself a cigarette, a small tradition he has every year before commencement. He Paraded himself along the sidewalk all the way to the inner depths of "The Hood" Klyde always found this display of poverty and crime disgusting. One reason he Purges every year. He finds his purging a way of riding the earth of what he called, "Tics" Tics are the people who do not deserve the life they were so generously gifted with. In the great words of John Kramer. "He who does not cherish life, does not deserve it." His shoes squeaked as the rubbed against each other. With the purge happening in what must be ten or less minutes, he couldn't help but almost feel sorry for the poor. Almost feel sorry for the damage he was going to create. Almost....
"Didn't expect it this early." Fox sighed and lowered his binoculars. Already he had spotted someone who was caught outside for the night. Some poor girl with what had to be her cell phone that had died in her hand was gaping at everything that would try to kill her once this small block of time had passed. She wouldn't last the night, not without some intervention. Although, leaving his position now would put him more at risk to the same dangers she faced and could compromise the whole night. He weighed his options and morals until finally deciding that it was worth it. Without a single missed step, he had set up and used a simple rope repelling system to reach the ground in an alleyway. Now came the sensitive part of the course of action he had chosen. He ran as fast as he could down the street. Thankfully, his job was all about running and responding quickly. What would really eat time would be if this girl could run or not, or if she was entirely opposed to running with a stranger on this of all nights. This would be the determining factor. He finally reached her, although somewhat out of breath from the run. Placing his arm on her shoulder and taking a quick scan around at what he had just ran into, he gave her the choice. "If you want to live, we need to run. Now."


Current time: 5:58

She watched as the stranger approached her, and skidded to a stop, out of breath. At his words, Taylor simply nodded. "Yes, yes. Thank you." She breathed. He was a stranger, but what choice did she have? Fend for herself? With what, her bare hands? Just when she was about to follow his lead, the awful sound of the warning siren sounded throughout the city, projected by speakers on lamp posts. Taylor had remembered the woman's voice from her childhood. The sounds altogether had always frightened her. She would hide under her bed when the commencing announcements would come on. Everyone in America was hearing the sound, and Taylor couldn't help but feel sorry for them.



The Night Begins

With the announcement over, Klyde was now focused on the soul purpose of hunting his prey. His first target, a small white house with the only protection being a fat, tubby pit bull tied to a tree, and a pity lock on a door. Without hesitation Klyde fired into the yard, blasting bullet after bullet into the poor animals body. He webbed his way through the yard and shot dozens of bullets into the door, making the puny lock break. He wondered into the home, there he found his first victim, a tall man, in his late 30's early 40's. Joyfully, he let lose with the bullets, violently creating a mess in the neat and tighty home. He was about to leave, when he heard a ruffling noise from the corner of the room. There sit a young girl, no older the thirteen. Tears streamed down her eyes as she tightly gripped a kitchen knife in her hand. "P-please sir.." Klyde didn't care, he never did, no matter how much they begged, they always got the same treatment. He gave her a shrug and without a doubt, fired into the table she was hiding under. He waited....nothing...the deed was done. With a black sharpie he wrote two tally marks on his arm. "Two down, forty to go.."

((I'm sorry If I make my character TO evil.. I have a thing for making psychos..))

"Shit." It had started. They didn't have much time to run back to where he had originally been sitting and watching. As soon as the apathetic call to murder and destruction was over, anyone out in the open like they were would be very much dead or worse. Out of any other options, he grabbed this girl's hand and took off running. The route mentally played out in his head. Burst through the doors of the store she had just left and knock over a shelf into it or something, run into the back and pray that there is a back door. There was no store owner inside to protest his trashing of the store to buy them time, the first part of the route worked. He invaded the back room of the store dragging this girl behind him and threw as much as possible into door that closed behind them. There was in fact a back door leading out into the loading or truck stop area. It would be dark but hopefully not populated. From there he would have to make a new plan, anything could be out there. With this in mind, he decided to pile the barricade a bit more before checking on this girl. "How are you holding up?"


Current time: 6:01

"I'm fine." Taylor nodded along, just to make things go more smoothly. Although she was a complete mess and was very curious as to what elaborate plan they could muster up that would get them out of this one. Meanwhile her heart was doing drum solos in her chest, and her head was so overwhelmed she felt a little dizzy. But that didn't mean she was going to whine and complain about it. After all this guy had just risked his life to save hers, and the least she could do was keep her mouth shut for now so they wouldn't get spotted by some blood thirsty maniac. Hopefully they'd consider them to be a waste of bullets, and they'd just leave them alone. But knowing purgers, most of them would rarely pass up a chance to kill anything that has a heartbeat. "Thank you." Taylor whispered gratefully, glancing up at the man. She'd introduce herself later, that is if she would still be alive later.

"Yeah, no problem." He was too focused on the immediate situation to even look at her. His mind was still racing on where to go from here. Her home would work although from the fact that she was caught out here it may be too far away. It was worth a shot though. If not, being on the run for the night might become the plan. Finally he tore his attention away from thought to face her. "How far are we from where you live, or from someone who would take you in?" He spoke as he walked to the back door and pulled his knife. He peeked out slowly just enough to hear what was going on and see a small sliver of the outside. The door closed fully before he sheathed his knife again.
When the sirens blared throughout the city, Lukas was still leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. The sounds of bullets firing, breaking of glass, and muffled screams already bombarded his hearing. Minutes before the announcement, he had seen the convenience store's owner sprint into a nearby shelter. The store is still intact though, nobody had approached the place yet. After a moment, Lukas shoved his hands into his pockets and walked into the store. In his haste, the owner had forgotten to lock the entrance. Aisles of junk food, maps, and other knickknacks greeted him inside. When he crossed over to the third aisle, he finally found something useful.

He had slid the ice pick, pointy side up, in his back pocket, where he covered its sharp edge with the fabric of his shirt. As he walked out,he caught the eye of one guy, obviously a purger. He didn't have a mask on, but he is holding a kitchen knife with his right hand, and a bloody rag in the other. The purger walked towards him in a drunk manner. "Hey kid! Get outta my way! Unless you wanna lose your fingers huh? Or maybe your guts as well?" When Lukas didn't answer, the purger ran towards him, ready to hack at his head.

All he did is evade the purger's attacks until he got tired, before he finished him by sliding his ice pick through the guy's left eye. Past purges had taught him that arrogant men wanted to finish off their "prey" as quickly as possible. When they use the brunt of their force, it only takes a while to tire them out. He picked up the dead guy's knife and wrapped it with a cloth. Then he headed off outside, searching for familiar faces to kill.

Without A doubt

Everything was fine and dandy. With the Purge starting off with a great start. Klyde was on his way. But like everything on Purge night, something went wrong. He was ambushed by a group of what he was guessing to be eight or nine people. They pushed him to the ground, kicking and punching him. They snatched the Uzi from his arms and hit him in the head with the butt of it. They yanked him up and circled around him. They all carried weapons. Numchuks, Crossbow, Fire axes. They talked among each other on what to do.

They didn't want to kill him, it'd be a waste of time. Some suggested to slice his arms off, others suggested cooking him.But Klyde had a better idea, Kylde swiftly removed the switchblade from his pocket and dug it into the man holding the Uzi's wrist. He slashed the blade into his wrist and grabbed a hold of the Uzi. He spun around, Uzi in hand, and shot the others firing squad style. The only one remaining, was the man with the slash on his wrist. Klyde stomped on his head with his rubber boot. "You sir, are an insect, an insect that must be squished." Without a doubt he placed the tip of his gun into the mans ear, and pulled the trigger. He counted eight bodies. Continuing the tally marks, he wrote ten tally marks on his arm. With 32 to go, Klyde was once again on his way.

Alexandra knew exactly who she was looking for, exactly who she wanted to kill tonight... His face, his long blonde hair, everything about him was crystal clear inside her head. Every detail that she needed to find the man who killed her father. She knew he was either paid, or just really some purger who wanted to kill her father for some reason she did not give a single damn about. But most likely Alexandra knew he was hired, hired by 'someone' who wanted her father dead. And as far as she knows there at least a dozen of them who are after his wealth.

"Tonight I'm going to find out..." Alexandra spoke to herself as she held a pistol tightly on her right hand, her finger on the trigger ready to pull it... ready to kill.

She's been keeping an eye on the 'assassin' this past few weeks and knows exactly now the area of the city where he could probably be. All Alexandra was hoping for is that she reaches him first before someone else tries to kill him. She wanted his blood, she wanted him dead from her own hands.

"I've been waiting an entire year for this..." The gun made a clicking noise as she pulled the barrel.

"And tonight I'll find you.... And I'll kill you." Her teeth clenched as she started walking and leaving her family's manor, leaving the safety of its barricades and high fences. Her mother didn't know her plan, for if she did Alexandra was sure she would hire multiple guards to keep and eye on her tonight. But then again it is Purge night, she can just kill them. But no, she isn't a killer, she didn't even want this.... instead she NEEDED this.

And everything that will help her live through the night is with her...




The want for revenge.


( Oh god I didn't even know this started)
Lisa slid into an ally as a group ran by chasing somebody who was screaming. She shut her eyes as the passed, as if that would protect her. As the screams died down, heavy footsteps approached and she tore off down the street, praying she was faster than the purger now in pursuit. Her black combat boots were likely already worn from the run. She turned her head and immediately wished she hadn't. Where she had thought there was 1, had become 2. Her breathing became ragged as she darted down a road heading for the part of town she never went into, even during normal days because crime level was high. She climbed a fire escape and had but her first foot on the landing when a hand closed around her ankle. Her heart raced as she tried to yank it out of his grip, the hand tightening around it, more determined to rip her down. Lisa hooked her arm around a rung and swung the knife down onto his wrist, being rewarded with sticky, crimson blood that now coated her hand. The hands grip loosened enough for her to pull away and keep climbing.


Current time: 6:23

Meekly, Taylor traced his line of vision to the small opening of view. A purger, obviously unprepared with nothing but a culinary knife, had shouted threats at a taller man. The man easily dodged the kitchen knife guy's pathetically thought out attacks. And as soon as he showed signs of fatigue, the other guy seized the opportunity and swung his weapon of choice, in a place she could only imagine what level of pain had been inflicted. Taylor winced at the sound that followed, looking away and covering her ears. She needed to distract herself from the eye scarring previous events, and the guy whose name she had yet to learn's question was the perfect diversion. "No," Taylor said, shaking her head. "My house is out of town, we'd need a car."

After taking a minute to glare at the floor in thought, a light bulb went on in Taylor's head. "I have a friend," She said through pink trembling lips. "Who lives a few blocks down."
Why hadn't I gone there in the first place? She thought, unable to wrap her mind around why she'd been in such a foolish state then, but could easily come up with a decent solution now. Gabby was a friend of Taylor's from high school. She'd always been a pretty nice person and would likely be more than happy to share what little shelter an apartment room could provide. As far as Taylor knew, she wasn't purging.


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