The Pit [Started, Closed]

So I have an idea for this round of fights: I'm going to put Cas in against everybody, but nobody's characters are going to disappear after losing. It's just going to be like a show for the crowd, in order to show off everyone's abilities. The next night, we'll start the real fights. Sound okay to everyone? Any ideas?
Each of your characters is going to fight Cas, but if they lose, nobody is going to disappear. It's like a showcase for everyone's abilities and fighting style, but the fights don't have any consequences. We'll start at the bottom of the ranks and work our way to the top, and then the next night, the fights will be for real, so you can fight npcs or each other, whichever you prefer. 

I don't think I made this clear before, but the characters are only able to use their powers while in the Pit. Outside of battle or just outside if the actual ring, there is no magic available for them to use. The Pit is the source of all the magic, so nobody is able to use it when not in a fight. That's why nobody is able to escape or fight the guards.

Understood? Any questions?

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Thanks! I just wanted to be clear because if they were able to use their powers outside of the Pit, the guards wouldn't be able to have any control over them. Hope I didn't cause too much trouble!
Gotcha. I'm going to bed in a few, and tomorrow's a ten hour drive back home, so if you guys could either hold off my fight or control my charrie, I'd appreciate it. I'll send @Valhalla Valkyrie whatever info you need.
I wasn't going to have them be able to just to make it more interesting but I guess if they can't then you guys have nothing to reply about haha. So yeah, sure, they can see the fights. Sorry about that.
That's what I was thinking too, thanks for clearing that up for me. I can post now! :)
Oh, I have another question! Are the prisoners allowed to interact with each other outside the Pit? Or is their only interaction with each other fighting?
I am planning to make a character, but the nature of the limits of the power exceed me. Is it alright if my character can radically change parts of his body, basically like shapeshifting, but just making it so that the character just has one static transformation/bodily manipulation.

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