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Fantasy The Pit [Started, Closed]

Fane was glad he had made it in time, but not so happy he had been smashed down. Now as they fell forward, he absorbed as much energy from Revan as he could. Just a little after they hit the ground Fane could feel the rush of extreme energy. This sped up his body and healed his injured hands, but only enough to stop the bleeding. As the tentacle became soft Fane started to get up, only to feel a horrible pain in his back.

Three small spikes had formed from the tentacle and stabbed him in the left shoulder and two spots in his back. Luckily no major organs were hit, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Revan then threw him some feet away and he laid there, trying to recover. It took a little bit, but the holes in his back stopped bleeding as the last of the energy from Revan was used.

He watched as Odd and a very large crow swooped at Revan in his conscious state. He lost interest, knowing he couldn't do much else for a while. Then Odd came over to him and Fane smiled, "Thanks, but so are you." Fane looked at Odd's wound, "I wish I could help you with that." He reached up and gently touched the wound, but nothing happened. If only I was a healer...
Kira kept pace with Ivaylo, keeping her eyes cast to the ground. She felt hot and her heart was beating loudly in her chest. Could he hear how fast it was? Her palms were sweaty... She was walking next to him. As in, close enough to reach out and grab his hand. Even though Kira knew that she should be paying attention to what was going on around her, all her focus was on the man next to her. What should she do?!
Joel limped over to the remains of the fallen ravens and crouched. One by one he picked each one up and placed them to the areas on him that we're missing, it molding into his form with relative ease. Once he was done he glanced back at the fallen beast and walked over to him. He felt completely dumbstruck. He observed his features perplexed that a man like this could render himself into such a monster. He outstretched his hand, seeing that his injuries were less dire than what they were in his alter ego's form. "That sh*t hurt man, that is if you remember what I'm referring to." He commented while cracking his neck.
Ivaylo glanced at her briefly. "Breathe. You're going to hyperventilate if you keep that up," he said flatly before nudging her back. Where she had been standing just a second before, a fireball darted by, thrown by either an energy converter or an elemental. "Keep an eye out for that," he said, the corner of his mouth lifting.

Revan noted the restraint that Kami was showing. It was obvious that she was not pleased to be covering for Revan, and that was perfectly natural.

"I'm a monster among monsters, what use is covering for me like this? If anything, I should be covering for people that are troubled, nobody should be putting themselves in any sort of risk for someone like me." thought Revan as he saw Kami.

Revan stood up now, his body recharging by the second. He was still weak, and his balance faltered a bit as he began to walk to his side away from Kami and all the fighting.

"That's right, your not my friend, and it should stay that way. So please, don't cover for me or expend anything for someone like me. I'm not worthy of it and their pain is evidence of that" said Revan as he pointed towards Fane, Odd and Joel who were all suffering from injuries. "Your strong and you have a clear head, you have no reason to bother with someone as worthless to this world as me, who can only destroy and who can only cause pain." stated Revan with a quiet but clear voice as he slowly limped away.​
Odd laughed nervously as he lowered himself to his knees. "Oh don't be ridiculous, it's not everyday you call upon the power of the moon to defeat your enemies, heh." he quipped as he let the guy run a finger over his wound. Odd looked into his eyes with a hint of embarrassment, the same thought crossing the both of their minds.
Her heart kicked up a notch and it was hard for her to breathe. He was smiling... At her! And he had just saved her life yet again... Clearing her throat, she mumbled a thanks while looking away hastily. She had to clear her head and get back on track. Lives we're at stake here, including his. That sobering thought brought her back to normal and she took a deep breath, looking around her with a critical eye. "The only real fight going on seems to be between the top 5." She said, squinting slightly. "It seems as though the other high rankers are taking a break."
The way Revan spoke pissed Kami off more than anything. Striding towards his retreating figure, she got right up in his face and sported a nasty glare, itching to grab his collar in her fist but resisting. "God, you're ignorant," she hissed. "Your power in the Pit makes you a completely worthless person? Try a-fucking-gain. Unless you're a higher up, you don't stay in the Pit all day. You're a person, first and foremost. That demon or whatever that you become is a product of the energy in this arena. If your tendency to fuck things up is what makes you 'unworthy' then who are you outside of this place? As soon as you step out of this ring, you're just like every one of us. A powerless rat with nothing to do but survive, which in case you didn't notice, is what we're all doing. I'm not keeping an eye on you for your sake. I'm making sure you don't get too emotional to keep that monster in check and hold back from killing everyone here. So don't you dare sic that self-pity bullshit on me, 'cause it's not gonna slide without a verbal slapping, I guarantee it." The crowd had fallen silent halfway through and Kami's breathlessness was audible throughout the arena. The spectators had never heard her speak this much. In fact, she never had, not to anyone in the Pit.
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"Wow the moon huh?" Fane said as he looked back into Odd's eyes. As magnificent as his eyes....ha he would laugh if I said that out loud. His smile grew bigger and then he cleared his throat and started to get up. "So....uh....what do you think they're letting everyone out at once for?"
Cas had quickly figured out that his ice wasn't going to shield him, so instead of creating a barrier, he dove to the side to avoid the acid. When it kept coming at him, he shot each one with a blast of ice, neutralizing them. Say what you want about Cas, but at least he could learn from past mistakes. He quickly whipped around Ceranova, taking a flying leap at her but soaring over and firing ice projectiles like a machine gun as he arched over her head. He landed squarely on his feet, facing her back, and shot more spear-like icicles in Ceranova's direction. He could hear the girl who was #2 on the other side of the Pit, but he ignored her, focusing on his own fight.

Val stood her ground firmly, blasting each body-turned-projectile away from her with her red-purple energy. She absorbed all attacks this time, building up a much larger charge and firing continuously at her assailant, hoping to at least skim some part of her body.
Odd scratched his awkwardly as Fain stared at him for a bit. He returned the grin briefly before frowning. He looked around the arena seeing dried blood and various other ailments staining it. He was just glad that a low rank like him could avoid being the one being pulled out of the arena. He feared losing most of all and he shivered at the thought of the unknown that followed. Odd never really paid attention to rhyme and reason that much, he was too busy dealing with his suffering to think beyond the ring. He remained silent as he looked at some of the fights that were stil going on. 
Ceranova broke into several flips to avoid the ice projectiles above her and then she cartwheeled to the side with no hands to avoid the next attack. Once landing, she circled around to his front and engaged him in close combat, using high and low kicks to keep him off balance and then countering with a slash of acid to cut through his ice.

Tirana felt one or two blasts connect with her back before she rolled back to the ground. Using the wind to glide her speed increased enough to avoid most the blasts. She took notice to the strength of her blasts and kept this in mind as she charged at her again, keeping her wind attacks to minimum. Once she was close she roundhouses Val from her backside to counter her.
Fane raised an eyebrow as Odd didn't say anything but looked at the remaining fighters. He looked as well and realised while they were suppressing Revan, most of the lower ranks had be eliminated or knocked out. He stood up straight and put his left hand on Odd's shoulder, "Come on we should get to a corner to stay out of danger." Only then did Fane notice the hole in his hand and looked at his right hand. He realised his back only slightly hurt as well. Man I really hope these heal.

"Self pity? Don't kid me rank two, self - pity isn't something that's part of who I am" said Revan, his eyes narrowing with his voice becoming stronger and clearer. Although normally soft spoken and appearing to be rather weak willed, Revan held powerful mental fortitude that had allowed him to cling onto his convictions and ideals for so long, even in this pit. His ideals of always being the one who takes the burden for others, the one who willingly charges into adversity for others, the one who sacrifices for others.

"I've always held a belief that a person is made up of his or her ideals. That ideals make up one's identity. I've always tried to uphold my ideals, knowing full well that my ideals wouldn't be able to give me the easiest life or the easiest choices. In this god forsaken pit though, I've had to clash with my ideals every single day of my life. Every fight I win, I extend my life but lose my self. Every person I hurt or even kill takes a part of who I am away from me. I've stuck with these lofty and noble ideals though, always trying to rationalize with myself, always trying to cover for the violence I cause as a by product of survival. The power I have may just be part of this pit, but the unchanging fact is that this power is and will always be a part of me. Anything that happens with it is what I do whether I choose to do so or not. Every time I break my ideals by hurting others, I feel a growing numbness inside me, and I get scared - That numbness is the same thing I feel when my power controls me. Doesn't that mean that what I become when I accept survival and reject my ideals is an emotionless, blood thirsty killer? That realization alone makes me tremble in fear, makes me wonder what's more natural: The human within me or the beast within me. I'm unworthy, and I'm worthless because I don't have an identity - I don't know what I am and I can't embrace myself for who I am; I'm a walking contradiction that shouldn't exist. That is my firm belief, and self pity is not and never will be a part of that equation." said Revan clearly, his eyes becoming black once more, but oddly his pupils remain their natural and human deep black shade a small bit darker than the rest of the eye.

"So let me make this clear rank two - you who has no confusion and has an identity: Do not try to do anything for my sake and do as you just claimed; do things for the others that are in the path of my destructive impulses. Keep them in mind, but never keep me in mind."​
The crack of Kamiko's hand slapping Revan's cheek echoed throughout the arena, earning a collective gasp from the onlookers. She didn't bother to hold back anymore. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, she pulled him up close. "How fucking dare you understate us like that?" she spat, death flashing in her eyes. Her language was more vulgar than usual, but it fit her current mood. "You just described the struggle of every damn person in here. So what if you're rejecting your ideals to kill? As if the rest of us aren't doing that shit? What a fucking joke! Oh no, guys, poor Revan is scared because he has to kill people and that's wrong! Guess what, kid. You're not special. I don't wanna kill people. Hell, I don't even like to fight. I'm just choosing to 'accept survival and reject my ideals,' aren't I? Guess that makes me an emotionless, bloody killer, too. Oh, and your 'walking contradiction' bull- I honestly couldn't care less how jacked up you are inside. We aren't supposed to have these powers. None of us are. It's because of the assholes keeping us here that we have them. No other reason. They forced that shit on you. You were a person before, and you'll be a person after. It doesn't matter how it feels. It's the truth. And about me..." Her eyes narrowed into slits, angrier than she had been for a while. "Don't talk about me as if you know me. I, who 'has no confusion and an identity,' have experienced more pain and loss and indecision than you ever will in your entire pathetic, meaningless life. Don't even try to belittle my past, assfuck. You don't know shit, so stop acting like you do." Kami let go of his shirt with a shove, stepping back and regaining her composure. "Oh, and if the thought of trying to tell me what to do ever so much as crosses your mind again, I'll rip your fucking head off," she growled over her shoulder as she turned away, hoping to find something that would lighten her mood. As she was now, nothing would stop her from tearing the genitalia off of the nearest adversary.
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Harkin had just snapped the neck of a less than note-worthy foe. He had been separated from Cas when the chutes began to open simultaneously. That was the least of his worries, seeing as some of the fighters were less merciful than the elementalist had been. Harkin moved through the crowd, trying to get back to his new found rival when he saw a ball of flames flying toward a wounded male and his cohort. In a knee-jerk reaction, Harkin pushed his power at the ball itself, willing it to reverse. It did. The blazing inferno traveled back at its owner, igniting his body instantaneously. Apparently, the guy wasn't flame retardant. "Hey, you alright?" he asked the man. He looked wounded, something that pulled at the back of Harkin's mind. "I think I can help." he added, holding up his had and grinning from his newfound power.

(new power level: 8 1/4)
Fane looked over in Revan's direction when he heard a very loud slap. He now saw it was Kamiko who had slapped Revan. They must be arguing. Very surprising that she would keep such restraint, knowing that Revan could rampage again. He again lost interest since there was no immediate danger and caught a glimpse of Cas's fight. It was amazing how powerful the higher ranks were. He was glad he hadn't been here before them and had to battle them for a high rank. He wasn't sure even now if he could take them on.

Fane was surprised when the newbie who had been fighting Cas came out of nowhere to them. He looked at the newbie then at Odd. He wasn't sure who exactly the newbie was talking to but he spoke for them, "he's in need of healing more than me. My wounds are at least closed." Fane looked at Odd's wound with concern and hoped this guy could help.
Harkin looked down on the young man. He was...intriguing, to say the least. Especially his eyes, which stunned the man for a moment. Without saying another word, Harkin bent down and pressed his palm gently on the open wound. Blood seeped onto his fingers and made him gag slightly. Harkin hated the feeling of blood ever since he was a kid. He'd become grossed out at the feeling, being that he would gush at the slightest nick or scrape.

After a minute of focusing, he was able to bring back the element of his power that had been used earlier. As he pressed against the wound, the time and space concerning it began to reverse. As the stranger started to stitch back together, Harkin could feel himself draining heavily. The arena became blurry as he finished the job, which turned out to be less harmful than it looked. "You feeling okay, beautiful?" Harkin asked before the edges began to darken and the floor seemed to collapse underneath him. Harkin would realize he'd passed out later--a long time after he'd fell into the arms of the man who'd responded to him.
Odd was distracted from some of the other fights when his attention shot back to Kami and Revan who bickering. He was half listening to the arguement half looking at the fight Fain was looking at. The fight with Cas and Cera was getting pretty intense and he furrowed his eyebrows at how fast and powerful they both were together. He noticeably shifted uncomfortably at his next thought. "That could never be me, not in a million years. Never." he repeated to himself. Just then the guy he had completely forgot about had approached them. He took a few moments to try and place a face to him in his memory. He didn't pay attention to rank 50's fight at all until his chute had opened, even then he couldn't keep up with his speed to discern his face at all. As he did this he felt the guy's curious gaze directly on him. He looked down toward his wound, a bit embarrassed to keep the eye contact. The man promptly repaired his wound, half wincing as his hand went over the entirety of the wound. Slowly he felt an odd sensation as part of his stomach and the skin above it began to heal itself, the pain dulling down with it. He was about to thank him when he was finished when his flirtatious comment made his face redden and he gaped at him once he fell out. He was frozen in place, with his mouth slightly open.

Joel stood next to Raven and moved out of the way slightly as he and Kami got into it. He was deep in thought as he listened to their words, Kamiko's viewpoint clearly having more of an impact on him. His eyes widened slightly when Kami slapped him and stormed off. The whole conflict made him feel worse and he placed his woolen mask over his face again with his mouth still visible. He wished that he hadn't seen any of it. He looked in Revan's direction and frowned, waiting for his response.
Fane watched in amazement as the newbie healed Odd. He couldn't tell what he was doing, but at least Odd's wound healed. He quickly caught the newbie as he fell and held him for a few seconds. Hm so he likes Odd too. Guess I have some competition then. Haha look at Odd, stunned from this newbies comment. Guess I should have commented on Odd's eyes. Fane laid the newbie down in his lap and looked up at Odd, "You wouldn't have happened to hear his name? I forgot to ask him before he passed out."
Odd snapped out of his daze for a moment, but anyone could tell that he was still taken aback. He looked at Fain questionably and then looked at the unconscious man. "What's with everyone staring at me like that? Did I have something in my eye er something?" He raised an eyebrow at the next question, drawing blanks. He shrugged, "All I do know is that he's rank 50. However the heck that happened. He has a crazy asś power."
Fane laughed at Odd, "No, I just really liked your eyes. The rest if you isn't bad either. I'm sure he thought the same thing." He looked at the newbie and tried to place a name to his face. Nothing came to mind so he just looked to Odd, "Well with more power comes a heavier toll. I know of I had to fight anyone I could only use my free hand kung fu. I wish I could consciously use the energy I steal. My body just uses it how it feels, like apparently healing my wounds somehow." He raised his left hand and looked at Odd through the hole. He sighed, really hoping he wouldn't always have a huge hole in his hand.
Odd blinked a few times. "...He likes my eyes..?" He thought while processing what he just heard. He was taken aback by the comment slightly, not expecting to be flirted with at a place like this, twice. He looked up at the audience and then peered at both of the guys, a feeling of shyness and anxiety washing over him. He pushed his insecurity aside and zoned in on Fane's words. "Well what do you know, I know exactly what you're talking about. That's all pretty evident with me. Saved my own ass without me having any control over it. You've... probably seen plenty of my fights already, yeah?" His voice decreasing in pitch as he mentioned his last statement. Odd began to wonder if the man before him felt this way about him since he was thrown in here. "What in the hèll is so special about me..?"
Cas countered each attack accordingly, throwing up block after block and kicks and punches, occasionally connecting with flesh but not often. Hand-to-hand was not his forte, but he could definitely hold hi own, even against another member of the top five. In a flash, Cas ducked under a kick and shot spears of ice from every point on his body, like a porcupine shooting spines in all directions. He was certain at least one of the spears would lodge in Ceranova at such close range.

Val crumpled under a roundhouse kick, as she was unable to absorb physical attacks. She clambered back to her feet and shot several disc-like blasts of energy, smaller than her usual ones but slightly more accurate, at her assailant. At that moment, the bell that stopped the fights and declared a winner sounded over the Pit and she stopped. Was it over? Who had won? Half of the fighters had been taken out, but the top five still remained. In fact, a lot of people still remained, including Val.
"Wow I never thought there would be someone else with that problem. And yes I have seen and been in plenty of fights. It always seems everyone I fight has control over the abilities this place gives them." Then the bell to stop the fights rang out over the pit. Everyone stopped and fell silent it seemed. Fane looked at Odd, "Help me hold this guy up." He started to stand and pick up the newbie, still feeling weak from his fight with Revan.
Kamiko raised an eyebrow as the bell rang, oblivious to the gamekeepers' intentions but going along with it. If it meant she didn't have to fight anymore, then she was cool with whatever they planned. In truth, she had calmed down exponentially since she spoke to Revan and no longer felt like a predator lying in wait. "Thank the heavens," she muttered when the fighting around them slowed to a halt. Right about then seemed like a good time for a nap.

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