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Fantasy The Pit [Started, Closed]

Ceranova waited for the smoke to disappear as her body formed back to its regular form. She hoped that she had done some real damage to the ice user but she remained alert.

Odd sensed the danger he was in and his mind automatically formed a sphere around him as he bounced on the ground below, stopping himself with a barrier to keep him from rolling off too far. Slowly he got up, seeing that the beast focused his attention on Fane again. He had to fight through his pain in order to help him out in any way he could. His determination caused his eyes to glow a blinding white, the pain in his side adding on to his power in some inconceivable way. Lazer-like beams emitted from his eyes and mouth and it aimed Revan's back as Fane held onto him. "Banish." His voice echoed as the light began to burn through its skin and into its insides.
Zaytah had to calm herself as she observed the others. 'They are far above my level,' she thought to herself, 'How can I ever match them?' As she continued worrying her image faltered and she felt herself falling. "Eeep!" she squeaked as she fell. Quickly her reflexes reacted to where she somersaulted once she fell so as to decrease her damage. Her attention moved around trying to decide what to do. She felt a jab on her side and saw a low ranked competitor attacking her. 'For a higher rank than me he has low power,' she observed. Easily she dodged his incoming attacks. Zaytah kept to the defensive reading his attacks. 'Left, an uppercut, right, a feint, a right again,' she noted each attack. Soon she thought of a plan. Zaytah took a huge leap back angering her opponent. With a quick flick of her wrist a multiple of her appear. The boy staggered in confusion. Zaytah approached him on his blindside and neatly jabbed him behind his neck. He choked and fell blood coming out of his mouth. Zaytah massaged her hand a bit. All the other copies of her headed to face other opponents, mostly on the defensive so that they can report back to Zaytah information on other fighters.

'There aren't much fighters though.' The thought worried her since the remaining fighters were tough opponents.

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A smile tugged at Joel's lip at how relaxed the woman was. However he felt himself tense, realizing what this meant for him. She would be watching them, so leaving her with a good impression was something he planned on. A black wing formed on his left side in response to this epiphany and the two ravens merged into his longer sword, making the tip black. He prepared himself for attack.
Glancing around for Ivaylo, Kira did t see him, which made her sigh and turn back to the raven man, whose name was Joel. "Look, Joel I don't really want to fight you. I was just protecting someone important to me. Now that he's out of danger from you, I don't want to fight you anymore." She said honestly, her wolves disappearing with a wave of her hand. She didn't really want to mention the fact that she was also getting pretty tired and if she used too much power, she could seriously hurt herself.

Revan saw to his surprise that Fane had ignored the spike that had went straight through his hand and began to drain his energy. Revan immediately felt his energy being forcefully sucked from him, and in instinctive panic, he went to the base of his tentacle and bit into it while softening it to the point where the bite tore off the tentacle from his body. During this bite, Odd had fired three powerful blasts into his back, which quickly began to incinerate Revan's insides. Revan calmly turned around towards Odd and began charging, not even giving a single care to his intestines that were being sizzled. Blood began to spurt from Revan's open stomach in prodigious quantities, splattering in every direction. But Revan charged on without losing any speed. Pain was a foreign concept as was death. It would take a destroyed heart or brain to disable Revan for more than a minute. The stub of the tentacle that was left began to convulse and it rapidly grew back, but not fast enough that Revan could use it against Odd or protect his back from Fane.

Revan charged forward with blood gushing from his open mouthed grin and spattering behind him as he rapidly reached Odd. Once Revan got within six feet of Odd, he pounced upon Odd with the intent of wringing his neck to the side to prevent the powerful beams from damaging him further. Revan's physical stats were now immense due to the huge amount of damage he had taken. In ordinary fights he would be far weaker than this and would not have had the chance to recover from so much damage, but everything that held him back was null here. Fane and Cass were probably the only ones that could reliably permanently put down Odd now.​
Joel paused for a moment before moving out of his battle stance. If she didn't want to fight then he wasn't going to force her. For now he'd try to be reasonable. He heard the arena rumble and quake and he looked to his side to see the fight with Revan. There was a light coming out Odd's face and he raised an eyebrow. "Well what do you know..." He said with a matter-of-fact tone. He saw the amount of damage he was doing to the beast and he winced internally. His eyes widened after seeing the beast charge at the boy with no way for him to defend himself. "Wait here." He said as he turned into a flock of ravens as Raven rushed closer and closer. He moved with a speed that was more urgent than what he ever had amounted to, and thankfully he made it to him in time. The ravens grabbed an individual section of clothing and swiftly carried him away from the mammoth of fighter. A few of the ravens were struck by the beasts impact and Joel groaned as it happened.
Ivaylo had gotten caught up in another fight. He faced two elemental users: an earth user and an air user. These two together cut off his usual means of escape. He couldn't fly away; the air user wouldn't let him. The earth user could cause the ground to cave in if he tried to run. The pair circled him, and he feinted at them several times. Finally, when they had arrogant smiles on their faces, he leapt for the earth user and knocked him to the ground. Growling, his claws dug deep into the kid's shoulders.
Cas tucked himself further and rolled out from under his dome, but he didn't escape all of the acid. Some of it dripped down his back, burning his skin painfully. Angry it had touched him, Cas shot a wall of ice at Ceranova, arching in a crescent about fifteen feet wide. His eyes reflected a harsh, icy glare as he watched his ice fly forward.

Val was swept backward again, but managed to stay on her feet this time. She darted sideways out of the gust, and began to absorb the power from the side. The more the wind blew, the stronger she felt. She charged up another blast, aiming for her attacker.
Glad that Joel had not chosen to fight her anyway, Kira continued her search for Ivaylo. She wanted to make sure he wasn't in danger. Unfortunatly he was as, when she finally spotted him, He was about to get hit from behind by an air user. "Watch out!" She cried out to him as she sent a blast of darkness streaming towards the air user, sending them crashing into a wall with a sickening crunch.
Revan hissed in annoyance as multiple ravens began to push him away from the lights. In reaction, Revan began to wildly lash out at the birds. His tentacle was now regenerated and Revan used it as a last ditch effort to stop Odd from his attack by lashing it out at high velocity towards Odd's stomach with the end of the tentacle shaped like a spiked ball to push Odd away or incapacitate him. Meanwhile, Revan reached out and voraciously bit a raven and tore at its flesh with his free head, doing so to any raven that came near his head with frightening speed and feral blood lust. The beams still burned inside him, and Revan's intestines splattered out of his stomach, charred and pouring out digestive juices mixed with blood. Revan continued to struggle with all of his mad might, his massively upgraded muscles straining as they contested against the strength of the many birds.

Fane was surprised Revan would bite off his tentacle and that Odd had produced such a powerful attack. He quickly took his hands off the detached tentacle, wincing at the pain. His left hand had a hole right through it and the right only had a half hole below the pinky finger. Quite a bit of blood started pouring out of his hands, but he couldn't stop now. He started towards Revan and Odd, but noticed some crows pick up and carry away Odd. Fane hoped this distraction would be enough to get close to Revan. He sprinted as fast as he could and tried not to make too much noise.

Fane hoped he was in Revan's blind spot and went to jump on his back. If he was successful he would make sure to bring Revan to unconsciousness. Unfortunately, it seemed the tentacle had grown back and would defend Revan. Fane had to take the chance since Revan was now fighting the crows.
Ceranova countered the wall by trying to dispel it with a wall of fire of her own. The wall melted significantly and it slowed down at the impact. She took her opportunity to hide behind the wall and she summoned fireballs in her hands as she rushed out from behind it. She chucked one of them at Cas in a downward arc and then threw the other one, it splitting into four individual smaller pieces, each one homing on him like missiles. She rushed at afterwards with great speed.

Tirana let the wind surround her and she elevated herself several yards above the ground. Her body arched itself into a swimming dive and the wind spun her around at a rapid speed causing her rotate to like a drill. She dove for Val with her outstretched hands acting as a needle due to the winds force.
Ivaylo jumped to the side, leaving the earth user bloodied and unconscious. His back ached from various cuts, and now bruises from the air user. He nodded to Kira before scanning the arena. Mostly higher numbers left, but a few lower numbers managed to hold their own. He was exhausted and hurt, but Ivaylo knew his own fight was far from over. He stepped forward, searching for his next victim.
Zaytah saw more and more people falling. Sweat trickled down her face and neck. But her anxiety didn't last long, the cry of multiple ravens rang her ears. 'Gosh so many birds.' Their cries were annoying her. Zaytah focused a handful of her copies to jump up and swat the birds away. She sighed in relief once she heard the noise die down. But in that moment of distraction she nearly bumped into a fight between a shifter and earth user. She squeaked and jumped back. 'Sheesh...I sound like a little girl.' Her focus faltered from her current image and so her images of herself vanished. She focused on the detail of the shifter. But her other senses warned her to not stay so frozen in one place. She moved to the edge of the Pit and then in her head she kept the image of wolves in her mind. Then standing close to her was one but it was abnormal it was coated with steel and had spikes on top of the steel coat. Zaytah then ordered the beast back into the Pit.

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Joel's voice howled in pain as parts of his body were being eaten by the behemoth below. He could see the guy's tentacle come at them and he increased his altitude in the air to avoid it. He let the ravens near him clump together to form a larger one so that Odd could be in a better position in the air. The boy still seemed to be in pain as blood poured onto the raven's wings and figured that he'd have to do something about it relatively soon. "Hang in there little guy." his voice echoed in Odd's mind as he rushed back towards the beast to prevent him from harming the other parts of his body-- in the form of ravens.
Kira hurried after Ivaylo, her hands trembling slightly from the blast that she had sent at the air user. It was the strongest she had ever cast and had a sick feeling in her stomach that told her she had just killed her first human. But she pushed that all away and caught up to Ivaylo. "Wait, you're tired and hurt. Please rest for a bit." She asked him, darting in front of him to stop his movement.
His claws and fangs gleamed red in the light. He shifted into his human form and growled. "No. The sooner this is over, the better." His eyes were hard and seemed even darker than usual. Even the lines of his face seemed harsher now. His eyes locked onto someone over her shoulder, and the shifter started to step around Kira to attack.
Odd felt a headache come onto him after the attack he emitted ran out of juice. He was secretl proud that he was able to pull off something like that in the heat of the moment and relaxed once Joel changed form. Both arms were gripping the sources of aggravation, him stopping to breath through his nose. He saw the outline of Fane as he leaped into Revan, worried that he would get himself killed. "Please.. take me back he's going to die if I don't help him." He groaned in extreme worry. He admired the guy's abilities and during his short time there he began to respect him to a degree. He knew that he wouldn't be able to live with being responsible for causing the guy any harm. The raven was on the same page as him and he promptly lunged at the beast.
"I said no!" Her voice raising, Kira stomped her foot and darkness pulsed out of her, wild emotions making it hard to control her powers. Her face flushed, she bit her lip and looked away. Stupid, that was so stupid of her! "Never mind." She whispered before looking back up at him. "But I'm going to fight with you until the end!" She swore, her voice determined. Nothing was going to change her mind, not even Ivaylo himself.

Revan saw that the amount of ravens on his body had lessened enough for him to get one arm free which then furiously beat at the remaining ravens. The attack he had made on Odd had barely missed, as the ravens had begun to carry Odd away from the battle. Revan's keen senses also heard someone else coming behind him, and feeling pressure, Revan went completely on the defensive. His tentacle began to coil around Revan's upper body before abruptly flattening out into hardened plates which then pressed into Revan's body, crushing any remaining ravens under powerful force and shielding Revan's upper body in makeshift armor. However, at this moment, Fane had jumped upon Revan's back, rapidly draining energy once more. The impact of Fane hitting Revan pushed him forward as he fell on the ground, taking Fane with him. Revan angrily began to retailiate, but he already began to feel weaker. The body armor that Revan had created with his tentacle became organic and mushy, covering Fane's upper body who was still hanging onto Revan. Revan would have then made his tentacle produce multiple spikes to skewer through Fane's body, but his energy then failed him, with only three rather small spike being produced to impale Fane.

It had now been almost four seconds since Revan had had his energy drained, and even then he still had some left as he threw Fane away with the tentacle surrounding his body.

The hole in Revan's stomach was now patched up, and Revan saw Odd and the raven once again attack him. Revan took a step forward, but he collapsed on his knee, his energy now drained. Revan, still mad, used up his remaining energy to form his tentacle into a rectangular battering ram and attempted to propel it towards Odd, but the tentacle broke apart at the base, leaving the battering ram to clatter on the ground. With one last rage filled roar, Revan grasped the battering ram and threw it with his own huge physical strength at Odd to push him away. The maddening energy had been nearly drained from Revan, and his consciousness slowly began to take form. It was as if Revan had awoken from a dream. The world was hazy at first but focused quickly as Revan confusedly looked around him. The tentacle receded back into Revan's shoulder area and Revan started to breath heavily as the aftermath of using his powers so extensively hit him.

Revan's eyes returned back to their human white with black pupils, and they began to fill with tears as Revan recognized what he had done. He had gone berserk and heavily injured more than ten people, possibly even killing one or two. However, Revan had prepared himself for this, he had known that one day he would hurt or kill others because of the cruel state of constant fighting he was in. He accepted this fact and had braced himself for it. Revan was about to allow Odd and the raven to inflict damage upon him to end his rampage, when he realized that if he suffered more pain his body would instinctively force him to go back to his destructive mental state. Realizing this, Revan began to run, his body still strengthened from constant regeneration, albeit less powerful now that his almost tangible killing intent was gone.​
Kamiko caught Revan's shirt when he began to run away, yanking him back towards herself. "Where do you think you're going, boy?" she whispered in his ear, neither condescending nor angry. "Don't forget where you are." She understood how unstable he was and shot a look at the people around her, warning them not to come near. Before Revan could protest, she shoved him towards the edge of the arena and pushed him to his knees, forcing him to rest. "Listen up. You've done a hell of a lot of damage. Yeah, it was pretty cool, but you're gonna end up losing yourself in the process if you keep that shit up, you listening? Take a breather for a couple minutes," she ordered, crossing her arms. Before leaving, however, she leaned down and whispered, "Turn back into that monster and I'll cut your head clean off, got it?"
Revan did not, no, could not struggle when he was pulled roughly by rank two. His energy was gone and he simply awaited what would happen. He hard the woman's words and noted them but did not visibly respond to them, his face blank and emotionless. When Revan was pushed towards the arena wall, he slumped back onto the ground while still breathing with exhaustion. When the woman leaned in and said, "Turn back into that monster and I'll cut your head clean off, got it?", Revan smiled before replying, "I hope you do" with a rather weak and shaky voice. Revan felt his exhaustion drain out of his body slowly but surely as his cells began to regenerate and renourish themselves back to full capacity. In a few minutes, Revan could probably help out a few of the weaker fighters in this arena, but already he could see it was emptying out, leaving behind the strongest of the fighters, most of whom considered each other competition and powerful enough to not really need help.

"You sure about that? You're tired too. But I guess you'll be safer if you're with someone who isn't trying to tear your throat out." Ivaylo shrugged and started circling the crowd, searching for an easier target to take down. He didn't want to challenge anyone too strong, as exhausted as he was. He might've been stubborn, but Ivaylo was far from stupid when it came to knowing his own limits. Unfortunately, the only fighters left seemed to be the stronger ones.
Upon hearing his response, Kami scowled and gave Revan a displeased look. "That's a terrible mindset," she murmured before turning to face the arena. She could wipe out at least three quarters of them with nothing but her fists but restrained herself, not wanting to get her own hands dirty if she had the option. "I'm not your friend," she commented over her shoulder at the exhausted kid. "Don't ever think that I am. But just this once, I'll keep an eye out for you so you don't fall off your rocker."
Joel in Raven form came to stop in front of Revan as his power was being drained from him from the guy on his back. He was thrown off but every attempt at an attack from the beast had failed. He cried out again after several ravens left behind were crushed from one of his attacks, they were reduced to a liquified form as a result. He hovered over him slightly until he saw him begin to revert back to a human form. He landed on the arena floor and quickly turned back into his own human form, Odd removed himself from his back as well. Though several parts of his body were missing from him, he seemed to be able to move around regardless.

Odd watched as the horrid monster reverted back to the man he greeted several moments before. He got off of Joel's back and frowned as the man began to run away. To think that such a decent man like him could have such darkness inside of him, Odd stared at the ground until he saw rank #2 grab him. Without much thought, he looked to where Fain had landed and went over to him. "That was incredible! You're a lifesaver. Ergh." He enthused with a grin before wincing at the pain in his torso.

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