[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Akibahara said:


“All That Remains”

Agent Nick Fury looked at the time, “2:30pm. I believe it's time.” He sighed, walking with a purpose down the long corridors of the U.S.S. Romero, five helicopters in tow, anticipating the survivors on their task to find a cure by an overwhelming vote tally. Outside, Adam Eberhart, Dr. Carson Beckett, stood there, sighing as their departure was imminent.

“See ye, kiddos! Don' ge' killed out there, ye hear,” said Dr. Carson Beckett

“Annie, Annie! Be sure to get a hold of me afterward! I fuckin' love yoooou~,” said Adam...

But, there was something unusual. A survivor was missing from the group! Nick Fury furrowed a brow, “Aren't you missing someone? Let's go back inside and take a look...”


The sound of a man screaming, sang out from the nearby room. As the group turned the corner, they noticed that the walls were painted in a thick, syrup-like liquid, which oozed onto the floor. From beyond this eerie view, Elsa was laying waste to her new "toy". This "toy" bore the SHIELD insignia, yet was no longer identifiable. She wore a beautiful gown, which was as white as snow. Yet her body was slathered in crimson red blood... with an easily identifiable crimson cross on her delicate features. She was clutching an icicle, which contained human feces.

After the guard had voided his bowels from the fear of the crazed queen, it appears she had frozen his shit, and stabbed him to death with her new found toys. She carved out his insides and proceeded to fuck herself violently with the murder weapons, while shitting on the guard's chest cavity. Elsa savagely tore at his neck using her jagged nails, until she was able to rip his head off. The guard's open neck spewed blood and spit onto the walls, and her face, "Fuck my I'm uncultured you piece of shit!" She hollered, right before tearing out his spine and ramming it up her ass.

Members of the group began to gag, unable to take any more of watching their monstrous friend. The sound of gagging alerts the queen, and she instantly stands up, ready for her next slab of fresh meat to fuck. While standing, her "shitcicle" falls out of her bleeding ass, which only angers her. "Olaf's nose can't fuck my ass hard enough!.. I need your shit!.. Obey your queen.. AND EAT MY SHIT!" She howls, sprinting towards the group at an inhumane speed.

At that very moment, the automated door for the room sparked to life. Just as the queen leaps for the group, the door slams shut. A combination of blood splatter and cracking bones can be heard. The door had sliced Elsa in half, but it was not at all a clean cut. The floor was littered with destroyed bone marrow, pools of blood, and an eyeball that floated amongst the blood. What remained of her was attempting to to shove her entrails through her abdomen. "Anna.. Come fuck my shithole.." She gurgles, before the loss of blood cuts her off.

The scene before the group was that of a slaughterhouse. Blood and guts were sprawled out against the walls. Finally, her front half slide off of the door, and crashed into the metal floor, smashing the remaining fragment of her skull. A pool of blood formed underneath her, filled with teeth, shit, spit, and the last remainging shitcicle, which had finally fallen out of her, after having it lodged into her cervix.

It appears the traitors infected her with the Crossed virus and let her go wild.

“What. The. Fuck.”

That's all Nick Fury could muster up to say, his eyes wide in shock and fright.


It's been three hours since Elsa died horrifically. It was traumatizing to say the least, during that time you decided to examine Delta for any signs of a murder weapon or something else. Nothing. He was INNOCENT. Coulson sat there, quietly, the vast Georgian swamp meeting your vision as you spot Atlantia, Georgia:

It was burned out and usually silent, bits of fallen building tatter the landscape, as a news report comes out. A very rare one! The female reporter was in what appears to be a dusty warehouse: Russia was bombed. Some could say the flash was seen from orbit. All over Moscow, the flash in the sky could be seen, vaporizing everyone in the wink of an eye. A nuclear bomb.

Good thing you didn't go there, eh?


“This should be fun...”​


100 miles away, Beltway typed in a few words in his computer with one hand, a literal joystick in the other: Ustanak had come out to play. One of Umbrella's secret assets during the outbreak. It found the survivors literally moments from landing onto an abandoned hospital named “Mercy Hospital”. Ariel was the first one to touch her feet to the ground, just as... BOOOOOOOOOOOM! A rocket launched from Ustanak's arm from an adjacent building, trailing toward one of the helicopter's containing Junpei Lori, Rin, and Garrus, exploding them in a shower of shrapnel and orange flame.


“Heh, heh, heh... I should get a raise for this.”

The creature leapt into action, his large metal talon hurdling toward Ariel, and in what shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, tore her from the group and began pounding the lovely Disney princess into a pulp onto the concrete. She was alive, but mangled to all hell. YAAAAAAY! Oh, and the Crossed also heard the explosion and began swarming the hospital. Good thing you're on the roof, eh?

The helicopters that lead you here have abandoned you.

Welcome to Atlanta, Georgia!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Magnestia as Jehoel (The Apocalypse of Abraham)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

RainbowWave as Molly (The Walking Dead)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (Manhunt)

Atarf as Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)​



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)


Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ any specific time you beat Ustanak and escape the Crossed into the Umbrella facility! Oh, and for you, Elsa, the afterlife game will appear shortly afterward!

((AFK for an hour or two, once I return, I'll be GMing as the Crossed and Ustanak))
*the death of Elsa didn't stun me much as I didn't know her* poor soul. *I notice the giant and quickly charge up my fist* you son of a bitch!!
*After the death of Elsa, it effected certain people in our group. But not to me. I didn't know Elsa, and frankly, nor did I care. But watching the death of a survivor right in front of me set off a spark of anger, yet, I can't do anything against this giant freak... I decided to stay back, because of me being a horse, I'm useless in this fight... The only thing I can do is help move wounded/fallen comrades, and supplies. I just hope this potion will wear off soon. And we can pull through this fight...*

(( I'm probably not going to post for a bit, since being a horse is useless in a firefight. Just a heads up. ))
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Hatty Witnessed Ariel get Pummelled By Ustanak, He was unsure as of what to do in this Scenario, His first Course of action was to Take Cover behind Dallas's Large Horse-like Figure, He continued to whimper Behind Dallas.
"With Crossed coming at us and Ariel Currently undergoing Pummelling?! WHAT WOULD YOU THINK, GENIUS?!

Hatty Panicked, Whilst Straight Rectangular Tears Stream down His face.
Akibahara said:


“All That Remains”

Agent Nick Fury looked at the time, “2:30pm. I believe it's time.” He sighed, walking with a purpose down the long corridors of the U.S.S. Romero, five helicopters in tow, anticipating the survivors on their task to find a cure by an overwhelming vote tally. Outside, Adam Eberhart, Dr. Carson Beckett, stood there, sighing as their departure was imminent.

“See ye, kiddos! Don' ge' killed out there, ye hear,” said Dr. Carson Beckett

“Annie, Annie! Be sure to get a hold of me afterward! I fuckin' love yoooou~,” said Adam...

But, there was something unusual. A survivor was missing from the group! Nick Fury furrowed a brow, “Aren't you missing someone? Let's go back inside and take a look...”


The sound of a man screaming, sang out from the nearby room. As the group turned the corner, they noticed that the walls were painted in a thick, syrup-like liquid, which oozed onto the floor. From beyond this eerie view, Elsa was laying waste to her new "toy". This "toy" bore the SHIELD insignia, yet was no longer identifiable. She wore a beautiful gown, which was as white as snow. Yet her body was slathered in crimson red blood... with an easily identifiable crimson cross on her delicate features. She was clutching an icicle, which contained human feces.

After the guard had voided his bowels from the fear of the crazed queen, it appears she had frozen his shit, and stabbed him to death with her new found toys. She carved out his insides and proceeded to fuck herself violently with the murder weapons, while shitting on the guard's chest cavity. Elsa savagely tore at his neck using her jagged nails, until she was able to rip his head off. The guard's open neck spewed blood and spit onto the walls, and her face, "Fuck my I'm uncultured you piece of shit!" She hollered, right before tearing out his spine and ramming it up her ass.

Members of the group began to gag, unable to take any more of watching their monstrous friend. The sound of gagging alerts the queen, and she instantly stands up, ready for her next slab of fresh meat to fuck. While standing, her "shitcicle" falls out of her bleeding ass, which only angers her. "Olaf's nose can't fuck my ass hard enough!.. I need your shit!.. Obey your queen.. AND EAT MY SHIT!" She howls, sprinting towards the group at an inhumane speed.

At that very moment, the automated door for the room sparked to life. Just as the queen leaps for the group, the door slams shut. A combination of blood splatter and cracking bones can be heard. The door had sliced Elsa in half, but it was not at all a clean cut. The floor was littered with destroyed bone marrow, pools of blood, and an eyeball that floated amongst the blood. What remained of her was attempting to to shove her entrails through her abdomen. "Anna.. Come fuck my shithole.." She gurgles, before the loss of blood cuts her off.

The scene before the group was that of a slaughterhouse. Blood and guts were sprawled out against the walls. Finally, her front half slide off of the door, and crashed into the metal floor, smashing the remaining fragment of her skull. A pool of blood formed underneath her, filled with teeth, shit, spit, and the last remainging shitcicle, which had finally fallen out of her, after having it lodged into her cervix.

It appears the traitors infected her with the Crossed virus and let her go wild.

“What. The. Fuck.”

That's all Nick Fury could muster up to say, his eyes wide in shock and fright.


It's been three hours since Elsa died horrifically. It was traumatizing to say the least, during that time you decided to examine Delta for any signs of a murder weapon or something else. Nothing. He was INNOCENT. Coulson sat there, quietly, the vast Georgian swamp meeting your vision as you spot Atlantia, Georgia:

It was burned out and usually silent, bits of fallen building tatter the landscape, as a news report comes out. A very rare one! The female reporter was in what appears to be a dusty warehouse: Russia was bombed. Some could say the flash was seen from orbit. All over Moscow, the flash in the sky could be seen, vaporizing everyone in the wink of an eye. A nuclear bomb.

Good thing you didn't go there, eh?


“This should be fun...”​


100 miles away, Beltway typed in a few words in his computer with one hand, a literal joystick in the other: Ustanak had come out to play. One of Umbrella's secret assets during the outbreak. It found the survivors literally moments from landing onto an abandoned hospital named “Mercy Hospital”. Ariel was the first one to touch her feet to the ground, just as... BOOOOOOOOOOOM! A rocket launched from Ustanak's arm from an adjacent building, trailing toward one of the helicopter's containing Junpei Lori, Rin, and Garrus, exploding them in a shower of shrapnel and orange flame.


“Heh, heh, heh... I should get a raise for this.”

The creature leapt into action, his large metal talon hurdling toward Ariel, and in what shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, tore her from the group and began pounding the lovely Disney princess into a pulp onto the concrete. She was alive, but mangled to all hell. YAAAAAAY! Oh, and the Crossed also heard the explosion and began swarming the hospital. Good thing you're on the roof, eh?

The helicopters that lead you here have abandoned you.

Welcome to Atlanta, Georgia!

Akibahara said:


“All That Remains”

Agent Nick Fury looked at the time, “2:30pm. I believe it's time.” He sighed, walking with a purpose down the long corridors of the U.S.S. Romero, five helicopters in tow, anticipating the survivors on their task to find a cure by an overwhelming vote tally. Outside, Adam Eberhart, Dr. Carson Beckett, stood there, sighing as their departure was imminent.

“See ye, kiddos! Don' ge' killed out there, ye hear,” said Dr. Carson Beckett

“Annie, Annie! Be sure to get a hold of me afterward! I fuckin' love yoooou~,” said Adam...

But, there was something unusual. A survivor was missing from the group! Nick Fury furrowed a brow, “Aren't you missing someone? Let's go back inside and take a look...”


The sound of a man screaming, sang out from the nearby room. As the group turned the corner, they noticed that the walls were painted in a thick, syrup-like liquid, which oozed onto the floor. From beyond this eerie view, Elsa was laying waste to her new "toy". This "toy" bore the SHIELD insignia, yet was no longer identifiable. She wore a beautiful gown, which was as white as snow. Yet her body was slathered in crimson red blood... with an easily identifiable crimson cross on her delicate features. She was clutching an icicle, which contained human feces.

After the guard had voided his bowels from the fear of the crazed queen, it appears she had frozen his shit, and stabbed him to death with her new found toys. She carved out his insides and proceeded to fuck herself violently with the murder weapons, while shitting on the guard's chest cavity. Elsa savagely tore at his neck using her jagged nails, until she was able to rip his head off. The guard's open neck spewed blood and spit onto the walls, and her face, "Fuck my I'm uncultured you piece of shit!" She hollered, right before tearing out his spine and ramming it up her ass.

Members of the group began to gag, unable to take any more of watching their monstrous friend. The sound of gagging alerts the queen, and she instantly stands up, ready for her next slab of fresh meat to fuck. While standing, her "shitcicle" falls out of her bleeding ass, which only angers her. "Olaf's nose can't fuck my ass hard enough!.. I need your shit!.. Obey your queen.. AND EAT MY SHIT!" She howls, sprinting towards the group at an inhumane speed.

At that very moment, the automated door for the room sparked to life. Just as the queen leaps for the group, the door slams shut. A combination of blood splatter and cracking bones can be heard. The door had sliced Elsa in half, but it was not at all a clean cut. The floor was littered with destroyed bone marrow, pools of blood, and an eyeball that floated amongst the blood. What remained of her was attempting to to shove her entrails through her abdomen. "Anna.. Come fuck my shithole.." She gurgles, before the loss of blood cuts her off.

The scene before the group was that of a slaughterhouse. Blood and guts were sprawled out against the walls. Finally, her front half slide off of the door, and crashed into the metal floor, smashing the remaining fragment of her skull. A pool of blood formed underneath her, filled with teeth, shit, spit, and the last remainging shitcicle, which had finally fallen out of her, after having it lodged into her cervix.

It appears the traitors infected her with the Crossed virus and let her go wild.

“What. The. Fuck.”

That's all Nick Fury could muster up to say, his eyes wide in shock and fright.


It's been three hours since Elsa died horrifically. It was traumatizing to say the least, during that time you decided to examine Delta for any signs of a murder weapon or something else. Nothing. He was INNOCENT. Coulson sat there, quietly, the vast Georgian swamp meeting your vision as you spot Atlantia, Georgia:

It was burned out and usually silent, bits of fallen building tatter the landscape, as a news report comes out. A very rare one! The female reporter was in what appears to be a dusty warehouse: Russia was bombed. Some could say the flash was seen from orbit. All over Moscow, the flash in the sky could be seen, vaporizing everyone in the wink of an eye. A nuclear bomb.

Good thing you didn't go there, eh?


“This should be fun...”​


100 miles away, Beltway typed in a few words in his computer with one hand, a literal joystick in the other: Ustanak had come out to play. One of Umbrella's secret assets during the outbreak. It found the survivors literally moments from landing onto an abandoned hospital named “Mercy Hospital”. Ariel was the first one to touch her feet to the ground, just as... BOOOOOOOOOOOM! A rocket launched from Ustanak's arm from an adjacent building, trailing toward one of the helicopter's containing Junpei Lori, Rin, and Garrus, exploding them in a shower of shrapnel and orange flame.


“Heh, heh, heh... I should get a raise for this.”

The creature leapt into action, his large metal talon hurdling toward Ariel, and in what shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, tore her from the group and began pounding the lovely Disney princess into a pulp onto the concrete. She was alive, but mangled to all hell. YAAAAAAY! Oh, and the Crossed also heard the explosion and began swarming the hospital. Good thing you're on the roof, eh?

The helicopters that lead you here have abandoned you.

Welcome to Atlanta, Georgia!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Magnestia as Jehoel (The Apocalypse of Abraham)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

RainbowWave as Molly (The Walking Dead)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (Manhunt)

Atarf as Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)​



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)


Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ any specific time you beat Ustanak and escape the Crossed into the Umbrella facility! Oh, and for you, Elsa, the afterlife game will appear shortly afterward!

((AFK for an hour or two, once I return, I'll be GMing as the Crossed and Ustanak))
The detective watched what had happened after touching down with the helicopter as he had only heard about the death of Elsa, him surprised to find that he enjoyed the fact that he missed what had happened with her turning. He gazed at the large abomination that was pounding away at the mermaid woman. He only smirked while watching, the barrel of his revolver inside of his pants pocket with his hands at his sides while watching the chaos that was ensuing from the Crossed that were starting to swarm the hospital in mass amounts as well as the massive creature that had appeared before them all.

Well well...looks like we got a big boy looking for a dance. This just got even more interesting...hmhmhm...

He moved to walk in front of who he thought was Mikasa, him pulling out his revolver and twirling it around in his grasp, the revolver of his spinning around his index finger right on the trigger.

Xibilation said:
Ariel lay on the ground, feeling as if all of her bones were broken, her trident snapped in half and laying beside her. "W-water," she managed to gasp, before passing out, blood seeping from every pore in her body
Beltway laughed as he peered through the massive monster's eyes, “Want a little more, love? Done!” The Ustanak reeled his talon back with Ariel in tow, throwing and releasing her at extreme speeds toward the 8th floor of the hospital, she shattered through a window, body laced in glass shards and another nasties involved being thrown by a fuckin' beast.

Xibilation said:
Ariel lay on the ground, feeling as if all of her bones were broken, her trident snapped in half and laying beside her. "W-water," she managed to gasp, before passing out, blood seeping from every pore in her body
The monster growled, motorized sensors locking onto Leo as POOF! If he was in the sky, a giant-ass metal talon swung at him, attempting to plow straight into his mid-section. Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't suggest falling from such a height!

Cressy said:
Solaire hopped out of the ship to assist Emiya against the monster. He put his palm over his blade and it immediately began being coated with lightning! This son of a bitch had lightning on his sword.

"I command you to STOP IN THE NAME OF THE SUN!"

Solaire began charging a spear of lightning in his hand and tossed it toward the monster's head. He can also control the lightning's movement once. So no meatshielding mofo.
The blade lodged firmly into the Ustanak's cranium, it paused for a moment, falling slack. Ohp, not really. He took his free hand, removing the electric sword through him, which plowed straight through his skull, passed his brain, and stuck through the back of his head. He roared in pure anguish, fury, indignation, as it tossed Solaire's weapon to the side, falling with a loud CLANK! … Uh oh, I'd suggest finding another method to kill the creature! Bullets, explosives, and everything you've got doesn't seem to fare too well!


The Crossed have made it to the second floor of the Hospital, they were closing in fast.


One of them, a female, dressed herself in the flesh of a random male. She appeared to be the leader of them all, sporting a 12-gauge shotgun, casually walking through the hospital as if she owned the place.
Akibahara said:
Beltway laughed as he peered through the massive monster's eyes, “Want a little more, love? Done!” The Ustanak reeled his talon back with Ariel in tow, throwing and releasing her at extreme speeds toward the 8th floor of the hospital, she shattered through a window, body laced in glass shards and another nasties involved being thrown by a fuckin' beast.
The creature was ungodly invulnerable, no matter where you shot it: The heart, brain, dick, it shrugged it off as if you threw pebbles at it ((No srs, this guy is like the Devil himself on RE6)). It growled at Emiya, hoisting it's rocket arm into the air, and shooting off a round. It soared high into the sky, exploding in a radiant color of orange and yellow, collapsing and sending fractions of the roof into the incoming Crossed below, splattering twelve.

Emiya, Solaire, Bigby, Dandy, and Claire all fell through, onto the 10th floor. There's hospital equipment everywhere, as well as half-rotten corpses. The Crossed haven't reached you yet, but I'd suggest searching around!

The monster growled, motorized sensors locking onto Leo as POOF! If he was in the sky, a giant-ass metal talon swung at him, attempting to plow straight into his mid-section. Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't suggest falling from such a height!

The blade lodged firmly into the Ustanak's cranium, it paused for a moment, falling slack. Ohp, not really. He took his free hand, removing the electric sword through him, which plowed straight through his skull, passed his brain, and stuck through the back of his head. He roared in pure anguish, fury, indignation, as it tossed Solaire's weapon to the side, falling with a loud CLANK! … Uh oh, I'd suggest finding another method to kill the creature! Bullets, explosives, and everything you've got doesn't seem to fare too well!


The Crossed have made it to the second floor of the Hospital, they were closing in fast.


One of them, a female, dressed herself in the flesh of a random male. She appeared to be the leader of them all, sporting a 12-gauge shotgun, casually walking through the hospital as if she owned the place.
*panicking as the others feel through and knowing I would die from charging at it, glad I didn't, I jump down with them landin on my feet not wanting to deal with it*
Akibahara said:
Beltway laughed as he peered through the massive monster's eyes, “Want a little more, love? Done!” The Ustanak reeled his talon back with Ariel in tow, throwing and releasing her at extreme speeds toward the 8th floor of the hospital, she shattered through a window, body laced in glass shards and another nasties involved being thrown by a fuckin' beast.
The creature was ungodly invulnerable, no matter where you shot it: The heart, brain, dick, it shrugged it off as if you threw pebbles at it ((No srs, this guy is like the Devil himself on RE6)). It growled at Emiya, hoisting it's rocket arm into the air, and shooting off a round. It soared high into the sky, exploding in a radiant color of orange and yellow, collapsing and sending fractions of the roof into the incoming Crossed below, splattering twelve.

Emiya, Solaire, Bigby, Dandy, and Claire all fell through, onto the 10th floor. There's hospital equipment everywhere, as well as half-rotten corpses. The Crossed haven't reached you yet, but I'd suggest searching around!

The monster growled, motorized sensors locking onto Leo as POOF! If he was in the sky, a giant-ass metal talon swung at him, attempting to plow straight into his mid-section. Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't suggest falling from such a height!

The blade lodged firmly into the Ustanak's cranium, it paused for a moment, falling slack. Ohp, not really. He took his free hand, removing the electric sword through him, which plowed straight through his skull, passed his brain, and stuck through the back of his head. He roared in pure anguish, fury, indignation, as it tossed Solaire's weapon to the side, falling with a loud CLANK! … Uh oh, I'd suggest finding another method to kill the creature! Bullets, explosives, and everything you've got doesn't seem to fare too well!


The Crossed have made it to the second floor of the Hospital, they were closing in fast.


One of them, a female, dressed herself in the flesh of a random male. She appeared to be the leader of them all, sporting a 12-gauge shotgun, casually walking through the hospital as if she owned the place.
Found himself and Shiki being the only ones left on the roof of the hospital that he could see, him gazing at the large creature with a smirk on his face as he looked right at the large creature that was threatening to obliterate them, his confidence and cockiness not diminishing in the slightest even at seeing the massive amount of power and firepower it had.

Hehe...this big log is getting more and more interesting the longer I watch all of this.

He pointed his revolver ahead of himself while still standing in front of Shiki, his gaze fixed on the creature's head as though he was trying to aim for the skull to try and break it open. Although, would he really try something that seemed rather stupid to try?


@The Gil

@Flaming Centurion

Emiya picked herself up, unscathed but for a few bruises, and quickly examined her surroundings; there was a variety of hospital equipment lying around, some of it may be useful...

"Everybody ok?" The question was directed at the other four here in general.

"I suggest we take as much first aid as we can, and move as quietly, but as quickly as we can, we could shore ourselves up in here but we'd be trapped in a dead end, I'd suggest against it. Anyone agree?"
Flowershadow said:
He pointed his revolver ahead of himself while still standing in front of Shiki, his gaze fixed on the creature's head as though he was trying to aim for the skull to try and break it open. Although, would he really try something that seemed rather stupid to try?
The Ustanak gazed at Adachi, groaning as it leapt from his current position, his body amazingly soaring through the air with seemingly impossible speed given it's size and weight. BOOM! It smashed into the hospital exterior hospital wall, climbing upward and upward, his beady eyes targetting the survivors...
Akibahara said:


“All That Remains”

Agent Nick Fury looked at the time, “2:30pm. I believe it's time.” He sighed, walking with a purpose down the long corridors of the U.S.S. Romero, five helicopters in tow, anticipating the survivors on their task to find a cure by an overwhelming vote tally. Outside, Adam Eberhart, Dr. Carson Beckett, stood there, sighing as their departure was imminent.

“See ye, kiddos! Don' ge' killed out there, ye hear,” said Dr. Carson Beckett

“Annie, Annie! Be sure to get a hold of me afterward! I fuckin' love yoooou~,” said Adam...

But, there was something unusual. A survivor was missing from the group! Nick Fury furrowed a brow, “Aren't you missing someone? Let's go back inside and take a look...”


The sound of a man screaming, sang out from the nearby room. As the group turned the corner, they noticed that the walls were painted in a thick, syrup-like liquid, which oozed onto the floor. From beyond this eerie view, Elsa was laying waste to her new "toy". This "toy" bore the SHIELD insignia, yet was no longer identifiable. She wore a beautiful gown, which was as white as snow. Yet her body was slathered in crimson red blood... with an easily identifiable crimson cross on her delicate features. She was clutching an icicle, which contained human feces.

After the guard had voided his bowels from the fear of the crazed queen, it appears she had frozen his shit, and stabbed him to death with her new found toys. She carved out his insides and proceeded to fuck herself violently with the murder weapons, while shitting on the guard's chest cavity. Elsa savagely tore at his neck using her jagged nails, until she was able to rip his head off. The guard's open neck spewed blood and spit onto the walls, and her face, "Fuck my I'm uncultured you piece of shit!" She hollered, right before tearing out his spine and ramming it up her ass.

Members of the group began to gag, unable to take any more of watching their monstrous friend. The sound of gagging alerts the queen, and she instantly stands up, ready for her next slab of fresh meat to fuck. While standing, her "shitcicle" falls out of her bleeding ass, which only angers her. "Olaf's nose can't fuck my ass hard enough!.. I need your shit!.. Obey your queen.. AND EAT MY SHIT!" She howls, sprinting towards the group at an inhumane speed.

At that very moment, the automated door for the room sparked to life. Just as the queen leaps for the group, the door slams shut. A combination of blood splatter and cracking bones can be heard. The door had sliced Elsa in half, but it was not at all a clean cut. The floor was littered with destroyed bone marrow, pools of blood, and an eyeball that floated amongst the blood. What remained of her was attempting to to shove her entrails through her abdomen. "Anna.. Come fuck my shithole.." She gurgles, before the loss of blood cuts her off.

The scene before the group was that of a slaughterhouse. Blood and guts were sprawled out against the walls. Finally, her front half slide off of the door, and crashed into the metal floor, smashing the remaining fragment of her skull. A pool of blood formed underneath her, filled with teeth, shit, spit, and the last remainging shitcicle, which had finally fallen out of her, after having it lodged into her cervix.

It appears the traitors infected her with the Crossed virus and let her go wild.

“What. The. Fuck.”

That's all Nick Fury could muster up to say, his eyes wide in shock and fright.


It's been three hours since Elsa died horrifically. It was traumatizing to say the least, during that time you decided to examine Delta for any signs of a murder weapon or something else. Nothing. He was INNOCENT. Coulson sat there, quietly, the vast Georgian swamp meeting your vision as you spot Atlantia, Georgia:

It was burned out and usually silent, bits of fallen building tatter the landscape, as a news report comes out. A very rare one! The female reporter was in what appears to be a dusty warehouse: Russia was bombed. Some could say the flash was seen from orbit. All over Moscow, the flash in the sky could be seen, vaporizing everyone in the wink of an eye. A nuclear bomb.

Good thing you didn't go there, eh?


“This should be fun...”​


100 miles away, Beltway typed in a few words in his computer with one hand, a literal joystick in the other: Ustanak had come out to play. One of Umbrella's secret assets during the outbreak. It found the survivors literally moments from landing onto an abandoned hospital named “Mercy Hospital”. Ariel was the first one to touch her feet to the ground, just as... BOOOOOOOOOOOM! A rocket launched from Ustanak's arm from an adjacent building, trailing toward one of the helicopter's containing Junpei Lori, Rin, and Garrus, exploding them in a shower of shrapnel and orange flame.


“Heh, heh, heh... I should get a raise for this.”

The creature leapt into action, his large metal talon hurdling toward Ariel, and in what shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, tore her from the group and began pounding the lovely Disney princess into a pulp onto the concrete. She was alive, but mangled to all hell. YAAAAAAY! Oh, and the Crossed also heard the explosion and began swarming the hospital. Good thing you're on the roof, eh?

The helicopters that lead you here have abandoned you.

Welcome to Atlanta, Georgia!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Magnestia as Jehoel (The Apocalypse of Abraham)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

RainbowWave as Molly (The Walking Dead)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (Manhunt)

Atarf as Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)​



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)


Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ any specific time you beat Ustanak and escape the Crossed into the Umbrella facility! Oh, and for you, Elsa, the afterlife game will appear shortly afterward!

((AFK for an hour or two, once I return, I'll be GMing as the Crossed and Ustanak))
Annie walked onto one of her helicopters. just as she heard Adam hollering to her. She smiled at him.

"I'll be sure to do that once this all passes! Hope you don't die before that happens!~"

She blew a kiss to him and waved, giggling as she took a seat. Maybe being a woman wasn't so bad after all, she could get all the attention she wanted now! She closed her eyes and hummed as they started to take off, ignoring the sound of Elsa's ramblings very well.


She looked down upon the swampy land they all called..."Georgia". These helicopters could move pretty fast to take them across so many different areas in a matter of hours. She peeked out to see one of their fellow copters get blown to bits, watching it in awe like they were fireworks. She skipped out onto the hospital, just to see Ariel getting mauled. She groaned and rolled her eyes, igniting her hand again. Though this time it shone an icy blue; strange to say the least.

Reaper Jack] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3134-cressy/ said:

@The Gil

@Flaming Centurion

Emiya picked herself up, unscathed but for a few bruises, and quickly examined her surroundings; there was a variety of hospital equipment lying around, some of it may be useful...

"Everybody ok?" The question was directed at the other four here in general.

"I suggest we take as much first aid as we can, and move as quietly, but as quickly as we can, we could shore ourselves up in here but we'd be trapped in a dead end, I'd suggest against it. Anyone agree?"

Solaire looked at Emiya and shook his head in a no form.

"I'm going to go to the floor the mermaid was thrown into, please recover and be prepared, for the Crossed are making their way up."

Solaire walked down the stairs, the hospital was in bad shape, he remembered seeing the girl be tossed near the top of the hospital it seemed. Solaire was determined to save her, no more comrades shall fall with him around.

((Btw @Akibahara the lightning spear was literally a bolt of lightning like zeus, it's magic, not his actual sword, his sword just has lightning coated on it. But sa'll good))

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'There you are!' shouted Molly, her mind the only audience. Molly took off faster then pray runner from a predictor, as she neared Clementine, she grabbed the young girls arm, and took off in the other distinction of the monster. Dodging the large hole in the rooftop, Molly and clementine was near the edge of the building, and over looking a small office building.

"Fuck, we can't jump here, its to high up, we wont make it." Molly turned, facing the large hole in the rooftop. Looking to Clementine, Molly frowned, and let out a long needed sigh.

"I'm going to jump down, I don't want you to come if you don't want to, but remember Clementine, that monster doesn't care that your a little girl." Molly prepared her self to jump, and swiftly did so, landing on the 10th floor with a quite thud, and safely. Looking around, Molly could see Medical equipment was everywhere, and a handful of survivors have fallen inside.


Interlude #1:



Elsa wake up.

And she did.

Inside a vat, Elsa opened her eyes. Through the murky green fluid, he could see a man. Stoic, sporting a long black trench-coat, a pair of dark sunglasses, and slick blond hair. He was handsome. Her thoughts were clouded, the IV in her arm feeding her brain chemicals to emit endorphins – inducing her in a state of bliss – significantly decreasing Elsa's “freaking out” factor. A sly smirk met his features... as the endorphins suddenly shut off:

“Subject #007. Wake up.”

The vat opened upon itself, tearing the IVs out of her veins, a burning white pain filling her senses. She was in a laboratory: It wasn't like this fucked-up world the Crossed inhabited. No, it was clean, filled with tubes, syringes, and other empty vats. And now... this man paused, looking at her with that same damn stoic look.

“What is your name?”

Akibahara said:

Interlude #1:



Elsa wake up.

And she did.

Inside a vat, Elsa opened her eyes. Through the murky green fluid, he could see a man. Stoic, sporting a long black trench-coat, a pair of dark sunglasses, and slick blond hair. He was handsome. Her thoughts were clouded, the IV in her arm feeding her brain chemicals to emit endorphins – inducing her in a state of bliss – significantly decreasing Elsa's “freaking out” factor. He sly smirk met his features... as the endorphins suddenly shut off:

“Subject #007. Wake up.”

The vat opened upon itself, tearing the IVs out of her veins, a burning white pain filling her senses. She was in a laboratory: It wasn't like this fucked-up world the Crossed inhabited. No, it was clean, filled with tubes, syringes, and other empty vats. And now... this man paused, looking at her with that same damn stoic look.

“What is your name?”

"007" (Damn you Aki.)
Ariel's body hit the floor of the hospital with a sickening thud. Ariel felt excruciating pain all throughout her entire body, but mainly in 5 areas: ribs, elbow, legs, lower region, and head. She figured she must've broken or seriously injured all of them.

She guessed it's what came out of being punched, slammed around, raped, and thrown 3 stories.

Ariel slowly rolled onto her other side, convulsing in pain even though it was a simple action. A choked sob escaped from her mouth. Tears fell from her eyes freely, and even though Ariel willed them to stop, they kept falling. She had a hard time staying awake, but she tried to anyways, knowing she wasn't safe. She never was. Her right arm, while still fingerless, was the only part of her not hurting. She tried to drag herself away from the window, and her ribs and legs both shot up in an icy hot pain, while the glass all over her left side dug into her skin. Blacks spots shot into her vision, and Ariel stopped moving, panting just from the effort of barely dragging herself. Her ragged breathing was the only sound she heard, besides the distant yelling and smashing and shooting. She decided to lay still for a bit, telling herself that she was recovering when she was just making excuses. She almost felt like vomiting, but held it in, since it would only make her weaker.

Then, terror shot through her aching body as she heard someone's footsteps rapidly descending towards her.

Emiya put a hand on the knight's shoulder to get his attention before he left.

"I didn't say we shouldn't save her. But with all those Crossed coming up, and that creature already up there. Can you do it alone? No. You need us to help you survive long enough to get there, and for that we can't afford to separate."

Emiya stared at the knight, or as best she could while he had his visor down at least, testing the man's resolve. He'd already died once, would he be foolhardy enough to embrace it once more? Was that bravery or stupidity? Emiya decided he would be very stupid indeed should he choose to go off alone.
Flowershadow said:
Found himself and Shiki being the only ones left on the roof of the hospital that he could see, him gazing at the large creature with a smirk on his face as he looked right at the large creature that was threatening to obliterate them, his confidence and cockiness not diminishing in the slightest even at seeing the massive amount of power and firepower it had.
Hehe...this big log is getting more and more interesting the longer I watch all of this.

He pointed his revolver ahead of himself while still standing in front of Shiki, his gaze fixed on the creature's head as though he was trying to aim for the skull to try and break it open. Although, would he really try something that seemed rather stupid to try?
Akibahara said:
The Ustanak gazed at Adachi, groaning as it leapt from his current position, his body amazingly soaring through the air with seemingly impossible speed given it's size and weight. BOOM! It smashed into the hospital exterior hospital wall, climbing upward and upward, his beady eyes targetting the survivors...
He held his knife firmly just in case, wary of anything. Shiki was capable of killing it, but fighting it was a whole different matter. If he was hit first, it would be game over. But what was this Ustanak trying to do now? His eyes following the beast, he quickly glanced around to check if there were any Crossed trying to sneak up on him and Adachi, before directing his attention back to the monster. In an environment like this, where it was free to leap around wherever it wanted, Shiki figured that the indoors would give him the advantage. Using the Nanaya blood lodged deep in his soul, he knew he was still capable of Flash Stealth. Hell, if needed, he would have to use Seventeen Divisions, but on a target this big, he wondered what kind of toll it might put on Mikasa's body. As fit as it was, it was still of a young girl after all.

"Hey, I think we should run away for now. There's no way we can win against that out here," Shiki suggested to Adachi. His voice was still of Mikasa's, so for all intents and purposes, Adachi should still believe this was Mikasa he was with, and not Shiki. Then again, that didn't really matter at the moment. First priority would be to survive. Second was to find Mikasa and his body. Third was to find the cure for the requisition serum he and she drank. Fourth was to find a cure for the Crossed.

...Wow, if the sake of the human race is last priority, I guess I really am an asshole.
"Shit." Clementine shook her head, just as Luke stepped up behind her. "We have to jump, Clem! You can't fight that thing, not even with your newfound ability." He grabbed Clementine by the arm as she shook her head desperately, "Please no."

"I'm sorry Clementine."

Luke grabbed Clementine by her arm and they fell into the building, landing on a stretcher that quickly began piling out if a hole in the building. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" The stretcher was suddenly caught on a flying wire, now just barely hanging out the side of the building. Clementine jumped into the building before the stretcher went flying, but Luke was unfortunately still hanging on. "Why does this shit always happen to me?!" He began pulling himself up, when another shaking occurred and the wire snapped. Luke grabbed the edge of the building. He just barely managed to pull himself up. Thank god for upper body strength. "Okay, I've asked it before, but why the hell did we do this?!"

Reaper Jack] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3134-cressy/ said:
Emiya put a hand on the knight's shoulder to get his attention before he left.

"I didn't say we shouldn't save her. But with all those Crossed coming up, and that creature already up there. Can you do it alone? No. You need us to help you survive long enough to get there, and for that we can't afford to separate."

Emiya stared at the knight, or as best she could while he had his visor down at least, testing the man's resolve. He'd already died once, would he be foolhardy enough to embrace it once more? Was that bravery or stupidity? Emiya decided he would be very stupid indeed should he choose to go off alone.

Solaire stopped in his tracks and clutched his fists.

--She was right... I can't go dying again, I needed to help them. But we need to get down fast... For Ariel could not be saved if the crossed reach her floor.--

"Damn it... I know you're right but, we need to extract Ariel from that floor, if we all go together we might end up getting mauled in a closed space. We need one person to go extract her and return quickly. Do you wish to accompany me?"

Solaire stared back at her​
"Alright, Tibbers..."

She muttered, looking down the huge hole the monstrosity had made in the roof whilst also pulling out her teddy bear.

"You've had plenty of time to rest, but we're in danger again!"

She ignited him with her own icy blue flame, it's magical presence turning it's faux fur snow white. She threw him down as he erupted in blue flames, sporting polar-bear type looks, wearing a scarf and tuke. His flames had been turned icy blue as well. He was un-phased by his master's new look as she hopped onto the bear's back.


Tibbers swiftly jumped down into the tenth floor, seemingly where everyone had been congregating. She hopped off her bear and ignited both her hands with a cackle, looking about for any threats, or anything of use...

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