[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Cressy said:
((I actually want Elsa to win xD ))
Solaire kicked off the wall quickly and went into his praising position, going in a direct straight line with his momentum, he started catching up and matching Elsa's speed, although he did remain the same speed at constant and was slowing down due to not having constant push off like Elsa, his trick might fall flat.

((I have to go very soon but yeah #elsashouldwin))

((Aw Alrighty. Elsa will win. xD I gotta go here soon myself. I'll start wrapping up their conversation then. haha.))

Elsa moved at a medium pace, surprised he was gaining on her. She picked up her pace--not wanting to lose at one of the things she considered herself best at--sweating a little as she made it to the wall, her hand just barely brushing it before his did. Panting, she turned to face him. "I win, but I underestimated you a little. You did pretty good, Sir Solaris," she said with a smile. "Thanks for the race. It looks like I get a favor. But if you would have won, tell me, what would you have asked of me?" she questioned, curiously.

She grunted shortly after speaking, feeling an old wound on her shoulder start to bleed again. She had forgotten entirely that she had intended to head to the medical bay to look for the doctor she had requested! Realizing this, Elsa knew she should probably leave in a moment.
MrDubWubs said:
Sorry... *isn't to sure what to do now*
"It's fine, it's fine...thanks for stopping by though..."

She hopped onto her bed, her legs swaying back and forth off the edge.

"...Here's to hoping we don't die tomorrow!"

Her attempt at lighting up the mood, only actually made her sadder.

Jeremiah said:
"It's fine, it's fine...thanks for stopping by though..."
She hopped onto her bed, her legs swaying back and forth off the edge.

"...Here's to hoping we don't die tomorrow!"

Her attempt at lighting up the mood, only actually made her sadder.

MrDubWubs said:
*sighs pulling you into a tight hug after detaching my gauntlets* I sure do hope so...
She furrowed her brows sorrowfully, putting her arms around Vi and resting her head on Vi's shoulder.
Akibahara said:

Voting update:


6- Choice A

13- Choice B

2- Choice C


1- Leo Barnes

2- Annie

3- Elsa

1- Dallas

1- Bigby

1- The Spy

1- James

1- Dandy

5- Delta

In Danger of Elimination:

Magnestia as Jehoel (The Apocalypse of Abraham)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (Persona 3)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (Mass Effect)​
(( wow, who voted for me. :c ))


Elondora said:
Wynne and Captain would never stand for that. If humanity could be saved, they would always fight for that. To their last breaths. You can hole up in Russia waiting to die, you can abandon humanity or you can fight for them. We choose to fight.

Akibahara said:

Mid-Round Update!


300 miles away...

Nicholai Ginovaef was not a happy man.

Of course, being an Umbrella Commander, the elite of the UBCS, tended to discourage a surplus of glee. But for the past two weeks, since he has traveled the United States and abroad, he was waiting for the worst. Patience, a delightful virtue, was the hardest part. If something was happening, he could handle that, whatever it was. He was a man of action, decisive, a leader. It was the survivors, who didn't give him the satisfaction of dying, that was gnawing at him.

The blue aura of a hologram lit the Command Room:


Wolfpack, report in.

“Lupo, reporting.

“Four-Eyes, reporting.”

“Beltway, reporting.”

“Vector, reporting.”

“Bertha, reporting.”

“Spectre, reporting.”​

Maybe the Crossed couldn't kill 'em, and his secret operatives were too damn slow, but Wolfpack- ah, the infamous Delta Team, they never failed a mission. Perfect.

Wolfpack, I am Commander Nicholai Ginovaef. Your mission in regards to the detonation of NYC is being put to a halt. You have new targets...”

An image of the survivors pops up on the HUD, Lupo examines every image, burning them into her skull.

Do not engage them directly. You will be given all Umbrella resources to eliminate the targets.”

“Roger that,” said Lupo.

Good. We'll send you satellite feed of their every position.

... Commence Operation Bulldozer...





Nick Fury's eyes fixed against a large holographic image on the Captain's Deck, “Hmm. This will do.” It was 9:00am sharp, the survivors finally managed to make their way, despite that creepy Cabin 42 adventure. He twirled his boots, his one eye fixed on the survivors before him: “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the U.S.S. Romero's Command Deck. You have three choices.”

A.) President Vladimir Putin has set up a massive international safe zone in Russia. The Crossed seem to fare poorly in the extreme cold, so naturally, many immigrants flocked there in hopes to survive the outbreak. We want to ensure this is absolutely true and our intel is correct. If so, humanity may have a fighting chance.

B.) The Umbrella Corporation and the CDC have been working on a cure for the Crossed virus in Atlanta, Georgia. This, too, is a rumor. If possible, we'd like you to investigate it. The area has also found an... interesting individual sporting a black outfit, a pair of sunglasses, and blond slick back hair near the facility. He seems suspicious. Investigate if at all possible.

C.) Now, we're not in the business of forcing anyone on anything. If you want, the rich and famous have set up their own private safe-zone near the Bermuda—we can drop you off there—and you can live the rest of your days in peace and harmony.

“Which do you choose?”

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will be set up shortly. First kill & Choose-Your-Own-Adventure choices will be posted @ 12:00pm MST tomorrow or later on tonight, depending on activity levels. Vote for who you believe the traitor is and your selection!

((Aaaand, going AFK finally. I'll respond once I return. ))
As much as wealth sounds Tempting to Hatty... I may go with Choice A Just so Plot development and shizz.

(Plus, I love you Aki for Bringing in the Wolfpack <3 x3)
Debra yawned as she had just woken up, rubbing her sleepy eyes with her hands which hid within her oversized sleeves, yawning as she shuffled her foot across. "Mooorrning." She said to the people in the medical bay, sniffling and scratching her butt with her left hand, running a hand through her rather messy hair.
Bombielonia said:
Debra yawned as she had just woken up, rubbing her sleepy eyes with her hands which hid within her oversized sleeves, yawning as she shuffled her foot across. "Mooorrning." She said to the people in the medical bay sniffling and scratching her butt with her left hand, running a hand through her rather messy hair.
Leo had heard her call, he was quite glad to be honest. In the medical bay with anyone, he leaned againast a gurney drinking a warm glass of coffee. "Morning, Misses Sunshine." Leo added with a smile. But after the events of yesterday, he had a light blush on his cheeks.


// Doakes is a fucking dick. Dexters just doing his job x3
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// Doakes is a fucking dick. Dexters just doing his job x3
Debra sat besides Leo and ignored his cheesiness, simply replying "Morning." just before yawning as she reached for his cup of coffee, attempting to take it for a sip before returning it. "What happened? Fuck all?" She said, after drinking the coffee, giving him a peck on his cheek.
Leo hadn't really minded, he let her take the glass of coffee. And that's when he realized she drank like half of it, before turning toward her and giving a smile. "You drank my coffee. You drank a police officers supplement for the morning." He laughed and shrugged before doing the same for her. "But because I love you, I don't really give a shit." Leo returned to his position before looking back at her, listening to her question. "Well..." In a flurry, he looked at his bandaged hands, then the event of Cabin 42 as tears slowly fall down his cheeks. "I don't wanna talk about it.." He sniffed before cleaning it with his shoulder, giving an embarrassing smile "Uhm... We're going to Atlanta possibly... To find a cure." He gently rubbed her hand with his thumb. "I doubt some of us are coming out alive though..."

Debra listened to him talk before answering, squeezing his hand gently. "You're a softie, y'know?" She claimed as she brought her hand to wipe off his tears, having just woken up, she was no where near wanting some drama and decided not to push for an answer as she nodded. "I understand." She said, before commenting about his hand. "What uh. What happened to your hands?" She saw the threw in a wild guess. "Burnt?"
He laughed forcibly "No. I woke up and literally flew into the glass.. Standing up, I got shards. Dr. Beckett though hadn't had enough time to fix it up, so I fucking self medicated." Leo answered.


// Sorry, internet was screwed up! D: 
He laughed forcibly "No. I woke up and literally flew into the glass.. Standing up, I got shards. Dr. Beckett though hadn't had enough time to fix it up, so I fucking self medicated." Leo answered.


// Sorry, internet was screwed up! D:
Leo grinned, his hand following hers. "Now If I have to kill someone, in order to protect you, odds are I'd do it even with broken legs." Leo meant every word as he kisses her forehead. "And that's true."


Bombielonia said:
She smiled and brought his hand to kiss it. "Well then, glad you're alright. Jus' don't go around shooting now, not that you can."
She grinned after saying that, giving him a harder squeeze to his hand.
Ariel had no barnacling idea what she was doing.

She had been bored, sitting in the medical bay. Although it was called a "bay", there was no water whatsoever! It was atrocious. But since there was no water, there was absolutely nothing to do. Nada. Ariel figured that she would need to train a bit so that she could defend herself against the Crossed.

If she wasn't going to kill them, she may as well try.

So, she stood in what's called the "weapons room", holding a trident. It was SUPER heavy, but it was the only "weapon" she semi knew how to use. Ariel dragged it over to a dummy, and tried to lift it.

No such luck.

It was a lot harder above water. Ariel grunted, putting her back into it, and still couldn't lift it.

Ariel dropped the trident and sat down on the ground. She sighed. She was completely useless. There was absolutely no way she could survive. None. She was so caught up in her self pity that she almost didn't hear the man who cleared his throat.

It was the eyepatch man.

((Aki you better wake up and answer >.> ))
Bombielonia said:
"You're so cheesy I can taste it in my mouth and smell it with my ears. Fuck." She said, laughing quietly as she patted his legs. "Trust me, if anything, i'll be the reason your legs get broken." She hinted something there, nyaha. "But don't worry, nothing.. will happen up here."
He looked at her a bit confused at her comment. "Yeah? Well If you do that, I'll arrest you... And it'll be hard to do so.~" He aswell hinted something a bit more perverted. "So watch yourself." Leo gave her a gentle peck on the lips.

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*I wake up with Annie in my arms, asleep, after we slept on the bed where she and Adam phornocated. I shift away to leave her on the bed alone. I stand up and tuck her in patting her head. I leave the room quietly closing the door behind me. I stretch when outside and yawn. I look around to see who is up but it is interrupted by a loud growl from my stomach.* Well time for food... *I make my way to the cafeteria slowly*

@JayJay @Jeremiah
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