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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

The RP has begun! Still finish up your relationships and what not please
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Do we discuss what kind relationships our characters have together or is it something we do on our own?

Also should we talk about anything beforehand like systems the group has in place for if they run into other mutants, whether or not they have a watch/warning system in place, etc?
Relationships with others in terms of friendship/ how you ended up in the group I think you already did that

And if you guys want to do that you can, assign roles so to speak to people in the group, that's all on you all. Whatever you guys wanna do
Prizzy Kriyze]I'll refer you to an earlier post on this page where I wrote a bit of mine and [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/3631-der-kojote/ said:
@Der Kojote[/URL]'s intertwined backstories, and ask you how your character joined the group?
Well, I'll just go with something along these lines:

Cres was on the run for a little under two years, and she got to know a few of the cities she came across. At first, her original interest was to just survive. But after a while of doing that, she got a little lonesome. She would never admit something like that of course, but after a couple of years she became more inclined to find others like her. I think she honestly would have just bumped into them, though she could have possibly known one of the characters and convinced them to take her in.

Its really up in the air, but I don't think she would have done anything to earn a lot of mistrust because of her constant guard and caution...
MoltenLightning said:
Well, I'll just go with something along these lines:
Cres was on the run for a little under two years, and she got to know a few of the cities she came across. At first, her original interest was to just survive. But after a while of doing that, she got a little lonesome. She would never admit something like that of course, but after a couple of years she became more inclined to find others like her. I think she honestly would have just bumped into them, though she could have possibly known one of the characters and convinced them to take her in.

Its really up in the air, but I don't think she would have done anything to earn a lot of mistrust because of her constant guard and caution...
Fair 'nuff
Posting from my phone, so sorry for the sub par quality, but wanted to get everything figured out. I suppose as far as Lily meeting the group, it's be pretty simple. She's sort of hit a point where she's realized that living alone on the streets isn't a very practical way to avoid piquing the interest of the Department of Mutant Capture.

Though not very imaginative, I would imagine the group sort of just happened upon her (kinda tough to seek out an unknown group of wandering mutants :P ). Realizing joining up with them would be in her best interest for survival, Lily would have joined them, but only out of practicality. She's typically keep to herself for the most part, to avoid getting attached to anyone who might not end up being around very long.

Obviously it's pretty generic. I can try to come up with specifics if necessary, just kinda tough right this second, so wanted to get something up.
Phew. Ok, I should/maybe(?) have my post up tonight; since intros are always the longest I have one done and the other sort of planned out but not yet quite the skeletal phase.

Anyways are there any sort of relationship dynamics that anyone wants to plan between characters: friends, rivals...frenemies?
Abyss said:
Phew. Ok, I should/maybe(?) have my post up tonight; since intros are always the longest I have one done and the other sort of planned out but not yet quite the skeletal phase.
Anyways are there any sort of relationship dynamics that anyone wants to plan between characters: friends, rivals...frenemies?
I was going to ask the same general question.

I'm pretty open to most things, relationship-wise.

If someone would like to plan something with me, that is
MoltenLightning said:
I was going to ask the same general question.
I'm pretty open to most things, relationship-wise.

If someone would like to plan something with me, that is
I'd be up for it :D
MoltenLightning said:
Okay, cool! You have anything in mind? :3
Not really anything specific, but I think since Verity is fairly close to Crescendo's age she would have attempted to be friends with her at some point. They share some personailty traits in common though that I could see either making it easier or more difficult to get along...
Abyss said:
Not really anything specific, but I think since Verity is fairly close to Crescendo's age she would have attempted to be friends with her at some point. They share some personailty traits in common though that I could see either making it easier or more difficult to get along...
Oh yeah, true

Maybe, seeing as they both have trust issues, they have their own little 'club' where they talk to one another about things? Maybe sometimes confide in one another?

I don't know, I just thought it'd be pretty neat or funny to see the interactions or thoughts they both have on something...
MoltenLightning said:
Oh yeah, true
Maybe, seeing as they both have trust issues, they have their own little 'club' where they talk to one another about things? Maybe sometimes confide in one another?

I don't know, I just thought it'd be pretty neat or funny to see the interactions or thoughts they both have on something...
Love it.
Good idea. I'm going to tell ya'll how Milo would act around you.


You'll find out :P

@Der Kojote

In the end, Nick is probably the closest to Milo. He'll even listen to him sometimes if Nick tells him to put down the bottle, and that's quite something. That being said, Milo is still Milo, unsympathetic and independent. Nick is his humane counterpart.


I dunno about Adrian, but if he's a laid-back guy who stays out of Milo's way, they won't be having problems. Verity will probably come across as boring to him, though.


Miranda is really weird, but she's hot, so Milo still probably going to pay attention to her. Generally speaking, he'll probably act indifferent but always wonder what the fuck her plan is.


Myra sounds like a fun gal. In twisted sort of way, Milo is going to laugh at all her jokes while actually still taking to heart that everything is absolute shit and he'd probably rather die than go on. Woah, maybe I made Milo a bit too depressing. Well, anyway, he's going to appreciate her jokes, and also respect her for actually being a broken individual.


Lillian would probably get along well with Verity as far as I see. Milo's going to think of them both as the boring loners.


Cres is a little ball of arrogance and anger, and Milo probably finds some masochistic pleasure in getting into arguments with her. He'll probably end up being protective about her, because even if she annoys the shit out of him, at least she makes him feel something. "She may be a bitchy teenager, but she's OUR bitchy teenager. Fuck with her and die."
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@Prizzy Kriyze

That's probably good for Verity; she was raised in a pretty sheltered fashion so despite sneaking off to the odd party here and there she doesn't really have much experience with people like Milo and is pretty intimidated by such behavior. Although that also ensures that most of the time she treats his words/orders like it's the law.

Adrian on the other hand does have a lot experience in that area so it's not really surprising or odd to him at all. The only way I could see them getting into a conflict is if Milo ever insisted on rules that hampered his freedom, as Adrian likes his independence and has a history of going out on his own (not that he'd ever knowingly do something that would put the other mutants at risk) although if there's something Milo wants done on the way then Adrian would get it done too.
Abyss said:
@Prizzy Kriyze
That's probably good for Verity; she was raised in a pretty sheltered fashion so despite sneaking off to the odd party here and there she doesn't really have much experience with people like Milo and is pretty intimidated by such behavior. Although that also ensures that most of the time she treats his words/orders like it's the law.

Adrian on the other hand does have a lot experience in that area so it's not really surprising or odd to him at all. The only way I could see them getting into a conflict is if Milo ever insisted on rules that hampered his freedom, as Adrian likes his independence and has a history of going out on his own (not that he'd ever knowingly do something that would put the other mutants at risk) although if there's something Milo wants done on the way then Adrian would get it done too.
Should be fine. Had it been any of my previous characters for the rp, then it should've been a problem, but Milo gives few fucks.
@Der Kojote - Myra would most likely look up to Nick, but would never actually admit to that. She would be a softer on him for that particular reason and regrets ever trying to steal from him.

@Prizzy Kriyze - Milo would be cool by Myra's standards. She respects that he's definitely seen some shit, and appreciates how he can take a joke. His antics would be a source of entertainment. (Your username is so cute by the way)

@Abyss - Adrian reminds Myra of a cat, so he'd probably have an abundance of Feline nicknames. He seems pretty chill though. Not much else to say. Verity is new so Myra doesn't completely trust her either. It's admirable how hard the girl works, that she realizes. Verity would receive shit tons of jokes. (Pretty profile picture! @-@)

@Sidelink - Myra would find Miranda weird. Not much fun to joke around with, but that doesn't mean she still won't do it. Despite how odd Miranda seems, Myra believes she's an alright person.

@AshenLily - Lillian is okay. It's just a sort of meh thing. Myra just can't help but be mystified by her perfect her eyeliner is. Elsa has some skills, it seems.

@MoltenLightning - Cres is adorable. So much anger bottled up into such a little Chica. Myra wouldn't be able to help herself from teasing.
cinderfloof said:
@MoltenLightning - Cres is adorable. So much anger bottled up into such a little Chica. Myra wouldn't be able to help herself from teasing.
Yes. Yes indeed.

I do like that plan. I can't wait to type out all that salt, yay! xD

And there will be many metaphors, mind you...
Waiting a bit longer, giving @Sidelink a chance to post. So in the meantime let's go talk about how Nick feels about everyone in the group shall we?

@Prizzy Kriyze: We've already talked about it. Both respect each other, and listen to eachother. Outside of combat Nick is Milo's humane counterpart. The thing that keeps him from going too overboard. However at the same time when it comes to combat, Milo is the person that can say. "Alright Nick stop the fighting they're done, let's leave."

@Abyss : Nick probably would get along with Adrian, as both of them are into the arts. Also, as someone who has transformed into the animals, he probably could give Nick good critique of his work. "No... that's to short... The tail isn't long enough." Etc. Verity he really wouldn't have a problem with. He'd probably talk with her a bit when he was talking with Adrian.

@Sidelink : He'd have a bit of distance between him and Miranda, not of dislike or anything but out well kind of a respect. The fact that she precives time slower means she probably might have the body of a 19 year she probably has the mind of a grown adult. Still if she deems to speak, he'll listen quite closely.

@cinderfloof : He'd hold no grudges against her for trying to steal from him, he's probably thought of stealing every once in a while. The fact she considered his work to be worth so much is kinda an honor/ bit of flattery though. Ehh, might thinks she's cute, he'd never admit it though. Also the Witty gallows humor is always appreciated.

@AshenLily : Nick would have a lot of sympathy for Lilian. He also had a basic normal life... sure his powers hit sooner, and his parents rolled with it... but... he really just wanted a normal life... he understands the whole shut down feeling, and holing up from every connection. For a while he was like that.

@MoltenLightning : He might look at Cres as a little sister like figure. He'd be forgiving of most outbursts, why? She started running when she was 14! All alone... on the streets. During a "wonderful" time in anyone's life.
Speaking of @Sidelink when do you plan on posting? I'll give you 24 hours to post or reply here if you need more time before we move on.
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@Der Kojote

I can definitely see Adrian and Nick getting along through their shared hobby(ies), he'd be a big supporter/fan of Nick's sculpture making/business and as well as sharing some constructful criticism he'd also be willing to use his powers to act as a live reference.

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