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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))


Bumblebee Therapist

Good luck to all of you and put your best effort into your character sheets!

But, to break the ice go ahead and introduce yourselves!

  • Name or how you would like to be called
  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?
  • Name one thing on your bucket list
  • If you could travel the world where would you go?
  • What do you expect out of this RP?

Hi ya'll I'm Mittens!


No not that Mittens

Three things on a stranded island that I would bring would have to be a swiss army knife, a volleyball for company, and flares.


One thing on my bucket list is to cliff dive/jump


If I could travel the world I think I'd like to go drink whiskey in Ireland


What do I expect out of this RP?



  • DRAMA!


  • And simply a damned good time!


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I'm intrigued but curious about something. Six lines is what, exactly? You count lines in poetry, sentences in prose. Which of these are you referring to?
It's more of a guideline than an actual rule. I mean don't hit enter after every sentence. It's more or less at least two paragraphs or so. Everyone has their own style, I just specifically don't want one liners mostly. I understand speaking vs. actions needs to be counted for. I'm rather lenient about it just trying to give people an idea.
Oh, very well, I think I understand what you mean. I have some other questions, though: does the writing sample have to be unique to this roleplay or can it be about anything? And, what is your stance on time manipulation? I'm well aware of its taboo nature, but I figure there is no harm in asking.
Any writing piece is fine. And I'm open to it if you can explain it further since there's a alot of variables with that.
It wouldn't be anything crazy. The character would have the ability to slow down her perception of time. This would give the appearance of faster reflexes and speed. I don't think it would be prudent to allow her to stop time entirely, as it would trivialize everything. No time travel or other advanced uses of time manipulation. Maybe she could have cryptic dreams of the future in the form of abstract images, but they would only tell half truths and it would take her some time to interpret them.

If this doesn't work, then I'll just go with something else. It's no big deal.
  • Name or how you would like to be called

Hello, darling! My name is Cindefloof, but call me Cinder for short. My full title is The Queen of Trash. You're welcome to enter my kingdom, I guess. cx

  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

A survival book on how to thrive in that particular enviornment, My Significant Other, and a metal pot (to boil water). I'd probably die regardless. I have pretty terrible allergies and cry when my phone momentarily dies. Spiders give me anxiety. Does this island have spiders? Oh dear.

  • Name one thing on your bucket list.

Pfft- Bucket List? Bucket Lists are for people who aren't immortal like me. Just kidding. I want to publish a book and make even one single person happy. I want to give someone the escape that I once relished. Art can save people, and that's what I fully intend to do with it.

  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

The Lost City of Atlantis. Imagine all the treasure I could find?! I could write tales of my experiences. Granted, I also want a trained crew and the necessary equipment not to, ya know, die immediately. Death doesn't sound so fun. (This is pretty hilarious coming from the girl who just fretted over spiders).

  • What do you expect out of this RP?

Im looking forward to gaining writing experience, making hopefully longterm friends, and Fun! It looks like an amazing storyline. I truly have to admit that I fangirled a bit when reading it. You all look so cool @-@ I'm like a guppy in a shark tank. A rambling guppy in a shark tank. A rambling guppy in a shark tank who will definitely shut up now. ^_^ '
I'm in the process of creating my character, but being the little philosopher that I am, I always distract myself with musings concerning a world with mutants in it and such silly things. Pfft. In the mean time, I'll do that introduction thing. Also, I'll include the work-in-progress character for whatever reason.


⊢ Miranda Willard⊣

⊢ ♀ 5'2"⊣

⊢ 19 ⊣

⊢ Time Manipulation ⊣

⊢ Personality⊣

+Blunt +Clever +Elegant +Firm +Logical -Provocative -Pretentious -Impulsive -Condescending -Critical

⊢ Background⊣

Miranda kept her secrets and shadows at close guard during the origin years. Hers was a subtle art, bound within her own perception of the world, difficult to detect by strangers. The talent was cryptic at that time when Miranda knew not the mundanes of life. People around her sporadically carried themselves slower than she was accustomed to, other moments stood nearly frozen in the continuum. The sound of inanimate and organic objects growled at her with Hellish tones. Miranda was confused and frightened, nervous and anxious, to the point of confessing to her parents about her outlandish nature. It was an unfortunate mistake. The elder Willards were religious conservatives whom despised the existence of demons, and they could not bare the thought of their own daughter possessed. Suspecting betrayal from late-night phone calls and strange visitors out on the street, Miranda saw to her belongings and took flight through her bedroom window and never looked back.

Leaving a life behind at that age was exhausting and terrifying. However, providing for herself proved to be a trivial task after prolonged moral conversations with her conscience. Miranda's talent allowed a dishonest, although abundant table of nourishment each night. As the weeks and months passed, she suppressed whatever ethical dilemmas stealing imposed on her. Nobody could see her, nobody could find her, nobody could capture her in the unlikely event that somebody would somehow find her. Even though Miranda grew into the woman she is today, those on the streets were grateful for the contributions and donations she left at her trail.

As her command over the flow of time developed, Miranda's perception and thoughts concerning reality and life became increasingly skewed. Her eight hours of sleep appeared to others as eight minutes, her soul and mind aged faster than her body could comprehend, and the books of all the world's subjects piled up. Of how she became to associate and hold up with a group of her own kind in some crummy warehouse, she remembers little. To Miranda it seems like a lifetime ago, but might in reality be something less dramatic.

⊢ Relationships⊣


The setting sun was mocking a forlorn man with an ever fading, crimson light. Shadows of rooted pikes, clad by impaled heads, cast far and wide across the blood drenched, pallid ground beneath his feet. Myriad corpses of brave, young sons of lesser men lay piled to form thrones for the wicked and feasts for the crows. A tragedy had befallen these isolated fields once cultivated by husbandmen. A great battle one could suspect, alas it was not so. For it had been a massacre of the meek and frightened by some nameless adversary. Only the forlorn man remained.

Forasmuch as he had once praised the Sun, his fate was stricken by satire. The wondrous celestial body erstwhile an object of his worship now growled in the veiled sky with smoldering tones. The sound was akin to distant, burning fields of rotten crops and malnourished, screaming livestock. It was maddening, but such was the ruin of the sinner; cursed by angst and despair by that afore hallow. Alas, redemption was but a faint, distant glimmer beyond his grasp. That miserable act of atrocity, enticed by the putrid bosoms of Desire, had branded the forlorn man as amoral amongst foreign souls and imposed banishment from the fertile realms that had led him to this pitiful state.

“Why so sad, oh meek and ruthful one?” A rusty, crepitate voice spake.

The forlorn man had not traversed hostile and jagged mountains, crossed besmutted oceans and murky depths, nor endured his belittled credence only to be japed by a crow. His visage from the comfort of his palms emerged with dread and stupefaction. How was it that a creature of Witches and other such foul meddlers could utter the words of men? The forlorn man remained bewildered. He mustered the last ounces of vitality coursing through his veins and stood upon feeble bones clad by frayed material; thus the meek pointed his pike.

“You there, how do you speak the words of mine?” He coughed and croaked.

“Know you not where you are, puny man?” The crow retorted; flapping about on top of a skull soaked in fleshy bits and pieces, crushed by hardened steel.

“This is no place for man or beast; that I know for certain.”

“Aren’t you the observant one,” the crow chuckled mockingly, satirically, spitefully.

Name or how you would like to be called

I have no preference, really. My real name is Olivia, so you can use that or any nickname of it. Or, just go with Sidelink or Link.

If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

A book on survival, sun lotion, and a deck of cards.

Name one thing on your bucket list

Stay awake for twenty-four hours. I simply cannot do it, no matter how hard I try. I'm a sleepy-head. I love to sleep!

If you could travel the world where would you go?

French Polynesia.

What do you expect out of this RP?

I hope to enjoy playing my character, enjoy reading the story, and interacting with the other characters of the cast. Just to have a good time without any drama outside of the story itself.
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  • Name or how you would like to be called

Name's Der Kojote, I go by Kojo or Der. Take your pick.

  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

Distress beacon, a bowie knife, and that new straw filter.

  • Name one thing on your bucket list

Ehh... would ridding in a tank be out of the question?

  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

Italy or Germany.

  • What do you expect out of this RP?

What we usually get fun and excitement.
cinderfloof said:
  • Name or how you would like to be called

Hello, darling! My name is Cindefloof, but call me Cinder for short. My full title is The Queen of Trash. You're welcome to enter my kingdom, I guess. cx
Sounds pretty sweet, lord knows I'm garbage

cinderfloof said:
  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

A survival book on how to thrive in that particular enviornment, My Significant Other, and a metal pot (to boil water). I'd probably die regardless. I have pretty terrible allergies and cry when my phone momentarily dies. Spiders give me anxiety. Does this island have spiders? Oh dear.
The island has so many spiders, that if you killed one spider it wouldn't matter because you are already spiders, your clothes are spiders and the ground is spiders. And there's snakes, and flying piranha, and they're all made out of spiders.

cinderfloof said:
  • Name one thing on your bucket list.

Pfft- Bucket List? Bucket Lists are for people who aren't immortal like me. Just kidding. I want to publish a book and make even one single person happy. I want to give someone the escape that I once relished. Art can save people, and that's what I fully intend to do with it.
Oi that's noble as fuck. Keep it up.

cinderfloof said:
  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

The Lost City of Atlantis. Imagine all the treasure I could find?! I could write tales of my experiences. Granted, I also want a trained crew and the necessary equipment not to, ya know, die immediately. Death doesn't sound so fun. (This is pretty hilarious coming from the girl who just fretted over spiders).
Atlantis is probably full of spiders too

cinderfloof said:
  • What do you expect out of this RP?

Im looking forward to gaining writing experience, making hopefully longterm friends, and Fun! It looks like an amazing storyline. I truly have to admit that I fangirled a bit when reading it. You all look so cool @-@ I'm like a guppy in a shark tank. A rambling guppy in a shark tank. A rambling guppy in a shark tank who will definitely shut up now. ^_^ '

No but seriously, having someone like you in the roleplay sounds great. I'm making a poorly written melodramatic character because I need an outlet for the melodrama in my life, but generally speaking I'm nice. Sometimes. Maybe a little. Probably not. I make a lot of rude jokes.

Sidelink said:
Also, I'll include the work-in-progress character for whatever reason.
That's a pretty sweet character, you should finish it and throw it in the sign ups already <3

Sidelink said:
? Name or how you would like to be called
I have no preference, really. My real name is Olivia, so you can use that or any nickname of it. Or, just go with Sidelink or Link.
I'm going to call you Side, because Link is green and just kind of screams a lot.

Sidelink said:
? If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?
A book on survival, sun lotion, and a deck of cards.
The book on survival thing seems popular, I'd probably bring one too. If I only knew how to read.

Sidelink said:
? Name one thing on your bucket list
Stay awake for twenty-four hours. I simply cannot do it, no matter how hard I try. I'm a sleepy-head. I love to sleep!
YOU SON OF A Nice to see that not everyone is cursed with lying awake staring at the ceiling all night ;-;

Sidelink said:
? If you could travel the world where would you go?
French Polynesia.
I swear to God if that's real then a musician must've named it. Musicians are terrible at naming things. I mean really, what the fuck is paradiddle supposed to mean.

Sidelink said:
? What do you expect out of this RP?
I hope to enjoy playing my character, enjoy reading the story, and interacting with the other characters of the cast. Just to have a good time without any drama outside of the story itself.
Realistic expectations though, I'm really positive on the outlook of this round of the Mole. Slight backstory: When I joined RPN in 2014 this was one of the first RP I joined, and definitely one of the best. Then a year later I asked Mittens to run it again, and here we are in the third round, a year after the second rerun. This RP is old as dirt in RP years.

[QUOTE="Der Kojote]

  • Name or how you would like to be called

Name's Der Kojote, I go by Kojo or Der. Take your pick.

Or Spongebob, for private reasons I won't go into. <3

[QUOTE="Der Kojote]

  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

Distress beacon, a bowie knife, and that new straw filter.

Oi yeah a knife would be good in case I need to kill myself

[QUOTE="Der Kojote]

  • Name one thing on your bucket list

Ehh... would ridding in a tank be out of the question?

  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

Italy or Germany.

  • What do you expect out of this RP?

What we usually get fun and excitement.

Man I can't reply to all your stuff you already know me for longer than pretty much everyone else on RPN. This is gonna be good.

I should probably reply to all the questions myself, shouldn't I?

  • Name or how you would like to be called

Oh Jesus, not this question again. Well okay, here's a comprehensive list on names you're allowed to call me: Prizzy, Kriyze, Prizz, Pissy, Prister, Krizzy, Krayze, Sam Fisher, Faust, Krizeratops, Krizeosaurus, Kry, Izzy, Princess, Pretty, Prinz Captain Hercules Lucullus Yaridovich Garret Hoplitus Master-Commander Shakespeare Skywalker Poirot VII esq., Hugo, Kriyzy, Cries, Asshole, and the list goes on. I've forgotten so many, but I once got up to 92 nicknames or something like that.

  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

Well as it looks a book on how to read, a book on survival, and then a bowie knife so I can kill myself when I innevitably give up on life.

  • Name one thing on your bucket list

I don't really have one, but I want to do so many god damn things. I wanna get together with some friends and play video games on a cinema screen somehow, whilst getting massively drunk on pretty much exclusively Amaretto drinks and straight Vodka. I wanna go bungee jumping, I want to parachute, I want to go to that tiny ass island off the coast of England and build a house on it. (Googled it, it's called Rockall, look it up)

  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

If I can bring a close friend of mine, I want to go to Pripyat and see the results after the chernobyl disaster. I especially want to visit the supposedly haunted theme park that's somewhere there. Otherwise, I want to head over to England to meet said good friend.

  • What do you expect out of this RP?

Some mutants, some drama, some romance, some awesome roleplayers and honestly just wow. I really think this'll be a damn good roleplay judging from all you lovely peeps who've poked their heads in.
Didn't realize that people had posted their sheets! I'm watching this thread, but I didn't get any notification about those sheets.
@AshenLily it might be a good idea to put how she can use her ability offensively. As of right now there's no inclination of how she can defend herself or others against any attack. Having to always protect her would be a burden to the group, basically what I'd like to know is how does she benefit the group as a whole?

Also, we have someone who has a sound manipulation ability (Milo) and he's one of the ones definitely in the rp.

Just trying to give you some pointers.
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Hello everyone! Hope you're all having a great day! Just wanted to put out there to start possibly thinking about your relationship with other characters. And no I'm not saying you all have been accepted so far or not >.>... <.<... but it's not a bad to start thinking about those things. You can discuss here, PM whatever you want.
Urgh. Ha. My bad. Thought I read far enough into Milo's to know what was up. Didn't see anything about sound initially. >.<

I'll figure something else out tonight, and fix the CS to clarify offensive power, as well.
Just so ya'll now, here's something you can build how you meet the group off of.

Essentially, Milo, the leader, was originally captured by the Mutant Capture Agency, and ended up escaping somehow. He doesn't even remember himself, every memory is veiled in darkness. However, soon after his escape one of the last large groups of mutants took him in. Nick (@Der Kojote) was already a part of said faction. While they tried to get information about the containment facilities out of Milo, the agency sent a large scale attack against the group. After hours of battle, the only standing ones left were Milo himself and Nick. Standing on the bodies of their former allies, they decided to team up and get out of there before the agency sent another wave. From there on out they traveled from city to city picking up allies as they found them.

Where do your character join us? @AshenLily, @Sidelink, @cinderfloof, @Abyss
I'd like Adrian to be an older member of the group, he's been on the run for a while and is generally curious, so if he heard anything about other mutants he would have decided to check it out. However if no one else is aware of the formation of the mutant group than there's a good chance they might have heard of him first, as before he gained control over his shifting and animal instincts there were a few incidents where he ended up in the papers/other news sources for waking up in really weird places and one instance where he transformed unintentionally in the presence of witnesses in response to a threat to his safety. So they could have found out about him that way and somehow have come into contact.

Also, up until the last few months Adrian probably would have left the group for varying lengths at a time, reasons including scouting/reconnaissance for new information on the mutant situation and more personal matters, going in search for other mutants and due to the fact that his cousin Verity (my other character) was starting to develope her abilites and needed some help learning control. Since returning for the last time though he isn't too keen on leaving any time soon.

Verity would be a much newer member in comparison, having only discovered her powers about 2 years ago and been on the run for only about 1 & a 1/2 she would have been introduced to the group by Adrian once he managed to find and meet up with them again. She's been reported as a missing person, but because of her parents are very wealthy they would have kept it from leaking out that their daughter turned into a mutant, so there won't have been any information on her actual situation in any of the new sources.

  • Name or how you would like to be called

I'm not particularly picky so you can call me whatever floats your boat.

  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

A friend, water purifier, and a machete.

  • Name one thing on your bucket list

I'd love to participate in crocodile tagging and/or surveying.

  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

Hmm, probably somewhere like Madagascar or anywhere with a large reptile population.

  • What do you expect out of this RP?

I'm hoping this turns into something where we have a lot of character interaction, some suspense and (maybe?) mystery as well the action, drama, and potential for comedy that comes from giving teenagers/young adults the power to do wonderful and dangerous things we can only dream about. I'd also really like to have the chance to write with you guys too, you seem like a creative bunch :D
Oooh! I didn't think the plot could get much more interesting, but you proved me indefinitely wrong. I'm so pumped! Like, legit vibrating at this point. Anyway, I can see Myra joining the group in either one of the following ways:

  1. She's a theif, or was before the group found her. She makes money by pickpocketing random civillians or swiping valuable looking things. Nick often sells the little earthen figurines, correct? Myra would probably believe them to be worth something and try to take one. She's caught, and as a last minute resort attempts to teleport away. They could see this and understand that she's a mutant, hesitantly inviting her to join them. There would be some mistrust in the beginning but that only adds to drama, eh?
  2. After near sexual assault by one of the criminals she works with, Myra teleports a normal fellow and kills him in the spur of the moment. Some homeless dude sees and is on the street rambling about how he'd seen "satan on earth". Since the group is looking for mutants regardless, they could try to investigate and eventually find her?
@MittyMittens Welp. Suppose I've done a pretty decent job of scrapping everything wrong with my old CS, though the new one's certainly not perfect. Please let me know if any changes need to be made, and I'm more than happy to oblige. I've been at work for ages today, so it won't surprise me in the least if I overlooked something kinda major, even after proofreading.

Suppose I'll answer the about me questions.

  • Name or how you would like to be called

Typically just Lily. Ash works, Ashy. Ashen. Not too particular, really.

  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

I'm going to have to say a boat, some fuel for said boat, and some sunblock. Yes, I'm a lot of fun at parties.

  • Name one thing on your bucket list

Skydiving. Holy shit, it's never going to happen because I'm a giant wimp. But it's on there.

  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

New Zealand! I've actually given this one a lot of thought. Work opportunities may be sending me to Australia shortly, so this is not only the place I'd most like to visit in the world, but it actually seems doable.

  • What do you expect out of this RP?

Hopefully something that's going to last a little bit. I've been inactive on RPN for awhile (excuse the rusty RP skills as a result), due to no RPs really catching my interest at all. However, this one seems to have a fairly promising group of applicants, so I'm choosing to be optimistic, provided I get accepted.
cinderfloof said:
Oooh! I didn't think the plot could get much more interesting, but you proved me indefinitely wrong. I'm so pumped! Like, legit vibrating at this point. Anyway, I can see Myra joining the group in either one of the following ways:
  1. She's a theif, or was before the group found her. She makes money by pickpocketing random civillians or swiping valuable looking things. Nick often sells the little earthen figurines, correct? Myra would probably believe them to be worth something and try to take one. She's caught, and as a last minute resort attempts to teleport away. They could see this and understand that she's a mutant, hesitantly inviting her to join them. There would be some mistrust in the beginning but that only adds to drama, eh?
  2. After near sexual assault by one of the criminals she works with, Myra teleports a normal fellow and kills him in the spur of the moment. Some homeless dude sees and is on the street rambling about how he'd seen "satan on earth". Since the group is looking for mutants regardless, they could try to investigate and eventually find her?
Hmm number one sounds great, I'd be fine with that.
Abyss said:
I'd like Adrian to be an older member of the group, he's been on the run for a while and is generally curious, so if he heard anything about other mutants he would have decided to check it out. However if no one else is aware of the formation of the mutant group than there's a good chance they might have heard of him first, as before he gained control over his shifting and animal instincts there were a few incidents where he ended up in the papers/other news sources for waking up in really weird places and one instance where he transformed unintentionally in the presence of witnesses in response to a threat to his safety. So they could have found out about him that way and somehow have come into contact.

Also, up until the last few months Adrian probably would have left the group for varying lengths at a time, reasons including scouting/reconnaissance for new information on the mutant situation and more personal matters, going in search for other mutants and due to the fact that his cousin Verity (my other character) was starting to develope her abilites and needed some help learning control. Since returning for the last time though he isn't too keen on leaving any time soon.

Verity would be a much newer member in comparison, having only discovered her powers about 2 years ago and been on the run for only about 1 & a 1/2 she would have been introduced to the group by Adrian once he managed to find and meet up with them again. She's been reported as a missing person, but because of her parents are very wealthy they would have kept it from leaking out that their daughter turned into a mutant, so there won't have been any information on her actual situation in any of the new sources.

  • Name or how you would like to be called

I'm not particularly picky so you can call me whatever floats your boat.

  • If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?

A friend, water purifier, and a machete.

  • Name one thing on your bucket list

I'd love to participate in crocodile tagging and/or surveying.

  • If you could travel the world where would you go?

Hmm, probably somewhere like Madagascar or anywhere with a large reptile population.

  • What do you expect out of this RP?

I'm hoping this turns into something where we have a lot of character interaction, some suspense and (maybe?) mystery as well the action, drama, and potential for comedy that comes from giving teenagers/young adults the power to do wonderful and dangerous things we can only dream about. I'd also really like to have the chance to write with you guys too, you seem like a creative bunch :D
I'm thinking that your character is easily something we could've come across. After all, Milo likes to stalk the streets and get drunk and shit, so we could've come across you any way.


In less then 24 hours characters will be chosen and the RP will begin. Make sure all your CSs are complete and finished.

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Name or how you would like to be called~

I honestly don't mind, though most often its Molten .w.

If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?~

Oh god, if I were stranded I would probably die from like a LAND SHARK or something. But hey, then he would inherit my backpack, my friend and my tamed ostrich...

And his/her name would either be Billy or Mandy...

For specific reasons...

Name one thing on your bucket list~

Well, as of RIGHT NOW...

Ride an ostrich.

Yes, I said that correctly.


I honestly don't know. Maybe its just that faze of my life where I want to be able to ride into the sunset on a giant land bird...

That's something everyone wants to do, right?


If you could travel the world where would you go?~

Freaking FRANCE

I want to taste real food, please

What do you expect out of this RP?~

I try not to expect things, but I do anticipate to be thrilled to participate and have loads of fun with all of you!


That was too cheesy wasn't it? CRAP


I'll be making a character promptly, just wanted to introduce myself!​
Congratulations to:






Basically everyone who applied, good job! You've all been accepted! (I know I'm an hour or so early with the deadline, I'll still look at more CS if they appear) but I'll have the rp up and running sometime today, hopefully sooner than later. **So get your character relationships finished!!!

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MoltenLightning said:

Name or how you would like to be called~

I honestly don't mind, though most often its Molten .w.

If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring?~

Oh god, if I were stranded I would probably die from like a LAND SHARK or something. But hey, then he would inherit my backpack, my friend and my tamed ostrich...

And his/her name would either be Billy or Mandy...

For specific reasons...

Name one thing on your bucket list~

Well, as of RIGHT NOW...

Ride an ostrich.

Yes, I said that correctly.


I honestly don't know. Maybe its just that faze of my life where I want to be able to ride into the sunset on a giant land bird...

That's something everyone wants to do, right?


If you could travel the world where would you go?~

Freaking FRANCE

I want to taste real food, please

What do you expect out of this RP?~

I try not to expect things, but I do anticipate to be thrilled to participate and have loads of fun with all of you!


That was too cheesy wasn't it? CRAP


I'll be making a character promptly, just wanted to introduce myself!​
I'll refer you to an earlier post on this page where I wrote a bit of mine and @Der Kojote's intertwined backstories, and ask you how your character joined the group?

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