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Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

Despite the low sun slowly creeping above the horizon, distant sounds of a guitar could be heard in portions of the warehouse. Sleeping was for the living and breathing, and whether or not Milo actually sorted himself into that category was debatable. Gentle arpeggios combining into a solemn tune, since when it came to morning or evening sessions Milo only ever got into depressing sounds.

Eventually it faded as distant cars and bird chirping became more prevalent, and Milo grew tired of it. Instead, he hid his only valuable possession in a pile of rubble and left his corner of the warehouse. His guitar was the only material thing he cherished, besides alcohol and women, and right he'd had his fair share of the earlier mentioned the last few days. The latter had disappeared into the morning mist at some point before he woke up again.

He stumbled through the second floor, tried one of the taps to see if Nick had actually managed to get the piping fixed up a little and happily found that the water flowed en masse. He could hear Nick from the kitchen, and jumped through a hole in the floor into the lower level. Quite a lot of dust followed along, but he didn't seem to mind. "Hey Nick, where'd you put that newcomer anyway?"
She felt better than she had in a long time. Lily's bi-weekly scavenging expeditions she went on had turned up some fine results yesterday, and led to her bringing a short, worn cot back to the warehouse. It was hardly in the best of conditions, and far from what most would consider "clean". But, it was better than the hard floor of the warehouse, where she'd been sleeping previously.

A sigh of satisfaction escaped her lips as she stretched, reveling in the absence of any aches or cramps. Lily frowned slightly, realizing that the most exciting part of her day would likely be going to bed at the end of it. Though she vaguely remembered the newcomer from last night, she had a hard time believing much would change in terms of day to day life.

"Oh, well," she muttered. It couldn't be helped, and wasn't worth complaining about.

She dressed, and headed down to the lower level of the warehouse, noting that only a few of the others had made their way into the common area so far. Spying Nick and Myra, she gave a short wave. "Morning. We got anything decent to eat around here, or are we all just fending for ourselves again for the day?"

Leaning against the wall just inside the doorway to the kitchen, she began examining her fingernails, picking at the uneven tips, in an effort to smooth them out.
"Air with a side of Air? Myra the inner chef in you is showing." He joked. "But... beans and rice and vegetables... not too bad... except would be better served for lunch or dinner. Ahh well, good way to get some protein in. We work with what we got." He noted none of the cans were bulging. Botulism wasn't going to get them today. "Knowing you, it's gonna taste great." He said nodding before someone else came too. Well two people.

First one was Milo. Nick gave a weary Wave. "Hey, not sure, she's headed somewhere and dozed off. I recommended one of the abandoned shipping crates. Since you know... privacy and all that." He then turned to Lily. "Ehh beans rice and unidentified vegetables. Could be spinach, could be squash... hell if we got fruits that'd be wonderful. I think today might try and sell stuff out and about at the flea market. Maybe go for a shopping trip afterwards." He added.

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