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Realistic or Modern The Merge

Em sighed and nodded, the class continued on just as any other first day. All the rules were gone over with, the teachers seemed to be implying obedience more than usual. She assumed this was because of the merge between the student bodies. Her gaze remained forward for the next half an hour, then the reminder of the party popped into her head. "Frankie, I forgot to tell you about the party. It's supposed to be really awesome, it's tonight." Her voice was back down to a whisper as she continued. "You should go, enforce your role as an in-crowd senior." Em's other favorite past time, parties. They made High School fun. It gave people status, and something to talk about until the next party happened. "They're inviting everyone. I hope everything runs smoothly. I like school and all, but first days are the worst." A smile spread over her glossed lips, "You should go, it's gonna be a blast."
Amu ran down the hall way and busted into the classroom. "Please tell me I made it on time!!!" Her friends started laughing because she did this almost everyday. She laughed with them until someone caught her eye. "Hey! I know you!" She ran up to Ash desk. "I heard about you!" She looked at him. "Ehh? You don't look that scary to me. You seem kind of nice. But I guess the rumors could still be true." She smiled at him.

Ash was scribbling in his notebook writing down lyrics among other thing. The notebook was essentially his life for it kept inside him all the emotions he never expressed. In a sense, it was a pathway his soul as cheesy as that might sound to most, but it was true. Writing and music were the only ways he allowed himself to feel and express himself which he never did in front of anyone. As he wrote down some random ideas for a poem that jumped to his mind, he heard someone near him speak. At first, Ash figured it was simply some rich kid talking to their friend, but after several seconds he realized someone was addressing him. Closing the notebook, Ash looked up at the girl.

".....Hi" he replied. His voice was rough like sandpaper and deep as well, but he wasn't use to speaking so hearing it out loud seemed strange. Then, a strange girl bursted into the room speaking to him in a loud tone. It was a bit obnoxious. Instead of making a big deal out of it, Ash casually nodded his head her way in hopes she would drop it.
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Honey and Jacob both pulled into the the schools parking lot in their cars they soon found a spot to park there car next to each other they didn't even bother scamming to class instead they talked and ate the food they got on the way there. Jacob said hi to some ex's as Honey walked on looking at her phone as the both reached the class they didn't bother knocking instead just walking in they still had drinks in there hands they found two empty desk next to each other and sat down on in front of the other they Honey put her phone up as she straighten out her outfit. and put her purse in her lap like usual "Aye teach maybe the syllabus would be nice" Jacob said as the teacher passed the two one




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Suddenly, the first bell rang. Dara sighed. She had chemistry for first period, and she was slightly nervous. Her phone vibrated, and she looked to see that she'd been invited to a party tonight. Apparently, everyone was invited. That sounded like it would turn into a trainwreck very, very fast.

She doubted that anyone would treat her as though she was simply a new student, but would instead see her as just another dangerous, unreliable kid from Solime that was about as smart as a sack of potatoes. She just needed to get through this year with a high GPA, make well on her ACT and hopefully get some sort of scholarship for college. Of course, nobody would bother to ask her if she had any plans after high school. Nobody expected her to do anything with her life. Nobody thought she could accomplish anything or thought that she even cared about her future, and such things frustrated her. She wasn't stupid and she wasn't reckless. She was just as accomplished, if not more, than many of the High Roll students.

Dara knew that the problem would be convincing the others she didn't fall into the stereotype that many had for Solime students. She walked into chemistry class confidently, carrying herself with a certain grace that showed others she meant business. She'd tried to dress nice today, and wore a thin gray sweater with thin white stripes, dark wash distressed jeans and black vans. She stopped at the door, wondering briefly where to sit. She sat beside Tamara, a girl she had talked to last year. On the other side of her were two High Roll girls. They were busy in their own conversation, and Dara didn't say anything at first. She knew she'd need to get in the right crowd if she wanted to break her stereotype. She looked over at the two, trying not to look too intimidating. What was she supposed to say to them? Was she supposed to say anything? She decided to just wait and see if they introduced themselves first.

Em could feel the girl's gaze on them, and she turned. Her lips forming into a polite smile, "Hi, are you new? I'm Emmeline, this is Frankie. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" Her voice was polite, as she realized the effort this girl was putting in to make herself seem less Solime like. She knew that the merge obviously intended that both student bodies get along and that's what she was going to do. Em had no problem with anyone and she didn't want to make it seem like she did. The students from the opposite school just intimidated her. She'd actually have to go to school side by side with them now and it would take getting used to for everyone. She moved her hair over her shoulder and smiled. As she waited for a response from the girl, she looked over her clothes and shoes. Not that this action was meant to be judgemental, she was just curious towards the differences in wardrobe between the three

Valsa gave up trying to get into her locker when the combination she tried a dozen times didn't work. She was never good with locks or anything that needed a combination to work or open. It was why she got into carjacking and IT. It took her less time breaking into something than opening something the right way. But, there was no time to try to attempt to lock-pick her own damn lock on her locker. It was time for...homeroom! Yes, homeroom.

For the first day of school, Valsa wore a black sweater dress that hung to her knees, metallic silver leggings and black flats. Her hair, an extremely dark brown/black, was tied in a messy bun and limped as she walked. Valsa dreaded attending this new school simply because she had to start all over. All over to try and convey to the students that she is indeed a woman and not a man anymore. Though, at the same time she didn't really care if the others didn't see her as a woman. Everyone is free to have their opinion and she wasn't going to waste too much energy trying to change that.

Walking into homeroom, Valsa didn't bother to make any eye contact with anymore. She took a seat near the middle of the room, sat in her desk, then started to wonder if she was in the right homeroom. This school seemed huge compared to Solime. Or, maybe she was just tired from the bus ride and then the walk to campus.

"I forgot my music..." Valsa said slowly to herself.
A smile tugged at Francesca's lips at Em's suggestion that she 'enforce her role'. It actually didn't sound like too bad of an idea. Although partying wasn't Frankie's most frequented past time, she didn't dislike a good time. Not at all. "Yeah... You know? I think I will." Her smile brightened. "Text me what you're wearing later." Turning slightly in her seat, she unzipped her bag to pull out a black pen and a navy and pink planner. Call it a quirk or an obsession, if it didn't go in the planner, it didn't get done. Frankie flipped to the day's date and in loopy cursive right beneath "Swim Practice-4:00" wrote the word "Party".

Only when she placed the cap back on her pen did she look up once more to take in the room's new occupants. Honey and Jacob she recognized straight away, and she couldn't help but quirk a smile as the latter asked the teacher for a syllabus. Shaking her head slightly, she looked to her left as Emmeline started addressing someone else. Past Em, another Solime girl had taken a seat. Frankie offered a small smile and a nod as her friend did the introductions.
She shifted her gaze to Dara as she sat down and smiled a little. Thank god she had two people she could at least relate to. Normally she read books, did push ups or hung out with her friends. She went to say something to Ash about the school and was interupted by the girl bursting into the room. She snorted under her breath and looked up at the girl addressing Ash, smirking. High pitched voice, clearly not very smart and a rich kid. Her day was off to a great start. She couldn't wait until she could escape for a few moments alone. Or at least away from the overly friendly girls.
Suddenly Kiel caught sight of somebody else walk into the room - it seemed like this year, not many High Roll students were in his homeroom class. He supposed they were all High Roll students now anyway. His eyes fixed on them as he tried to figure them out........the person looked androgynous, sure, and strangely intriguing. He wanted to know their gender. He wanted to know their name. He wanted to be able to send them telepathic questions so that he didn't have to directly ask the embarrassing question of "Hi, what's your pronoun preference?", a question he has never asked anyone before. For a second, he reflected on this, wondering if that should be the first thing you ask any new acquaintance. If, perhaps, we should never assume anything about anyone. And that gave him a comforting feeling - a feeling that perhaps the Solime students would be just as easy to get on with as High Roll students. After all, he didn't know anybody's background. Kiel subconsciously continued to gaze at the androgynous student. He decided, if the opportunity arose to talk to them, he would use "they/them/their".
Ash looked back over at the girl who had first spoken to him. She had snorted under her breath and now re awide, warm grin on her face. At first, he summed that she somehow was laughing at him. Although before he could even get angry, he realized she had been smirking at the strange girl's behavior. For some odd reason, this made Ash crack a smirk as well. It was a strange sight, and probably a bit shocking as well, but even so his teeth flashed white as he too became amused by the strange girl who seemed to have drunk too much caffeine.
As soon as the girl, Emmeline, introduced herself, Dara felt a little relieved. She seemed nice enough. "Hi. I'm Dara. It's nice to meet you two." Her voice was icy, and conveyed no emotions that she might be feeling. That was exactly how she wanted to sound. She might want to be acquainted with students from High Rolls, but she was still going to maintain her 'bad bitch' personality. She couldn't even think of becoming some dainty little white girl who was born sucking a silver spoon. "Listen, I know you probably know about the reputation people from Solime has. That doesn't cover us all, so don't make any uneducated judgements." She said in her monotone voice, looking over the two girls. Dara could have easily guessed the two had a very preppy style without even having to look at them. But she listened to her own words and decided to have an open mind. Maybe they would be cool.

Dara looked up to see someone else walk in. (S)he dressed like a girl, but had a masculine look to them. She decided it was a girl, due to the outfit. She had also heard an annoying voice trying to start up a conversation with Ash. He was a complete mystery, even to Dara. Why did he even still bother to come to school? He never did anything in class other than strum his guitar, anyway. That girl didn't get it when she said he 'looked nice'. She grinned slightly when he looked up and addressed her. Ash smirked as well, and she looked over at him to see his expression.
Jacob and Honey were talking about whay they had on there phone and drinking there drinks not really caring who heard their conversation "So Party yay or Nah" Honey asked Jacob "Yay" Jacob said as he nodded "But what about the Solime people are going to be there" she said turning to him her legs crossed "Get or it we had to spend the whole school year with them" he said as looked at some Solime people and smiling. "I hate the new mayor" Honey said as she got up to throw away the cup full of what was now only ice. "So party" Honey went back to the topic as the new person came in she turned to see Jacob hadn't looked up from his phone but heard mostly what was going on around him "Yeah" he said once again to the party
Em was a little taken aback from the comment about the Solimes and their reputation. She hadn't meant to make it sound like she had any problems, she was just getting used to the new kids in the school. She brushed it off with a smile and turned back to Frankie. "Of course, I'll send you a picture. I think the party is at that huge house, the one down the block from mine. They have a huge backyard and a luxury pool. It's really good for parties. Anyways, whatever happened to your relationship with that guy? Did you break up over the summer, or what? I didn't get to ask you since I went away and all." Her curiosity was at its peek. Frankie and her boyfriend had been the it couple until he moved away over the summer. "You don't seem too hung up about it, so I assume you're over it." There was a couple of more pings from the phone in her bag, and she dug it out. Her finger swiped through the notifications, a light smile as she heard Jacob and Honey. "It starts at 9 and goes to 4."
Tamara glanced at him as he adopted her behaviour. He was now smirking too which made her think he didn't mind her as much as she thought he would. Dara had clearly wanted to fit in as she now was talking to the girls she had now labeled "Smile Monkeys". Though not clever it was still true. She was more comfortable, considering she hadn't spoken to many people in a while. But as she glanced around the room she saw a new person entering who was a transgender in the school. She wasn't bothered by her but she definitely didn't want to get stuck in a conversation where she would either make a rude comment or just fall silent. The girl was overly sheery and Tamara found herself ready to ask her if she was on any drugs. It wouldn't be a surprise but it was more than likely with the kids at the school. Performance enhancers, weed, cocaine... nothing would faze her anymore.

She looked back to Ash and his smirk and then dismissed the girl with a look. "What do you think of High Rolls?" She says in a voice that was low and calm.
Amu looked at Ash waiting for a response first all he did was nod. "Your a quiet one." Then she noticed the girl sitting next to him smirking then she looked back at Ash who was doing the same thing. "Did I do somthing strange?" She blinked. Her friends who watching told said to her, "You do realize you can be very loud and hyper." Amu looked back at them , "oh mybad can't help the way I am anyway you guys seem nice hope we can be friends. " she said it less loud but still in a happy hyper way.


Frankie raised an eyebrow towards Dara's comments, a little surprised, but didn't let the smile fade from her lips. It didn't matter in a few more seconds anyways, as Em turned their conversation back to other topics. "Over it?" Francesca laughed and rolled her eyes. "I was over it before the moving vans even showed up. I don't see any reason I should be choked up about it. He certainly wasn't." She pointed her pen at Em and grinned "Why didn't you tell me he was going to turn out to be such a jerk?" Her question held a playful tone.
"We know" Jacob and Honey said at the same time "It's my house your talking about" Honey said not looking up from her phone as she responded Jacob took out his headphone and played some music while he placed his headphones in "You were renting it for the night my mom said" Honey said putting her phone away as turned she attention to her "Are you providing the beer or byob" she asked fixing her dressed still sitting though "And the weed and such do I need to provide my own also" she questioned raising the brow
She let out a playful sigh. "I really just wanted to see him take his shirt off. Which he did do, but only as he was loading the moving truck. I was going to let you in on that secret about him being a total ass, but I decided to let you put him in his place, love." She winked and giggled, her attention shifting to Honey and Jacob. "I'm not hosting the party, someone else is. Plus if I wanted to have a party, I'd have it at my house since it's just as nice. You're gonna have to figure out who the host is, I want in on the details too." Her eyes followed the new person who had entered. There was curiosity in her eyes as she watched the student take a seat. "Anyways, Frankie. The real gold there, was your boyfriend's brother."
Jacob chuckled as he was listening to the conversation "It's keg and Weed is provided" he said to the two he knew if he didn't say anything Honey may have gotten in a fight and her being in softball meant something really mad for her life. Honey was standing up as she bendinged backwards and popping her back as she was moving back up she slapped the back of Jacob's head "But my mom said" Honey cut herself off as she said "You are something" Jacob nodded as he texted some more people along with some Dj company he than put his phone up what else do you guys need to know" he asked looking at Em
Frankie's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Of course, the brother." She laughed and shook her head. "Honestly, I probably would've been better off if I'd gone with that one." She faked a sigh and leaned back in her seat. "But it's whatever now. They're both gone, them and their magnificent abs." Shooting a wink back at Em, Frankie gave a short burst of giggles of her own. "Watch out, mamasita. Muy caliente." Her giggles trailed off, however, as she turned her attention to Jacob and Honey.
Ash closed his notebook and placed it under him so that he was sitting on it. That way there was no chanced it being stolen. Biting his lip, he went into deep thought for a few seconds to try and form the right words for this new place. Then another person came into the room. They were dressed with what one would call "female" clothing but possessed a masculine face. She possessed a masculine face. Yes, that seemed to be the right term. After all, it seemed like that's what they felt that they were, but perhaps they were wrong and they saw themselves as more feminine. Ash decided that if they were to ever speak, he'd ask.

Snapping out of his thoughts, looked back at the other girl. "It's too rich for my blood" he admitted and then turned towards the hyper girl. She apologized for her suddenly intrusion and then greeted them in a friendly manner. Although she seemed to bounce off the walls, Ash decided that she was a kind human being and that was more then enough reason to enjoy her company.
She chuckled and sighed. "I'm a little jealous of your ability to find love so easily. It's really not fair, I think it's my partying. They can't handle the level of my drinking." Em bit her lip and continued to twirl her hair around her finger. She shook her head at herself as she mentally re-examined her romantic life. No one could really level with her alcohol intake. She'd gone away over the summer because her parents were 'worried'. This was not going to stop her, she longed to meet the guy who was at her social and intelligence level. Guys who only seemed to be attached to Frankie, because they always had the thought of getting her drunk. It was very easy to do that, but she'd never allowed it. Hence the fact that she always knew whether guys were jerks who were just looking to get in your panties. Some were worthy of being left alone, like Frankie's ex. He had tried to get her in a bedroom while she was drunk, but Em had ruined his plans when she slapped him for trying to get her as well. How dare they question her reasoning on alcohol. A small smirk played on her lips, "The first party of the year is just hours away, and I'm dying to see what kind of eye candy it is, High Roll or not. I mean we are supposed to be getting along with the merge."
Dara narrowed her eyes as the (presumably) siblings talked about how weed and alcohol would be provided at the party. And the Solime students were the ones being judged? What about these guys? They were just as bad. She turned to Tamara. "Are you gonna go?" She asked, staring at the siblings steadily. "How much do you bet there'll be at least three fights during the party?" She asked jokingly. Merging two very distinct cities was a questionable idea as it is. Who's idea was it to have a party on the first day of school, and invite everyone to it? There would probably be a lot of things happen, and a lot of reputations, friendships and enemies determined at the party. She guaranteed it. That's how it always happened in Solime, and she doubted it would be too much different here. After all, they seem to have the same thoughts as many from Solime.
"Ooh, look at you. Feeling a little adventurous today, are we?" Frankie teased, playfully nudging Em in the side with her elbow.

Then to answer Jacob's question, she turned and shook her head. "I think we're good, thanks." Pausing, she propped her chin up in her palm. "Unless there's something else we need to know." Raising a single brow, she kept eye contact with Jacob as she waited.

@Love The Game
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