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Realistic or Modern The Mating Games

Aaron awoke feeling refreshed and filled with duty but he hated it because he knew it was because of the mark "Damn it!" was all he could say after waking up. As he woke up properly he went and brought a large pile of leaves and carefully placed it underneath the injured girls head "Sorry guys i have to go and ill need this" he said as he took his sweater and replaced it back on his shoulders and arms "This might be the last time you two see me but it doesn't matter you're already finished this game, both king and queen are reunited once again" he said silently to himself as he walked out of the cave toward his apparent new goal of finding the girl with the sun tattoo.
With the early morning rays falling into the little cave they had found Leviathan woke. The ground was hard, even after they had taken a big pile of leaves and his muscles were stiff and sore. He looked over the girl that still seemed peacefully asleep or she was a good faker as he gotten up. He held his hand up against the direct sunlight once he was out of the cave and blinked his eyes. He stumbled over towards the little stream where the fire had died out over the night. He splashed the cool water into his face and took of his watch as well as his shoes socks and upper clothes. He glanced back at towards the cave, before deciding to leave his pants untop of the pile and walking into the water. Carefully he placed his feet on the slippery ground as they had found out the water gotten a lot deeper just a few steps ahead and he didn't want to be surprised by it. Though the water was cold, it was quite nice and he slowly relaxed a bit, still prefering a hot shower over this kind of bathing, but it was better. One step further and suddenly the water reached to halfway his chest instead of his knees, this time he was lucky. He moved his hand through the water and then through his hair, observing the black droplet with the white dot in it for a moment. Just briefly however before continueing to wash himself up.
Reed woke up to find herself curled up in someone's arms.. Wait what.. She rolls away and sprung up from his/her grasp. Her face was flushed red as she tried to figure out what happened the night before. She was just at the cave entrance sleeping and next thing you know, Reed somehow ended up next to somebody. And that somebody was Ryan. He didn't try anything I wouldn't approve of.. Right? Shaking the thought away, she slowly pulled the jacket over him and made her way outside. Aaron had already left so they were here to fend for themselves.

She continued her walk deeper into the woods in hopes of finding out more of what the arena had to offer. It was unusually bright and cheerful that morning. All the pain and worry subsided once she got closer to the lake.

Reed pulls off her shoes and waded in, watching the ripples she made in the water. Loud splashes were also hear. Someone else is here.. she thought but brushed the feeling aside. It was probably an animal.
Aria woke after her friend had decided to leave the cave. She let out a small moan of discomfort as she sat up, rubbing her eyes and her head. She could hear splashing water from the cave and she suspected that it was an animal. She let out a yawn and stood up, brushing off leaves and twigs that had stuck to her like a magnet. After several minutes of cleaning, and a few more of groaning, she stepped out of the cave, still waking up a little as she walked towards the stream to get some water.
Aaron walked through the forest for a while until he had found an injured bird lying under a tree "Hey little guy fell out of the tree huh? I can help he said lifting the bird gently off the ground and propping it on his shoulder "You can sit there for a while till your wing heals up" he walked around with the bird on his shoulder for a while until the bird took to using his downed hood as a nest. Aaron liked having a companion to travel with from tine to time. That would imply that finding his soul mate might not be a bad thing but he was determined to do that last. He needed to become stronger, sting enough to protect her from any danger. As Aaron walked through the forest with his new friend he had named Talon he spotted a girl by the stream "Hey there my name is Aaron please dont attack im just looking for the girl with orange hair, she was there when we started the game" he said as if trying to spark a memory in this new girl he had just met "Its kind of important oh right this not so little guy her on my shoulder is Talon" he said also gesturing toward the small still very young hawk on his shoulder. (@Icefox11)

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