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Realistic or Modern The Mating Games

"Hm okay then" Ryan replied beginning his walk after picking the bear skins up. There was no use in telling her to just stay behind. He could already tell that Reed was a stubborn one. "Are you sure you don't need my jacket anymore?" Ryan questioned looking back at her. His hand adjusted the jacket over one of his shoulders.
She shook her head to answer him, too occupied in taking in her surroundings. They passed another tree with a cross on it, leading to water. "Here it is," she said, taking a long cool drink from the cold, refreshing water the lake had to offer. Reed then began walking aimlessly around, carving more X's on trees to keep her trackings known if she went deeper into the forest, which she did.

It was getting late when she trailed away from Ryan. Sun was going down to show that it was almost nightfall. More predatory animals would be out.

Reed made her way back to the lake and sat on a stump, watching Ryan do the washing.

Location: Arena

Time Stamp: 7:30 PM

She hadn't seen it coming. She was caught completely of guard. Caroline flinched as the guy threw himself on her. I'm gonna die! She closed her eyes tight and felt his arms around her only she wasn't being attacked or strangled. She was being hugged. Caroline opened her eyes in plain confusion. What in the world is going on? The guys let go of her and grabbed her shoulders. "We're getting out of here." Those words resonated in her head and a smile grew on her face. Caroline jumped on him and hugged him back enthusiastically. This is it! He's my way of getting out alive! Caroline moved away from the guy only to hear him ask her name. Caroline opened her mouth, but no words came out. The joy left her eyes and her smile fell. She couldn't speak.

Caroline looked around for something to write with, but of course saw no pen or paper. Then an idea struck her head. Caroline stood up, ran towards the nearest tree and broke off a branch. She ran back to sit down next to the guy again and drew her name on the dirt. "Caroline"

Ryan finished washing the skins and scooped up some water in them after tying them in a certain way so that it was easier to carry them back to the cave. "Alright done. Let's go Reed" He said getting up then beginning to walk back to the cave again. He noticed the sky get darker as they returned to the cave.
Aaron looked at Reed as she returned "Are you okay? That was more than just fainting" he said looking concerned "Your injuries are alot worse than you are letting on aren't they?" He was concerned but he wasn't sure what to do. Aaron got up from his seat "Im going to go look for more water and healing herbs for your injuries" he said to Reed as he made his way out with his sword in hand.
He was laughing and crying of joy in the moment. When she jumped to hug him, he hugged her even more tight. When she couldn't speak, he found it quite funny, since she had so much joy she was at a lost of voice. He read the name as she wrote it down. Caroline. ''Well, soulmate Caroline, we're gonna live trough this, walk out of this place and live happy. How does that sound?!'' he said, with a smile in his face.

@NessieAlways Gonna go sleep, GN!
Reed managed to stumble in after Ryan. She sat in her usual spot and unwraps the bandaged leg. "Good lord it healed.." She muttered before looking up to Ryan. "Anything I need to know about you?" She asks. If he was an opponent or enemy, the things he say can probably be used against him in needed times. That was what the leader taught her before he was killed. Reed still couldn't bring the fact that she was the one who did it.
Ryan hung the skins on the wood that was used for cooking the bear leg after he adjusted it's distance from the fire. He looked at Reed's leg feeling guilty for not having spent so much time worrying about it. At least it was all good now. "What do you need to know about me? I can answer your questions" Ryan responded sitting down next to her. That way she would get the answers that she seemed eager to find rather than waiting for him to get to whatever she wanted to hear.
"Your history, how you got here, and what Aaron said about your mark," she said all in one breathe. Reed looks up to him, biting her bottom lip. "If that's alright with you I mean.." Even though she somehow was eager to know more about him, she didn't want to pry into his business without confronting if it was ok for the person to talk about their feelings. Yes, she was a thief and someone who can't be easily trusted but she also had feelings too. It was just that no one cared about them enough for her to worry about.
Ryan paused when she clarified her question, "...I'm the fourth eldest child out of six kids. My dad was in the air force and the CIA while my mom was a neurologist". He decided to just cut straight to the point and not dwell on the details, "My parents died and my uncle had to raise us. My uncle just sent me here". Ryan looked away for a moment then back at her, "Aaron said nothing about my marking".
At this, Reed was curious to know more, but decided not to make him tell of the details. If he wanted her to know then he'll tell it in his own time. But for the sake of the night, she just shrugs like it was no big deal and went back to staring blankly at the ceiling. Occasionally, her mind would wander back to him whenever it was possible. It was getting on her nerves how she was so worked up about him. How did this guy have so much control over her mind? That, she couldn't figure out. And the rest of his story still remains a mystery.
"Can you please check the wounds on my back? I just want to know how they're keeping up" Ryan asked removing his jacket and folding it onto the ground. That would have to do for a pillow. His eyes scanned the area, "Did Aaron take his jacket or is it still here? You can use my jacket as a pillow or blanket if it isn't...or even if it is".
"It's fine, I'm used to the bare floor," she told him. To prove her point, she laid down on it, feeling somewhat extreme comfort. It felt like her room in the cells in the cult but a little less comfy without much warmth, but she didn't mind.

Reed got up slowly just after laying there for a while before making her way over to Ryan's back. She laid him down on his stomach and lifted up his shirt. The claw marks were in the process of healing and it looks like an infection was starting to grow. Being injured for nine years now, she took up the learning healing so with that said, Reed used the herbs Aaron collected for her to tend to Ryan's wounds.

First, she poured water from her flask onto his back since she didn't have an alcohol and started running some pus on it. A couple more minutes passed and she was finished. Reed pulled down his shirt and asked, "You doing ok?"
Whatever Reed was doing to his back felt calming to him. "Thank you" He managed to say while undergoing her treatment. It ached a bit, but it felt oddly soothing. So relieving that he fell asleep causing him to not respond to her question. His back felt cold because of the breeze and wetness from his shirt, but it was nothing that would prompt him to wake up from his sleep.
Reed sees Ryan lay limp and was concerned he had died but when she came to check his breathing, he was just asleep. She stood up and got the bear skin, laying it out onto the floor like a bed, then rolled Ryan over on it before placing Aaron's jacket over him like a blanket and his own to use as a pillow. It was her new masterpiece. She stepped back to admire the marvelous work she did and went near the moth of the cave to rest. It was colder there but she didn't mind. Her body was numb anyway and she got used to it after a while. Soon, Reed forgot all of the happenings and fell asleep. While hugging her dagger close, of course.

Caroline's eyes grew wide again with joy. She loved the thought of getting out alive. Of course she new only two people were going to be able to do that and there were several couples more. She had no idea how they looked or how much of a threat they were. Caroline was moved by the confidence in his voice, but were they really going to survive this? She looked down in the ground at her name and realized she didn't know his.

Caroline stood up straight and signed "What is your name?" She waited for a moment, but then remembered not everyone knew sign language. So as best she could she tried to make the guy understand. Caroline pointed at the floor and pointed at herself. Then she pointed at him and gave him the stick. Caroline looked at him intently hoping he understood what she meant. She did it several times as if seeing the movements more than once would be helpful.

A confused look was all over his face. He had no idea what she was doing. He started to think then suddenly he got it. ''My name is Joel. And, why dont you talk? Am I making you uncomfortable? Because I only see a whole world behind your eyes, but, you're so silent.'' he said, confused at her behavior. He didn't want to sound rude, but he was curious, and if there was a way to make her feel better, he would do it

@NessieAlways ((Wow, now i'm REALLY going to sleep xD ))
A cold breeze blew causing Ryan to shiver and open his eyes. He moved his jacket over him then spotted Reed near the mouth of the cave. Ryan made his way over to her then eventually realized that she was asleep. Her goosebumps were evident. As a result, he gently lifted her back toward the inside of the cave and put her down. If she didn't use the makeshift pillow fine, but she was cold. Ryan lied down next to her and put one jacket under his head. His arm gently wrapped itself around her as he moved his jacket onto both of them...mainly Reed though. Hopefully this would be okay for the both of them. Even if Ryan was still cold and felt slightly uncomfortable. It didn't matter to him. Ryan looked at Reed and smiled a little. ...You're my queen anyway. With that thought, he fell asleep.
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Aaron returned shortly after leaving to collect everything "So i guess we are just going to sleep for now" he said looking as they both went to sleep "Wake me if you need me" he layed down with his hand under his head as he went to sleep. Aaron dreamed very rarely but tonight he dreamed very colorfully. He saw a girl with orange colored hair in a slightly brighter green dress running chasing a squirrel into the forest. He later saw the same girl walking through until she found another man standing in a forest clearing with a stick in his hand as she tapped him on the shoulder. On her shoulder he saw her mark. Her mark of the sun.
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Caroline leaned back from Joel a bit uncomfortable from so much questioning. I...just...stop talking please! You're making me nervous. She looked around as if trying to find a way out, but remained sitting. She wasn't sure how to answer the question so all Caroline did was smile awkwardly noticing the sun had already gone down and the only light they had was the small dying fire. Did it suddenly get dark? What time is it? Caroline let out a silent yawn and batted her eyes trying to blink the sleepiness out. I...we need to find a place to sleep. Being here in the open might make us an easy target. She stood up and signed that her needed a place to sleep, but she stopped half way remembering that Joel didn't seem to speak sign language. Caroline thought about how to say they needed a place to sleep. She placed both her hands over her head in a triangle and then next to her ear in a sleep position. Come on understand me please! It's getting dark and I'm getting a bit scared. Caroline kept motioning the roof over her head and the sleep position hoping for Joel to understand. Roof. Sleep. Come on it isn't rocket science.

A shocked yet confused look was on his face. He didn't understand why she wouldn't talk, or anything. He felt awkward by him making all the talking, and appearantly, she wasn't dead, so, that wasn't a option. He nodded at her trying to signal him something and grabbed her hand, lifting her up. He walked slowly, reaching a cave he had found in the woods. It was empty, so they walked in. He sat down and make a tiny torch, for atleast some light.


Caroline walked into the cave cautiously. How was he sure there was nothing that lived in here? Bears? Bats? Bugs? Then again they were in the forest and this might be their best bet. Note to self. Find a better spot in the morning. Also try to find that lake again. Caroline noticed her mouth had become dry again. She reached for her scarf, but it was already dry. Caroline frowned and saw Joel making a fire. Awesome! Now I can see if I'm attacked by bugs! She was half sarcastic and half serious. Caroline let out another yawn and laid down on the floor. She looked at Joel and signed "Thank you" while mouthing it hoping he would understand. Caroline curled up and closed her eyes.


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