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Realistic or Modern The Mating Games

Reed heard his plea for her to stop and complied. She took her hands off him and her shirt, which was now stained with more blood. Shrugging, she took that and wraps it around her throbbing leg. The pain had subsided long ago, but the stinging was real. She went to check the meat. Seeing as it was cooked, Reed took out the leg and handed the whole thing to him. "Not hungry," she explains, stumbling to the far side of the cave. It had been two days since she ate anything and the hungry feeling was long gone. Everything felt so different to her. One day she was held hostage and the next thrown into the wild, in a cave alone with some guy.

And even though the fire was blazing, it was still cold. Her shirt was off, leaving her in a black tank and jeans. Reed felt so exposed as she hugs her leg close to her chest to keep that feeling out.
Ryan looked over at Reed, "Something wrong?" He picked up his jacket and put it around her since he was wearing two other layers anyway. "Come on we can taste bear together" Ryan said holding up the bear leg as he sat next to her. A smile made its way to him as he continued, "To you for being an awesome survivor aaand doing most of the work. Thank you".
She couldn't help but smile a little at that. "I would eat but I'm afraid I'll throw it back up," Reed answers. Apparently, she hasn't been well for the past few days. With all the information the game makers had stuffed into her mind, she had been going in overload. It could probably give her amnesia but that would only be one of her wishes. She wanted to get rid of that day. The day she murdered. The day she joined the cult.
"You won't throw it up unless you shake yourself up or have certain thoughts running through your mind. Come on, here" Ryan put the bear leg a bit closer to Reed. "If it makes you feel any safer I can take a bite out of it first" He offered awaiting her response. She was really tough a few moments ago but now she was afraid to throw up?
Reed was still persistent and pushed the leg away. Even the smell of food was unbearable. "I said I don't want it." This time, the words were serious and came out harsher than she meant.

She rested her head on her hand and sighs. "Sorry, today's just not my day.." First off, getting thrown into the forest was not a fun idea of a wake up call. Second, getting attacked by a guy was not a way of appreciation. So basically, riding on a bear was the most exciting thing she's done today.
"I...understand" Ryan said looking at the bear leg and taking a bite out of it. It was surprisingly..tasty? "...now we have something to get water with" He said looking at the bear's skin trying to lighten the mood up. "One layer, the soft one, is for warmth. The other layer, the more rigid one, is water proof. I'll wash it to the best of my ability tomorrow..or now. When do you think I should?" Ryan asked taking another bite out of the meat.
Aaron looked at the girl as she walked into the cave again "Uhm ok well i guess ill let my self in" he said as he walked in to watch her and another male kill a bear "Wow hardcore no what are you going to do with the rest of the meat?" He asked in question. "So what marks do you two have because the faster i pair people up the faster i can deal with the creators" he said as he watched them mutilate the bears body "Im Aaron by the way im the moon marks holder so if you're the sun great if not ill help you find your other" he was not in the mood to make friends but it was a better idea than walking alone aimlessly.
Her head was still rested in her hand in the knees so her reply came of kind of muffled. "Do it tomorrow, or I will tonight. The blood hasn't dried off yet," she answers. Reed was getting nauseous but this wasn't the best time to faint again. She looks up to the talking boy whose name was Aaron. "Reed and the queen's crown," she told him, then groans at the dizziness she felt. Arghh I just want to punch a wall... She thought. However, she held back since it wouldn't do any good in this situation.
Aaron ran toward the girl after putting his sword away in its sheath "We need water and some bandages plus just about anything else we can grab" he said as he examined the girl for injuries "She could just be going unconscious but it might be something else to" he was no doctor but he could tell she was not in the best condition. After offering to let the girl lye down with his hoody as a pillow he looked around the cave "Is there any wound you have that hasn't been treated? Ill help as best i can but i can only dress the injury we would need medicine to treat it properly" he said as he held one hand pn his sword to make it didn't get stolen.
He was running around the forest, ignoring all the people, until his stomach growled. I can steal, or hunt. Either of them sounds like a good source of food. He dropped down on his knee and ripped of a part of his shirt, making a makeshift bandana to cover his face. If someone recognized him later as the one who robbed them, he would be in trouble. His toughts on who to rob and how were interrumpted by some sound in the grass. He tilted his head slightly, and saw a bunny. He ran towards it, chasing it, until he was in range. He leaped and stabbed it, killing it

It had left a big hole, but, nothing's perfect. He smiled at the fact he had food, so he went ahead and collected rocks and sticks for a fire. He ran towards the starting place, nobody would be there, so he'd be safe. As he placed the circle of rocks and bundle of sticks in the middle, everyone had some type of weapon, daggers or a sword, but him? Oh him, he got a lighter. It was useful for fires tough, so he started one. He threw the rabbit and stared at it, until he heard a crack in the grass, Joel looked at a girl, that was hiding there. He slowly crouched up, and stared at her.

"I'll do it tomorrow" Ryan said then paused when she heard what mark she had. Right after she responded, Aaron began to ask her about her injuries. Ryan figured that he would just tell her some other time. It really did seem like she was in pain..in some kind of way. As he waited for her to respond, Ryan looked at Aaron, "Thanks for helping. Want some meat after we help her out?"
Reed groans and grasp Aaron's wrist. "I'm fine," she snarled, pulling herself up from the ground. "Just haven't eaten in a couple days." That was true. The game makers thought it would be fun to starve a girl near death just to shove her out here to fend for herself. We'll she didn't blame them. Reed did knock out five of their best men before they put her into unconsciousness.

But, she only told the two guys half of what happened. They didn't need to know about the injury pretty boy caused.

Reed shakily stood up, using the wall for balance. She didn't want them touching her now. That would only make things worse and the result would probably be a broken nose.
"Sure but i would cook it a little more before eating it" he said reluctant to take the meat "I asked before what everyone's mark is but to be honest could care less if i found the sun. I just want to kill the creators! They put my parents through this and now they are putting me through hell" he was angered but around the girl he had to keep his cool. "My full name is Aaron Pen- Stevenson, Aaron Stevenson but you can call me Aaron" he said as he cooked his bear meat tp ready it for ingestion.

How Caroline had managed to go so deep into the forests still remains a mystery to her. One moment she had been following a trail of X's and the next she was lost. Caroline tried looking around for some sign that she was close to someone, but everything was as still as possible and even worse she began to get hungry. Great. How am I supposed to get food here? She looked around and saw several birds in some branches. Maybe if I... Caroline grabbed a couple of rocks from the ground and threw them to the birds as far as she could, but she only managed to hit a lower branch and scare them away. She frowned and kept walking aimlessly.

Caroline was so tired of walking she decided to sit down for a while. She grabbed her wet scarf and squeezed out a couple of drops of water to keep her going. That's when she smelled it. The smell of something burning. Caroline quickly stood up and followed her nose to where the smell was coming from. Caroline found a guy who had just started a fire. She crouched on the floor and kept herself hidden, but Caroline tripped and fell on the tall grass. She wasn't completely in sight however she felt the gaze of the guy one her. Caroline looked up to see two brown eyes staring back at her.

"It's cooked all the way but if you insist...sir" Ryan said looking over at Aaron. "I'll be back" He added walking out of the cave. Ryan moved to the side of the structure and climbed it to the top. His hand pulled out the sharp stone from his pocket. So this is what it's like to have some kind of calm surrounding. The place actually slightly relaxed Ryan. He would have stayed back inside the cave with Reed and Aaron but it looked like they weren't really in the best mood to talk to each other anyway.
He grabbed the wooden dagger and squeezed it. After them both having an aggresive staring contest. He opened his mouth. ''You want some food? From what I see you barely have a drop of water in your toungue.'' he said, as he slipped the dagger to his pocket. He sat down and made a motion to her, for her to come. Even tough they had just met, he didn't see much hostily in her.

@NessieAlways ( Forgot to tag >.< ))
Another wave of dizziness washed over Reed. She saw Ryan get up and leave to go somewhere as she was about to ask him something. Shaking her head, she turns to Aaron. "Hey.. Can you hand me my dagg.." Her voice trailed off as the full blow hit her. This one was the last aim to knock her unconscious for a while. She stumbled and fell to the cold, bare ground with a loud *thud*. Reed was swallowed up into darkness as different feelings were bottled up inside. All the recent doings had caused her to faint from too much pressure.
After a few moments, Ryan jumped off the cave and reentered it to check on Reed and Aaron. His gaze shifted to Reed, "She's sleeping...right?" Her position seemed uncomfortable. Ryan made his way over to her and slowly lifted her back toward the end of the cave. He adjusted his jacket over her as a blanket and Aaron's jacket under her head.

Caroline stared at the guy intently urging him not to attack her. All she wanted was some food and almost as if he read her mind the guy asked if she wanted food. Caroline nodded slowly and stood up cautiously. What if this is a trap? What if he's going to kill me? Caroline stared at the dagger as the guy slowly put it away. She looked around for any other type of booby traps but found none...unless they were well hidden.

Caroline crept out of her hiding spot and followed the guy's motion to come closer. Now that she was near and not hiding behind a pile of grass, Caroline could see that the guy didn't look like he wanted to take her down. Caroline smile slightly and motioned her hands in a thank you gesture. She took a seat next to the guy and clasped her hands together. She looked down at the floor while her stomach began rumbling. Caroline's cheek glowed red while she begged for her stomach to stop.

As she got closer, he felt more relaxed. He stared at the bunny cooking, it had a near perfect texture already. He stared deeply in her eyes, thinking on what would happen next. Even tough he was staring at her, he was lost in tought. His toughts were interrumpted by her stomach growling.

He snapped back and grabbed the bunny off the fire. He ripped its two back legs and handed one to her, and grabbed one for him. He slowly lowered his bandana and asked her, while eating.
''What is your mark? Mine's a lock.'' as he lifted his sleeve, revealing the mark.


The bunny was burning hot. Caroline winced as she juggled the leg from one hand to another and blew on the piece to cool it down. Hot! Hot! Burning Hot! When it was finally bearable Caroline took a bite. It wasn't the best thing in the world, but it definitely beat the food from rehab. Caroline closed her eyes savoring the bite thinking about how stupid she had been for thinking she could go three weeks without food. She was definitely not fit for this life. Not one bit. Caroline was on her second bite when she hear the guy talking and raising his sleeve to reveal a key.

Caroline's eye's grew wide in shock. Oh my God! Are you for real? She looked at her own arm and stretched it out in front of him revealing her own mark. A lock. Caroline wasn't sure whether to be happy or scared about the fact that she found her soulmate.

Reed awoken to find herself laying down on two jackets. One was under her head while the other was wrapped around her like a blanket. She sat up and rubbed her head, still feeling a little dizzy but there was more energy in her body. Spotting Ryan, Reed walks over to him and pokes his side. "What happened after I fainted..?" She asks, her voice was barely below a whisper as she spoke. Her throat was parched from thirst and she still hasn't eaten anything. Not like she wanted to.
He giggled as he saw her juggling the bunny leg that he had given her. He was thinking what could be her mark, he didn't even know how many or what they were, he only knew lock and key. When she revealed she had the lock, his mouth opened in amazement. He got up and pounced over her, hugging her. Even tough much didn't know or give it enough value, this had of been the single best thing that could happen. That meant if they survived, they'd go, forever, and he'd already have his soulmate. He let go of her and put her hands on her shoulders. ''We're getting out of here. What's your name?''
Ryan jerked to his side when Reed poked it, "Gah...nothing really I've just been standing here and looking at the fire". His gaze shifted to her, "How are you feeling? You want me to get you something to drink? I can wash the skin now". He turned to face the bear skin, "The blood's dry now. The trip all in all would take me ten minutes or less...the boiling will take longer though".
"I'm coming with you.." She said, picking up her fallen dagger and stood next to him as he took the bear skin. "I've marked the location of the water source so it would be easier.. And here." Reed handed him his jacket before parting with the cave. She stood outside waiting for him to follow her lead. Her head was still throbbing but the leg healed fine. Just a small bruise.

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