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Realistic or Modern The Mating Games

Aria shrugged and rolled up her pant legs and sleeves. "Fine then mountain man, I'll catch the fish." She said, taking a branch. She broke it into a point, smiling at it as she went to the side of the river. She sat there patiently with her arm up, waiting for something to come by. A flash of silver caught her eye and she thrust the stick out into the water, stabbing the fish though it's heart. She smiled and pulled out the spear, taking the fish off and proceeding to catch a few more before returning to the fire.
Reed shrugs seeing as he was keeping his distance. "So who are you?" She asks. If he tried anything, she would have the information to confront him. The guy seemed skilled in the wild. Building a fire and finding shelter. Somehow she felt a connection with him. It was weird. Something she couldn't explain but shrugged it off. There were more things to worry about at hand. Like food, water, and an escape route. This place was taking its toll on her ready foul mood.
"I'm Ryan...and you?" He responded pausing and turning back toward her. A sound of rustling leaves came from the inside of the cave. Ryan slowly approached the cave again, "Oh and is anyone in this? Or should my mind continue thinking that it is some kind of animal?" His gaze shifted back to her. She seemed...he couldn't even understand what she seemed to be like. Well, at least someone was there with him. Ryan's mind began to work through various methods just in case an animal was actually inside the cave.
"Reed," she answered pulling her dagger from the wall, before stumbling to get over to him. The moaning noise came from further inside the cave. That was no normal human noise but what would she know? She had lived as a thief all her life. Reed got closer to Ryan and held an arm to stop him from moving any farther. She made her way over to where the noise was heard, poising her dagger in hand. Better to let the one who has actual skills to deal with it than another lousy guy.
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"Mountain man?" He repeated, wondering how he had gotten that name. He had crouched down next to the little fire, blowing against the flames a bit more, before he placed the bigger woodpieces on it. He watched how they caught fire and just as her makeshift spear pierced through the fish he had a nice fire going on. By the time she came over the fire was going steady and he had sat back to relax a bit more. A small pile of logs lay beside him in case more wood was needed.
Aaron looked around as his fire went "I guess i should look around for food" he said to himself as he got up with sword in hand. He walked through the forest for am hour until he saw a cave with a light coming from it "Maybe there is someone there" he said as he made his way toward the cave entrance "Hello is there anyone here? Im friendly i just need shelter for a day at least" he yelled outside of the cave hoping someone inside could help him.
More rustling came from the cave. A part of an animal could be seen moving in its shadows. Ryan kept the torch in his hand and followed a bit behind her. Squeak. Squeak squeak. A squirrel exited the cave. "...hahahaha" Ryan broke out in laughter. "S-squirrel haha" He continued laughing still keeping his tight grip on the torch. His face was a bit red from the laughter. Ryan bit his lip trying to keep himself from laughing any further. "Oh that's nice. Let's go in" He moved past Reed and began walking into the cave. Ryan looked over his shoulder, "Hey man we're just checking out this cave".
Aria came over and sat next to the fire, the flames crackling softly as she let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, warmth." She said, holding her hands up to the fire. For some reason Aria was always cold. She wasn't extra special or anything, she just was always cold. Her hands and feet where especially cold. After warming up for a bit, she started to gut the fish so they could cook it.
Reed let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding and whips her head back to face the cave entrance, ignoring Ryan's statement. A shadowy figure came into view. It said something she couldn't hear and her mind was in a hazy snowstorm. The first thing that popped up was ZOMBIE! Instincts told her to run but curiosity told her walk up and say hi. She went with the latter. It would be cool to see something interesting in this part of the arena for once. Reed took her chances and slowly moved to the entrance where a normal non-looking zombie guy stood. "Great, just what I need.. Another boy.." She mutters then turns to face him."Who're you?"
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Leviathan looked how the girl warmth herself at the fire. It wasn't that cold, right? He looked curiously as the gutted the fish, which left him completely unfazed for some reason. He busied himself with some other sticks so they could pierce the fish on them and let them steam above the fire. "It looks a bit like salmon" He muttered more to himself than towards the girl. Wild Salmon was really much tastier than tamed salmon, but he doubted it was a real Salmon. Not that it mattered that much, they had nothing else around anyway. Besides fish was really healthy and hard to mess up, like pork or chicken.
Aria nodded. "Probably." She said, concentrating on her work. She sighed as she finished, taking the guts of the fish and tossing them over a ways before going back to the stream and washing her hands. She sighed and sat back down by the fire, handing him two fish, while she kept the other two for herself.
While the guy was introducing himself, Ryan picked up another thick stick and passed the fire onto it. He held a torch with each hand then proceeded a bit deeper into the cave. ROAR! Wait, only lions roared right?...RIGHT? But then why did it sound like a roaring bear to him? Ryan brought a torch to the front of him to see a bear's face, "...ello there". He didn't move a bit, "Reed you have that dagger on you right?" The bear made its noise again as it stood on its hind legs, "Dang mind tossing it to me?"
Leviathan took the two fish from them and attached them to the pointy stick. "Thank you" He said with a genuine smile. He frowned as he realized they had not even introduced themselves. His parents would have killed him as they found names, and the money status attached to it, the most imporatnt things in the world. "So what is your name?" He asked bluntly as he watched the fish carefully for a moment to make sure his improvised skewer was high enough to not immediately burn the fish.
Aria smiled and grabbed a skewer, looking at the fish. "Aria. What's your name?" She asked him softly as she put her fish over the fire, watching the meat cook softly. She flipped it over once, then again, to make sure she got both sides cooked rather than just one side. She smiled at him, seeing the watch on his wrist, seeing that it was pretty expensive. He must have been loaded.
(And I am off to bed, early work tomorrow)

Leviathan turned the fish slowly as he likes them smoked or steamed better than cooked. With a crooked smilr he looked at the girl. "Leviathan Wexamir" he answered as he noticed her eyes on his watch. His last name was probably gonna confirm her wonder about his money. "Aria is a nice name" he commented sincerly before turning his fish again.

Aria nodded. "Thanks. Leviathan is nice too. Sounds like a sea monster. Or a roller coaster." She said softly, looking at her fish. Her blue eyes had a sort of soft hue to them as she watched her fish carefully, turning it ever so often. It was starting to cook a bit, and the smell of fish over a fire wafted into the air, causing her to hum in satisfaction.
Reed turns around and watches in amusement as Ryan was trying to hide his fear of the bear. As he was doing so, she slipped past them and stood behind the bear. She poked its body and ran her hand on its back. "So soft.." She cooed, indicating to its fur. It didn't seem like the bear had noticed her presence so she climbed on its back as it landed down on its four legs. "Sorry big boy but you have to be killed." Reed turns to Ryan and raised her right hand to give him the dagger. "You want a weapon, you come get it." She was still on the bear's back as her presence was unknown to it.
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Ryan's eyes widened, "Why'd you have to get on it?!" The bear emitted a loud noise again, but this time Ryan stuffed one of his torches deep into its mouth. As the bear attempted to swipe its paws at him, Ryan did a wall flip off the side of the cave grabbing the dagger from Reed while he was in the process of flipping. The bear lunged toward him after he landed on his feet. Could have just stabbed it in the head. Nooo. Ryan thought as he saumersaulted under the lunging bear and quickly rolled sideways. He stabbed the dagger into the bear's head during its process of trying to turn to its side.
"Aw I was just having fun riding it," she whines getting off as he bear as it went limp under her. She hasn't been a threat to it so it didn't notice her as much as the guy waving two blazing torches at it. Yep, he was definitely the bigger threat. Reed grabbed her dagger from his hand, letting it linger for a while as she did so. His hands were warm. She pulled away quickly, realizing what she just did. "Do you want to skin it or should I?" Reed asks.
"You can if you want to" Ryan responded keeping his attention on the pain in his back. He felt some kind of furry thing slide into his shirt as he grabbed the dagger during his flip. His gaze shifted to one of the bear's paws. Oh great. Ryan thought putting the torch down to provide lighting for the skinning. "I'll get some fire going in here first before any of us skin it" He said as he made his way out of the cave. His hand checked his back. There were no holes in his jacket, but there was definitely some kind of pain. Ryan stopped in front of some wood and continued to check his back. He lifted up his jacket and moved his hand behind the unbuttoned button up polo short sleeve he was wearing. No holes again. Ryan lifted that layer up then felt his shirt. Once again there were no holes, but he felt scratches beneath his shirt. He slid his hand under his shirt feeling the wounds on his back from one of the bear's paws. Lovely. Ryan looked at his hand covered with blood. The bear's paw had direct contact with Ryan's back. He wiped the blood off on the side of his shirt so that no one would be able to see the mark and picked up some wood. Ryan walked back into the cave, "Kay just give me a bit. You can start the skinning near the torch fire if you want".
Reed nods and began her work with her handy dandy dagger. She took a pinch of its flesh from the head and slowly slid the dagger in and down its skin. It was like cutting paper, except with a knife. She kept on doing the same thing over until the bear turned into a skinless pile of meat. All of its insides could be seen and the smell of blood was awfully strong. Still, she didn't mind. It was kind of fun. After finishing, she took the skin and laid them out so they would dry, placing big rocks at the end of them to keep it stretching and dry.

"What do you want to do with that?" Reed asks nodding towards the skinless bear, then eyed the red stain on his shirt. "And what happened to you?" Worry ceased her mind. He did fight the thing so there would be some injuries. But, it was partially his fault. No one likes having people wave fire in front of your face.
Ryan took his jacket off and got to work with the fire. The smell of the dead bear disgusted him, but gave him hope. Now they would have a decent supply of meat. The fire finally got started and Ryan shifted his gaze to the skinless bear, "Cook it and eat it". Reed's following question made him pause. Didn't he have his wounds hidden under three layers? Okay, two layers now that his jacket was off. Perhaps his wounds bled through his shirt and unbuttoned button up polo short sleeve that he was wearing. "Bear swiped at my back" Ryan responded looking over at the skinless paws.
Reed cuts the bear's left back leg and brought it up to him. Some of the blood covered her clothes, but it wasn't like anything she hasn't experienced. She tended to the fire and had the leg roasting over it before she made her way over to Ryan. She took off her shirt and made him lay down on his back, pushing the black tee she was wearing hard onto the spot that was scratched. "You'll live, there's nothing to worry about"
Ryan closed his eyes as she pressed his back where the wounds were. He kept himself from expressing the pain she was giving as she exerted pressure onto his injured spot. Ryan knew it was for the better though. "O-Okay I'm good" He said under his breath since his front torso was being pressed into the ground.

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