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FULL NAME: Benevolence(Ben) Melbourne

AGE: 16

HEIGHT: 5'4"

YEAR: 6th


HOUSE: Hufflepuff

WAND: Acacia, 4 1/2 inches, Unicorn hair core

PATRONUS: Desert Fox

FAMILLIAR: Longstocking


Ben is shy to the point of being antisocial, seeing as she rarely talks to anyone. She has a tendency to run away from conflict and strongly believes in resolving problems rationally. When she does talk, it is hard for her to say anything without a stutter and it's difficult for her to speak in complete sentences. She considers herself a realist, but she comes of as a pessimist and a critic. Ben will help people and is actually quite helpful, but she does not trust others easily.


Ben was born to her Muggle-born father Andrew and her Half-Blood mother Kathine. She was named after her maternal aunt, who passed away two years prior to her birth. Ben was a strange child, rarely crying or making noise. Instead, she would only coo or grunt when she needed something and her eyes would always stare, sometimes not blinking for minutes at a time. It disconcerted her parents and their friends. When the took her to the doctor to see what the problem was, he simply said that she was mature for her age. She was.

She attended a Muggle school and made a few friends, but none of them were really good friends. She was eight when her younger brother Tilder was born. She and Tilder got along swimmingly, despite the fact that he was upbeat and spontaneous and she was so quiet and reserved. When Ben was eleven, she received her Hogwarts Acceptance letter. They were all overjoyed. Ben hopped on Hogwarts Express and off she went. On her way to find an empty compartment, she bumped into a boy. She didn't learn his name until the sorting ceremony, but she was already infatuated with him. This boy happened to be Sirius Black.

Unfortunately, Sirius was not in the same House as her. She was a Hufflepuff and he was a Gryffindor, but she still watched him from afar. She hated that he could be a bit of a bully, but she sensed that there was more to him than just that. They had a few classes together, but that was about it. Ben quickly became the top student in the Hufflepuff House. She didn't spend much time goofing off like her other Housemates and some people wondered what she was doing in Hufflepuff in the first place. The question was quickly answered in her Third Year when some of her Housemates, a boy and a girl in her year, were being bullied by some Slytherins. Before anyone else could intervene, Ben marched right up to the bullies. She spouted out a few cruel comments before slamming her fist into one of the guy's faces. It was the first time anyone had seen the quiet Melbourne girl's personality take a 180.

Over the next year, Ben returned to her normal reserved self, but she would always glare at someone bothering her Housemates. Most of them got the message quickly. She is still in love with (obsessed) with Sirius, but doesn't have the courage to approach him. Ben hopes that this will be the year that changes that.

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