The Legacy of Corruption


Blaine the Tomcat


Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Electricity. All governed by the forces of Light and Dark which is separated by the Spirit.

It all began with Spirit, who then created the seven base elements. These seven elements have been in the world since the beginning and there have been seven people who held them, to keep them safe. They were chosen from birth to gain these powers that could save their nation from anything and to keep people safe. The Holders as they were called were raised to use their powers for other people and never for themselves,to remain selfless until the day they died. But, they were also taught how to use them in a fight because just like they were there from the beginning, so was the Spirit. As they went on, they grew weaker and taught six people to learn their ways to protect the balance of the earth. Gifted with these powers, these seven people, along with the Spirit incarnate to guide them, learn and train while protecting their people. What happens when the individual in command of the element of dark corrupts the spirit and the children of earth start suffering? What happens when each of The Holders start growing ill and becoming mortal again? What happens when they start losing their state of mind?


In the fields outside of the small city named Edmond in the state of Oklahoma, lay 6 bruised and scratched up children. They all were magnificently gifted, being children of the 6 elements. Well, seven. The child of darkness corrupted their guardian the Spirit and now it is their job to stop him. By any means possible to keep the Spirit from dying completely.



Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender || Open


Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender || Open


Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender || Open


Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender || Open


Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender|| Open


Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender || Open


Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender || Open


Name || Age || Face Claim || Gender || Open


{ Reservations }

Please reserve characters in the OOC. I won't accept a random submission, no matter how awesome they are. Also, this is not a first come, first serve role-play and you might have to compete for your spot should another person show interest. If you find this tedious and unnecessary, you are free to leave this role-play at any time. And, although you reserve a character, they will be chosen based on creativity, depth, length, and originality. The more creative and detailed your character sheet, the more likely you'll get accepted.

{ Literacy }

Not only will I be looking for details in your character sheet, but proper grammar and spelling as well. This role-play is to be literate, meaning posts are to be kept at a minimum of a short paragraph. Now, I know we are not perfect and we all make mistakes but if you cannot use a proper spell check, it will reflect within your character sheet! So please, be at least semi-literate with the capability to post at minimum one hundred words. If you read Harry Potter, what house would you be in? Who is your favorite Disney character?

{ Commitment }

I am aware that we all have lives outside of role-playing and our computer screens. Some of us either attend school or have a full-time job, sometimes both. All I ask is that you post at least twice a week. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to post for x-amount of time, please notify me. I do not bite, I do not get angry, however; should you fail to notify me of your departure, I will boot you out of the role-play. I am also aware that some of us may be in other role-plays, and I understand those come first. Notification of departure and how much time you'll be gone is all I ask for.

{ God-modding, Bunnying, Meta-gaming }

God-modding, bunnying, and meta-gaming are strictly prohibited. God-modding is defined as cheating the system so your character is virtually invincible. This is similar to the term "mary-sue" or "gary-sue" in a way. God-modding usually involves a character leaving a battle unscathed. This also includes unapproved hits and/or kills. Bunnying is the use of another character, who is neither your own nor an NPC, without the permission of the character's owner. When your character is attacking, assume each hit misses. When your character is defending, make sure to allow a believable amount of punches/kicks/etc. to hit your character. The term meta-gaming refers to accidentally or purposely using outside knowledge that affects the role-play. For example, if your character knows of a sneak-attack, yet wasn't present at the discussion of it, then it is improbable and considered meta-gaming.

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