The Last of Us : Another Hope

After helping Allan up the train wreck. Vincent looked around for the sound, it was really starting to annoy and scare him now. But he knows better to not to look for the infected. The best way to avoid them, is to continue on your merry way. He walked ahead of them as he was being cautious of his surroundings. They might just pop out anytime now. He watched as Allan took out his pistol, popping a shot would be a bad thing right now. He gave Allan and look in the eye.

" Watch out with that gun, Popping a shot right now is not a good idea " he warned Allan as he changed his gaze to Krista, who was now scared and shaky. He wasn't sure if either she was scared at the infected, or she was scared at the both of them. But worrying right now won't do them any good, they have to keep moving if they want to get out of this hell hole alive and well.

" Vincent.. " Krista called out to him as she walked towards him and pulled on his green shirt. Vincent looked back, not sure what she wants at this time.

" What are those sounds.. ? " Krista asked as Vincent raised an eyebrow. With all the thinking he has been doing right now, he forgot to sharpen his senses. When he realized this, he finally heard the Clicking sounds slowly surrounding them. Vincent started to sweat and looked at Krista and whispered.

" Whatever you do.. don't make too much noise " he whispered to Krista and switched his gaze to Allan. He gave him a look that warns him about his last warning towards him.

" Both of you get down and stay on my heels " He whispered to them as Vincent crouched down, trying not to make any sound while bending his right knee to get down. He then looked backward at Krista to see her following his lead. They were in a pretty fucked up situation right now, and a single mistake will cost them their lives.
The German must have been preoccupied with the loot that Jon had dumped from his bag, as he did not seem to have gotten a response from him. Jon was parting with a lot of items that serve a myriad of uses, it would take the German some time to sift through the gear. He saw his chance and ran for it, he needed a quick escape and the momentary shift of attention of the German from Jon to the sheer scale of the items he had in his pack was all the opening he needed.

As he ran through the building in complete darkness, he prayed that he would not run into a clicker or any infected for that matter. Jon also hoped that the German would have enough sense not to discharge a shot from that remington within the building, in the tight confines of such a place it would possibly deafen them both and draw the attention of whatever amount of clickers lay dormant behind the doors and walls, or roaming through the hallways.

Losing a lot of utilities would set Jon back severely, but it was better to live another day than to die today. He'd have to avoid night excursions, he'd have to skirt spore colonies, he'd have to sneak around infected, he'd have to avoid any injuries. Jon took solace in the fact that he had not stowed the switchblade in his bag, but rather stuffed it in his pockets. It also occurred to him that losing his pack would severely limit the amount of items he could carry on him at all times. He had dumped the contents of the bag and the bag itself after all.

Jon decided to keep heading left until he could either run into a form of exit or a wall, which would eventually lead either back to the German or a way out. Jon was hoping for the latter. Before he left his vantage point across the street, he had taken note that the building itself wasn't too large so internal navigation wouldn't take long. At least he had hoped it didn't stretch longer than the concrete square he'd seen. The darkness would serve as a double edge sword, it meant the German would have a hard time finding him if he was even deemed that important and would also limit Jon to his remaining four senses. Hopefully I get out of this and find the girl soon, Hopefully they haven't left Boston.
Allan nodded, Vincent looked like a man who knew how to survive, Allan was beginning to rethink his first assessment of the man but that didn't mean he wasn't going to leave the duo when they left the tunnel, if they left the tunnel. Allan kept watch while Vincent and Krista slid down from the wreck as silently as they could, Allan returned his pistol to its holster, better to keep it there rather than shoot it accidentally and kill them all with his stupidity.

When the other two were of the wreck he managed himself to adroitly work his way to the ground once more. Allan moved behind Vincent and Krista while they made slow yet safe progress through the tunnels and yet the clicking grew louder, they were close. There was no denying it now, it was them, his only hope was that they were only a small group and that they had wandered from their larger pack.

His footfalls were quiet and deliberate, the telltale crunch of boot against gravel in time with the other two, hopefully it would not be enough to alert the monstrosities that had invaded their world through some stupid research. The mystery of these things still evaded him, it was against his rules to go around snooping as to the cause of this world wide affliction but he couldn't help but want to know who to blame for these walking piles of infection and fear.

Idly his hand fell upon one of the small vials he had placed at his hip, it was empty. Suddenly an idea came to mind; he would use the flask to distract the beasts at the most appropriate time. Waiting for that time to come however was a nerve wracking experience, despite his mounting fears and horrible imagination Allan managed to keep himself together and continued to follow the man and woman before him. This was not going according to plan.

He was simply supposed to find some dead Clickers, take some samples and make his way back to the facility, it should have been easy. The roaming gang of Hunters however did not factor into his plans. He couldn't wait to leave the cesspool that was Boston behind.
Vincent was now creeping around as silent as a cat's whisper. He checked his back to see Krista, with a scared look on her face obviously she'd never been attack one, not yet though, and also Allan, he seemed like a man who can keep his cool in any situation. He then returned his focus towards where they were going as they move from wreck to wreck of the tunnels. The clicking noise drew closer and closer and it was only a moment of time before they bump into another infected.

He stopped for awhile and faced Krista and Allan. " Listen to me and listen well " he whispered to them as silently as he could and as clearly as he can.

" The exit is only a couple more of steps away, stay on my toes, and don't do anything reckless. " he added as he looked at Krista giving out a nod meaning she understood. He didn't mind looking at Allan, he knows that as a grown man, he knows better. He just hopes he won't do anything stupid like fire up his gun in fear from the infected.

As they approach the entrance of another station, The clicking noises grew even more loud. Vincent assumed that they are close now, so as quickly and quietly as he could, he crept towards the debris and hid himself together with the other two. He raised his head upwards to take a peek at where their locations are, but it was too dark to pinpoint where they are exactly. He could only see the outline of some of them from the little light from the outside.

He then took out his flashlight and shined a light towards the exit. There, three clickers idly walking around like nothing was going on around them. Also, just near them was a dead clicker sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall. Spores growing all over him, luckily, the spores weren't old enough to release their gas and cause infection. The clickers find a spot where they die when they sense they are dieing, mostly they prefer corners rather than dieing in the open. On their death, spores start to grow and as they grow older, the spores will release toxic gas that can infect a human being and turn them into another one of them in less than a day, depending the human's resistance of course.

" Okay here's the plan, " he faced towards them and looked around to find a stone from the wreck.

" Sounds attract Clickers, the ones that are making the clicking noises, they are blind so they rely on sound like- "

" Bats ? " Krista interrupted as Vincent looked at her and nodded.

" Yes, like bats, so we distract them with something and slowly yet quickly get the hell out of here " he informed them as he looked at both of them hoping that they would understand and not do anything so reckless that it'll cause them their lives.

Krista gave a short nod and Vincent looked at Allan and waited.
His nerves relatively calm he had managed to get his shaking hands under control, Allan was not new to Clickers and their echolocation capabilities. By all rights he should be a Clicker himself or mush in one of their bellies, time and again his research had seen him placed in the way of danger and yet despite his constant exposure to danger he couldn't seem to fight off the fear and subsequently the shivers. He took shallow breaths and wrung his hands idly, the darkness was still somewhat pervasive, though the end of the tunnel was in sight.

He listened to Krista's hushed conversation with Vincent, he found the man to be infuriatingly condescending but Allan could manage some civility in the face of their current predicament. Allan rubbed his face and whispered an almost inaudible Yes. Allan spared a look at the exit and found a lone silhouette standing in the center of it, the telltale shape of the head was more than enough to make his eyes widen to point where they could just fall from his skull. However, from the clicks Allan could tell the others were standing or roaming around hidden within the darkness.

Allan was anxious for them all to keep moving forward and placed a hand on Krista's shoulder just to reassure her that it was him behind her. He did not do it quickly but he did it gently enough that she wouldn't jump, then he gestured to Vincent to lead on. He took an empty vial and waved it at Vincent just to notify him that they had a secondary distraction if needed. Another shallow breath and Allan began to solemnly inch his way towards the light.
Vincent exhaled deeply as he tried to calm down. Everything would go smoothly if one of them wouldn't make a single noise that could get all of them. He grabbed the stone tightly and looked over the debris, from what he could see, There was only one but others must be lurking anywhere. He knew to never underestimate these creatures. They can easily detect the slightest of sounds and start walking towards the source of it. He then raised the stone back to gain some momentum for throwing and threw it on some far corner away from the exit. The Clickers, groaning as they were alerted by the noise started to creep towards it. They are still making their clicking noise while walking towards the source of sound as he motioned for them to follow him.

Krista nearly jumped from the hand on her shoulder but she only realized it was only Alan's hand. She then looked forward and did the same to Vincent as he started to skirt towards the exit. Hoping that he wouldn't be spotted by the creatures. They were walking on eggshells right now and a single noise would give them away. He tries to focus on the escape route and not what is beside him. He knows the Krista is follow from behind and Alan must be following or else he'll be dead.

" Come on guys.. " he whispered to them while still looking at the exit.

" Just a bit mo- " CRACK

Vincent looked back at Krista and saw her accidentally step on the leg of the Clicker. His heart than skipped a beat as Krista looked up at him with a scared face. He knew what was going to happen next, and then he looked at three clickers on the place where he threw the rock were now groaning and turning around starting to walk towards them.

"shit.." Vincent cursed silently as he was about to take out the gun he holstered.
They were not off to a stellar start, Allan could tell that much. Then things got instantly and infinitely worse. Krista stepped on a leg belonging to a Clicker and rather than click, it straight up CRACKED. What was coming next was more than obvious; the abominations would all lock on to their location and begin their tireless swarming and then they would begin devouring flesh irregardless of whether they were alive or not. That is what was most terrifying about the Clickers, they didn't 'care' it was all pure instinct and that instinct was to consume and propagate.

Without thinking Allan pushed Krista and Vincent forward and towards the exit, then he took a hold of the vial he had put aside for just that situation. He kicked the offending Clicker limb away and threw the vial somewhere in the distance behind them, a few seconds later and there was a resounding clash of glass against metal. His heart almost leapt from his throat but he wasted no more time by dawdling, instead he brandished his pistol just in case and continued pushing Krista and then Vincent towards the entrance.

He watched as black shapes moved through the darkness, it appeared as though the shambling monsters were somewhat confused and were searching in all directions. Little more than a cautionary look behind was more than Allan was willing to risk.

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