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Fantasy The Last Flicker -OOC-


Well, like I said, no one is really in trouble since Rpnation sometimes doesn't notify everyone. Just post when you have the time. Just don't want anyone to be left behind~

I see, and I am guessing you escaped, yes? Since they are trying to steal the powers of the Mystics and/or trying to find their homes.

Oks, so you know you can talk to Camillia aka Camelot telepathically as well as sense others like yourself. 

As well as the relationship between Sherwood Forest and Camelot? o3o This is completely up to you how you want her to act towards him.

Any questions, you can come to me ^^
I've been creating a character for lighthouse of Alexandria so I just want to confirm if it's available.  Also, does the picture have to be anime themed?

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