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Fantasy The Last Flicker -OOC-


Unfortunately none of those avatar creaors would save properly.... idk why. Kept saving as all files even though they said .jpg :\ I think i'm just gonna have to go with the closest drawing i can find. thank you though, it was an interesting resource to use.

@Cheshire Grin

Nice. I'm gonna try to put a picture in soon, anything else my character will need fixed up before approval?

Your character is good, I see no real problem. Very sad, I will give it that~

Just remember Stonehenge's Mystic are brother and sister(as stated in the Lore)

Speaking of Lore, how does everyone like the little stories the Mystics and Curses have? If I asked this already, sorry for the repeat in question~
Ty, will do ^_^ don't think Beathan knows yet tho. Good to know for the future though :)

As for the mystics stories, i like them. Gives some character to them while still leaving enough untold that the rpers can use it as a base to build off of ^_^
Just wondering @Cheshire Grin the fountain of youth (and I think the two triangles) don't seem to have actually died, I assume Keenen's body is immortal as it's part of the fountain, and the triangles both seem to both be alive, are they or what?

Keenan, Delmar and Michio's bodies crumbled so they could be with the others. But they also had their own reasons for crumbling to nothing.

Keenan body crumbled because he became too lonely. When you think about it, Damkina was gone for a very long time and he couldn't communicate with anyone since they were all Falling one by one. In a way, Keenan was one of the younger Mystics, a baby in their standards~

Allistair and Michio's bodies were bound to crumble since they both Curses. Curses are unable to remake their own bodies.

How this answers your question~
I'm writing my post now. I've been pretty busy lately. Just figuring out how I should integrate my character into the story.

@A Mysterious Figure

Go to the first page and the bottom of the first post has links to the various connected RP threads.
Once everyone has posted, then we shall go from there, I don't want to leave anyone behind~
*Squeeek*I didn't know their were post, I mean I thought there were like 3, opps...lemme work on my post I'll have it by tomorrow.
Excited to see how the cafe reacts to the wild haired cheery git bursting in while everyone's trying to be all discreet xD
My face right now:


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