The Land of the Dead


The Mermaid Slayer
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Hello. I am interested in joining your roleplay, but I do not understand the quiz part, buy I wish for my character to be a Soul Weaver.
Basically you take the quiz and give me your answers. I give you the results. I have a formula I use and you pick from your top three results. This way there's an even amount of people and it's fair.

Maxwelle said:
Basically you take the quiz and give me your answers. I give you the results. I have a formula I use and you pick from your top three results. This way there's an even amount of people and it's fair.
Awesome, okay. That's a cool and intuitive system.
It's one base weapon but the weapon itself can have different forms. So say you're a sword. Sometimes you can be a bigger, thicker sword for brute attacks. Or if you need a more evasive style you can be a thinner, lighter sword, so long as you stick to sword. But that's an example. Try and note your weapon type in cs just so you're clear. Also, as a weapon you have to find a partner Dark Knight eventually. Hope it helped.

...probably gonna end up picking me ~_~ @Maxwelle I never thought it'd come to this xD rivals in one RP and inseparable friends in another. So calling it

Greetings fellow people of RpN.

How's it going? Having a good day? Rather warm weather... Anyway... Congratulations you've won! Your prize? You get to join my roleplay!!! (Why is no one cheering...? Gee this is awkward...) Way to hurt my feelings...

No but in all seriousness I've tagged you because I've RPed with you or I would like to. You come off as pretty cool... Gratz. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd join my RP. It's a lot better and more put together than my last one. The prefix says Detailed but it's basically a Casual with a few more rules. Hey, if you don't join, that's cool too but I just wanted to ask. Thanks for your time~

Sincerely, your neighborhood friendly spiderman


@Newtype @GiannaCoco @BeyondLovesL @Wild Born @Girouette @LonelyAssassin @Mashiro Shiina @See Me Play 0715

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Greetings fellow people of RpN.

How's it going? Having a good day? Rather warm weather... Anyway... Congratulations you've won! Your prize? You get to join my roleplay!!! (Why is no one cheering...? Gee this is awkward...) Way to hurt my feelings...

No but in all seriousness I've tagged you because I've RPed with you or I would like to. You come off as pretty cool... Gratz. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd join my RP. It's a lot better and more put together than my last one. The prefix says Detailed but it's basically a Casual with a few more rules. Hey, if you don't join, that's cool too but I just wanted to ask. Thanks for your time~

Sincerely, your neighborhood friendly spiderman

I'd love to join c:
Okay great c: Fill out the quiz portion and basic character details and post here. I'll give you results later to edit. n.n btw I don't mind just letters for the answers.
Rp with you? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH-ok enough with the jokes lol. Yeah I'd love to rp with you! What would the content of this rp actually be? (Also I'm in California and it's supposed to be 90° today and 96° Saturday #rapemycorpseandthrowmeoffacliffm8)

Wait nvm I'm an idiot, the info is already up lol
It's basically like a city for dead people. Everyone has jobs and such. It's like a puzzle. Or maybe a strange mmo. (#Hasheatpsychicpowersandtotallyisntastalker)
#3spooku5yu #imtofuckintiredtofillitoutsinceitslike12:39soilljustdoittomorrow #hashtag #blznit #420 #youwotm8

yes. Once I give you the results, you can edit parts that include your role

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