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Fantasy The Land of the Dead

Chris looked at Alex for a moment. Then he got up, put his helmet on, and walked up to him. "If we're gonna be partners.. maybe we could.. get to know each other? Want to train for a bit?" He asked.
Alex stood up and nodded. "Sure, let's see if we can work well together or if we are going to end up causing an annoying Outbreak of yells and screams that will Nether end." ((Sorry! I'm really sorry! But I had to (and I was dared) xD )
Tsuki ran into the training grounds and immediatley yelled "Who needs a weapon? And Who's good with guns?" she was out of breath her voice scratchy, but all she hoped was for someone wanting to pair up with her no matter her gender and type of weapon, her weapon was a little unique.
(Omfg xD I almost fell off my chair)

Chris nodded. "Ok. Do you mind transforming into your weapon form so that I could get a feel for it?" He said. @Peaceswore
"Sure." He said as he walked over, when he was standing right next to him he changed into his first scythe form.

(Haha! Inside jokes I always love them xD )

I look to the girl that yelled she was a shotgun and shuddered then walked over to an arena and sat down in the middle of it pulled my hair out from behind my back showing the sword tattoo hoping at least one Dark Knight would notice I stroked my hair bored sitting in the arena
Tsuki leaned forwards and dropped to the ground exhausted, "so no one wants to be my partner, and most of them know me too.." she sighed quietly she started drawing invisible circles on the ground bored out of her mind.
(Crap, I didn't get any notifications. Well, better late than never, I guess!)

Noah sighed as he sat in the Courthouse's main Council table, listening to the other Advisors bicker about various issues concerning the Underworld and such. The meeting reminded him of the boardroom sessions back in the mortal realm, back when he had a job he actually enjoyed...back when he had a life. He played with the cuffs of his suit's sleeves, not sure how to interject with the subject matter; he had only recently died, after all, and no one had really bothered to give him the gist of things. Fortunately, the had orientated him about the current influx of Dark Knights and such, and that he was to direct them as the Council deemed necessary.
Chris walked to the scythe and grabbed it. He shifted his grip a few times. When he got comfortable, he gave the scythe a few swings. "This is easier than I thought," he said, surprised about natural he felt, having the scythe in his hands. @Peaceswore
Kau again started to aimlessly wonder, until he found another map. He looked around, and started to follow the direction towards the front gate. He passed a few people, and didn't stop to say hello, or even acknowledge the existance of others. He didn't see anyone with red robes, and he wondered why that was. He saw some of the armored people that he saw when he asked in, and some people with black and white robes. He liked the fact that everyone had assigned clothing, so you could tell who did what. He knew he had to take a soul once a day, and it didn't bother him. He liked his scythe, too. It was beautiful, to him. It was comfortable to hold. He certainly wouldn't mind taking it everywhere he went.

Kau looked at the gate, and just stood there for a long time, staring.

(( Yay I'm Late.. ))

Diego Was Staring At A Map In His Hands. He Had be Assigned a Peaceon So He Was Looking For His Assigned Building "This Map Sucks! You Expect Me To Find Something THAT QUICKLY?!?!" He Decided To Look Around For The Building Himself Out Of Sheer Anger, Believing He Will Actually Find It.

After A Few Minutes Of Aimlessly Wandering, He Sat Down And Kept Staring At The Map. "
This Sucks! LIKE COME ON!" He Sighed Angrily.

Kau heard someone yelling about not being able to find anything, and looked in that direction.

"Hm, so I'm not the only clueless one... That's good, I think." He says. "That means I'm not the only one at risk of seriously screwing up..." He spoke quietly to himself.

"I need to make friends, or at least know people... My life before death proves I need to." He decided to walk towards the lost boy, and ask if he needed help.

"Your lost?" He says, sheepishly to the other male.

Aylic chuckled and continuued to walk around the Underworld. Gee... This place is pretty big! She thought, coming to the edge of the City borders (at least, she thought iit was a city....). She spotted something moving in the darkness and her nerves hardened, ridding her of all fear. "Hello?"
"Hmm?" He looks At The Person Confonting Him "Quite Sadly I Am..", He Looks Down At The Map Again "Do You Happen To Know Where The Balance Or Whatever It's Called Is?"

"Oh, yeah. I do, actually. One of the few places I know... Ha..." He says. He looks at Diego's map. He points i between the L building and the J building. "We're right here. You need to go..." He moves his finger to point at the G building. "Here. So that's to the right of us, and I bet if you walk straight, you'll run into it." He points to the right of them, past the J building. "Are you a peaceon, or a chaotic?" He asks, curiously.
He Looks Back At The Guy "Peaceon, How About You?" Diego Was Quite Intrigued By These Classes But He Had No Time So He Rushed In that Question.
"I'm a reaper, apparently. I just got here... And I'm still figuring out what to do, and where to go... How to do my so-called job." He says. "A peaceon? Ha, I over heard someone saying that the chaotics went over board, and that's why there are so many new members to the underworld. I think you'll be busy for a while." He laughs, slightly. Like a soft chukkle.
Chaotic...That Word Was Stuck In His Head "Aren't Chaotics The Opposite Of Peaceons?" For Some Reason Chaotic Sounded So Familiar To Him. He Was even more Intrigued.
((Tsuki still needs a partner xD ))

((I'll be at school for a bit but I might be able to join back in at lunch or recess))
"Yeah, I think so. Peaceons are positive, and chaotics are negative. I don't know exactly how it works but that's my knowledge of it. Together I think they balance out things, to try to keep the world as even as they can. So chaotics don't blow up the earth, and peaceons don't make everyone happy-go-lucky all the time. But don't quote me on that."

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