The Kingdom of Adworseth


Ninja Monster
Hey there! You’re new? Well the registration in below and don't hesitate to ask me questions if you don’t get anything! Remember to read the @Archangel Galdrael

'White Arrow' play by @Bills352

[/color]'Eve' play by @HanaHaru

'Blackfire' Evermore play by @animegirl20

'Cia' Evelyn play by @SkyRune (me)[/i]

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"Even" or "Eve"


14 (16)




In a normal alone day, she wears a short black dress with flats. On special occasions will she wear a longer black dress with frills that resemble feathers. When traveling she normally flies, so she will wear shorts and a short sleeve shirt, this is the only time she won't wear a dress due to the fact of constant flying.

Dress/Clothing maker (Sewing)


She likes sweets and cute things, but she won't really admit to it. Being around clothing a lot, she has come to favor dresses over normal day attire.

Being bossed around. She can't stand really annoying people, such as people who pester her constantly and extremely loud people, and one who questions her wearing dresses.

A black and red monarch butterfly. The colors are based off Eveny's faery wings.

Is good at magic, whether it's to help someone out or play tricks with the people she dislikes.

She owns a dagger that has come to be the only weapon she will use since is better in close range combat.

She can be very stubborn and hard to get along with at times, but sue is really sweet and caring at heart.

Growing up Loitlan, Eveny has always known the way to make clothes and sell them in town. Learning how to sew and stitch from her mother, she was happy with the skill. Shortly after her eleventh birthday, her mother had passed away due to an illness and pushing herself to the limits from working. She then made a promise that she would grow up and make a living off of clothes like her mom, and do her best. With this said, she tends to be stubborn when things don't go her way or as planned, such as a customer refusing her offer on a piece of clothing.

(Eveny has a brother who lives in Kaard, that's where her dagger came from. He tends to pop up every now and then when he is visiting Loitlan)

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black armor



training, helping people in need

Not much of a talker

great with swords and can take large amounts of damage

a giant claymore

he doesn't talk much but he's very friendly

raised in the forests by a retired knight and is an orphan but later moves to loitlan after Camino home to find his mentor murdered and is looking for the creature/person who did it



Dragoness Alatreon Of Hetis

Nickname: "Eclipse"

Gender: Female

Age: Alatreon doesn't remember her age

Species: Draki

Side: Neutral (Will possibly change depending on what happens)

Sexuality: Refuses To Answer

Attire: (See Picture), Occasionally wears a crown.

Occupation: Blacksmith

Residence: Hetis

Likes: Flowers



Respectful Draki


Dislikes: Alatreon doesn't really like people who think she works all day.

People who insult Draki.

Most humans.

Luna's Moodswings

Pets: Alatreon surprisingly has her own pet dragon named Luna. Luna protects Alatreon fiercely and guards her home and treasures when Alatreon is away.


Abilities: Alatreon is a dragon and she can control lightning. She is a fierce fighter but she is a pacifist by nature and will not be provoked easily.

Weapon(s): Alatreon carries a scythe with her at all times. She also has a pair of claw gauntlets



Personality: Alatreon is a gentle young dragon who lives in Hetis as a peaceful blacksmith. She is a very serious girl who takes no situation lightly. As a dragon she is very protective of her treasures (Her weapons and Luna). She has a very cold way of speaking being blunt at all times and will no hesitate to point out flaws or bluffs. She hates when people lie to her and will often lash out when she finds out the truth. When angered she becomes far more dangerous than ever before. Alatreon has a bit of a philosophical mindset but does not show it because she deems most people unworthy of her thoughts. Alatreon is calm most of the time even when she is fighting but sometimes she cannot control herself. Alatreon believes: "One day, all kings and queens, all nations will soon bow down to the might of the Draki."

History: Alatreon is a young Draki who lives in Hetis, The Cursed City. She doesn't remember much of her past and has lived in Hetis for as long as she can remember. In Hetis she became a self-appointed blacksmith and soon enough she found herself making tools, mostly weapons, for those who requested her services. Alatreon however, believes that she serves a greater purpose but cannot bring herself to find it and as such, lives a routine yet simple life.

(Will Edit)

Other Additional Information: (Will Add Soon)

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Name: Gruz

Prefer name/nickname: 'Monsters bane'

Gender: Male

Age: 45 (apparent age, 30).

Species: Great Orc (Much stronger than a normal orc)

Side: Neutral (whoever pays the most, at the moment at least)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Attire: The same armor everywhere. No exceptions! (Same armor as shown in the picture)

Occupation: Mercenary/Bodyguard

Resident: Lives in his own camp outside Hetis

Likes: Alcohol, women, killing things, fighting, getting paid, being complimented, dragons, wrestling with bears, and his mercenary group.

Dislikes: People who talk a lot, people in fancy clothes, people who insult him, men who aren't orcs, people who try to kill him. People.

Pet/Familiar: No pet or familiar, but Gruz has a band of mercenaries who he commands, they live in the camp outside Hetis. There are 12 of them in total, every single one is a battle-hardened elite warrior.

Abilities: Hand-to-hand combat, dual-wield fighting, taking hits, intimidation.


Personality: Gruz doesn't care about missing villagers or rumours, nor does he care about politics. All he cares about is getting his pay after a job well done. That and his orcs, his brothers-in-arms. Despite his aggressive and egoistic hot-headed nature, he 'loves' his group, they are all family. The difference is they express their love with headbutts and punches, instead of hugs and kisses. Gruz is also not a cruel man, and is fair with his jobs and doesn't try to rip people off. However, he can get very violent when drunk, as can the rest of his band, he always wants his own way but will not get physical if he doesn't. Instead, he will rant or use intimidation. Strangely enough, Gruz has always wanted a pet dragon.


Gruz was just a baby when a large group of bandits attacked his family whilst they were walking through the forest. The bandits massively outnumbered his family, but they were orc warriors. The bandits managed to kill his mother and his brother but for the two who died all twenty bandits were slaughtered. His father, gravely injured from the ordeal, carried a baby Gruz back to the orc camp. However, he later died of his wounds. Growing up with no family Gruz was always fighting and brawling with the other children. Though this was common among orcs he did it far more often and far more violently. The elder orcs chastised Gruz at every turn but he never cared, no amount of beatings would change how he was. When he reached puberty, Gruz had a colossal growth spurt and became far larger and stronger than all the other orcs, he reached a large 7 feet tall.

Realizing they couldn't control him, the orcs exiled Gruz from the camp. And so he left without a fight, he wanted to leave anyway. However, whilst traversing the forest 11 of the other teenage orcs followed Gruz and asked if they could travel with him, claiming they too wanted to leave. And so began theit merry band of mercenaries. They made their living killing bandits and protecting sheep at first. But when a huge hydra assaulted a village settlement, Gruz single-handedly took it down. And has been known as 'Monsters Bane' since. He now earns his living slaying dangerous creatures and protecting important caravans and people. Life is good for Gruz, but now the dark has returned. And soon everything will change.

Other additional information: Gruz loves the colour Red! (just like me).
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Name: Jeremiah

Prefer name/nickname: White Arrow

Gender: male

Age: 15 (17)

Species: Angel

Sexuality: Bisexual

Attire: He normally wears rough looking blue jeans and a shirt vest combo, with a red tie usually being between the two. On special occasions, he dresses up in a nice suit and tie that he got from his father. And he usually travels in shorts and a tank top so that he can travel faster.

Occupation: He tends to go out and hunt for rare and valuable species, so that he can sell their hides and fur for a really good mount of money.

Resident: He currently lives in Kaard, but he will be traveling soon to one of the other cities. He hasn't decided which one yet, but he knows that their are other rare species around other cities that he could hunt for.





Snowy days

Rare species

Strong opponents


Hot summer days

Mindless violencce

Mindless killing

Demons (With a few exceptions)

Other Angels (With a few exceptions)

Pet/Familiar: Balto, his pet timberwolf


Abilities: Jeremiah is excellent in the arts of archery and Light magic

Weapons: Bow and arrows

Personality: Jeremiah is usually quiet and level headed in most situations. He can be childish and arrogant at most times, but he tries to show as much compassion as he can. He can be too trusting and merciful, often putting him in bad situations. There are certain times where he tries to take command and act tough in front of everyone, but deep down, he has a soft heart and wishes to keep his peaceful lifestyle. He also tries to keep his brother in check, hoping and preventing him from doing something stupid enough to get them both in trouble.

History: Jeremiah grew up in Juloen with his demonic brother Jericho. Although Jericho was found by Jeremiah's parents in the forest all alone, they thought it would be best to get this abandoned baby to a safe home. Jeremiah was the elder one by a week and made it white clear that he would be in charge. Then both being rival races, they tended to get into little fights and arguments for the time being. After years of being force to live with each other, and forced to keep the secret of Jericho being a demon from others, the boys began to slowly bond and grow into a great pair of siblings. They didn't fight as much, and they trusted each other with their lives and deepest secrets. With the time making their bond even stronger, the real test came when their mother died of illness, and and their father, killed in a building fire. The brothers, knowing that they needed to find somewhere else to live and how to find work, found a nice place in Kaard and decided to settle down over the next few years. Over time they began learning new skills and magic they never thought they could achieve in the past, and although they shared great memories in Kaard, they knew it was time to pack up and travel somewhere else. For they knew that something was riling up the country, and every city had a secret and its attractions. The only problem they really had was......where should they go first?

Other additional information: He can get very overprotective when it comes to his brother, he usually understands if his brother started the fight/argument, but he still acts before he thinks when it comes down to his brother.


Name: Jericho

Prefer name/nickname: Black Devil

Gender: Male

Age: 15 (17)

Species: Demon

Sexuality: Bisexual

Attire: He usually wears old T-shirts and and tore up pants. On special occasions, he'll black jeans with a semi clean collared shirt. When he travels he tends to wear Shorts and a white tank top.

Occupation: Blacksmith

Resident: He currently lives in Kaard, but he will be traveling soon to one of the other cities. He hasn't decided which one yet, but he knows that their are other rare materials around other cities that he could find and forge with.





Rare materials

Strong opponents

rare weapons




Being bored

Crappy weapons

Pet/Familiar: Drago, his black timberwolf


Abilities: Sword play, H2H combat, and Shadow magic

Weapons: Sword and shield, and a morning star

Personality: Jericho is a sort of obnoxious and quiet kind of person. He isn't one to talk much unless its someone he knows quite well. Although he can come out as a rude and heartless person, he tends to show kindness here and there at random moments. he is quite arrogant in battle, and he gets very cocky whenever he's winning a fight.

History: Jericho grew up in Juloen with his Angelic brother Jeremiah. Although Jericho was found by Jeremiah's parents in the forest all alone, not even knowing who is actual parents were. He was lucky enough that the angels took him as one of their own. Jeremiah was the elder by a week and made it quite clear that he would be in charge. Them both being rival races, they tended to get into little fights and arguments for the time being. After years of being force to live with each other, and forced to trust his brother with his secret, the boys began to slowly bond and grow into a great pair of siblings. They didn't fight as much, and they trusted each other with their lives and deepest secrets. With the time making their bond even stronger, the real test came when their mother died of illness, and and their father, killed in a building fire. The brothers, knowing that they needed to find somewhere else to live and how to find work, found a nice place in Kaard and decided to settle down over the next few years. Over time they began learning new skills and magic they never thought they could achieve in the past, and although they shared great memories in Kaard, they knew it was time to pack up and travel somewhere else. For they knew that something was riling up the country, and every city had a secret and its attractions. The only problem they really had was......where should they go first?

Other additional information: He is quick to anger and will attempt to fight at every possible moment.



Dragoness Lexicon of Naulle

(Sorry for stealing the dragoness part but it just sounds so awesome)

Prefer name/nickname:





She doesn't remember.

(Looks about 18 - 20)


Draki (Gray eyes)






(See picture) The only change she ever makes is when she needs to be formal she put both sleeves on.


She helps out the farmers of Naulle with odd jobs and keeps them safe as a 'guard for hire'.




She is a master of archery,

She is a great cook,

She is a average swordwomen

She can control air in which she mixes in with her marksmanship and sword Play.


She carries two weapons a sword and a bow.


Hot-blooded and outgoing. Lexicon is the type of women to run into things headfirst without looking up to see the problem. She'll take to any situation with extreme fervor, always eager to get the spotlight. she tries her best to conduct herself with respect and leadership, but it's frequently hard for her shotgun voice to refrain from spouting a few profanities or vulgarities here and there. She's not afraid to speak her mind! She often finds herself going through periods of rest and chaotic energeticness. She generally has a positive outlook on life, and never seems to feel something is impossible or too hard to do.

Giving up or giving in is not something she'd easily do. And neither is failure. She is the type of person who takes losses and bad outcomes rather poorly; losing her temper and self-control over anything she can't seem to complete or succeed at. From simple arcade games to debates, her respect can take quite a severe turn for the worst. She can be sneaky and underhanded at times when push comes to shove, but she never loses her sense of honor and fairness; "An equal opponent is a perfect opponent!"

Lexicon also acts like she blasé about everything even new things, she acts like she as already seen everything and never seems to be impressed by it. They is a few odd occasions where she has been surprised in which it takes her mind a few seconds to process what going on and how it happened, which she wont move until her brain seems to have a solution normally ending badly.


Lexicon was born in Naulle while it was still in the development stage, meaning that they was only one or two farms in the whole place. She was raised by a 'simple' farmer or at least that what it looked like, truthfully this farmer was an ex assassin who quit after her parent was killed on the job, she found Lexicon outside of her house in a cradle. At first Lexicon was brought up like a normal child her 'mother' was attacked by people looking for revenge on something she did years ago and so it happened from a normal life with learning normal things, to a assassin's training.

Life went on and she began showing signs that she wasn't human but a Draki instead, this could fully be seen at age 18 as he skin never changed from a very pale even after staying outside for days on end, not to mention the wings ended up giving it away. After that day her appearance seemed to stop changing. So finally at age 18 she began to be able to control an elements hers was air, this helped her perform wonders with her bow and arrows as she can change the direction in mid air. After a while and years passed, her 'mother' died and most of the people she knew did but she didn't nor did she even look any different. After years Naulle grew in size until it has became the town it is today, and for many years a protector and helper had looked over it that person was Lexicon.

Other additional information:

Her favorite color is Green.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/053.jpg.7d25db3447c2ac58fa9f51290b8de60f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/053.jpg.7d25db3447c2ac58fa9f51290b8de60f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alice Evermore

Prefer name/nickname:













outfit in the pic


She makes potions and sells them.


Lives in a small house in the forest.


Black cat Artimis


Magic, hand to hand combact,


carries a small knife


Blackfire is a bright and energetic girl who loves fairy tales. She is always happy and optimistic, making her seem very naive. Simple things such as eating cake can make her happy. She is also extremely unreserved. She often openly proclaims her love for her friends. Blackfire often gets overexcited over small things and ends up hurting herself in the process. As she loves fairy tales, Blackfire's favorite pastime is reading. The most important thing to Blackfire is to be happy and to smile. She hates seeing others cry and does her best to cheer them up. Despite all this she does have a serious side to her she just doesn't all ways show it. And she tends to be mysterious when people first meet her.


Alice always had an interest for magic. Mostly because of the fairy tales she read. Then one day while exploring the forest she came upon a old small cottage. There was a old woman leaving there named Luna and she was a witch. Some people in town did not trust her and some did. Instantly became friends with Luna. At first Luna found Alice annoying but soon started to like her company. Luna even started teaching her magic. Her parents didn't like the teachings of magic and didn't want her going near her. Alice told her parents she was planning on learning magic and staying friends with Luna. So her parents kicked her out. Alice left and stayed with Luna. Alice was pretty happy but at time she missed her parents. One day when she went into town she saw her parents holding a baby. She went up to them but they ignored her. She was hurt they had moved on like she never was never there. Luna decided to give Alice a new name, Blackfire. She told her to just forget about her past and start new and that's what she did.

Favorite color is red​



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Nerrian Arye

Prefer name/nickname:

Blue-Eyed Devil


female, but often confused as male.




Rare combination of both human and demon.


Joins any side that seems to be winning.




Over large black cloak that goes past her knees and hands with a large hood. Underneath is a dark red muscle shirt, and slightly torn dark blue pants. Black combat style boots that might be a little big.


No real job, if money is really needed she'll steal it.


Wanderer, doesn't attach herself to any particular place.


monsters, animals in general, sweet food, fighting, watching fights.


Humans, they are too inquisitive. Deep water, swimming.


A tiny dragon like creature with fur, it's claws seem awkwardly large in proportion to its body but is surprisingly agile and is sometimes referred to as a pirate or thief dragon, as they can snatch things without being noticed.



Can understand and speak to animals/monsters of almost any sort, and is very fast and agile.


A few small throwing knives and two large hunting knives, also her fangs and claws she can call on command.


Can be harsh and rude to people, but if she feels more secure or is trying to steal something of yours she will be very sweet and funny. She acts tough but is actually very kind, she just can't show it like normal people.


In a rare Union between a human woman of noble blood and a demon, a child was born. It is said a child of such mixed race is a bad omen and is shunned by normal folk. She was mostly raised by her father in the forest, but one day he disappeared. She found a human settlement, and tried to find help. They saw her strange eyes, pointed ears and long black tail and became frightened, thinking she was a monster, and chasing her away. After finding she couldn't fit in well with others, she bore a black cloak and hid her tail, becoming a wanderer and trying to fit in. She doesn't feel emotions the same as other races, so can't easily get close to anyone but animals.

Other additional information:

She is a little vain, and attracted to shiny things, just like her dragon.



Salacia Evelyn

Prefer name/nickname:





She couldn't bother remember her age (18-21)








(See picture) She usually wear brown hooded cloak.




Currently in Juloen


White Tiger



She has healing power, many people know her by the healing power she have, and she is excellent in archery.


Bow and arrows, throwing knives.


She is very kind and gentle towards others, but when she's angry, she's very fierce and impatient. Because she is a carefree person, it's hard to anger her. She doesn't judge people by their appearance or race and she's very loyal to the one she choose. She likes to make new friends, but because she is a healer, she often moved a lot, resulting in her lack of friends. She dislike those who are selfish, arrogant and those who betrayed her trust.


Salacia was born to an elf family in Naulle. She was the youngest child in a family of four children. Her father taught her how to use weapons, like he did to her sisters. Once she learn the basic, she joined her sisters at their usual training routine. When she was eight years old, one of her sisters got injured during a match. There were lots of blood on the ground. She panicked when she saw her sister's eyes were closing and without knowing what she's doing sh placed her hand over the wound. The feeling at that moment was indescribable. She didn't know what she was doing. Her sisters saw what she did and told their parents. That was when se knew that she can heal people.

(Unfortunately she can't bring people back to life)

She started helping people once she got control over her power. Many people called on her when they needed help. As she grew older she realised that she wanted to help many more people so she decided to leave home.

Other additional information:

Today is Green!

Name: William Elliot

Preferred name/Nickname: "Cross-stitch", or "Stitch"

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Shinigami/VooDoo mess-up hybrid. (Clearly the only one of his kind)

Side: Good side, but sometimes he's just mutual.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Attire: normally wears a black, slightly over sized long sleeved shirt, and baggy cargo pants. He doesn't wear shoes or socks. He also has a black, beaten-up top hat with a purple ribbon that hangs down slightly from the rim of the hat. The needles stuck in his head are mostly covered by the hat.

Occupation: Tailor, in a marionette shop. He makes clothes, clocks, pocket watches, and other wearable things.

Resident: He works in Loitlan, but lives in the forest, closer to Hetis.

Likes: Tea, reading, drawing, working, and studying.

Dislikes: Loud noises, yelling, when people make fun of his work, arrogant people, fire.

Pet/Familiar: He has a purple cat that has black buttons for eyes, and has stiches all over. Like a stuffed animal that's been conjured into life.

Abilities: Has the ability to render himself completly life-less, like he's acting dead. He also can fit into smaller places, since his insides are softer. He is a silent walker, and running is also silent. He is very fast, and can teleport. Though he can only teleport a few feet, and can't use it very much because it wears him out. He can also move objects telepathically, but again this is limited.

Weapons: Needles that he keeps either under his hat in his head, or at his side. The one at his side is his biggest needle, and can technically be considered a sword.

Personality: Shy, but takes great pride in his work. When his work is mentioned, he lights up with a sense of joy. Though, when people make fun of his work, he gets sad. He's very smart. A nerd type, if you will. He looks sort of distant all the time, like he's not fully alive. He's kind, and he's jumpy. He has a stutter, and he's small for his age. Thin, and short. Easy target for bullies. Though, once you push him far enough, he will fight.

History: he's pretty much a science experiment that went wrong. He was rendered as harmless, so he's allowed to go in public, and work. He doesn't have family, and so far no friends. He's engolfed in his work most of the time, so he doesn't mind being lonely. He works on not only his tailoring, but clockwork, medical practices, and creating marionettes. His shop he owns alone. All of his work is out of the ordinary, and amazing, though some of his prototypes and projects are creepy, strange, and sloppy.

Other: he's a freaky kid, but he may suprize you.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.3f739cd2a58f4713ef1d11a77f516cd9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.3f739cd2a58f4713ef1d11a77f516cd9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.31bd1bd62d3e8cbf6d9c0199ebe418a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.31bd1bd62d3e8cbf6d9c0199ebe418a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/th5TMSZ2NA.jpg.d0b4217c4cd172aeb4dbfca8168408ab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/th5TMSZ2NA.jpg.d0b4217c4cd172aeb4dbfca8168408ab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Has black leathery wings on his back. Two small black horns on his head that have a red glow. From his hands to his elbows, his underarm to his waist and from his shoulder blade to the back of his ears are covered in black scales. His hair turns white with a hint of blackish purple.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ShadowDemon.jpg.31052d95f6ab2ae13ac8e79b5e0a2ab6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/ShadowDemon.jpg.31052d95f6ab2ae13ac8e79b5e0a2ab6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Also has black wings.
Name: Ryuu

Prefer name/nickname: Ry

Gender: Male

Age: 666 ‘(19)’ ((Yes...I had to xD ))

Species: Demon/Sylph

Side: It depends on who he is in a contract with, but when he isn't in a contract then neutral.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Attire: What's in the pics.

Occupation: He doesn't really have a job he does trade at times with items he finds, but otherwise he lies of the souls of his contacts.

Resident: He doesn't live in any city, he is always traveling.

Likes: optional

Dislikes: optional

Pet/Familiar: optional

Abilities: Since he is a hybrid he has a variety of powers. However he can not use all of them unless he is in a contract with someone. When he is out of a contract he can use air magic and he is great when it comes to sword combat. When he is in a contract he can use his air magic, shadow magic, and obviously he still great with swords. When he is in a contract his sense boast, and so do his instincts

Weapons: An demon sword that can change into different weapons due to a powerful enchantment.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Kat_Stock_3____Skull_Sword_by_Kaitrosebd_Stock.jpg.0ce964471e1a57ada230fa412f461d90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Kat_Stock_3____Skull_Sword_by_Kaitrosebd_Stock.jpg.0ce964471e1a57ada230fa412f461d90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/freaksmg_stock___dagger_by_freaksmg_stock.jpg.52b362a11063841533bc40958d0330f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/freaksmg_stock___dagger_by_freaksmg_stock.jpg.52b362a11063841533bc40958d0330f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/scythe.jpg.0a81b3cc8885125df52d32db8385ddc7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/scythe.jpg.0a81b3cc8885125df52d32db8385ddc7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/karambit_with_spike_by_licataknives-d6m8vk8.jpg.603207ffea134133ad167d0490c452a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/karambit_with_spike_by_licataknives-d6m8vk8.jpg.603207ffea134133ad167d0490c452a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/lava_hammer_by_zacko86-d53jsrl.jpg.235e5ab1ce498a1aa8c8e86188a4c187.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/lava_hammer_by_zacko86-d53jsrl.jpg.235e5ab1ce498a1aa8c8e86188a4c187.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Balsa__s_Spear_by_E1L0n3wy.jpg.d2b6e1ae8a15b27318e08d2f0ebe8633.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Balsa__s_Spear_by_E1L0n3wy.jpg.d2b6e1ae8a15b27318e08d2f0ebe8633.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ash acts how he acts. He can be a jack#ss, but at most parts he is rather well mannered. He doesn't do anything for anyone unless he gets something out of it. He loves to prank people and laughs easily mainly at brutal things. He can be blunt but of course hides it with his sarcasm.


He is a hybrid royal bastard. His mother was a sylph who was raised in a rich family that's royalty. She was to be wed to another royal figure for obvious reasons. Of course she already had someone else she was head over heels for.

The relationship was found out but it was too late, his mother was already pregnant with him. She refused to get rid of him and ran away. His father stayed with them. However a month after he as born, his father was kill by some damn knight claiming he just killed a demon that was terrorizing the nearby village(his father never did it).

Ash's mother became depressed and soon got sick from the loss of her husband. The only way for her to be saved was with medicine that he couldn't afford, so he found another way. He brought her back to her family. At first thye flat out refused her, but he was able to convince them to take her into their care but not him.

He was forced to live on his own when he was ten, and learned how to survive the hard way. Because of this he became cold and apathetic. During all the years he has been wandering he has never seen his family and has kept it a secret he is actually a royal bastard

Other additional information: anything else you want to tell us? I''ll add more when my brain begins to work, but this is the main part of it.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Sakuya-sakuya-izayoi-26347708-1600-1400.jpg.ed08ebd8e9824ea06d471335d8a0d407.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Sakuya-sakuya-izayoi-26347708-1600-1400.jpg.ed08ebd8e9824ea06d471335d8a0d407.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Prefer name/nickname: what does people call you? What would you like to be call?





Unknown ‘16’





Sexuality: Asexual


She normally wears Her maid uniform.

When traveling she wears:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f3473be_images(17).jpg.d1e4bcc9de209d904c68070a2348a032.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46793" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f3473be_images(17).jpg.d1e4bcc9de209d904c68070a2348a032.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

And this when she is allowed at parties not in a maid uniform;

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Halloween-costumes-for-women-adult-southern-belle-costume-red-Victorian-font-b-dress-b-font-Ball.jpg.7b793a5ed405b81c95293276086f36bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46795" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Halloween-costumes-for-women-adult-southern-belle-costume-red-Victorian-font-b-dress-b-font-Ball.jpg.7b793a5ed405b81c95293276086f36bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She is a personal maid









Clingy people

Her Mistress

Overly happy people


Pet/Familiar: Cleo

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/415829-gunlock92q.jpg.9d709c5f56a9a5a5b0f3686416a9d651.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/415829-gunlock92q.jpg.9d709c5f56a9a5a5b0f3686416a9d651.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Throwing knives

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_mhrhkbQHSd1s5307io1_400.gif.693271a3de9f4bea27d07ce570ea3f67.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_mhrhkbQHSd1s5307io1_400.gif.693271a3de9f4bea27d07ce570ea3f67.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Three knives always


She is cold and blunt hardly ever smiling except for appearance sake she can appear unemotional but that is just hiding the darkness that lurks in her. She likes to hurt people whenever she gets the chance, and if she sees someone abusing a cat death is sure to be painful and long. She isn't sure why she does it through except for she feels empty and killing makes her feel whole.


Ira woke up in Hetis with no memory of who she is or how she got there except for the word Iracundia which she took as her name. She wonder around the forest killing animals and other travelers stealing clothes and weapons. She found a set of three throwing knives and found she was amazing at it. One day she tried to rob a passing human caravan but was almost killed but a human noble saved her saying that she "liked the look of the little beast". The human women declared Ira to be bathed, fed, clothed, and as soon as possible be brought to her tent when she told Ira she was to be her personal maid. Ira hates how her Mistress treats her like she was below her, constantly beating her/starving her and forcing the girl to assassinate whomever she wanted . Ira wants to kill her but feels loyalty to her Mistress for saving her in the first place.

Other additional information: anything else you want to tell us?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Izayoi_Sakuya_full_1221407.jpg.98f5e27f1a17fb856ec152bc697f85f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Izayoi_Sakuya_full_1221407.jpg.98f5e27f1a17fb856ec152bc697f85f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f34a7e3_images(18).jpg.518d0f02446efe9ed596eb0362aaee1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f34a7e3_images(18).jpg.518d0f02446efe9ed596eb0362aaee1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Sakuya-sakuya-izayoi-26347708-1600-1400.jpg.e7000ecba45187b5b037dd43ad185429.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Sakuya-sakuya-izayoi-26347708-1600-1400.jpg.e7000ecba45187b5b037dd43ad185429.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Sakuya-sakuya-izayoi-26347708-1600-1400.jpg.9715b775c9422412b7a61372c13d73d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46802" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Sakuya-sakuya-izayoi-26347708-1600-1400.jpg.9715b775c9422412b7a61372c13d73d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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