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Fantasy The Kingdom of Adworseth

Ryuu raised an eyebrow. "How worried should I be with that order? If I moves I swear... *sigh* I have been all over, honestly I don't think there is a place I haven't been, well maybe a few secret tunnels and houses...but I been to Kaard, Naulle, the forest and a lot more." He said with a smile as he placed his head on his hand and looked around. "Nice place. I might stay here for a bit, really I go where ever I think a chance of adventure may happen. I hate being bored after all."
Dragoness Lexicon - Heading from Naulle to Juloen

The journeys was rather boring and straight forward and they wasn't really any need for a body guard of any sorts as nothing that would need one happened. Still the fact that finally after many years Lex would have left Naulle for the first time had her excited after all with her being as old as she was and had never left her birth town it was strange still that was about to change now as she was in site of Juloen. A slight smile escaped her face as they entered the capital city. The old lady went her own ways and gave Lex a map to be able to get back to Juloen if and when she wished too.
Gruz stared intently on the broken city of Hetis, he had been hired to hunt an ogre, or was it a dragon? He was so drunk when he accepted the deal... That much was obvious considering his location, he shouldn't have taken a job near here. Everything about the land felt wrong, it felt dark, twisted, treacherous. Nevertheless, Gruz and his band had a reputation to uphold-The Redhood Marauders-if a rich skinny man wanted a fancy hide from a dangerous monster then he wanted the best of the best, and that was The Redhood Marauders! Chuckling to himself Gruz turned to see Vollo and Spyke wrestling in the mood whilst the rest cheered them on. "Fools! Quiet down!" He commanded in an authoritative tone.

The rest of the band turned and looked in confusion, trying to figure out why he would stop them, Gruz was usually a huge fan of brawling, why the change? "Oi, e'rything a'right chief?" Of course that was Vollo's bewildered voice, Vollo was a great fighter, maybe the best after Gruz, but his head lacked any intellectuality. "The city, look at it. It seems dead... Yet at the same time alive in a terrible way."

Taking a note to the chief's words Spyke also gazed at the forgotten ruins of broken Hetis, "Yes... I feel it too, this city holds a dark secret far within it's abandoned houses and cryptic halls..." Gruz termed back at Spyke, silently pleading for his wisdom on what action to take on such a matter, unfortunately Vollo opened his big mouth, again. "Ey why you's a'ways talkin' fancy?" Spyke sighed and stared at Vollo before ignoring him all together, it looked as if he was going to speak again but Gruz held his hand up, signaling him to be quiet. "If we enter the city fot this job I fear we won't find the creature we hunt, and that's not regarding the rather high chance we could be killed... I think the best course of action would be to make our way back through the forest and camp in solitude for a while, before returning to our contractors."

Gruz pondered his options carefully, his advisor had said his piece but the decision ultimately belonged to Grus, and he hated leaving a job no matter how dangerous it may be. He was too prideful and brave, and foolishly reckless. Regardless, he turned to see the rest of the band staring at him awaiting their fate to be decided by their brother. Despite Gruz's pride, he would never sacrifice the rest of his band, they were family.

Dragoness Alatreon of Hetis

After quite sometime, Alatreon had realized that Luna was taking a little longer than usual and while she usually didn't worry about Luna as the young dragon could handle herself, something felt...off. Alatreon soon felt a presence, a presence that was not from Hetis. She grew even more worried about Luna and she decided she'd go and fetch the dragon herself and she would look for the mysterious presence while she was out. She stepped out of her house as soon as she grabbed het scythe and claws. Alatreon looked into the sky and sprouted her wings before she launched herself into the sky.

She took a brief look at the immediate area but Luna was no where in sight. Growling lowly, Alatreon tore through the sky like mad until suddenly she finally found Luna who was just entering the sky. Luna looked happy to see her master but Alatreon quickly expressed her concern and disappointment. It was at this moment that Alatreon had noticed the presence from before was larger. But much to her surprise, it wasn't one large presence like she thought but a bundle of smaller ones. As it turns out they weren't very far from her.

Narrowing her eyes she began her descent and told Luna to return home which she did, hearing the tone in her voice. As she landed she quickly drew her scythe and slowly walked over to the group of Orcs who seem to be invading her homeland given their number.

@Archangel Galdrael
Peaceswore said:
Ryuu raised an eyebrow. "How worried should I be with that order? If I moves I swear... *sigh* I have been all over, honestly I don't think there is a place I haven't been, well maybe a few secret tunnels and houses...but I been to Kaard, Naulle, the forest and a lot more." He said with a smile as he placed his head on his hand and looked around. "Nice place. I might stay here for a bit, really I go where ever I think a chance of adventure may happen. I hate being bored after all."
"You'll see," she smiled cheekily, "So you've been to most of the places here? Even Hetis?" She lowered her voice when she said 'Hetis', afraid that others around her might hear and judge her. She continued, "Oh please do. The room is nice, I always stay here, when I'm in Juloen. Keli placed once plate in front of her and the other in front of Ry. "Enjoy!" Keli said happily then walked away to serve others. She said thanks after her then looked at her food, making sure it was right. Thank goodness it was. She turned and looked at Ry's plate. It was packed with man variety of food. She tried to pick out the one that made themas sick the otters day, but the food seem to be different. She signed and decided to ignore it. If Ry were to get sick, she can heal him, hopefully.
Ryuu nodded at her question. "Yes I have even ventured there, that place is pretty creepy and dead, but I think most should avoid it." He said before his food arrived. He tilted his head as he tried to figure out what it was, but shrugged. 'It's only human food, I will be fine...most likely.' He thought as he began to eat. Really to him it was okay and he wasn't sure why others couldn't stomach this, but then again he usually eats souls to satisfy his hunger.
Dragoness Lexicon - Juloen

Lex sighed as she wondered around Juloen, it was her first time outside of Naulle ever and this town was set up as nice and east as Naulle around every corner was something new or something she didn't know. People were selling things in the streets in buildings everyone no wonder its the biggest trade point with the sheer amount of people who would be looking for things to buy whether it was food, jewelry or even weapons it was all for sale. She was getting some odd looks from people probably because of what she looked like, her skin gave her the looks of a very sickly person as it was pale white but yet she was carrying weapons which would take away the effect of her skin. Another reason people may have been looking at her was her clothing which could have been seen as inappropriate as half of her upper chest was showing and her breast was only covered by a several times wrapped around. She could never understand why humans blushed at one another bodies after all they have probably seen it before.

Lex continued to wonder about aimlessly until it only just hit her that she was completely lost in a place that she had never been before and just to top it off her stomach just informed her she was hungry , what a hell of a position to be in hungry and lost. "WELL I'M LOST!" she shouted by mistake somehow as she was only meant to think it but yet she managed to yell it causing everyone around to look at her awkwardly as she simply laid on the ground defeated by this towns tricky architecture.
After a few hours of sewing, Eveny had decided to close the shop up for a while. "It's about noon, guess I should go get something to eat..." she said to herself. She walked to another door, a door with a sign above it labelled "Ask Manager before entering." and walked in. Before her were two stair cases that lead up and down. One lead to her home, one led to her fabric storage. Walking up to her home, she fixed her hair.

Finding her wallet, she walked back down and left the shop, locking the door before heading out. She wore a short dress, which she could easily walk in, and made her way to a small bread shop which was one building layer down. She walked over to a grand stair case and proceeded down the yellow faded stairs. Making her way to the store she saw many people, some in fancy clothing, some in regular average attire.

Once she had made it to the bread shop, she opened the door and walked in. "Hm, what is this?" she said as she looked behind he counter to see a little girl operating the cash register. "Hi, my name is Mary. My father is a bit busy right now, sorry for the inconvenience. How can I help you?" she asked. Eveny smiled at how well mannered the girl was. "Can I get a sandwich, there is a book with what I normally get." Eveny said, referring to the customer book that the girl's father, the store owner, uses to make ordering for the customer simpler.
animegirl20 said:
Blackfire glared at Jericho. "I don't see anything funny!" She yelled out but the guy just kept laughing. She then looked at the white hair one. "Brothers?" She looked at both of them. "Oh." She let him help her up and she got out of the lake. She dripping wet. "Oh! I'm completely soak!" She whined a little. "Oh what was hat spell?" She wanted to dry herself. She then looked at them. "Who are you guys anyway?" She said as try to think of the spell,
Jeremiah looked at his brother with a serious look on his face, although Jeremiah was always willing to trust someone, his brother on the other hand didn't. Jericho gave his brother a wink as to let him know that he had a plan "My names Johnathan Foster, and this is my brother Jeremy Foster. We are traders from the city of Loitlan. We are here to search for some valuable items, so that we could sell them off" he said as casual as possible. Jeremiah never liked it when his brother lied, but that one wasn't completely a lie since it had some truth in it.
Blackfire wasn't really paying attention to what the guy was saying. "Oh now I remember!" She said a little spell and suddenly she was dry. "Ha! I did it!" Then she looked up at them. "Sorry what were you saying?........oh! Right traders.......Special items huh? Hey I have some special it's you guys might be interested in." She could be a little too trusting at times. It never crossed her mind the guy could be lieing. She looked at them then realized something. "Oh you guys aren't human are you?" She said quite bluntly.

Jericho eyes widened when she said she had a rare item, he really wanted to see what it was. But he knew he would have to be patient, especially cause the girl realized that they weren't human. Luckily, Jericho's wings weren't out, so he knew that she wouldn't be able to tell that he was a demon. Jericho looked at his brother, he had did his part so now it was Jeremiah's turn.

Jeremiah looked at the girl a little annoyed that she didn't listen at first "Well, like my brother was saying. We're travelers from loitlan and our names are Jeremy and Johnathan. And no we are not humans, but we are angels." he became quiet interested in what this girl had, so he decided to try and find out what is was. "So what's this special item you have?"
Gruz and his band heard the draconic roars before he could come to a decision, a dragon... Perhaps that was what they were hunting! Even if it wasn't, it was certainly more valuable than what they should have been hunting, that much was certain. "To arms boys! Our prize is heading straight towards us!" Only, what followed wasn't a dragon per say but... A half dragon? Gruz had no idea what species they were called, he wasn't the smartest of people, he was sure Spyke knew but he didn't bother asking, rather he simply watched the... Thing?

He looked back at the rest of his band, most actually seemed frightened, well except Vollo and obviously Gruz, unfortunately being a capable warrior is not a large boon when also being a terrible diplomat. "Oi! The things a woman wi wings! I say we cut em off and sell em, then we..." Vollo's ridiculous monologie was cut off by Spyke, who may have been frightened, but he was also wise, the two were a polar opposite of each other. "Shut up you idiot!" Spyke growled aggressively at the more direct orc beside him.

Gruz on the other hand, studied the... Woman? Was it a woman? Probably not, it was likely some kind of lizard witch in disguise, he had killed those ugly things before. But this one seemed different, less evil? More intelligent? Maybe. Not that it mattered much, if it made a move against any of his brothers then he would die trying to kill it in turn. "You want something... Dragon lady?" Huh, Dragon lady, that was fitting. But even with the ability of flight she was still relatively human sized, which made her smaller than him. But could she transform into a fully fledged dragon? That was the real danger, the scythe in her hand did little to intimidate him.

Alatreon studied the orcs carefully. It was rare to see them around these parts so she was quite surprise but she would most certainly not show it, especially to this band of misfits. She gritted her teeth and growled lowly. "I should be asking you if there is something YOU want. What business does your kind have in this place?" She asked, her tone was very commanding, authoritative if you will. She folded her arms across her chests and let her eyes glow slightly.

As she waited for her answer, she eyed the band of orcs again and then turned her attention to the much larger one. Surely he was not the same as they were. He easily towered them and he looked fairly different. Perhaps this is what the scrolls refer to as a 'Great Orc'? She dismissed the thought. No matter what this thing was she would not hesitate to show it the true power of the Draki. Perhaps she could make them retreat if she gave them a preview, it worked before on many foolish bandits trying to make some money. She became angered when her thoughts began to race, believing them to be after her treasures! She would not allow such monstrosities to so much as breath on her treasures! She spread her wings to full length and stared up at the 'Great Orc', presuming him to be their foolish leader.

@Archangel Galdrael
Gruz smirked at the authoritative tone she took, and the choice of words she had used, his kind? What were his 'kind' and why did his 'kind' forbade him from 'exploring' if you will. Gruz stared at the girl half expecting her to throw a fireball his way, that's what she was! A Fire witch! Cursed witched everywhere, the wings he would ponder on another time, because in a rather threatening manner, she extended them to full length possibly as a warning. If she was threatening them, then Gruz half expected her to be insane, it would be 12vs1, she would perish in moments, unless there was far more to this dragon lady than met the eye.

"Hah! Our kind? Who are our kind, and what makes you think we have any business here? Maybe we wish to explore, and this city does not belong to you girl!" Gruz growled the words aggressively, especially the last one. He wanted to see how she would react, was she calm or was she violent? An interesting question, either way she was certainly protective, but his words still rung true, the city of Hetis was not some little girls doll house! Nor were 'his kind' unwelcome.

Alatreon nearly snapped, her left arm cackling slightly with lightning. This orc was really pushing her and she would let him have it if she asked for it. Alatreon took a step forward, grabbing her scythe and pointing it at the Great Orc. "Your kind are known as Orcs. Babaric, rough-housing creatures who revel in battle and love causing a mess. Such a rowdy crowd would not be liked very well in Hetis, a city that has already suffered. You wish to explore, I request that you explore someplace else instead of this now cursed city that is my home and that once stood proud. If you are the respectful kind you will respect my wishes and you will understand why I wish to protect my home."

Her eyes were glowing, though faintly as she was restraining herself but this orc was on thin ice, on the very edge of making her attack. Something she had not done in a long time. It was at this moment that she regretted sending Luna home as if there was going to be a fight, Luna would handle the smaller orcs while she would handle this monster.

@Archangel Galdrael
Sacred said:
Jericho eyes widened when she said she had a rare item, he really wanted to see what it was. But he knew he would have to be patient, especially cause the girl realized that they weren't human. Luckily, Jericho's wings weren't out, so he knew that she wouldn't be able to tell that he was a demon. Jericho looked at his brother, he had did his part so now it was Jeremiah's turn.
Jeremiah looked at the girl a little annoyed that she didn't listen at first "Well, like my brother was saying. We're travelers from loitlan and our names are Jeremy and Johnathan. And no we are not humans, but we are angels." he became quiet interested in what this girl had, so he decided to try and find out what is was. "So what's this special item you have?"
"Whoa you guys are angels!? Never met angels before. Oh and we have a more than one rare item some of them are magical items. Luna the, old woman I live with collected a bunch of them on her travels. In fact this this necklace I'm wearing is pretty rare. Though I'm not sure why she won't tell me." Then she remembered something. "Oh I got to hurry home. I got to go into town after I bring this water back. Good thing I know all those short cuts." She was half way talking to them and half way talking to herself.
Gruz studied her closely, she was angry, very angry. If he was to guess he would say on the verge of attacking, that much was obvious as her left arm cackled with lightning... So not a fire mage? Whatever it was it must be rather dumb, or foolish to be picking a fight with a group alone, however he was under the impression that Hetis was abandoned, so what was she babbling on about? Unless people did live in Hetis.

"My kind ARE orcs, we do what we want and yes, we revel in battle! Something you already know, so why are you even talking?" Gruz questioned the dragon lady in an almost taunting manner, she was here trying to intimidate a group who enjoyed the thrill of a good hunt, or fight. It was anti-climactic if anything."Besides, Hetis is abandoned, so we cannot disturb what isn't there, and even if it isn't, they can tell us to leave themselves can't they? Hah! Not like we would!" Gruz as if reinforcing his words, spat on the ground beside him, he may be an orc and enjoy a fight, but the only culprit here was her, and culprits deserved no respect.

Alatreon's eyes widened. "You'd dare desecrate sacred ground?! You have no morals you unmannered beast! I will not stand for this. I will kill you where you stand and you can regret your decision in the after life!" She yelled at him. Her eyes were a full glow and she let out a draconic roar, her roar alone calling lightning to surround her. Alatreon was very furious and she wanted nothing more than to tear this beast to shreds. She took a battle stance and hovered slightly in the air.

It was then that she realized that he said Hetis is abandoned. Her gaze softened slightly. Perhaps the world didn't know what Hetis was trying to fix itself? That's why it was trying to keep outsiders, well...out so that they can be at peace. She shook her head and her gaze became angry again and her grip on her scythe tightened.

"Foolish Orc, you will rue the day you wrong a Draki."
"A draki? The hell's a Draki? Haha! I bet I could sell your wings for a lot of coin girl!" Gruz practically roared at the Driki, Dreki... Draki... That's it Draki, without wasting a second he withdrew both his axes from his harness and held them both up before letting out a war-cry, the rest of the Orc's did the same, all getting into a battle stance prepared to fight, yet Gruz was in no battle stance, he never took any little baby 'stances' blades broke when they met his skin, he had never needed a shield or proper armor all his life, he could barely feel pain anyway, what was this little girl going to do?

In fact, Gruz was a beserker, he was purely offensive, he had no defense or guard, his tactic was hit as fast and hard as possible until your opponent is dead or too tired to fight, and this dragon girl and her fancy scythe were no different, the more she hurt him the more violently he would fight, few could stand against his mighty blows, fewer still return them. "I'll tear out your wings with my hands girl!"

Alatreon wanted no interference from this monsters companions but it would look like there was no other choice. She growled as she charged but instead of attacking the much larger Orc, she'd cripple him by ridding him of his numbers since besides his own strength, his other was these smaller orcs. She had no intention of killing the orcs so she'd make sure to inflict non-fatal wounds and disarm them if possible. The goal here was to get them to leave and if they see they are no match, perhaps they would.

@Archangel Galdrael

(Sorry if it's shorter than normal. I just don't want to control the orcs without permission.)
Rage gripped Gruz soul and his eyes where red with anger as she charged the orcs behind him, she dare attack his brothers? He'd do far worse than rip out her rings, he'd make her wish she'd never existed that filthy witch! By the time he'd rushed in her direction she'd already incapacitated two of his brothers-in-arms, this told him two things. She wasn't a murderer, and if he was to guess this was a display of strength to get him and his men to retreat. It also told him she was a damn good fighter, this had made for a happy turn of events! Fortune clearly smiled on Gruz, a good fight this would be!

So seeing that she wasn't actually killing any of his companions Gruz simply watched, to see if she could actually defeat his whole band, he was sure Vollo would give her some trouble though, but to remind them he was watching them all he decided to shout some encouraging words to rally them. "Fight like men you maggots! You're being beat by a little girl! PATHETIC!" He was sure that would make them fight harder, which would bring him amusement, seeing as this had turned into a little gladiatorial non-lethal battle for his enjoyment, his previous rage had been replaced by humour, he would kill anyone who tried to kill his band, but a non-lethal combat was brilliantly entertaining for him.

(Oh don't worry you can control the other orcs)

Alatreon turned her slightly when the Orcs leader began to shout. His words were that of encouragement and while she was unsure why, she found herself smiling. He seemed to really care for this little band of misfits. However, in her daze she failed to see an orc slam into her, sending her flying a couple feet. While it didn't hurt, she didn't expect to be sent so far. These orcs were stronger than she had initially thought. Some of the orcs she had previously incapitated were standing up, groaning and taking up their arms again. Alatreon sighed lowly she stood up and dusted herself off. This battle would never end if she didn't kill them, she could see that now and to continue this would be pointless. She stabbed her scythe into the ground and although she would regret this, she would let them see for themselves why they should not have come here.

She bowed politely and spoke softly.

"Orcs...Heed my words carefully. I have seen your resolve and I will let you enter Hetis, I will make no attempt to stop you, but be warned, you will not find comfort there. You will want to leave immediately if you are no fool. If you are asked to leave by Hetis's residents, I advise you leave. We of Hetis do not welcome outsiders kindly due to repairs and because our once beautiful city is now known as the Cursed city."

@Archangel Galdrael
Gruz's eyes widened as Vollo managed to land a strike on the dragon lady, and he could tell by her own reaction that she had underestimated his little band, well... Maybe just Vollo, considering he and Gruz were the best fighters in the group, had he not struck her she would likely have had time to beat the rest.

However... What followed truly baffled him beyond words, she slammer her scythe down and bowed before speaking with a soft voice, what she said left Gruz bewildered, she was now letting them into Hetis...? Despite how he thought her just a 'little girl' originally, the way she spoke portrayed great wisdom, and Gruz thought it wise to heed her warning properly,

Gruz realised how dangerous this could be, he had pondered over it earlier. Realizing this he decided to send the others to safety, although he would need Spyke's brains and Vollo's skill in case things went downhill.

"Vollo, Spyke, you two will come with me... The rest of you will set up the camp deeper into the forest, further away from the city. If you don't hear the sound of my horn in the next 24 hours then you will go to the nearest city and continue our work, and you will never return here."

Alatreon looked at the Orc leader for a moment before looking away. She grabbed her scythe and without another word, she flew up and away, flying towards the city of Hetis. While she feel that he would cause no harm to the city, she wanted to be very careful as this was still her home. She sighed as she soared and soon enough, she descended onto the ground. Being greeted with a few hello's. She would wave back and then looked around. If and when those Orcs found her, they would most likely come with questions and she would answer them the best she could. For now, she wanted to keep the panic down to a minimum when the Orc leader and his two lackeys would come stomping in.

@Archangel Galdrael
Gruz, along with Vollo and Spyke, approached the decrepit city, preparing for the worst. If the earlier dragon lady was an example of the towns warriors then things could get difficult, although difficult was equal to fun for him and Vollo, he was aware Spyke didn't want to be here, yet he needed him. "We'll enter the city and stalk the streets, study those who watch us, kill those who try and kill us, if they have shops, we can buy some stuff, that's the plan, no hunting today." His words didn't invite a retort, there would be no debate, no matter how much Vollo wanted to kill the inhabitants. Funny, Spyke probably wanted to help them, typical of him...

After several minutes of walking they trio had entered the city and began mindlessly walking the streets, studying the environment, everything felt dark and dead, how could anyone live in such a rotten, foul place? Then again, it wasn't as bad as those disgusting elf cities, they were truly revolting, with their glowing trees and pretty unicorns, pah! Unicorns are only good for eating. Speaking of eating, he had begun to get rather hungry, did Hetis have a merchant? It was time to find out...

(Didn't really know what to put since I don't know anything about the residents of Hetis, do they have merchants? Do they look themselves away indoors or walk the streets?)

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