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Fantasy The Kingdom of Adworseth


Ninja Monster

Welcome all to the magical Kingdom of Adworseth! If you are a new residence, please fill out the
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What are you waiting for? Get going and Do what you must!

First post will be up once we have enough people ^^
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Salacia 'Cia' Evelyn {Location: Juloen}

The sun slowly r0se up into the sky, lightening up everything around Salacia. She loved to watch the sunrise, because to her, it symbolise a new day. A new beginning. Once the has sky lost it's pink, orange and purple colour she moved away from her open window. She grabbed her hood then put it on before checking that she has her knives. When she checked everything she exited the room. As quietly as she can, she walked down into the tavern downstairs. "Good morning Cia! Did you have a good sleep last night?" The inn keeper, said when he saw her. "Good morning sir," she said respectfully, "I did, thank you." She sat down on one of the tables as the inn keeper approached her. "Anything to eat or drink before you go?" He asked. She nodded her head, "maybe I'll have a small breakfast, just to start the day off."He smiled at her then said before walking away, "one small breakfast coming right up!"

Salacia sat quietly, waiting for her breakfast to come. As she waited, her thought wondered about what she might do today. Normally she would have something planned, but she couldn't plan anything beers of the tiredness from the long journey. After five minute or so, she finally made her decision. She was going with exploring the city, but she knew that she'll also have to do her work, sooner or later in the day, hopefully it's later. She sighed then looked outside of the window to see a few people walking by.

(you'll just interacts with other characters and get to know them. You can even travel from city to city. Do whatever you want for now. Cause some trouble!)
Eveny / "Eve" - Loitlan

Eveny sat behind the counter of of her mother's store. Working quietly and listing to the sound of the clock bell ding and dong to announce the start of a new hour, she sewed the lace to a dress she had been working on for a while now.

Although her mother has passed, Eveny had inherited it by family line. Finishing, she picked the dress off of the sewing table and walls over to another table where a box sat. Carefully setting the dress down, smoothing it out, she opened the box. In the small box were many jewels and buttons in shapes of birds, to wings, to even family crests. Looking over a paper she then nodded as she looked at what the customer had put as a desired accessory.

Taking a needle and a thread that matched the color of the red dress, she sewed on a blake jewel in the shape of a heart. After tying off the knot and cutting the excess thread, she then took it to a room behind the tables and slipped it onto a hanger. Once she had done that, she hung the dress up and looked at her masterpiece, one of her best works without the help of an assistant or friend.
Dragoness Alatreon - Hetis

Alatreon didn't work today so waking up early wasn't on her agenda for today but she did anyway simply because Luna wanted to go for a walk. Why a dragon wanted to go for a walk, she'd never understand. After stretching as she left her bed she trudged to the door where Luna kept circling her in excitement as if saying. 'Thank you, thank you very very much!' She opened the door to her home and Luna sped off without a second thought, leaving her master very confused. "Don't go very far..." She called out to Luna as she closed her eyes and her wings sprouted from her back. Her eyes began to growl and she growled lowly, lightning caging her body, massaging her for a moment before she retracted her wings and the lightning dissipated and she closed the door as she headed back inside her home.
Dragoness Lexicon - Naulle

Lex was up bright and early as possible, life living in a Agricultural town would do that too you always walking at the same time sleeping at the same time and when not sleeping you would be working, luckily she wasn't stuck in that type of life years back she was back when her assassin of a mother was alive oh then she was stuck in that farm girls life with all the farm boys chasing her, but alas them days are over and all of them boys dead, now a days Lex is a bit of of feared legend in Naulle . The Dragoness Lexicon the guardian deity or Naulle which was slightly misleading as she wasn't a deity at all but a Darki still they are pretty rare as she has never run into one during he life in Naulle.

Lex sat up and stood up, now was not the time for her to be lazing about thinking about the past, no now was time for the present and present meant she need to eat and get to work. Quickly getting changed into her usual outfit with one leave handing loose, she then proceed to wrap her usual black bandages around her arms, this is to allow her to shoot as many arrows as she needs without drawing her own blood. Heading downstairs and hearing a knock at the door she answered it only to see a basket saying "Thank you." full of different bread and a milk bottle It was from all of the townsfolk she got this nearly daily but yet it always managed to bring a smile to her face to show what little she did. She picked up the basket and took it indoors.

Heading back to her table she sat down, thinking what to do with her day. She could lend a hand to the townsfolk to pay them back for the food in which she decided she would do. Opening the bottle of milk and smelling it, you can never be too sure after all she drank it always a great thing to have in the morning was a great bottle of milk. Next came the bread in which along with the butter always made a great breakfast and always tasted so nice, after all freshly made still warm out of the oven break made from people who do it for there daily job nothing in this world can beat it.

A little time later she had finished her breakfast and as normal felt nice and ready for a day of work. Heading outside she didn't expect to see an old lady who was about to knock at the door. Turns out she knew Lex back when the old lady was round about ten now nearly sixty years ago, it made Lex think how old she really was but nothing came to mind she didn't even know her own age all well. Turned out the old lady knew something that Lex has never done something that she and only she hasn't done, she hasn't ever visited another town in all of her years she had only ever been to and lived in Naulle . The old lady wanted to change that and she had just the way to do that. The old lady need some protection just in case as she traveled to Juloen the capital city of all of Adworseth.
Blackfire woke and made a big yawn then stretched out her arms. She turned her head to the window. "Oh it sure a nice day." She got out of bed and got dressed. "Let's see today I have to pick up some herbs." She got up and dressed and headed towards.
Jericho and Jeremiah were strapping their bags onto their horses, preparing for long travels to explore new land. "So have you decided on where we should go yet" Jericho asked impatiently, as he strapped the last of his bags onto the horse.

"Well, not exactly. I was thinking that we could just travel the land in search of rare species and materials, and probably stay at one of the other cities inns" Jeremiah said, getting on his horse and motioning Jericho with his hand to hurry up.

Jericho got onto his horse and raced off with Jeremiah following close behind. The two had at least traveled for a couple of hours before finally resting at a nearby lake. The horses had seemed to be very exhausted so they tied them up near the lake so that they could get plenty of water and rest. The brothers had then found them a large tree with plenty of shade to sit under. They began to snack on some food they had packed for the long trip, but they new it would not last but for 3 days.

"So, I was thinking that we travel to one of the cities that have tons of gambling and fine materials. That way, we can make plenty of many and gather plenty of materials needed to make that new bow of yours" Jericho said taking a bite out of his sandwich.

Jeremiah cocked an eyebrow at his brother "I already told you, we aren't going to gamble. Finding the materials is okay, but I don't feel like doing anything of that sort, especially after what happened last time" Jeremiah said as he leaned back against the tree.

Jericho seemed to be aggravated at his brother for mentioning what happened last time he had gambled, but he seemed to have let it go and rested his hand in his palm. The boys sat their for a while until they both drifted off to sleep from the peaceful nature around them.
Once her breakfast was served, she took her time eating it. When she finished she paid the inn keeper some gold coin then exited the tavern. "Lets see...where to go..." She said to herself while standing just in front of the entrance to the tavern. She pulled her hood up, so it covered her face a little and started walking down the street. Some children were already out, running and playing around with their friends. Salacia remembered how she used to do that with her sisters in the morning. A smiled spread across her lips at the memory of her childhood and of her family. She wanted to go back to see them, but she has been so busy that the thought of visiting home just got thrown out of her head. She signed, "I should get them some gifts." She thought about it for a moment, "yes, my sisters will love some beautiful clothes." She continued walking in the direction of the marketplace, south of Juloen.
Juloen Marketplace

Ryuu had just entered the next city that was filled to the brim with idoti-I mean humans. He casually walked around though he was rather bored. True the sights were quite spectacular, but other than then that it was pretty boring. He continued to walk resting his forearm on the hilt of his blade, he looked exhausted, but really he had just awoken from a nap. "I wonder if there is anything worthwhile here?" He muttered as he walked through the market

Blackfire heading towards the lake with a bucket in hand. She was going to go to town but Luna told her to go get some fresh water from the lake.. She walked bear footed through the forest in her usual outfit (the one in the pic on the cs) and she was daydreaming about book she was reading wondering how it would end. People normally would normally get confused going though this forest but Blackfire had learned her way around pretty well. The forest was a strange place but thanks to Luna she knew how to deal with it. She reached the lake and looked around. This was the best place in forest. She then noticed two boys sleeping by the large tree. She then noticed the horses. "Uh oh who are they?" he said quietly to herself. She slowly walked up and looked at them. She hand never seemed them in town. "Travelers." She then backed away from then and went towards the lake. "I'll just get the water and go."

Salacia entered the market place, finally, then start looking for gifts. She had easily pick out her sisters' dresses, all she have left was to look for something for her parents. She walked through the market, looking at different variety of stores on the way. While she was busy looking at the store, she didn't look where she was going and bumped straight into someone. She stumbled backward a little, luckily her hood was still on, then looked up, once she composed herself. "I am so sorry," she apologised, "I didn't look where I was going, sir."

Jericho eyes slowly opened as he heard the girls voice, he still kept them almost completely shut to not alarm her that he was awake. When he heard the footsteps get farther away, he nudged his brothers shoulder trying to wake him up. Jeremiah had opened his eyes on the third nudge and looked at his brother "What is it? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" Jericho put his hand over his mouth and used his free hand to point at the nearby girl.

Jeremiah had then realized what his brother wanted him to do and had slowly gotten up. He began to slowly creep towards the girl, his brother following close behind. Jericho, although knowing that this girl was probably of know arm, kept his hand on his sheath sword. Jeremiah was only a few feet away from the girl now, he looked at his brother to see a evil grin on his face. Jeremiah knew what was coming, but he knew trying to stop him would be pointless. Jericho had then approached the girl while Jeremiah had stayed back and prepared for the show. Jericho was only a few inches away now, and he let out a giant screaming "HIIIIII" in hopes of scaring the girl.

SkyRune said:
Salacia entered the market place, finally, then start looking for gifts. She had easily pick out her sisters' dresses, all she have left was to look for something for her parents. She walked through the market, looking at different variety of stores on the way. While she was busy looking at the store, she didn't look where she was going and bumped straight into someone. She stumbled backward a little, luckily her hood was still on, then looked up, once she composed herself. "I am so sorry," she apologised, "I didn't look where I was going, sir."

Ryuu let out a small laugh. "It is fine. I'm at fault to, I seemed to be lost and so I am now just wandering the streets having no clue where to go." He joked as he dusted off the imaginary dust. He fixed his jacket so it was not lop sided, currently his hood was down so you could see all his facial features as plain as day.
Salacia smiled a little. She was glad that he wasn't some angry old person who'd shout at her. "You never been here before?" she asked, even though the answer was obvious. She mentally scolded herself for asking a silly question. "I'm Cia," she said, giving him her nickname instead of her full name. Better safe than sorry right, she thought. "Nice to meet you," she gave him a friendly smile.
SkyRune said:
Salacia smiled a little. She was glad that he wasn't some angry old person who'd shout at her. "You never been here before?" she asked, even though the answer was obvious. She mentally scolded herself for asking a silly question. "I'm Cia," she said, giving him her nickname instead of her full name. Better safe than sorry right, she thought. "Nice to meet you," she gave him a friendly smile.
"I actually have been here before, but that was a long time ago. And I'm Ry. A pleasure." He said giving her a friendly smile. He let out a sigh as he scratched his head and looked around trying to find a inn or a restaurant. "Do you kno-*Grumble* " Ryuu blushed a bit of embarrassment at the annoying comment his stomach made.
Salacia smiled when she heard his stomach grumbled. "Come on," she grabbed his wrist with her free hand, "I know a place." The first option, when it came to food, is the inn she's staying. The inn keeper, Keli, cook the best meal in town and she never waste any opportunity to get others to try some of it too. "You'll love it!" She raised her voice a little due to the shouting in the market place, like usual.
Sacred said:
Jericho eyes slowly opened as he heard the girls voice, he still kept them almost completely shut to not alarm her that he was awake. When he heard the footsteps get farther away, he nudged his brothers shoulder trying to wake him up. Jeremiah had opened his eyes on the third nudge and looked at his brother "What is it? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" Jericho put his hand over his mouth and used his free hand to point at the nearby girl.
Jeremiah had then realized what his brother wanted him to do and had slowly gotten up. He began to slowly creep towards the girl, his brother following close behind. Jericho, although knowing that this girl was probably of know arm, kept his hand on his sheath sword. Jeremiah was only a few feet away from the girl now, he looked at his brother to see a evil grin on his face. Jeremiah knew what was coming, but he knew trying to stop him would be pointless. Jericho had then approached the girl while Jeremiah had stayed back and prepared for the show. Jericho was only a few inches away now, and he let out a giant screaming "HIIIIII" in hopes of scaring the girl.

Blackfire was filling her bucket with water when all of a sudden she heard someone yell out. She quickly turned around and fell back into the lake. "Ah!" She sat up and was now completely wet. "H-hey what you do that for!" She went to stand up but when she did she fell back down. "Whoa!" Why me? She thought to her self.
Ryuu didn't struggle instead he let out a small chuckle and let the girl lead him to wherever she was going. He wasn't really worried about it being a trap to rob him especially since he didn't look like someone that even earned a cent. "I love the confidence you have in your voice. I'm sure you won't disappoint."
Jericho couldn't help but laugh at the girls misfortune of falling into the lake. Jeremiah had chuckled a little, but not to an instant to where the girl could here him. Jeremiah had then walked over and pushed his brother away so that he could give the soaked girl a hand "Pardon mu brother miss, he seems to have left his manners back in our city."

Jericho had rolled his eyes at his brothers comment, he knew his brother had found his prank funny. But alas, Jeremiah always had to do the right thing.

Salacia grinned and led Ry out of the market place. It takes about five minutes to get to the inn. "Here we are," she said then let go of his wrist and opened the door. She could see that most of the tables were filled. She didn't realised that she had been gone that long. "Cia!" Keli said once he saw her at the door. She smiled at Keli then turned to Ry, "That guy over there is the owner, Keli." She waited patiently for him to enter.

Ryuu followed her in and looked over at the owner giving him a slight nod. "Hello, she told me I would love your food, so I would like to have some." He said as he pulled out a small pouch. He pulled out some coins and walked over to the bar. "Is this enough for a decent meal?" He asked as he handed the owner the money.
Blackfire glared at Jericho. "I don't see anything funny!" She yelled out but the guy just kept laughing. She then looked at the white hair one. "Brothers?" She looked at both of them. "Oh." She let him help her up and she got out of the lake. She dripping wet. "Oh! I'm completely soak!" She whined a little. "Oh what was hat spell?" She wanted to dry herself. She then looked at them. "Who are you guys anyway?" She said as try to think of the spell,

Keli grinned, "Of course! Take a seat! Take a seat!" Salacia took a seat at the bar and ordered her favourite meal. Keli wrote it down then turned to Ry, "what would you like sir? We've got everything that you can eat." Salacia muffled a laughed at Keli's last sentence. She remember a guy from last night ordering Keli's special and went unconscious after he finished the food. She whispered to Ry, "don't order the special if you want to live."

"Is that a challenge? Or does he put something in the food?" He asked with a small smirk. "I can almost guess this is some sort of plan to get traveler to buy this 'special'. A shame it worked on me. Haha I haven't eaten hu- I haven't eaten any food in three days, so I hope this special means a lot of food in one serving."
"No its-" Salacia started to explain but Keli cut her off by putting a hand over her mouth. "Of course!" Keli smiled, "There will be lost of food!" With that Keli went off to cook some food. "At least I'm here," she mumbled to herself then turned to Ry, "so where were you before you came here? Kaard? Naulle?"

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