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Fantasy The Journey

Tor watched, normally the water would be gone, but this water was winning it's battle. Scar's flames were being put out.

Tor bent down next to her, special gloves that the Wolf had left were not on her hands. She gently placed one hand on Scar's chest and the other on her stomach steadying her friend.

"Okay Scar I've got you." she said softly.

"In 30 mins he will be here and in 45 you will be awake and ready to ambush him." Tor said.
"Alright Yumi!" Tor said as she gently kissed Scar on her forehead.

"Yeah she's sleeping like a baby now you come here." she lead Yumi to a table.

"Lay down... I need you to be my mouth piece, when he comes in you just start yelling at me to wake up... to Scarlet... why did I do this etc, just talk him to death."
"You hide cutie!" Tor said picking him up.

"You hide outside with the others and wait...once we get Scar in this tube I'll fake like I'm waking up and come out here to the mouth." she walked over holding him.

"The wolf won't hurt me don't worry, as this is happening Yumi will get free and wake Scar and then we all attack him at once!" Tor said as she set him down.
Tor smiled and walked back.

"Okay lets tie you up." Tor let out a grin and very loosely tied Yumi's wrists and ankles.

"I knocked you out and you don't know why I betrayed you and Scarlet, okay." Tor said looking at her.

"Soon enough it'll dawn on you that the Wolf is controlling me and then you can figure out what to say from there." Tor said directing Yumi.

"Now go to sleep he's coming." Tor had one last thing to do as she pulled the tube back into the room next to Scar. She dressed her self back into the tight reveling dress he had changed her into when she was captured. She positioned herself by the door and just stared off into space.

Ten mins later the huge white wolf came into the cave. He spotted Yumi and growled before looking to Scarlet.

"I won." he growled.
The wolf shot it's eyes toward Yumi and walked over.

"She is mine!" he growled. "Soon you will be to."

Tor heard Yumi but acting her part just kept looking ahead.
Yumi gritted her teeth. "BITE ME!!" Yumi yelled at him her anger was no act she couldn't wait to place her pistols firmly between his eyes.
The wolf smiled.

"Soon enough.. Tor grab Scarlet." Tor snapped to attention and quickly pulling the gloves on she picked Scarlet out of the frozen water and into the tube of regular water. Now for her turn.

"Yumi.... Yumi.. he's controlling me" she held a hand to her head and stumbled.

"I'm sorry,,,"
"I'm sorry..." she repeated before she ran out into the mouth of the cave. The wolf followed after his prize leaving Yumi alone.

Tor stumbled and fell the wolf stood her up.

"I'm sorry." Tor repeated weakly.
Scarlet blinked awake and she jumped out of the tube and turned the water to steam

Tor blinked seeing over the wolfs shoulder what was going on.

"Got... ya." she herself went full wolf. The dress shredding off replaced by fur. She roared and shoved him hard back into the room.

"I'll kill you!" came out in a layered voice as Tor started clawing at him.

The wolf was much stronger then Tor though and threw her off.
Yumi whistled and on cue Jigoku jumped from the bush and ran over to her chewing off the rope. She said the incantation And Jigoku jumped for the wolf in his battle form. "Hey pick on someone your own size!"
" Peak abo " Scarlet said and fire burned at her feet then crawled up her legs and up her face she was now in phoenix form and she screeched the ancient call of the fire bird....the Phoenix and she light on fire blasting him with fire

The white wolf looked around.

"It was a trap stupid."Tor barked, her blood red eyes trained to him.

The wolf made a grab for Yumi attempting to grab her, but was hit with the fire. He stumbled back growling almost losing his balance.
Scarlet extended her wings and knocked him away then jumped on him beak to snout and she said " I don't think so " And she pierced with her talons

Tor saw the wolf stumbling and she quickly jumped behind him and took out his knees with her claws.

The wolf yelled in pain and fell back into the frozen water with Scarlet on top of him.
Scarlet flapped her wings trying to take off but the cave was to short and her tail got caught on ice that was forming on him she screeched


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