The Island (MusicxEloquence)

The ship erupted into flames, falling apart as it submerged from surface of the Ocean. The survivors were slim. Only two were known to survive the fatal explosion. They swam towards the the shore of a small island, and a great survival journey awaits them.

Brandon lied down on the hot sands of the deserted island. Kill me now. He looked at his watch to see what time it was. 4:27. The sun was going to set soon, and he didn't have a clue what he was going to do.

He saw one survivor swimming towards him. He decided to accept that this was real, and he would have to survive and keep another person alive. He was now responsible for another ones life. Instead of taking it.
Alli doggie paddled her way to shore, coughing and sputtering up a mixture of seawater and blood. She dragged herself onto the shore when she saw him nearby. She waved halfheartedly as she wrapped her torn and drenched towel closer around her. She did not know this man, the stranger could be violent. She covered herself as best she could, aware that her getup was quite revealing.

She tried stumbling towards him, but she could scarcely walk. She had been badly injured, and collapsed several feet from him, drifting between consciousness and blackness.
"Hey, are you alright?" He saw the blood and even though he knew she wasn't, he had to ask. "Don't worry, there isn't anything to be afraid of. I will help get better."

He tore off his shirt sleeve and wrapped it around the wound on her arm and applied pressure. "Hi, I am Brandon, Brandon McKee." He had her sit down and he sat down next to her. "So, what is your name?"
She tried sitting up despite the shooting pain, her eyesight blurry and spotty. She clutched to her towel with her one good arm, thinking her life depended on it. "I'm Alicia... Alli. Alli Maravillar..." Her blonde tresses fell into her eyes when she tried to look at her legs to see why the pain was so wretched, and her left leg was shaped almost like a question mark. "Is it broken?" She was scarcely lucid, conscious, but not nearly at her full capacity.
"Sorry to say it, but yes. Here, I will find a place to make shelter and possibly some food to eat. I will carry you to the shade. It will be getting dark soon and a storm seems to be moving in, So i must hurry." With that, he picked her up, trying not to seem at all perverted since she was in a bikini. He set her down. "I won't go to far. If you can, yell if you need me. I will be back shortly. We have a long night ahead of us."
"Food... Shelter... We really are stranded aren't we?" She was too out of it to even notice he picked her up and brought her to shade.

"I... I think I'll take a nap." With that, she slipped into sleep.
(time skip)

He tapped on Alice. "wake up sleepy head. It's raining. I have a makeshift shelter to shield us from the rain. It isn't anything fancy, but it will work for now."
"Rain..." The rain was pouring down, yet it was somewhat refreshing. However, she realized that getting all pruney wouldn't do her any good. She struggled up and began limping towards the shelter. "Where... where were you? When it went down?"
"What do you mean?" He quickly put his arm around her and helped her to the shelter. "I didn't find food, It is much to dark to search the island, plus i said I wouldn't go too far."
"When the ship went down, how close to the blast were you?" She plopped herself down, wincing at her leg. "I am not hungry, I will be fine."
"Oh, uh... I don't know. It happened too quickly. I must be pretty lucky since I hadn't died, much less gotten injured. I wish you could say the same." Brandon was the person who caused the explosion in the ship, but Alice didn't need to know that.

He took off his over-shirt revealing the pistol and holster.
Alli screamed. "You carry guns!" She tried her hardest to scramble away from the man, convinced he was dangerous.
"Alice! It is fine. It i for self-protection. Don't worry, I am not dangerous. You are safer with me than you would any other. I promise." Mad at himself for revealing the weapon, he sighed.
"You will kill me! You will hurt me!" She grabbed a rock and held it. "I will defend myself to the death!" She was in full panic, between the crash, the pain, and the sight of a gun, her every instinct was to run away. She stood up and tried to back away, despite an audible crunch of her leg, which led her to fall down, flailing.
"You have to understand! Look, If you would like me to, I will throw it into the ocean. Just please don't run. How will you survive with your current injury? I will help you. You will make it off this island alive, I promise. If there is one thing I don't do, it is breaking a promise." He approached her slowly.
Alli cautiously eyed him as he approached. She was beyond drenched again, unhappy but knowing he really was her best chance. "You will get me home? You will get me home alive?"
"Yes. Safe and sound. But I can't do that without your trust. Come on over here, you are getting drenched and you have no clothes on." He then added, "Or to change into."
Alli shivered and agreed. She allowed him to help her up. "Sleep... I want to sleep..."

(I'm going to bed myself.)
"Ok, It would be nice to get some sleep. We don't have a blanket, but if you... My body warmth will work just as well. But I know you barely know me..."
By the time Brandon had finished his sentence, Alli was asleep. The day had exhausted her and she truly didn't care. She was tired and in pain. Tomorrow she would need to start earning her keep, finding ways to do things stationary.
He woke up in the middle of the night, noticing the storm had picked up and winds were blowing harder. Waves almost reached thier little camp, and it was still pouring. He tapped on Allie's shoulder. "We have to get further inland." Right then and there the shelter flew into the sky.
Alli woke up. "Five more minutes..." she mumbled, before feeling a gust of wind run over her exposed skin. She hobbled on Brandon's arm to the spot he described and sat down, shivering. She tried. but could not bring herself to sleep.

"Brandon... Brandon... Am I gonna die?"
He looked at her, confused. "Didn't I promise? Come on, we have to leave." He put his arm around her and helped her walk into the jungle behind him. He couldn't see because it was so dark, but he had an LED light he could turn on in his watch. It helped a little but not much.

The trees shielded them from the heavy rain a little bit, but not much. He took off his hat and put it on her head. "This is the best I can do for now, sorry."
"I'll be fine. I'm tried and hungry and I'll die before my leg heals. It can take 6 months! This is futile." Alli was beyond consolation, she curled her one good leg into her chest and placed her head in her arms.

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