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Fantasy The Guardians - OOC


Eternal Padawan
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Guardians - OOC
Hey! Thank you for the interest you showed. In this first post, I'll describe the general setting and if you have any questions be sure to ask them. I'd just like to point most, if not all, of this information, is unknown to your characters at the start. Okay, so here it is.

Centuries ago, sometime during the middle ages, a meteor fell against the Earth, right in the middle of the pacific in the center of what we call the Ring of Fire. Upon contact with the salty water, the meteor dissolved into the water. Most of the materials that made the meteor got fused with the water but some evaporated into the atmosphere. The meteor was made of an unknown element called Trinil. In its basic form the element is stable. However, should it be exposed to any type of energy it will react and become active.

When activated, it's impossible to revert them to their stable state but it's possible to control the Trinil so it doesn't grow too out of hand. Beings with a certain percentage of Trinil in them are capable of things we would call superhuman (enhanced strength, speed, thinking, etc). The more Trinil you have the more capable you are. However, Trinil is very corruptive and should it move past a certain point the being will transform to a disfigured horror and lose the basic mental functions, they become little more than a beast.

I think that's it for now. Has you can guess Guardians have Trinil inside them, controlled under that point of no return, while the Trins have moved past it. Do you have any questions?

Ayama Ayama Superwholock Superwholock
No, your characters will start as humans, regular people. If you want, they will have some event that exposes them to activated Trinil and get introduced to the world of the Guardians. If you prefer to play as a human you'd just be a regular person with extremely bad luck, always ending up in conflitcs between Trins.
Ayama Ayama Superwholock Superwholock Here is the basic character sheet, feel free to add any topic you find relevant. For the physical description please describe it in words and not just a picture (though you can provide one in addition).


Physical appearance:
Name: Salem Joy Nilson
Nicknames: Sals, SJ
Gender: Non-Binary (They/them)
Sexuality: Salem isn't a big fan of labels here; they like who they like
Face Claim: Rasmus Ledin
Physical appearance:
Salem is actually rather small, standing at just 5'4". They have short black hair that tends to be rather messy and poofy. Their eyes are a greyish blue, almost a slate-grey color. They have a silver nose ring on their right nostril. They tend to wear clothes that dwarf their frame, often a black hoodie. They rarely wear anything that shows much skin, so shorts are out of the question
While Salem tends to be rather quiet and introverted, they're usually pretty easy to get along with. They're calm and empathetic as well as optimistic. They tend to be understanding and are unlikely to become angry, although they still have things that will set them off. Salem is stubborn and likes to be independent, although that doesn't mean they like being alone all the time.
: Salem was born to Lukas and Alana Nilson. Or so they thought. Salem wouldn't find out until much later in their life that they were actually the product of an affair their mom had. Lukas was a Naval Officer from the time Salem was 5 to his death when Salem was 14. Salem came out as non-binary when they were 17, the same year they found out Lukas wasn't their father. Despite that, Salem and Alana handled both revelations pretty well and they're actually doing pretty good together.

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