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It had been at least six hours sailing across the sea, the breeze rich with salt and fruit. It was visible to the fleets of ships, the brilliant colored sands, the glimmering castle, the banners, and the music, it was everything that had been promised. Nireath, the land known for the endless days of sunlight and warmth, was to host all the kingdoms of Nordua for the summer solstice, something that was heavily ingrained in the culture of Nireath. It was an honor to be invited, especially by the monarchs themselves. Dragons roared as they approached the land, their riders carefully escorting them to where they could stay during the festival.

Crowds of people had gathered along the shores and walls of the kingdom, all yelling and calling out to the royal guests, excited to see who had turned up. It was rare for all four kingdoms to come together in a time of peace, and especially for them to support each other’s cultural celebrations. Maybe the Gods had finally found a way to keep the continent in balance so that nobody needed to wage war against the other. But to the royals on the boats and the backs of dragons, this was more than just a time to celebrate. It was a time to make connections, establish marriages, and make their names known throughout Nordua.

King Aelon of Nireath stood on the docks, his guards standing behind him and his wife. The man sported a friendly smile and spread his arms wide in a welcoming motion. “Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Lords and Ladies, welcome to the great kingdom of Nireath! We are honored to have you here for our most beloved Summer Solstice Festival!” His voice boomed across the ocean and the air, loud enough to be heard by every ship that carried the royals. His presence was quite charismatic, more so than any other from Nireath. His wife, Queen Elaella, wore a similar smile but her body language was more reserved in favor of giving her husband all the attention.

The ships were docked successfully and soon the three kingdoms began to descend, the royals and their guards coming down to group up, the various colors and banners clashing as they stood in their respective groups, the monarchs all greeting each other as if they were close friends. The atmosphere was nothing but joyous and inviting, almost intoxicating. Still, some could see and hear the whispered words of gossip and darkness, shifting eyes and glinting steel. There was no way to see if someone held a dagger or a coin of silver due to how crowded everything was, but there was good reason to be nervous and wary.

Deep within the crowds, there were those who held ill intentions towards the intruders that landed upon Nireath’s shores. They heard the stories, they saw the horrors that had been committed, and they knew all too well what those people could do to their kingdom if they were left alone. So they decided to wait in the darkness, concealed by festivities, song, and the heavy scents of wine and food. They would wait for the right moment to strike, taking the lives of those they believed to be their enemies.

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It had been at least six hours sailing across the sea, the breeze rich with salt and fruit. It was visible to the fleets of ships, the brilliant colored sands, the glimmering castle, the banners, and the music, it was everything that had been promised. Nireath, the land known for the endless days of sunlight and warmth, was to host all the kingdoms of Nordua for the summer solstice, something that was heavily ingrained in the culture of Nireath. It was an honor to be invited, especially by the monarchs themselves. Dragons roared as they approached the land, their riders carefully escorting them to where they could stay during the festival.

Crowds of people had gathered along the shores and walls of the kingdom, all yelling and calling out to the royal guests, excited to see who had turned up. It was rare for all four kingdoms to come together in a time of peace, and especially for them to support each other’s cultural celebrations. Maybe the Gods had finally found a way to keep the continent in balance so that nobody needed to wage war against the other. But to the royals on the boats and the backs of dragons, this was more than just a time to celebrate. It was a time to make connections, establish marriages, and make their names known throughout Nordua.

King Aelon of Nireath stood on the docks, his guards standing behind him and his wife. The man sported a friendly smile and spread his arms wide in a welcoming motion. “Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Lords and Ladies, welcome to the great kingdom of Nireath! We are honored to have you here for our most beloved Summer Solstice Festival!” His voice boomed across the ocean and the air, loud enough to be heard by every ship that carried the royals. His presence was quite charismatic, more so than any other from Nireath. His wife, Queen Elaella, wore a similar smile but her body language was more reserved in favor of giving her husband all the attention.

The ships were docked successfully and soon the three kingdoms began to descend, the royals and their guards coming down to group up, the various colors and banners clashing as they stood in their respective groups, the monarchs all greeting each other as if they were close friends. The atmosphere was nothing but joyous and inviting, almost intoxicating. Still, some could see and hear the whispered words of gossip and darkness, shifting eyes and glinting steel. There was no way to see if someone held a dagger or a coin of silver due to how crowded everything was, but there was good reason to be nervous and wary.

Deep within the crowds, there were those who held ill intentions towards the intruders that landed upon Nireath’s shores. They heard the stories, they saw the horrors that had been committed, and they knew all too well what those people could do to their kingdom if they were left alone. So they decided to wait in the darkness, concealed by festivities, song, and the heavy scents of wine and food. They would wait for the right moment to strike, taking the lives of those they believed to be their enemies.
Nireath Council Room - Castle
-Summer Solstice-
social social , WanderLust. WanderLust.

Stilgar "The Wolf of Araes" Jurdanus

The smell of salt and sand lingered in Stilgar’s mind as he sat pensively at the council table. Before his daily itinerary, he had the chance to break away amidst the sunrise and wander the beaches. He didn’t want to be here, the idea of the splendorous Solstice party made him recoil. It was a waste of resources. To be so rich to waste away on a party, well it seemed rather gaudy. The beach at dawn, if any consolation, helped push aside his reservations… He had to arrive ahead of the Araes travel party per the Hand of the King’s request. The two men rarely had the chance to visit in person about his dealings, so Ser Yraegar seized the opportunity any chance he got.

“Did you hear me, Stilgar?” Ser Aurelius barked, snapping him from thought. “No Sir, my apologies. Please rephrase your question,” he sighed. “I said, did you bring the logs for this quarter?” With a nod, Stilgar extended his hand, Yvonna emerged from the corner behind him and rested the parchment roll in his hand. When he traveled, he tended to bring two members alongside him. One was Yvonna, the Pack's scribe, a wiry woman who served as his chief spymaster within the Underbelly. Her frame was partially unrecognizable, her black and gold armor and hood concealing her true shape. She was a young girl when he recruited her, now a trained intellectual weapon. Good company to keep in a city like Nireath. The other member stood silently at the door and went by Eudo. He was much larger and stronger than him, pure muscle if anything else. He was The Pack of Araes quartermaster, outfitting the regiment and repairing any gear as needed. He was a mute, the means of how he lost his tongue were unknown to him, which made him menacing company. While he didn’t need protection, it was more so for any documents or intelligence the travel party carried.

Stilgar handed the parchment to the Head Maester, knowing full-well Yraegar would pass it to him anyhow. “Everything we’ve discussed already is logged. In case the document was intercepted, I opted to redact the children and infants from the overall totals. They are reflected here,” he added as he reached into his coat. A smaller, folded piece of parchment with a black-wax seal of a wolf’s head was what emerged. He slid this directly to Ser Aurelius, who seemed to peak with interest once opening the document. “I’d rather not somber the holiday with that matter, we can discuss any further questions or concerns before I depart.” I say, I must agree with you, Sir,” the Head Maester chimed in. Outnumbered, Ser Aurelius nodded in agreement, waving his hand as a sign the meeting was concluded.

He couldn't stand up faster, wanting nothing more than to leave the humid courtroom. His pack members had to be miserable in their armor, knowing full well they wouldn’t complain even if they were. As Stilgar made his way to the door, Ser Aurelius called, “Wait just a moment. Remember these streets are littered with prying ears and eyes. I need not remind you of the vow you took when assuming this role.” He turned back, unfortunately, his poor eye was closest to the Hand, which meant the galactic-like eye stared blankly at him, “Yes Ser, I am fully aware. My men and I will be careful. Happy Solstice to you and your family.” He couldn’t make out the man’s reaction, not in the mood to see it anyway, before turning back and allowing Eudo to open the door for him to leave.

The sounds of the festivities echoed through the Nireath castle halls. He couldn’t tell from what he saw, but he knew from the fanfare and cheering the ships recently docked. If anything, he was glad for his early summons if only to avoid the pageantry. As the trio made their way down the stairs, he opted to give his debrief now. “Yvonna, you know your task, I shouldn’t even catch wind of you. Be mindful not to startle any of the royal guards, I don’t need a drunken guard ending up losing an ear or worse in a fight with you. Just observe and record, and we’ll recall your findings on the sail back. ” Her chuckle echoed off the metal helm and fell behind him. “Yes sir, shouldn’t be a problem. You think too highly of the guards here.” “That I may, however, it’s my job to do so. Imagine if you were left to play politics, it’d be worse than me,” he joked. “Now Eudo, you can do as you please. I can handle myself amongst the batch of snobs. There’s not many supplies you can buy, especially with the market flooded with people, so play nice with the city guards.” He didn’t wait for any hint of response when the trio exited the stairwell.

Blink. In an instant, Stilgar found himself at the entranceway to the castle’s gardens. He hadn’t been relatively far in the first place but didn’t feel the need to awkwardly drift from his men. Before he could truly orient himself, a woman approached him full speed ahead on his bad side. He couldn’t make much out of it at the moment, trying to save his balance as well as hers, as he dipped down to catch her fall. “My apologies madame,” he choked. Now with his good eye looking down at her, her radiance glowing as if she were the Sun itself, he got the entire picture. It was Lady Dorgaeron, the youngest of the King’s children. “Oh dear, I'm quite sorry about that.” He pulled her up gingerly, keeping her hand in his till she steadied herself. His good eye took in her regal appearance once more, before swallowing the desire. “I best be on my way, don’t wish to keep you from the festivities,” he said hurriedly as he let go of her hand.
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The salty breeze danced across her lightly freckled face as she stood at the ship's bow, piercing gaze locked on the approaching docks and multicolored shores. Nireath was a place she did not frequent. The way of life was far more underhanded and self-serving than she was used to. Her morals did not matter when she was in the kingdom, their sweet words always masked a poison. Her parents did not enjoy Nireath often, but due to the newfound alliances throughout the continent, they were eager for their daughter and heir to introduce herself to her allies. Naelys wasn’t thrilled about that but she bit her tongue and did what she was told.

The roar of dragons overhead made her sigh softly, her posture slumping for a few seconds. She mentally cursed the fact that she had agreed to the ‘united front’ that her parents wanted for at least their two oldest. Their youngest didn’t do well with ships so she got to skirt around that responsibility by riding on her dragon. The fabric of her dress blew in the wind, creating red waves as the ships began to dock, the booming voice of King Aelon filling the air. It must’ve been his magic. At least, that’s what she assumed. If it wasn’t, she pitied her future self and any conversations she would have with him.

Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, the woman exhaled softly, turning on her heels to face where her parents were. The armor and weapons of the royal guards glinted in the brilliant summer sun as she passed by, her sharp gaze running across each face that she had become familiar with over the years. Approaching her parents and her older brother, Naelys took a deep breath and waited for the signal that it was safe to leave the ship. “Naelys, remember to be friendly. King Aelon and Queen Elaella are strict when it comes to first impressions. They haven’t seen you since you were named so do your best.”

Queen Aerela’s hand found her daughter’s for a moment and gave it a gentle squeeze, her gaze understanding and determined. “Of course Mother, I won’t disappoint you.” Her twin soon stood at her side and smirked down at her, his hands clasped in front of him. Raising an eyebrow at him, the tall male bent down so he was closer to her ear.

“Let’s hope the man is a bit quieter when in conversation. Can’t have him blowing out your hearing before the party.” The small sneer left Malaenys and caused the corner of Naelys’ mouth to twitch in amusement, knowing that her brother was most likely planning on trying, once again, to get her drunk at a party. It had been years since Naelys ever appeared intoxicated in public, and certainly never in a different kingdom. She wasn’t like her brother who would engage in drinking competitions and wake up underneath a table in a strange bar the next morning. She couldn’t relate to that.

Following the king and queen off the boat, Naelys followed protocol and greeted their hosts, forcing a practiced smile onto her face. Despite her usual dislike for court pleasantries between monarchs, she never failed to play the part. Her posture was straight, her hands lightly pressed against the skirt of her dress, her gaze charming as she spoke to Aelon and Elaella. She was dressed in a simple way but still donned the royal colors of her family, the various shades of red and delicate gold accents swirled around her body, in an elegant manner, giving her the appearance of a proper princess rather than a warrior.

Her jewelry reflected the house colors as well as each other, all gold with intricate designs and beautiful red rubies. The necklace was cool against her skin, the earrings clinking slightly each time she moved her head during the conversations. Her long hair had been carefully braided and pinned up, held together by various hair pins and a few chains. She certainly was nothing compared to some of the other women of court, but her presence itself was difficult to ignore. As the conversation wound down, she bowed her head slightly to excuse herself before barely turning her head to look back over her shoulder. “Ser William.” The name was spoken curtly, signaling that she was going to be departing.

Naelys’ strides were smooth and quick as she walked across the docks, her cold eyes and stoic expression once again making its way back onto her face. She had little interest in playing with the king of Nireath and was more than happy to engage in some of the festival fun. There were far too many things to choose from, all ranging from certainly rigged games to strange foods, but it was a break from royal duties which was far more interesting to her. Not to mention she was able to gauge how the kingdom worked and what the people were like. Swindlers and sweet-talkers were the main opinions of those from Nireath, but she didn’t know if everyone was like that. Certainly, there was more to it than that.

Purchasing herself a bag of food from a vendor, she looked above and observed a dragon that flew overhead, almost blocking out the sun for a few seconds. “We would be wise to keep an eye on people while we’re here. I doubt all will be keen about our presence, let alone strange dragons.” It wasn’t uncommon for Naelys to issue words of caution to her guard, especially when one considered her magic. Premonitions could come true at any point in time and sometimes it seemed like she would see things at random. It was just by luck of the draw. “I saw that there is going to be a race soon. I’d like to go and see it if you don’t mind.”

She certainly wasn’t asking for permission as she started to walk in the direction of the seating area, following the sounds and announcers who yelled out how much time remained before the next races started up. It would give her an excuse to avoid people for a little bit of time at least.

Tags: William elanara elanara | Location: Nireath | Wearing: 01 02 03
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Gold and red leather covered black chainmail as the tall prince stood by his sister’s side, his arms crossed, a smirk of entertainment decorating his features. It wasn’t his first time going to Nireath, he liked to frequent the kingdom when they were in alliances as he found they had the perfect alcohol that could really put one under the table. Gambling was rampant in the city and dragon racing was incredibly exciting, something that he was always happy to day drink at. But he wasn’t exactly able to do that, at least not at that moment. Instead, he was meant to be the perfect second-in-line and was to be respectful, inviting, and friendly when greeting the rulers of Nireath.

He didn’t have as many pressures as his younger sister, but he could still relate to the annoyance that was these sorts of meetings. The boards creaked under their feet as the royal family descended, pleasant words being exchanged with ease. Malaenys made sure to greet both the king and queen, a slightly too charming smile plastered on his face. There was no denying that the prince of Rhaeclya indulged greatly in romance even when outside of his own kingdom. He had very few rules when it came to that so to see him sending a sweet smile and witty words towards Queen Elaella wasn’t too much of a surprise but did result in a small clap on the shoulder by his father, King Marak, who clearly didn’t want his son to do anything stupid.

As Naelys excused herself, Malaenys dipped his head and placed his hands briefly on his hips. “I too must be departing, there’s far too much of this glorious city to be left unexplored.” The man was quick to disappear into the crowd, a small whistle on his lips as he was followed by some guards, the conversations between the three of them being quite comfortable. Malaenys often would separate from royal engagements in order to find a nearby alehouse or gambling ring, so it wasn’t surprising to see him stroll up to a stall that was selling alcohol.

“Thank the Gods for this. I’ve been needing something to take the edge off.” The alcohol was sharp and bright on his tongue and he could feel the shiver of the liquid running through his body. A few extra coins clattered on the vendor’s counter as the prince began to walk around, the bottle of alcohol clutched in his hand. His hazel gaze scanned the crowd of people, flashing a princely smile towards those who looked at him in excitement, but he didn’t linger in one spot for too long. He wasn’t stupid, though many liked to assume he was. A blockhead, overconfident, they always had an excuse to demean the prince.

But those words meant little to him and he often ignored them with an amused laugh and taunting tone. Luckily there was little resistance to his presence in Nireath. Instead, he seemed to be almost desired as women whispered about the royal as he walked down the streets and alleys, clearly looking for something to entertain him. It took him a while but soon he found himself sitting in front of a stage, the bottle of alcohol held in his hands as he watched the performance begin. A little downtime never hurt anybody and he knew that if there was anything going on in the kingdom, the commonfolk would be eagerly talking about it away from the prying eyes and ears of the monarchs.

Tags: none | Location: Nireath | Wearing: 01 (red and gold for the leather though)
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william riven.

the hyena heir of rhaeclya's guard.

“I saw that there is going to be a race soon. I’d like to go and see it if you don’t mind.”

“Yes, your grace.” Will replied, flatly. The words are automatic. Well practiced and well trained, just like the rest of him. His sole purpose was to be a tool, a pair of boots and a cold, sharp steel sword whose only purpose was to serve and kill. And the only words he needed ever say to and around the royal family were yes and your grace.

In public, at least.

Behind closed doors was another story.

Just ahead of him was the royal family. King Dorgaeron stood at the front, leading the way down the docks of the ship with the Queen at his side. Behind them, their two eldest children followed. The youngest — the Lady Vasilyssa — had traveled by dragonback and thus was nowhere in sight. William couldn’t help but feel slightly envious of her for that — sailing was not his strong suit, and he spent every minute of the six hour journey forcing his stomach down. He had refused to eat or drink anything that morning to prevent himself from having to vomit over the side of the ship, and though he said not a word of his frustration, he spent the entire time scowling ever so deeply at the fact that the trip could have easily been shortened had they riden their dragons instead.

But alas. That was not in line with tradition. All royal families of the Nordua were apparently expected to meet at the docks that day. And being the heir's personal guard, that included him as well. The moment his feet touched solid ground, an enormous wave of relief washed over him, as did his hunger. But that, he told himself, could wait.

A few more hours without food wouldn’t kill him.

Will gave Malaenys a nod as he departed, then promptly followed Naelys as she broke off from her family and headed directly towards the amphitheater. A small part of him buzzed with excitement, one of the reasons being that he, too, was looking forward to watching the races. After all, it was a much welcome change of pace from the monotony of castle life back in Rhaeclya, where there was nothing to do but follow the heir to and from dozens of council meetings or spend hours hacking away in the training yard. Not only that, but Will was looking forward to visiting some of the wine houses later that evening as well. Nireathan wine was without question the best in all the four kingdoms. The Dorgaeron's would be smart to stock up on plenty of it before making their way back home, he thought.

But then there was the other reason.

Crystal clear blue eyes drifted from the crowd around them to the intricate braids of the princess' hair. The look on his face softened then, if only for a split moment, before immediately reverting to back to its cold, steely expression. He wanted to tell her that she looked beautiful. He wanted to tell her a great many things. But he couldn't. Not out here. Not with so many eyes watching and ears listening. It was an unspoken rule between them, one that was automatically understood from the very moment they started sharing more...personal time together — not a single word, touch, nor fleeting glance out of place that might give anyone the impression that something might be going on between them. And Will had abided by that rule very diligently, refusing to act in a way that was anything but professional. Were they to get caught, the consequences would be too steep.

To hell with consequences, Will brazenly thought as he followed Naelys up the stairs and to their seats. They had made it just in time. Down in the arena were six dragons, all of different colors and sizes. Their riders came out from the underground pits, and were subsequently accompanied by the eruption of cheers from the onlooking crowd.

“My money's on that one,” he leaned in close — almost too close — to Naelys, extended an arm and pointed to the dragon at the very end — a huge, majestic creature with shimmering scales of gold and silver, horns all the way down the back, and piercing red eyes, “Just look at her wingspan. The others don't stand a chance.He grinned.

It was the first time he'd smiled all day.

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Curious and Excited
The Kingdom of Nireath - Castle
Alex Top11 Top11 Stilgar ReverseTex ReverseTex
The feeling of sheer silk brushed against Vasilyssa’s leg as the warm breeze of Nireath kissed her porcelain skin, her summer dress fluttering in its wake. Her mother had all but ordered Lyssa to wear one of her red gowns, to honor their house by sporting the family colors, but the queen had lost that battle. The wine colored fabric was far too dark and heavy for the warm summers of Nireath. Instead, the princess had donned a misty blue dress composed of a few layers of silk, fastened at her waist and shoulders with sparkling jewels. Her mother had stood firm on the shoes however, and consequently Lyssa had stored a pair of high heeled slippers in Nymellia’s saddle bag until they were back on solid ground.

The princess inhaled deeply, willing herself not to look down at the waters below as Nymellia banked to the left, her powerful wings causing surges of air to billow the sails of the passing ships. Normally, all of the royal families arrived at the docks on their respective vessels, greeted by the hosting diplomats, but the Dorgaeron family had learned the hard way that traveling by sea left their youngest in an entirely unladylike state, green at the gills and hiding below deck. Thus, Lyssa was permitted to travel on dragonback to Nireath provided one of the royal guards accompanied her. She had made this journey before, several times in fact, when she had been betrothed to the previous heir of Nireath, Daemond Velaeris. For a brief moment, the memory of a familiar face burned its way into the forefront of her mind, hazel eyes with flecks of green catching the light as they melted into each other like honey and sage. Brown curls and a sharp jawline littered with sun kissed freckles, lips the color of budding camellia petals forming words that Lyssa could no longer remember.

“Princess!” Alex’s voice just barely reached her ears over the roaring winds, causing her head to snap in his direction. The royal guard accompanying her rode atop a dragon by the name of Storm Ripper several yards behind her. His icy steed was much larger than young Nymellia, who carried the youngest princess of Rhaecyla. Vasilyssa nodded curtly, knowing what he was about to say before he said it. They were arriving, she surmised, as the turquoise waters began to give way to sandy sholes and sea caves. Nym and Storm Ripper both folded their wings closer to their torsos, their speed drastically increasing as they started their descent towards the rocky cliffs that housed Nireath’s royal dragon keep. Perhaps one who was not familiar with the beasts would’ve feared they were about to crash into the treacherous sea caves, a horrendous but quick death for all parties involved, but moments before an imminent impact both dragons unfolded their wings, flapping once, twice, three times before landing gently on the stone tier inside the cave.

Lyssa let out an unrestrained groan as she slid off of Nym, the dragon’s pearly white scales providing just enough grip for Lyssa to climb down without assistance. Dragon riding wasn’t so bad when one was permitted to wear pants… but Vasilyssa’s silken dress was evidently not designed for traveling by dragonback. Her legs ached in protest from the prolonged strain as she adjusted to being back on solid ground, smoothing the silken fabric of her gown with her hands. Thankfully, her strawberry blonde hair had been pulled back into an intricate set of braids to keep it from tangling in on itself during her flight, meaning she only had to brush a few stray strands out of her face. For a moment, her frosty grey eyes flicked towards Nym’s saddlebag, which held the high heeled slippers her mother had hand picked for her arrival to the kingdom of Nireath. Lyssa chewed on her lower lip as the obedient side of her internally warred with the part of her that did not want to suffer the horrors of high heels for the rest of the day. But the sound of Alex clearing his throat was enough of a reminder that her mother would not be pleased to find her daughter traversing a foreign kingdom in bare feet. “Fine…” With a resigned huff, she reached back towards Nym, rising up to her tiptoes to reach her saddlebag and withdraw the silver shoes that haunted her nightmares before the dragonkeepers began to coral Nymellia and Storm Ripper to their designated sectors.

“What time do you think it is?” Lyssa had speculated that they had arrived well before the rest of her family. Dragons were far faster than most ships afterall, but that still didn’t leave much time for leisurely strolls and slow paced conversations. Alex followed in suit, his eyes never leaving the princess as she began following the familiar path from the dragon keep to the castle which was connected by a series of underground caverns. Nirethean royal guards stood watch at regular intervals, nodding in acknowledgement to the young royal as she walked past with her own guard. She was carrying her heeled slippers in her left hand, her feet still unnoticeably bare for now, and her right hand was holding up some of the fabric from her dress to keep herself from tripping. When they had landed, the sun had been high in the sky, leading her to believe it was either just before noon or just after. The royals from all of the kingdoms were meant to arrive at midday… meaning she was running late already. As the pair strode forward, the cavernous stone walls began to give way to polished marble and the intricately carved arches of the royal palace and soon Vasilyssa was filled with an overwhelming sense of comfort and familiarity. She had always loved Nireath, the warm summer air and the beautiful island views, the lively citizens and colorful culture.

“We’ll have to see if they have more of that wine I like…” she looked back over her shoulder at Alex as she walked, “The one made from raspberries and-” Lyssa’s slim frame collided with a wall of solid muscle. A sharp intake of breath the only sound she made before she went careening towards the floor. Her fall was stopped however, by strong hands that had latched onto her waist. Where had he come from? She was certain that just moments ago her path had been entirely clear. Blinking momentarily to orient herself, Lyssa looked up at her obstacle turned rescuer and for a moment her features were unreadable. She studied his face, deep, angry scars cut their way through his tanned skin. He had dark hair and even darker eyes, one of which seemed alive like the night sky. She imagined that most would recoil or avert their eyes when greeted with such a face, but Lyssa did not waver, instead studying him curiously as though she were observing a great work of art, deaf to his apologies until he helped to to once again regain her balance.

“Not at all… I evidently wasn’t watching where I was going.” A soft, self deprecating laugh left her lips. “I’m Vasilyssa Dorgaeron of Rhaeclya.” Intentionally omitting the word princess from her introduction as she held out a delicate hand to shake, perhaps a bit out of the ordinary considering one of her status should normally have curtsied during such an interaction. “And who do I have to thank for preventing such impending embarrassment?” a playful smile tugged at the edge of her lips as she waited for his formal introduction.
coded by natasha.
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The large cave echoed as heeled boots walked across the stone floor, the fire flickering in her hand as she traversed the twists and turns of the tunnel. She could hear the breathing of the great beast as she approached, seeing a few Dragonkeepers who were standing by, clearly having prepared the dragon for flight. Bowing her head in thanks, Saena walked up to the face of the massive creature and smiled. A gloved hand was placed on his dark scales, gently petting him before she moved to his side. Climbing upon his back, she got comfortable in her seat and fixed her armor a little bit before giving the dragon a command.

Vrithaen let out a loud noise as he started moving through the cave, headed for the exit, his great steps seemingly vibrating the very mountain. A lone dragon, he occupied a personal mountain that he had claimed when he was much younger and had since refused to be moved from it, no matter how many Dragonkeepers tried to encourage him closer to the main castle. Breaking free of the mountain’s heart, he unfurled his wings and took off into the sky, his heavy body rocking Saena as she held on to her saddle and ropes with practiced ease. A mass of darkness against an otherwise blue sky, the pair soared across the sky, casting a shadow on the castle and capital below, causing those on the ground to look up, some even waving goodbye to the princess.

Saena had been instructed to head to Nireath before the other royals of Tun arrived and so she flew over the ocean, she saw the royal ship sailing through the dark waves below. The wind roared in her ears as she flew across the sky, breaking through cloud cover as a way to keep her location somewhat of a secret. Nireath wasn’t exactly the cup of tea for someone from Tun for many reasons. It was far too warm and the people weren’t honest at all. It was a nightmare for someone who was raised in the freezing North and wore their honesty as armor. But for Princess Saena, it was a comfortable place. She was able to navigate the country without hesitation as she was just as bad or worse than them.

The flight was much shorter than that of the ships and when she arrived she found herself in a position that often occurred when she took Vrithaen out. He was a well-known dragon for his prowess in battle and the multitude of dragons that he had killed even without a rider to order him to. This made stabling him a more difficult thing. But those in Nireath had been warned of her arrival and her dragon, so they had cleared a smaller dragon stable for the creature to use for the duration of his stay. Once he had been settled, Saena slid off his back gracefully and smiled at the Dragonkeepers. “Do not prod him, he tends to bite.” A smile and a wave were given as she departed the stable in favor of changing out of her dragon riding attire.

She was promptly escorted to a room where she could change, and that she did. Thin layers of green fabric found their way onto her body and her braided hair was elegantly styled, the iron hair pieces glinting in the sunlight. She wore her usual jewelry, the various rings and distinct necklace adorning her as she departed from the castle and made her way to the docks. She was a rather frequent guest of Nireath, causing her to be quite comfortable with the layout of the kingdom, as she was one of the few from Tun who could fit in with the way of life and not be distressed.

The woman seamlessly made her way to the docks without being bothered or spotted by anyone she knew. This was due to her flawless use of magic, allowing her to go unnoticed by those waiting for the various royals. It wasn’t until she was near the king and queen that she reverted, a pleasant smile on her face as she approached. “Your Grace, it is lovely to see you again.” Ruby-colored lips formed a gentle smile as she greeted both, her hands quickly finding those of the queen’s, showing the friendship that she had been manufacturing over the years.

“Princess Saena, what a pleasure it is to see you! I am so pleased that you were able to make it. I hope you are able to enjoy the solstice.” Queen Elaella smiled for what seemed like the first time that morning as she conversed with Saena, clearly enjoying the relationship that they shared. Saena had always been like this, finding her way to any high-ranking royal in each kingdom and carefully crafting a friendship that would last even during conflict.

“Oh don’t worry Your Grace, I always enjoy the festivities Nireath puts on. It is such a joy to be able to celebrate with you and your family.” Piercing sapphire eyes caught sight of the dark gaze of the prince that lingered near the king and queen, clearly a bit awkward as he was stared at, having his own group of commonfolk surrounding him. “Has the prince returned? I dared not believe the rumors, but it appears as if he has.” Saena’s voice lowered softly as she spoke to the queen who nodded her head, her lips pressed softly together.

“Two nights ago, he returned on dragonback. It has been so long, but he has not said anything to me or the king. I do not know what to make of it.” A sigh left the woman and Saena gave her hands a gentle squeeze.

“I am sure all is well Your Grace. Do not worry and try to enjoy the day. There is time for such questions at a later date.” The women shared a knowing expression before releasing each other, causing Elaella to go back to greeting the royals who were arriving. Saena moved off to the side and waited, clearly awaiting the arrival of her kingdom and its heir, knowing that she would spend some of her time by his side, helping bridge any awkwardness that he may encounter. But she had plans to investigate other rumors and whispers that had found their way to her during her short walk through the capital.

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// i had to do this on mobile so sorry if its a little short! i wanted to get something out

Juniper was suspicious.

This wasn't the unusual for any given day, but especially the day that had her ghosting behind the King and Queen of Nireath. She was skeptical of all the other kingdoms coming together, of all the violence that was sure to happen with an increase of visitors, travelers, and drunken men who took too heavily to the mead. It meant extra work for June, which meant that, in blunt words, she had a stick up her ass. She didn't trust easily and was already wary of so many new folk being in their kingdom but it was made worse by how publitized the whole thing was. It opened up the door for bad things to happen, things that she knew her father would take an interest in assisting with. She didn't like looking over her shoulder the same way she was looking across, behind, and around the shoulders of the royals, but it was her job - and thank the gods for it, because she excelled at it.

She surveyed the crowd around them with a studious expression; eyes a little narrow, her hands clasped together behind her back, ready to move to the weapons on her person at any given moment. She wasn't about to let anyone ruin the reputation she'd made for herself as a young and female guard of the palace and heir of Nireath. Juniper was largely successful and admirable for many reasons, and failing wasn't one of them. Her entire life was spent at the castle. If she wasn't working or scheming, she wasn't sure what to do with herself. The brunette was always training or putting in extra work that wasn't really required of her - but it was something she was happy to do. The prince(ss) needed to be safe and well protected, and June was like a one woman army with her wrath and immediate distrust of others. She had spent the morning ghosting behind King Aelon and Queen Elaella, which is where current times would find her; directly behind them, give or take a short distance, as they welcomed their visitors and greeted everyone.

The breeze from standing on the docks if the ocean toyed with the shorter pieces of her brown hair that couldn't fit into the braid June had managed to let someone wrestle her hair into. Hair and other things of the sort had never been her strong suite; she could do the basics, but anything more fancy than the standard ponytail had been a skill her sister picked up on. But without Juniper's family, she was mostly left to fend for herself. Thankfully another guard had convinced her that maybe she wanted to have her hair up and out of the way, but she wasn't stupid. Her coworker wanted her to look somewhat presentable. It was the only reasonable explanation for the pretty beads in her long locks and the shimmery powder that made some strands of her hair look to glimmer. Both appropriate and pretty, one of which were words that Juniper wouldn't have normally used to describe herself. She was a lot of things, and perhaps some did find her pretty, but that wasn't the first word that came to her own mind when she thought of herself.

Determined. Hard working. Ambitious. Calculating. Those were far more fitting descriptions.

Her dark brown eyes shot between the crowd and the royal members themselves, though she mostly kept to her job and just studied for any reason to get a little stabby. She had never been in the company of so many important people, and June found herself surprisingly underwhelmed. Perhaps that was a good thing, because maybe folks with ill intentions would decide that they should also refrain from violence or other rude actions and remarks. A lot of people were out listening to the King and Queen, but June only gave it a small fraction of her attention in favor of keeping them safe.

Nireath's Guard


  • filler tab!

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Silver pins and regalia were placed upon ocean-colored fabrics, practiced hands fastening the belt around his hips, his sword clattering softly. Dark eyes stared at the reflection in the tall mirror, making his stomach twist, the nerves once again building back up in his body. It had been years since he had worn the colors and garb of his kingdom, showing off his position as the crown prince of Nireath, the one who would lead them to greatness. Granted, that title had been passed off to the newly named heir, one that had minimal ties to the throne much to the dismay of his father.

Swallowing thickly, Daemond curtly nodded to his attendant, allowing him to leave as he was finished getting dressed. A knock on the doors caused him to answer, his voice coming out in a monotone way, despite how anxious and worked up he felt on the inside. His shoulders stiffened slightly at the arrival of his father, King Aelon. The man took long strides to Daemond, a pleased smile on his face. The prince turned to face the king, bowing his head slightly. “My son, you look like yourself once again. It has been too long.” Rough hands clasped his shoulders, the grip tight and almost desperate. “It has been too long since our realm has seen your face.”

This had been the second day he had been in Nireath, having returned two nights prior, rather exhausted on the back of Amanyr, the great she-dragon. Having both missing individuals return before the solstice had been praised as an act from the Gods as if they were restoring order to Nireath. However, not all had been so pleased with his arrival. There was a great tension from the Hand when he rushed to the small council in the dead of night, shock and almost anger evident on his face as he looked at the prince being embraced by the king. The heir had returned. Those were the whispers that plagued Silvaera the next morning.

Daemond had not made a public appearance but everyone knew. It was all they could talk about outside of the festival. Nobody knew what to make of the situation when Daemond disappeared in the middle of the night four years ago. No Dragonkeeper nor guard knew how the crown prince and his dragon had managed to simply leave without warning. There had been speculation that he had been killed alongside his dragon, by an ambitious royal, but there was no proof. He had simply disappeared. He had left much pain in his absence, having not spared a single word to the king and queen or his bride-to-be. There was far too much mystery surrounding him, but nobody dared question it. The country was too unstable to ask too many questions.

“I’m glad this pleases you, Father.” His voice was even as he looked at Aelon, observing the man as he seemed to equally be taking in the appearance of his missing son.

“I wish you would tell me and Elaella what happened to you. I would not be angry if it was about the marriage or the crown, I just want to know.” A grimace flashed across Daemond’s face as he shook his head and stepped away from Aelon.

“Not now. I can’t.” It wasn’t satisfying, but there had been enough raised voices about it the night he returned, with Elaella being the only one to step in and protect her step-child. Though she had little reason to care for the son, considering he was proof of her husband’s infidelity, she had raised him after the passing of his mother and therefore had grown fond of him in a way. It was complicated and their relationship remained that way, but she meant no harm, that much was clear.

“Well, I would be honored to have you greeting our guests. My wife will be with us and possibly even Princess Vysenya will grace us with her presence. If she isn’t flitting about in town making a fool of herself that is.” A bittersweet smile formed as both the king and prince departed the room and began to make their way to the gates of the castle where they would be brought to the docks via a carriage.

It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, meeting the royals and getting introduced to those who were heirs to their respective thrones, but for Daemond, it was rather uncomfortable. He stood quietly behind the king and queen, one hand clasping the other as he stared straight ahead, doing his best not to stand out. He could feel the piercing eyes of the commonfolk boring into him as he stood at the docks, the heat of their gazes almost burning holes right through him. He had heard the loud gasps and words of excitement and shock when he stepped out of the carriage, revealing himself to the public after years.

He had changed over four years and yet he still seemed to invoke the same amount of excitement and love from the people as he had when he was younger. Swallowing nervously, he eyed the dark-haired woman Saena as she approached the queen, having a rather personal conversation with Elaella, something that wasn’t common to see. He didn’t see anything wrong with it as he didn’t know what had occurred in his absence. He felt a bit uncomfortable when the royal family of Rhaeclya had arrived, but the reunion had been pleasant and the king and queen seemed to be just relieved that Daemond was home safe. That was at least something. The twins didn’t seem to hold any animosity either, other than the clap on the shoulder from Malaenys as the man mentioned that Daemond still owed him a drink.

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Pearls and flowers bloomed in dark curls and braids as the woman walked through the city, her ladies in waiting fresh on her heels, giggling and chatting as they bunched together, clearly having enjoyed the luxurious wine of Nireath. She was not drunk, a surprising feat to behold, but she still found herself preferring the entertainment of the festival over that of the stifling docks. Uptight royals who had no interest in her meant that she had no interest in them. She had seen them before, back when her cousin had been named and various royal families attended to congratulate him, but they were children back then. She doubted they matured much since.

“Princess, you must try this! It is simply divine!” The cheerful tone of one of the ladies, Lady Myra, broke through Vysenya’s thoughts and caused her to smile as she moved to the side of the woman. A warm pastry was offered to the princess and she took a bite out of it, a satisfied expression on her face. The tastes of rose and fresh fruits danced on her tongue, bringing back memories of her childhood. It was truly a wonderful thing to eat.

“You forget, Lady Myra, they make this pastry every solstice.” A teasing tone left her as the girls giggled, knocking their shoulders together. Leaving the stall, the group of women began to wander, going to a small stage that was wrapping up their performance. In the crowd, dark curls and red armor stuck out to Vysenya and made her grin as she walked over to the man, easily moving into the seat beside him. “Prince Mal, it has been far too long. You have quite the beard now.” The man’s gaze locked with hers and an equally mischievous smile formed on his lips.

“Princess Vysenya, you are looking quite beautiful. Being heir seems to suit you.” A laugh left her as she leaned back, clearly enjoying the compliment.

“Oh Mal, since when have you learned to lie to me? We both know what this title is.” Malaenys nodded his head and moved to offer the princess his bottle of wine, something she didn’t pass up. The expensive alcohol tasted sweet on her lips and sent a warm shiver through her body as she moved the bottle from her lips. “I must say, since Daemond’s return, I’m surprised I haven’t been bagged and tossed away. It caused quite the drama that night. Nothing that I don’t enjoy, but when it comes to me losing my pearls and my head, I don’t exactly enjoy the thought.”

“I doubt your cousin would allow that to happen, even if he took back the title.”

“You would be surprised by what my father would allow. He’s more of my concern.”
The two royals had gotten to know each other whenever Malaenys visited Nireath, far too many drunken nights developing between them. They were good friends, though many would criticize him for finding friendship in a selfish woman such as Vysenya. Still, they made it work. A delicate hand on her shoulder and whispered words in her ear made the princess roll her eyes before getting up. “Always a pleasure my prince.” Malaenys stood up as well, leaving a kiss on the back of her hand.

“The pleasure is all mine Vysenya.” Departing the small crowd, the women traversed the alleyways of Silvaera, actively avoiding the guards who were searching for Vysenya. Her whereabouts had been easily lost once the festival had begun, managing to escape her guard and sister, much to her relief. It was never easy, having three people constantly harping on her and trying to dictate what she was to be doing. Her father never meant well, her sister seemed to parrot what their father preached, and her guard was dreadfully uptight and made Vysenya quite bored when she listened to her. Sit pretty, don’t speak, and certainly don’t do anything fun. Those were practically the only things she heard and frankly, she much preferred the company of her friends and servants to those who ‘only meant to help’.

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The crowd was bustling and a bit too preoccupied with counting their coins than paying attention to where they were going. But with her guard hot on her heels, Naelys had little to worry about. People’s shoulders never had the chance to collide with hers as she traversed the busy streets and entered the stadium where they would observe the dragon races. The races were fast-paced, dangerous, and ultimately thrilling. Dragons turning on each other wasn’t an uncommon thing, and even riders being thrown from their saddles was something one could expect. The high intensity of it often made Naelys understand why her brother lost or won a lot of coins during his trips to Nireath.

Naelys sat down in a seat, smoothing out the red material, careful not to dirty it, her sharp gaze fixed on the gates of the dragon pit. Six dragons and their riders emerged, causing the crowd to roar to life, cheers, whistles, clapping, and even coins seemed to burst into the air, everyone’s attention strictly on the beasts below. A small smirk formed on her lips as she allowed her fingers to lightly ghost across her chin in thought, trying to see which creature she assumed would win. But her careful observations were interrupted by an armored arm and a brush of whispered words against her ear.

“My money’s on that one,” his voice was low and surprisingly welcomed at the moment, the princess leaning back in her seat, almost as if trying to shorten the remaining distance between them. Raising her eyebrow slightly, she observed the she-dragon that William had pointed out, and frankly, she had no reason to believe otherwise. Part of her wanted to bet against him, just due to the fact it would create a challenge, but the moments they could share were so fleeting that she didn’t have time to truly pick a worth competitor.

“She certainly is a frightening beast to behold. But she might be one that they try to sabotage. Look at the green one. It certainly isn’t pleased with her.” Leaning enough to keep her words quiet, she lifted her hand and pointed at the emerald-colored dragon by the one that had won William’s favor. The scales were deep in color and though it lacked the intimidating spikes of its competitor, the fierce gold eyes and barred teeth looked ready to bite into the she-dragon’s silver and gold flesh. “I would not be surprised if he tries to take a chunk out of her on the other side of the track.”

Due to how the dragon races were set up, there was always a section on the other side of the cliffs that was not able to be viewed by the audience. It was slightly frustrating for spectators, but for the dragonriders, it was a time for them to attack and pull out underhanded methods to ensure they crossed the finish line first. The princess and her guard were quite smart to use discussions of dragon racing to keep close as it wasn’t an uncommon sight in the grandstands. People were often huddled close together, hiding their bets and predictions from those who sat around them. They just fit into the crowd for once. “Make sure you do not starve today William. It would be unfortunate to lose your company.” Shifting the bag of goodies that she had purchased earlier, she moved it close enough for the guard to be able to eat some out of it. There were various dried fruits, clusters of nuts, and even small baked goods, making it a suitable thing for such a festival.

A loud horn and a large fire were lit, signaling the start of the races. The dragons shot out from the starting line, diving down the small cliff into the waters below. Flashes of scales and armor glinted under the blue waves before they broke the surface at great speeds, zipping through the air, a sight that was truly unforgettable. “I will never understand how Nireath’s dragons can be so swift. It is almost dizzying to watch.” Naelys smiled softly as her left hand almost nervously began to mess with the fabric of her dress, most likely due to the nerves she got when watching the races. Though she considered herself someone who was rarely affected by things, the dragon races were a time when she risked losing and that alone was enough to make her stomach grow slightly cold. She didn’t exactly enjoy being wrong, even if it was something as small as a bet.

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estranged cousin








The journey was long, but Aelina had no troubles. She had never sailed this long, so seasickness was initially a worry, but it never came for her. The temperature rose as the ship grew nearer to Nireath, allowing Aelina to shed her cloak and enjoy the sunshine on the deck. The gentle rocking of the ship was almost relaxing.

As soon as Nireath's shore came into view, Aelina stood at the bow of the ship, taking it all in. Never had she left Tun before, so it was all so new and exciting. The salty breeze ran through her hair and tickled her cheeks. It was so comfortable and refreshing compared to the usually cutting icy winds of Tun. She rested her hands gently on the railing, keeping herself steady should the boat tilt unexpectedly.

The king's greeting carried through the air, causing a smile to spread across Aelina's lips. It meant that their journey was finally complete.

Isolde grabbed her daughter's elbow as it came time to deboard the ship, though she did not let go as they moved. The light fabric of her dress rippled as they walked the dock. Aelina did not know where to look. There were gorgeous stretches of colored sand, the bustling streets of the capital, and the faces of the other royals surrounding her. The only ones familiar to her were those of Tun, of course. However, nearly everyone dressed in their royal colors made it easier to identify who came from where.

"Stay close, Aelina. Do not wander off," she reminded her. Aelina merely sighed and clicked her tongue in annoyance. She was no longer a child, despite how her parents treated her. She knew better than to stray in a place she had never been before. Plus, it was far too early for stars to be visible, so she'd have no way of navigating herself should she get lost. However, being guided by her mother allowed Aelina to look around at her surroundings without worrying about losing sight of her parents.

They shuffled through the crowd in the direction of the monarchs. Of course, they had to greet them. It would be unfathomably rude to ignore their hosts. Aelina stood before them with her parents on each side of her. Her father took the lead.

"King Aelon and Queen Elaella, it is an honor. We are Lord Owain and Lady Isolde of House Braelor." Owain bowed his head while Isolde curtsied. He placed a hand on Aelina's shoulder. "This is Princess Aelina Braelor, our daughter."

Aelina curtsied just as her mother had. Her eyes landed on the young man standing behind the king and queen. Judging by his age and his dress, she presumed he was the prince. He looked quite serious, in contrast to the jovial monarchs in front of him. She focused back on the king and queen before smiling.

"I look forward to the celebrations and experiencing your kingdom for the first time. It is absolutely lovely here."

King Aelon and Queen Elaella exchanged pleasantries and introduced themselves formally as they had never met the family of three. The king then introduced his son standing behind him. Aelina looked toward him once more.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, Prince Daemond."

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Drak Vaele.
Slightly Anxious
Standing just underneath the Castle at the mouth of the Den of Draxes, Drak drew peace maker and ignited the blade and began to make his way down a winded tunnel very familiar to him through years of traveling it. About midway through he Came across, a group of Dragonkeepers an older gray haired man quite familiar to Drak as Dragor, a Keeper whose taken care of Draxes his entire life, along with three younger men quite new. “Fed, Watered, and saddled your grace.” One of the younger men said with a bow of his head.

“He’s growing your grace, words that I haven’t spoken in a while, he allowed me to wash him and remove what didn’t shed naturally, but something has him in a fairly good mood.” Dragor said with a slight grin across his face.

”Wouldn’t you be in a good mood after a bath and bulking? Besides he may have a lady Dragon in his sights!” Drak said jokingly as he patted the man on his shoulder, continuing on down the tunnel. It opened up to a great cave Riddled with bedding leading to the serpentine frame of a Draxes. Approaching Drak extended a hand to the beast snout feeling him take in a deep breath, Drak ran his hand from his snout,down his jaw, and along his elongated neck until he reached his saddle just between the beasts shoulders. Petting him for a second he gathered himself into his saddle allowing Draxes to become acclimated to Drak’s weight upon his back. Giving Draxes a few moments he then gave the command for take off, Drakes was a fairly large dragon who would be much larger, but was locked away after his previous rider died stunting his growth.

Taking off Drak began to feel the air thin and become a bit harder to breathe as the wind whipped his face, as Draxes soaring through the air winding his body building momentum , luckily the ride would not be too long they should arrive at the same time as his family or soon after. Tun’s ships weren’t built for speed and maneuverability, they’re built to withstand storms and Transport heavy cargo loads, which explains how it seemingly took them no time to catch up to the Royal convoy as they were approaching Nireath. Setting sights on the palace Drak landed just outside the royal stables, a handful of Dragon keepers awaiting their arrival. Dismounting the beast Drak leaned on Draxes head and rubbed his nose before stepping back and allowing the Keepers do their job.

“Prince Drak of Tun, my name is naelyra, and I am here to show you to your quarters .” A soft voice beckoned from behind him. Following the lady she led him to a room with a bed made of elegant blankets with detailed stitching, a mirror with a golden frame, engraved with eccentric designs, with a tall sturdy wardrobe, it seemed they spared no expense. Changing Drak emerged in green, black, and gold representing his Kingdom as requested, the material far lighter than what he was used to back home having these threads made specifically for this outing.

Heading towards the docks Drak could hear King Aelon’s thunderous voice roaring over all the chants and screams as he greeted all of the other royal guests.

Arriving he seen the banners of Tun, and Rhaeclya, along with the royal family of Nireath, scanning through the faces he was able to make out King Aelon and Queen Elaella, along with the lost prince Daemond, off to the side he seen a quite Familiar face, Saena another representative of the north who arrived by dragon back before he did,also someone he was fond of and likely who he’ll spend a good part of his time with here in Nireath, Drak rarely had the opportunity to travel as much as Saena she’s seen all four corners of nordua and often helps Drak navigate their social structures. Not seeing his family yet, Drak immediately approached King Aelon and Queen Elaella and gave them a proper greeting Drak wasn’t necessarily fond of the kingdom to the kingdom to the East but managed to swallow it for the solstice.

Making his way over to Saena a slight grin broke his face “ Princess I see Virathaen hasn’t lost a step, you look stunning as usual. Any sight of our parents ?” he said lightly grabbed her by the hand looking over her well fitted dress, and beautiful dark hair. It wasn’t common seeing her in clothing suited for this but she was definitely more accustomed to it.
coded by natasha.
The Kingdom of Nireath - Dragon Race
Anyone Watching the Dragon Race
There were few things in all of Nordua that granted Thalia the same freedom as riding on dragonback. Perhaps that was why her parents had always struggled to drag their youngest daughter away from Nireath’s notorious dragon races. Castillion was fast, he had always been fast, but today he was restless, his nostrils flaring as he flapped his sleek wings, a warning to the silver and gold competitor to their left who had strayed too close for comfort. Castillion’s hide was a masterpiece of deep blues and hues of turquoise, with the exception of the brightly colored tangerine accents around his eyes and maw. Every individual scale was set ablaze by the hot sun that reflected off of the waters beneath them, making them stand out in sapphire brilliance against their competitors, impatiently waiting for the start of the race.

Thalia had spent a majority of her morning greeting the arriving royals with a practiced smile, reciting niceties as though they were lines memorized for a play. But after the tedious hours had passed by without incident she had been granted leave for the afternoon. The blonde had made her way through the bustling crowd towards Castillion with an elegance that suggested she had been raised for the throne, though that was not the case. Her reputation preceded her as a champion racer, not as the second-in-line for the throne of Nireath, a relatively recent development in her bloodline. She was clad in a rather simple slate blue gown with lace inserts along either side, running down the length of her thighs to allow her full range of movement. Underneath, a matching pair of slate pants were fitted tightly to her body, an ensemble she was only permitted to wear when racing.

Now, atop his back she could feel Castillion’s heaving breath below her, his body expanding evenly between her thighs at each inhale as he shifted his weight from one side to the other. It was always so deafeningly loud before a race, the roaring cheers of the crowd only adding to the chaotic atmosphere. A deep, rumbling growl thundered from Castillion’s chest as the emerald dragon to their left snapped his jaws in their direction, his sharpened teeth narrowly missing Cas’ left flank.

“Easy…” Thalia’s right hand reached down to stroke the scales along the ridge of her mount’s spine. “You’ll have your chance.” her voice was almost a purr as she glanced towards the horizon. As if sensing her gaze, the starting fire began to blink to life, its flames licking up towards the sky in a crimson haze. Castillion lurched forward, and for a moment Thalia was almost lost to the momentum as he dove down the length of Nireath’s sea cliffs and into the shimmering waters below.

For most riders, this was the worst part. The sea had a funny way of forcing itself up your nose and into your sinuses when you dove under on dragonback, but for Thalia it was as easy as breathing. The water rushed past her in an uninterrupted surge, her magic melding seamlessly with the sea creating a streamline effect that pushed them both forward at an accelerated speed. Thalia had always loved the water, they way she could bend it to her will but still respect its wild nature. But as Castillion crested the surface, she was ripped from the serenity below the tides and reality crashed down on her like an earthquake. A screech to her left caught her attention, and her head whipped in the direction of the emerald green beast from earlier who had nipped at Cas’ flank.

Thalia and Castillion were leading the pack by about half a dragon’s length, but the aggressive male behind them was gaining fast as they rounded the edge of the first cliff, now beyond the view of the eager spectators. The moment they were in the cover of the shadows their tailing competitor came crashing towards them at a dangerous speed, a dirty trick, but not an unexpected one. Castillion folded his wings into his body, diving about 20 feet lower as their attacker crashed into the rust colored rock above. The sound of the impact sent shivers down Thalia’s spine, but it gave them enough time to push forward once again. The blonde let out a cheer in the old language as they began to round the final corner of the race, the finish line so close she could taste it.
coded by natasha.


william riven.

the hyena heir of rhaeclya's guard.

“I would not be surprised if he tries to take a chunk out of her on the other side of the track.”

The scarred edge of Will's lip tugs upward into a wry smile. “That would be fun to watch.” He says amusedly, looking on as the riders took off from their starting points at break-neck speed. The wind from their sudden flight wooshes past the crowd, sending the few stray locks of his hair not fastened by his pony-tail flying back.

Damn, they’re fast. Faster than him, that’s for sure.

He adjusts his posture, recreating that small, safe, appropriate distance between them, eyes vigilantly scanning the audience for familiar faces, suspicious behavior, anything that didn't belong. Even though they're there for enjoyment, he reminds himself that he is still on duty, and having this many royals in the same place is bound to invite trouble. Letting his guard down would be a severely foolish thing to do.

His concentration is partially broken, though, as Naelys utters something to him.

“Make sure you do not starve today William.”

He lets out a soft chuckle.

“You do know that it is possible to survive longer than a day without food, right? However — ” not taking his eyes off the crowd, Will reaches down into the bag of snacks that the princess graciously offered, inwardly telling himself that he’ll only take a few bites “ — I'll do my best not to, if you insist.” But he’s so hungry, and a few bites turn into him reaching into the bag non-stop. Before he knows it, there’s only a few crumbs left. He'll get her another, later.

“I will never understand how Nireath’s dragons can be so swift. It is almost dizzying to watch.”

“Agreed. I'm sure the riders of the other kingdoms could benefit from their training regimen, myself included.He looks on as the riders disappear below the cliffs. One of them is attacked by another. He can't see it, of course, but the sound of the impact of dragon against rock is unmistakeable. It's a sound he's heard many times in the frenzied heat battle. The crowd hears it too, and they look to one another with worrying confusion, wondering what just happened, all cringing and gasping, waiting anxiously to see if the rider survived.

It's unlikely, Will thinks.

But then a few moments later, all six contestants reappear from the cliff's edge, and the stadium erupts into cheer. The rider of the green dragon — Colin? Corbin? Fucking hell there were too many names to remember — is injured, but still alive. Even from this distance Will makes out the blood staining the collar of the man's jerkin. It drips all the way down his broken, mangled arm to his hand and the reigns fastened around the dragons neck.

Lucky bastard. Will mutters.

Droplets of water falls off the dragon's backs from when they emerged from the ocean's surface, the force of the backwind produced by their tails cutting into the waves beneath them. One by one they swiftly make their way to the finish line.

And, as predicted, the gold and silver dragon comes in first place, its rider sitting tall and triumphantly on its back. A small, satisfied grin makes its way across Will's face.

As for the green dragon Nell favored.

“It appears you were right about that one.He jests, with a slight, mocking expression. “I hope you didn't do what your brother would've done and bet an entire year's worth of silver on it. Not that she couldn't afford it. Hell, she could buy out the entire fucking stadium if she wanted. But it was the simple fact of the matter that, if Mal ever found out, she wouldn't hear the end of it for a month. Perhaps longer.

A slight pause. The mocking look on Will's face withers, and he turns to her, his brows furrowed together in sudden concern. “Did you?

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A sea of brightly colored fabrics came and went as Daemond stayed and greeted the royals, seemingly one of the only children connected to the crown that was present. His palms felt sweaty as he kept his hands clasped tightly together, almost as if he was worried about losing his nerve. The arrival of Tun’s royals caused the man to straighten up a bit, having seen the dragons before the ship arrived. His dark gaze settled on the presence of their crown prince, Drak, and soon King Tarik and Queen Astris. They were just as he remembered, composed yet stern as they greeted Nireath’s royalty, sharing only a few words before moving away. They made Daemond’s blood run cold, the feeling of being scrutinized and mulled over in their heads made a bead of sweat trail down his temple.

But the tension that came with dealing directly with Tun’s crown was replaced with a much more palatable encounter with the lord and lady of House Braelor. He didn’t recognize the names, but it seemed that King Aelon and Queen Elaella seemed familiar enough with the house’s name. A river of reddened hair came into view and Daemond was soon face-to-face with their daughter, Princess Aelina Braelor. The pleasant conversations began as the two families conversed, Aelina greeting Daemond when he was introduced. Bowing his head slightly, he cleared his throat, feeling stuffy as he stared at her. “Likewise, Princess Aelina.” His voice held little warmth or excitement, especially compared to that of the king and queen.

They easily could show Nireath’s hospitality and charm with anyone they met, but Daemond was out of practice. He felt out of place, but he refused to show it. The confidence and almost unshakeable stability that the prince had been well-known for had once again shown itself as he stood in front of nobility, not wishing to bring shame to the crown or country. “You should enjoy the festival as much as possible, there are many shows and foods that only appear in honor of the solstice.” Daemond did not waste time in starting a conversation, especially after observing how enthralled Aelon and the queen were talking to Aelina’s parents.

“I often frequented the dragon races when I would attend the festivals. If you are the type who enjoys excitement.” When he was younger and actively part of Nireath, Daemond would often be training for the races, the thrill, and excitement of it being a high that he chased desperately. He didn’t always win, but he was good enough to be requested to partake in the solstice races. He had heard from a servant earlier in the day that his cousin would be racing, meaning that they had no chance to see each other. Daemond did not mind, as he understood that his presence may have caused discomfort for those within the royal family.

He had met with Vysenya on the night of his return and her shock and almost satisfied sneer that she sent towards her father was more than enough to tell him what had occurred for her during his absence. They shared hushed words in the darkened halls, her twisting charm like a knife in his back as she kept a hand firmly on his arm, whispering about rumors and what people weren’t pleased with his arrival. She mentioned nothing of her sister, which made the prince assume that he wasn’t one to be missed by the other. While the commonfolk flocked to his side and were eager and desperate to speak to him, the royals stayed back, almost unnerved by how someone could simply be presumed dead for over four years and return unharmed.

Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he continued to engage in conversation with Aelina, giving recommendations as to what she should visit first. “My son, why don’t you show the princess and her parents the festival? I can make excuses for your absence.” Aelon’s hand clasped onto Daemond’s shoulder and caused his stomach to jump slightly, rather surprised by the sudden contact.

“Of course Your Grace.” Turning to Owain and Isolde, he opened his mouth to speak but was met with a reply before he could ask.

“Oh we have been to the festival before Your Majesty, our daughter has not. I’m sure it hasn’t changed too much over the years, why not let them enjoy experiencing it for the first time.” Calculated. That was what Daemond thought as he inhaled softly, somewhat understanding what his father and the princess’ seemed to have in mind. Nodding his head, Daemond moved from his spot, his legs suddenly feeling almost too light as he stepped to the side and held out an arm, gesturing for the princess to follow him. Once she was even with him, he offered her his arm, a gesture that was often seen as uncommon or scandalous for those outside of Nireath.

Careful not to walk too quickly, Daemond kept his dark gaze scanning the sea of faces, making sure nobody bummed into his guest. “I do apologize if my father was too forward with this suggestion. It has been years since I’ve been home so I do believe he is eager for me to make some friends.” His voice regained some color as they walked, the distance from his father making Daemond’s heart relax enough to bring back a semblance of charisma that the prince once possessed. “What would you like to do princess? Food, drinks, music, plays, and races are all available to you.”

Tags: Aelina Braelor junegloom junegloom | Location: Nireath | Wearing: 01
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The echoes of a dragon’s cry made Saena look up at the brilliant sky, catching glimpses of reddened scales and a long neck, indicating the arrival of Tun’s crown prince. A small smile had formed on her lips as she snapped her gaze back to those who conversed with her as they departed their ships, recognizing her from her trips to their kingdoms or when they ventured North. There was quite a bit of chatter on the docks, the royals of Nireath were always happy to partake in jovial conversation, causing there to be a bit of a line. Saena did not mind, her blue gaze running across passing faces, waiting for one in particular.

Black and green sails appeared, the large ship slowly pulling up to the dock, housing various royals on the decks. Well, at least they arrived unscathed and on time. The boat was noticeably bigger than the others, clearly meant for battling ice-filled seas and raging storms. They were reliable ships and were often complimented by those in Nireath as Tun never seemed to lose much of its fleet, allowing the kingdom to have a constant trade. It was admirable and something that the other kingdoms liked to capitalize on when forming alliances.

Turning her head, Saena noticed the arrival of Drak, allowing the semblance of nerves to disappear. Her father wouldn’t have been pleased if she had not located him. She watched as he greeted the monarchs of Nireath and smiled as he approached her. “My Prince, you look well,” it wasn’t uncommon to see pleasant words and warm smiles exchanged between the two royals, their relationship being one that was often pointed out back in Tun. Always on each other’s heels, they would be found flying together or sticking by each other’s sides within the walls of the castle. Saena extended her hand ever so slightly to the prince, allowing their fingers to interlace, hidden by their figures. “Vrithaen was rather happy to fly this morning, I think he enjoys these visits. Draxes seemed to be enjoying himself, he’s growing quite large.”

The compliment was sweet and made her smile, a rare expression of fondness showing on her face as she stared at Drak. “Thank you, Drak. Your new clothes suit you very well, it is quite a good look.” Their words were easily drowned out by the excited hustle and bustle of the docks as the next ship arrived. “Tun’s ship has arrived yes. Your parents, I expect, will be the first to come off. My mother is here but my father was delayed back at the castle. I already expressed my apologies to King Aelon. He will be arriving later on dragonback I do believe.” It wasn’t a lie, her father, the Hand of the King of Tun had been retained at the castle due to a pressing matter involving his web of informants.

He did not disclose what it was about, but Saena assumed it had to do with matters of strife or war due to how quiet and angry her father was. Part of her had wanted to investigate but she had no time. She would find out upon returning. Leaning closer to Drak, the woman lowered her voice, her hand gripping his slightly tighter as if to retain his attention. “I heard a few unnerving rumors and whispers on my way here. There’s talk of people being rather displeased with the Solstice and the arrival of the kingdoms. They may have been drunken ramblings but do be cautious today. You are the heir of Tun, there is a target on your back my prince. I would not doubt what those in the slums are capable of.”

Pulling away, Saena returned to smiling as the royals of Tun began to leave their ship. She noted each family that came, surprised at the appearance of the Braelor family. She had yet to grow close to the young princess but she seemed harmless and had no reputation or rumors to speak of. Curtesying to King Tarik and Queen Astris as they passed, she exhaled softly, collecting herself for future events. Letting go of Drak’s hand when his parents approached, she allowed them to greet each other, exchanging conversation that was reserved for only their ears. Saena watched the crowd carefully, wanting to keep an eye on those who ventured too close to the royals. While she was often considered one to not care for others or to have very loose morals, often getting involved in secret plots that resulted in great harm to others, she still held the royal family close to her heart. Whether she admitted it or not, she was fond of Drak and did not want him to be harmed, and by extension, his parents.

She worried about him, especially when hearing whispers of those in the dark, speaking about how they wanted the blood of the royals who left Nireath to defend itself, who didn’t dare to help. They seemed angry with the uncertainty of their kingdom, of their crown, and in their hate and anger, it was fitting to lash out at those who ‘had it better’. Ideas such as that, more often than not, had a way of fulfilling themselves one way or another. In the crowd of royalty, Saena made eye contact with her mother, the woman giving her a stiff nod, as if to tell her, 'Do not disappoint your father'.

Tags: Drak Vaele Top11 Top11 | Location: Nireath | Wearing: 01 02
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For the first time in a long time, Stilgar felt as if he wasn’t a monster. If only for a moment in time, her observing gaze did not feel fueled by fear. Moreso now that he took her by surprise, that gave her more reason to fear. For once, he felt seen… Her introduction was uncalled for, considering he knew of the girl. But to avoid appearing rude, he took her hand gently. It was full of warmth compared to his own, shaking it politely, before letting go. Her coy smile carried the same radiance as her skin, his good eye glancing briefly at the guard. He certainly knew who he was. Before the guard could ruin the light he somehow found, he answered the princess.

“Stilgar Jurdanus. I’m with Araes.” He simply omitted his war-torn nickname. If he could, he wanted to prolong talking about his life with her. Simply enjoying this happy accident was enough. He briefly glanced back at the guard, before returning to Vasilyssa. “You seem a bit lost if you somehow found me. I was avoiding the events. Would you care for an escort, Madame Dorgaeron?” He mustered his courtly tone.

"Between us, I'm always a bit lost... I'm meant to meet the rest of my family near the docks. If you know the way, I'd happily accept the company" She replied. Stilgar nodded, extending his elbow for the young woman to take at her leisure. “I’m afraid I do if you can bear such company.” He joked. “I don’t mean to be rude, Vasilyssa, but I don’t tolerate being watched by royal guards.” He directed a cold glance to her guard. “I think I'm quite equipped to defend myself against whatever may harm you on our stroll to the docks. If I were a bee, I wouldn’t dare to come near me.”

"... And what if you're the very harm my royal guard should be defending me from, Stilgar Jurdanus?" Though she would meet his eyes with a challenging, playful look, she quickly turned over her shoulder. "It's alright, Ser Stormborn, I think this one's bark is worse than his bite. You go ahead, we will meet you at the docks. Please inform my lady mother I will be arriving shortly." Stilgar gave a respectful dip of his head to Ser Stormborn, not meaning to disrespect him by any means. He was beyond that for fighters, the man seemed capable of the job. He just wanted away from prying eyes. This poor girl didn’t need an onslaught of political enemies for the one false step he made.

Once Vasilyssa took his arm, he slowly began the walk to the docks. It was certainly the last place he expected to be, but this seemed to be worth his while.

the wolf of araes


  • filler tab!

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Briar Vaele
Princess of Tun
Nireath - Dragon Race
Teritheon WanderLust. WanderLust.
Standing at the hull of the ship. Briar watched in awe as the shores of Nireath grew closer, the first smile of the day played on her expression as she brushed of all unresolved annoyance and let the excitement of new shores flood her being.

"Better mood I see" Turning to her Father, Briar's smile dropped from a moment before it slowly crept back onto her expression "It is best to not dwell on the past" she commented as she looked towards the sky hoping to spot Celestiax somewhere above them. Since it wasn't Princess like to ride her dragon here, they had come to an agreement that Celestiax could come and fly beside them, given that it was the only way to get Briar onto the ship in the first place. she had pushed for her beautiful horse Ghost but unsurprisingly her parents immediately shut that idea down refusing to even humor the Princess.

Catching sight of Celestiax breaking through a cloud and turning right towards the dragon keep, Briar smiled and took a mental note of his direction before she came to stand beside her parents as the readied to disembark the ship. She planned to immediately visit the dragon keep and make sure Celestiax had got there okay before she indulged herself in the festivities that the Summer Solstice had to offer.

A graceful smile played on her lips as they came to a stop in front of King Tarik and Queen Astris. She allowed her parents to greet them and introduce her before she gave a small and elegant curtsey "It is a pleasure to see you both again" she greeted sincerely, straightening her posture as they continued their greetings and small talk. Once the pleasantries were exchanged, Briar walked slowly away in tow with her parents as they spotted her brother standing to the side.

"Drax, Saena" she greeted them in turn with a nod "How was the ride here" she asked them both with a graceful smile on her expression but shot a purposeful look towards her father as if to say Saena came by dragon back. After catching up with them, Briar turned to her parents "I need to go check on Celestiax, I will find you after". And just like that the Princess was gone into the crowd without giving a chance for her parents to refuse her request.

It didn't take long for Briar to come across the dragon keep and she was relived to see that Celestiax has arrived. Leading her dragon in, Briar greeted the dragon keeper, introducing Celestiax and telling of any handling information that they may need. "I'll see you later dear" She placed her head against Celestiax as she bid goodbye before leaving the dragon keep to go exploring the festivities. The sound of shouts and laughter filled her ears as Briar looked around for the source of the sound. She knew she should probably head back towards the castle and be with her family but she wasn't sure that she would get this opportunity again and her adventerous side won over as she turned away from the dock and began towards the races.

Looking around everywhere but right in front of her was a bad habit that Briar seemed to hold and one that ultimately always ended up getting her into trouble and this time was no different. In her haste, she had failed to see the person stepping in front of her and instead walked straight into the body ahead. She felt his drink knock out of his hand and silently cussed herself in her head before she straightened herself and looked at the man in front of her. "Please forgive me my Lord, I seemed to look everywhere but necessary" an apologetic and somewhat embarrassed expression played on her face as she looked down at his now empty cup lying on the ground "Please let me buy you another one".

The wind whistled in her ears as the dragons sped by, dust and ocean spray not far behind. Their scales shimmered beneath the summer sun and their riders were posed and ready to fight for the glory of becoming the champion. Her gaze carefully studied each of the beasts as they coiled and twisted in flight, avoiding large pillars of rock, other dragons, and caverns. It seemed like one would get motion sickness from flying like that. “I do not believe that Sorvi’s body could bend like that,” a small and fleeting smirk formed on her lips before it disappeared with intense concentration.

Leaning forward slightly, her eyes narrowed in on the green dragon she had pointed out earlier, his teeth flashing and body barreling into another dragon’s. They disappeared around the bend, but the impact of a dragon hitting a solid rock surface was unmistakable. A roar of pain and the echo of the crash caused the crowd to gasp in excitement and shock as they each waited for their victor to be the one to survive such an altercation. A flash of blue emerged beyond the cliffs and a small hum left Naelys as she sat back in her seat. “Too ambitious.”

She no longer watched for the emerald dragon to emerge, instead, she was focused on the three that were racing for the finish line. The bright blue dragon was in the lead, but soon a shadow fell across the creature as silver and gold scales gleamed, a tremendous roar coming from the dragon. A shiver ran across the princess’ skin as she gripped the fabric of her dress tightly in her left hand, her eyes widened ever so slightly as she watched the dragon that had won her and William’s favors. The she-dragon dove with great speed, a dark navy-colored dragon following behind, their bodies diving into the water, forcing the younger dragon into the water perhaps earlier than intended.

The tension was a little too much for Naelys to hide behind her composed expression as she sat up straight and leaned forward, desperately scanning the turbulent surface for signs of the dragons. Breaking the surface with a roar, the dragon Shiva, shot across the finish line, followed by Dinorru and Castillion. The screams and cheers that erupted from the crowd were loud enough to deafen someone. Naelys found herself smiling quite proudly as she watched the dragon and rider make a victory lap, the woman’s arms in the air as she triumphantly celebrated her victory. Easing back into her seat, the princess released her grip on her dress and smoothed out the fabric.

“Well, that was rather eventful.” She mused as she turned to look at William, a smirk on her lips at his comments. “The dragon and rider were a bit too interested in conflict than winning.” Naelys brushed a stray hair away from her face as William mentioned her brother’s betting habits. Her brother was quite generous with his spending habits when it came to betting, especially when alcohol was involved. He had little issue with emptying his pockets for the sake of a dragon race. He often got scolded by their parents for this and it would cause the man to sulk for days on end.

“Did you?” The concern on her guard’s face made her shake her head and exhale softly.

“Fortunately, I am much smarter than my brother and my judgement is unclouded by ale. I only made modest bets about the three winners. I would like to collect that now though.” It had been quite easy for Naelys to place her bets when they first entered the stadium. She had spent a few minutes looking over the histories of the dragonriders to judge who she thought would be taking the top three spots and without much deliberation, gave her coin to the man before she went to find seats with her guard.

Standing up, the princess cleared her throat and smoothed out the fabric of her dress before she began to descend the stairs, careful not to run into any of the more nervous and excited fans. There were quite a few tripping hazards on the way down, drunken men, empty bottles, and loose coins, it was a bit tricky to watch where one was going but with William’s guidance, she was able to make it safely to where she would be picking up her winnings. With the small bag of coins in her hand, she handed it to William, knowing that he had the space to hold it while she could not. “We should find my brother. Hopefully, he will not be too far down a bottle.”

The streets seemed to have grown denser after the race, and more commonfolk flocked to the area as they heard about the presence of royalty and what to look out for. Naelys felt slightly intimidated by the interested and excited gazes that locked onto her frame, making her wish that she had worn a dress that would’ve allowed her to at least carry a dagger for safety. “I do believe I no longer am blending in with the crowds.” Her voice was low as she found herself walking closer to her guard, wanting to be more protected from the prying gazes. “Do be careful Ser William, I do not wish for us to be caught up in a brawl.”

Tags: William elanara elanara | Location: Nireath | Wearing: 01 02 03
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The sun fell towards rolling waves, and the golden rays were soon swallowed by the fierce ocean. A blanket of velvet spread across the sky, and stars appeared above the horizon line, mapping out a secret language that few could understand. Below their radiance, the lights of Silvaera flickered in the gentle breeze as the music swirled in the air, bodies moving effortlessly across stone floors. Yes, it was time for the famous Summer Solstice Ball, where only the nobility and royalty were allowed to attend. Dressed in beautiful clothes and jewelry, they were encouraged to spend the night dancing with possible suitors or friends and celebrate the life that Tholo had awarded the country once again.

Laughter could be heard down the halls as clicking heels echoed, whispered voices, and slurred words were exchanged, a rare sight for anyone of high rank. Food and wine were in abundance and everyone seemed to enjoy the company of their newfound allies. It was certainly a rare event. Arranged marriages were expected to be formed, the scheming gazes of lords and ladies as they tried to present their children as the best of the best, the most desirable spouse one could ask for. It was political, every bit of it, but it didn’t seem to matter to those who were enjoying the dance.

Towards the front of the room, a long table seated the visiting monarchs, their crowns glinting in the firelight as they watched in careful deliberation as their heirs mingled in the dance below. They seemed preoccupied in conversation with each other, but their eyes never seemed to leave their children for long. King Aelon and Queen Elaella sat in the center, both of them observing the festivities with surprisingly cautious gazes. There was an odd sort of tension settling over them despite how they tried to appear relaxed and peaceful.

To most, this seemed to go unnoticed, but with hidden words whispered in the ears of guards, it seemed something deeper was going on. Outside of the ballroom, guards walked the halls and stood outside of entrances and exits, blades prepared to be drawn and used against any enemies that dared to approach. A conflict earlier in the day had caused the castle to be on edge, even though they had assured their guests that nothing more would come out of such a disruption. Still, it had caused quite a stir and unease as the leaders of Nordua felt a growing sense of urgency to fix the unrest and anger that was starting to fester within their borders.

Just Hours Earlier...

Hands were outstretched, voices raised in excitement as they tried to get closer to the royals who walked down the street. Their jewelry and crests glinted in the sunlight, the colors of their Houses clashing with the blues of Nireath. Suddenly there was a rush and a cry, someone desperately yelling out to the royals as they passed by. Stones and mud sprayed on delicate fabrics and shining armor, the raised voices overpowering the music that played in the square. Everything seemed to come to a standstill as people watched in shock and confusion, unable to see the royalty who were getting trampled underneath frenzied footsteps.

It wasn’t long before blood flew into the air, staining the stones beneath their feet as the guards and civilians exchanged blows. “GET OFF! DO NOT TOUCH HER!” Angered words were yelled as a small opening was made in the crowd, a man being essentially thrown through by Malaenys, prince of Rhaeclya. Blood speckled his face and fists, mirroring that of Ser William who looked as if he was ready to kill the next man to approach. A flash of brilliant orange and yellow mixed with the red as Ser Callum desperately pulled and pushed people away, yelling for people to break it up, the hilt of his sword coming in contact with those who tried to throw a punch his way. He kept Prince Diablo of Rhaeclya close to his side, not allowing the commonfolk to lay hands on him as he tried to guide him away from the conflict as much as possible.

Between the bloodied blows, glimpses of Princess Naelys could be seen, being blocked by her guard’s body as he kept her pressed between a wall and his back, not wanting her to be hurt more than she was. There was a wild and feral look to each of those within the fight, their yells mixing and becoming a jumbled mess to the crowd. William’s fist easily connected with a man’s face as he approached, almost managing to grab onto Naelys’ dress. Black and green armor soon joined William’s side as Prince Drak of Tun was visible, having made his way through the crowd to help those in the most danger. Blood and dirt had been smeared across his face due to his fighting a way through, clearing a path so that they could properly escape.

It didn’t take long before the City Guards of Nireath came running, the turquoise cloaks billowing behind them. Following the soldiers was the captain of the guards, Ser Rewan, his broad frame crashing into civilians and steeled eyes narrowing at the crowd. “STOP THIS AT ONCE!” His voice boomed as his guards quickly began to physically pull the commonfolk off and away from the royals and their guards, needing to ensure the safety of those caught in the scuffle. "ENOUGH! NOBODY IS TO LAY ANOTHER HAND ON THEM UNLESS YOU WISH TO BE CUT DOWN BY MY SWORD."

As the crowd thinned, Rewan made his way to the group of royals, his face showing great confusion and concern at the state of everyone. Blood had darkened the fists of Drak, Malaenys, and William as they stood in the center, shoulders heaving from fighting. Callum was less bloodied but still marked by mud and the crimson liquid as he carefully kept Diablo to the side, sword partially drawn in case someone tried to harm the royal. Due to the protection of the guard from Araes, Diablo remained mostly unharmed, with only a few minor abrasions visible on his hands and face. Naelys was behind William, a cut on her face and her dress ruined by mud and tears in the fabric. This was clearly worse than he had expected.

“Your people seemed to find it acceptable to approach and assault royalty, and two heirs no less! What is the meaning of this? Where were your men? Why weren’t they patrolling such an area?” Malaenys’ voice was thick with anger as he gestured to the group of royalty who had been almost gravely injured in such a fight. Ser Rewan seemed to pale as he looked at the prince, his mouth drying slightly.

“I-I apologize Your Highness I will-”

“You will do nothing but escort us to the castle. We need to be cleaned up and to have a discussion with the king about your shortcomings.”
Within minutes the square was clear as the royals were escorted by the group of guards to the castle, leaving behind evidence of the altercation. Broken boxes and bottles of wine mixed with puddles of blood, clinging to those who walked through them. The bodies of the unconscious commoners were loaded into the back of a cart, ready to be brought to the dungeons for questioning. Those who did not seem to make it were ultimately left to be brought to the church where they would be buried later in the week.

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The sun fell towards rolling waves, and the golden rays were soon swallowed by the fierce ocean. A blanket of velvet spread across the sky, and stars appeared above the horizon line, mapping out a secret language that few could understand. Below their radiance, the lights of Silvaera flickered in the gentle breeze as the music swirled in the air, bodies moving effortlessly across stone floors. Yes, it was time for the famous Summer Solstice Ball, where only the nobility and royalty were allowed to attend. Dressed in beautiful clothes and jewelry, they were encouraged to spend the night dancing with possible suitors or friends and celebrate the life that Tholo had awarded the country once again.

Laughter could be heard down the halls as clicking heels echoed, whispered voices, and slurred words were exchanged, a rare sight for anyone of high rank. Food and wine were in abundance and everyone seemed to enjoy the company of their newfound allies. It was certainly a rare event. Arranged marriages were expected to be formed, the scheming gazes of lords and ladies as they tried to present their children as the best of the best, the most desirable spouse one could ask for. It was political, every bit of it, but it didn’t seem to matter to those who were enjoying the dance.

Towards the front of the room, a long table seated the visiting monarchs, their crowns glinting in the firelight as they watched in careful deliberation as their heirs mingled in the dance below. They seemed preoccupied in conversation with each other, but their eyes never seemed to leave their children for long. King Aelon and Queen Elaella sat in the center, both of them observing the festivities with surprisingly cautious gazes. There was an odd sort of tension settling over them despite how they tried to appear relaxed and peaceful.

To most, this seemed to go unnoticed, but with hidden words whispered in the ears of guards, it seemed something deeper was going on. Outside of the ballroom, guards walked the halls and stood outside of entrances and exits, blades prepared to be drawn and used against any enemies that dared to approach. A conflict earlier in the day had caused the castle to be on edge, even though they had assured their guests that nothing more would come out of such a disruption. Still, it had caused quite a stir and unease as the leaders of Nordua felt a growing sense of urgency to fix the unrest and anger that was starting to fester within their borders.

Just Hours Earlier...

Hands were outstretched, voices raised in excitement as they tried to get closer to the royals who walked down the street. Their jewelry and crests glinted in the sunlight, the colors of their Houses clashing with the blues of Nireath. Suddenly there was a rush and a cry, someone desperately yelling out to the royals as they passed by. Stones and mud sprayed on delicate fabrics and shining armor, the raised voices overpowering the music that played in the square. Everything seemed to come to a standstill as people watched in shock and confusion, unable to see the royalty who were getting trampled underneath frenzied footsteps.

It wasn’t long before blood flew into the air, staining the stones beneath their feet as the guards and civilians exchanged blows. “GET OFF! DO NOT TOUCH HER!” Angered words were yelled as a small opening was made in the crowd, a man being essentially thrown through by Malaenys, prince of Rhaeclya. Blood speckled his face and fists, mirroring that of Ser William who looked as if he was ready to kill the next man to approach. A flash of brilliant orange and yellow mixed with the red as Ser Callum desperately pulled and pushed people away, yelling for people to break it up, the hilt of his sword coming in contact with those who tried to throw a punch his way. He kept Prince Diablo of Rhaeclya close to his side, not allowing the commonfolk to lay hands on him as he tried to guide him away from the conflict as much as possible.

Between the bloodied blows, glimpses of Princess Naelys could be seen, being blocked by her guard’s body as he kept her pressed between a wall and his back, not wanting her to be hurt more than she was. There was a wild and feral look to each of those within the fight, their yells mixing and becoming a jumbled mess to the crowd. William’s fist easily connected with a man’s face as he approached, almost managing to grab onto Naelys’ dress. Black and green armor soon joined William’s side as Prince Drak of Tun was visible, having made his way through the crowd to help those in the most danger. Blood and dirt had been smeared across his face due to his fighting a way through, clearing a path so that they could properly escape.

It didn’t take long before the City Guards of Nireath came running, the turquoise cloaks billowing behind them. Following the soldiers was the captain of the guards, Ser Rewan, his broad frame crashing into civilians and steeled eyes narrowing at the crowd. “STOP THIS AT ONCE!” His voice boomed as his guards quickly began to physically pull the commonfolk off and away from the royals and their guards, needing to ensure the safety of those caught in the scuffle. "ENOUGH! NOBODY IS TO LAY ANOTHER HAND ON THEM UNLESS YOU WISH TO BE CUT DOWN BY MY SWORD."

As the crowd thinned, Rewan made his way to the group of royals, his face showing great confusion and concern at the state of everyone. Blood had darkened the fists of Drak, Malaenys, and William as they stood in the center, shoulders heaving from fighting. Callum was less bloodied but still marked by mud and the crimson liquid as he carefully kept Diablo to the side, sword partially drawn in case someone tried to harm the royal. Due to the protection of the guard from Araes, Diablo remained mostly unharmed, with only a few minor abrasions visible on his hands and face. Naelys was behind William, a cut on her face and her dress ruined by mud and tears in the fabric. This was clearly worse than he had expected.

“Your people seemed to find it acceptable to approach and assault royalty, and two heirs no less! What is the meaning of this? Where were your men? Why weren’t they patrolling such an area?” Malaenys’ voice was thick with anger as he gestured to the group of royalty who had been almost gravely injured in such a fight. Ser Rewan seemed to pale as he looked at the prince, his mouth drying slightly.

“I-I apologize Your Highness I will-”

“You will do nothing but escort us to the castle. We need to be cleaned up and to have a discussion with the king about your shortcomings.”
Within minutes the square was clear as the royals were escorted by the group of guards to the castle, leaving behind evidence of the altercation. Broken boxes and bottles of wine mixed with puddles of blood, clinging to those who walked through them. The bodies of the unconscious commoners were loaded into the back of a cart, ready to be brought to the dungeons for questioning. Those who did not seem to make it were ultimately left to be brought to the church where they would be buried later in the week.


estranged cousin








When Daemond offered to show Aelina around the festival, she expected him to take her to a few stalls, maybe to one event, and then swiftly drop her back to her parents. Instead, they had spent the entire day together. It was a complete whirlwind, though it was probably one of the best days Aelina had had in a long time. She had very few days as exciting as this one. First, there was some food, then some dragon races, then some more food, and to top it off, they saw a play. They had spent the time chatting and getting to know each other, joking that they might as well be friends considering how obvious their parents' intentions were.

By the time they had finished, it was nearly time to head to the castle. Aelina's cheeks were tinged pink from spending the day in the sunshine, but she felt great. The sea breeze and sunshine did wonders for her.

As they wandered from the play, they came across a troubling scene. Or, more accurately, the aftermath of a troubling scene. It was clear something serious happened, but neither Daemond nor Aelina stuck around to find out exactly what had occurred. They hurried to the castle, both keeping a vigilant eye for any trouble that may be coming their way. Thankfully, nothing and nobody threatened to harm them on their journey to the castle.

Once Aelina was back with her parents, she was subjected to her mother's fussing and prodding, as she ensured her daughter was okay. It was then that the pair learned what had happened on the streets. Aelina could understand her mother's worry, though she wished the fussing was not done in front of Daemond and others she didn't know. Her already sun-pinked cheeks flushed even more as she waited for her mother to stop. Knowing why her mother worried so stopped her from protesting.

Aelina, along with everyone else freshened up for the ball. She hadn't been to any event as grand as this one. Her parents made the rounds, introducing her to people they had known from decades ago. While she enjoyed the interactions, she was grateful for a reprieve once her parents left her to catch up with old friends. She stood near one of the windows, wine in hand as she watched the others laugh, dance, and mill about.

She felt light as air, whether it was from the wine or from all the fun she had had so far, she did not know nor did she care. Aelina saw a familiar face, one of the few people she knew here. Aelina had spent most of the day with Daemond and a friendship was formed in those hours. She crossed the room and approached him.

"This is quite the ball. Though, after seeing the festival I am not surprised that it is this extravagant."

She didn't mean that it was over the top. It was truly lovely, unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

"Fancy some dancing?" she asked.

Sure, it was supposed to be him asking her, but she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t especially talented, but she rather enjoyed dancing. It was one of the few physical activities she was allowed to do when she was young. So, naturally, she was going to take advantage of the opportunity to dance with someone other than her parents or the others who worked in their home.

♡coded by uxie♡
Annoyed and Mischevious
The Kingdom of Nireath - Ballroom
Briar Vaele neverbackdown neverbackdown
Click Me
Nimble fingers slid a few silver coins across the wooden counter of the crowded bar stall, the payment requested for the chance to drown his impatience in ale. The brews here didn’t quite measure up to the flavors of Rhaeclya, but it was a comparable substitute given the alternative was stark sobriety. A labored exhale of breath left the prince as he watched two other patrons be served their refreshments before the tavern wench finally made her way over to him with a mug filled to the brim with amber liquid. Teritheon extended his hand to take the ale from her, no words of thanks or acknowledgment passing his lips. A simple, curt nod was all the response she would get before he carried on his way. He didn’t particularly enjoy traveling, or at least didn’t enjoy the formalities normally associated with it. Nireath, however, was a tolerable destination, the crowded city streets providing the perfect opportunity for him to disappear amongst the indistinguishable faces of the commoners and avoid the callous glares ever cast in his direction. His clothes were unassuming, and he dared to think that anyone not already familiar with his face would mistake him for a local of low born descent, certainly not a prince of Rhaeclya.

Although his intention had been to blend in with the chaotic hustle and bustle provided by the solstice festival, Theo had not expected someone to quite literally fail to see him, a low huff coming from his chest as the slim frame of a rather unobservant woman collided with his right shoulder. “Damn it.” He snarled as his previously full cup clattered to the cobblestone pavement, its contents spilling onto the dusty ground and soaking the sole of his right shoe leaving a muddy, ale scented mess in its wake.

Please forgive me my Lord, I seemed to look everywhere but necessary.

When Theo’s eyes landed on her, the first thing he remembered thinking was that she would’ve looked better in red, not a gaudy red, but a subtle crimson, the color of his house. He paused for a moment, his eyes not so subtly taking in the rather pleasing appearance of his assailant.

“Big brown eyes like that, one would think you’d know how to use them.” His voice was low and aggravated, caring not for polite society or niceties. It took noticeable effort to keep his eyes on the woman before him rather than sulking at his soiled ale. She must’ve been sweltering hot in her long-sleeved gown, and for a moment he felt something close to pity for her. The gears in his mind turning as he wondered why she would ever wear such a gown to the solstice festival in Nireath, finally landing on the conclusion that she wasn’t from here. No...in fact, her wardrobe indicated she came from a much colder climate, the soft green hue of the fabric sealing his assumption. This clumsy brunette was from Tun, the barren wasteland of the north.

Please let me buy you another one.

Her apologetic tone caused him to recoil, momentarily guilty for his anger, but not quite guilty enough to cease the behavior. A coy smiled played at his lips, a humorless laugh and then a shake of his head.

“No. I don’t think I will.” And with that, the prince disappeared into the crowd.


Theo rarely had the patience to tolerate his mother’s incessant chirping, but tonight she was particularly unbearable. Aurelia Feyd was pushy at the best of times, but under the stress of the current formalities her high pitched voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to the ears of her only son, squawking like a pestering parrot. As he paced into the elaborate ballroom of Silvaera, Teritheon’s chin was slightly elevated, a subconscious habit he had picked up ever since he had become accustomed to the wary glances from other royals. His mother was never more than two steps behind him, persistently attempting to hold his attention for more than the few seconds he granted her.

“You should really try to socialize tonight, Theo. There’s plenty of beautiful, eligible matches here… perhaps a potential bride?” her voice remained cautiously optimistic, which warranted a raised eyebrow and a sideways glance from her son, who only then truly looked at her for the first time that night. Despite her hopeful tune, her eyes hid some sort of worry, a tension hovering just beneath the surface that he didn’t quite trust. But before he could question her further about it, his mother pointed her finger past his left shoulder, causing his head to whip in the direction her gesture indicated.

“That one there is a princess of Tun! Beautiful… is she not? Oh Theo, please for the sake of your mother’s worrisome mind, do at least try.”

Theo’s fingers grasped tightly around his mother’s wrist, lowering her arm back down to her side with the vain hope that nobody had noticed her obnoxious display. His words were tight and muttered through clenched teeth, his voice hushed. “If I ask her to dance will you cease this talk of marriage?” A pleased smile and a subtle nod was all the answer he received from her. Teritheon heaved a sigh, and with a roll of his eyes finally turned to see which unlucky maiden his mother had been begging him to court. His sage green eyes scanned the sea of bustling gowns and delicately braided hair until they landed on perhaps the most surprising development of his day, and a humorless laugh rumbled silently in his chest as he shook his head. The very girl from this morning, the spiller of ale, the clumsy doe eyed beauty whom he was sure now had a sour taste in her mouth for him. With one final warning glare at his mother, he began to close the distance between himself and the princess, parting chattering throngs of royals in his wake as he took the shortest route to her, caring not if he was interrupting conversations.

When her gaze landed on him, he was unable to discern whether she recognized him from this morning, his tone cautious as though he were approaching a wounded animal, reluctant to scare her away lest he spoil his hunt. He forced a shallow bow before extending his hand, “Prince Teritheon Feyd of Rhaeclya, my lady. May I have the honor?” something about the last word of his sentence seemed insincere, as if he were only deigning to grant her some of his precious time. Despite her evident reluctance however, she agreed. Without waiting a beat, Theo slid his hand to the small of her waist, no higher or lower than was necessary, careful not to provoke her further as he began to move his feet in practiced steps.

“I don’t believe I caught your name this morning.” A playful smile tugged at his lips. He hadn’t asked for her name this morning, and she hadn’t offered it, but in this fictitious scenario they were playing out for the sake of their parents they had to play nice. “Not before you decimated my drink.” His tone was still mildly bitter.

A sharp pressure ignited a glaring pain in his left foot, eliciting a wince from him as he looked down to see Briar’s heel directly on his shoe. She muttered a brief, somewhat smug apology, and Theo couldn’t help but wonder if her misstep had been intentional. “Do you make a habit of trampling everything in your wake?” he hissed lowly, lifting his arm to spin her underneath as the music swelled. The increase in volume granting him the perfect cover to dip her low to the ground, his lips hovering dangerously close to the skin of her neck as he leaned in to whisper, “I promise you princess, you won’t win this game.”
coded by natasha.
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Delicate white flowers painted on blue silks were easily mudded in the streets as heeled shoes clicked on the cobblestones. Sweat ran down warm skin as she pushed her way past various commoners, her fists bunched up with the fabric of her dress. “SER REWAN!” Her voice loudly escaped her lips, causing many to turn and look at her, taking in the appearance of their frantic princess. The group of guards that had been walking away from her abruptly stopped and their raven-haired captain quickly pushed through the rows of glinting armor with confusion painting his features.

“Princess, what happened? Are you injured?” Gloved hands carefully steadied Vysenya as she struggled to catch her breath, various strands of hair had fallen from the once intricate hairstyle she had worn. Her face was flushed from running in the full summer sun of Nireath, the heat easily making it almost unbearable to do anything more than walk. “What has happened?”

“A fight, Ser Rewan, a fight has broken out in the square by the Faerie Fire Theatre!”
Her brown eyes were wide with panic and disorganization, an expression not often seen on her delicate features. “Rhaeclya's heiress is there and her entourage, they were attacked by commonfolk! I do not know what has become of them so you must hurry Ser!” The moment the words left her lips, Rewan’s back stiffened and he quickly ordered his men to head in the direction of the conflict.

“Stay with me Princess, I do not trust you to wander the streets unsupervised at this time. Come. We must hurry,” elegant cloaks billowed in the wind as Rewan and his group of guards made their way to the theatre, prepared to fight those who were attacking the guests of the crown. Vysenya followed Rewan, staying behind him to avoid being caught in any crossfire. She could defend herself, but not when she did not know who was the enemy and when wine clouded her thoughts. She could hear the blood rushing in her ears as she approached the scene she had left earlier.

The scent of spilled wine and sharp iron filled her senses as she looked at the carnage of the fight. A hand raised to cover her mouth and nose, eyes widened in shock and with a hint of fear… or was it intrigue? She paid little attention to the harsh words exchanged between the prince and guard, as her gaze lingered on the blood that stained steel and silk, before trailing to the bodies that slumped against the dirtied ground. She had never truly seen anything violent, at least not outside of contained situations for self-defense training. Vysenya was far from war and kept herself entertained by fools and toys rather than death and battle. But standing in front of it, even at such a small scale, it sent a shiver across her skin. Foreboding? Perhaps. But she let it pass without a second thought.

As the royals were promptly gathered to be escorted to the castle, Vysenya was also guided to their sides, and darkened eyes found a fleeting glimpse of a brewing storm, the blues and greys mixing in a familiar yet faded memory. Turning away, she quickly caught up to the twins of Rhaeclya, and rather naturally, linked her arm with Naelys’, a bright smile on her face. “Now, Your Highness, you must let me lend you a dress for the ball. While yours is getting mended, I have more than enough for you to choose from.” The woman raised an eyebrow in question but did not resist the invitation. She knew of Vysenya from her brother. Therefore she knew better than to risk being pestered by the girl.

“Princess, you are too kind.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble at all! After all, the best way to build friendships is to share prized possessions and my wardrobe is one of my most precious things.
” It was over dramatic, but not out of character. The quiet chatter between the princess and other royals was easily drowned out by the synchronized marching of the royal guards as they made their way to the great Lapis Palace.

Expert fingers fastened the back of the dress close, careful not to pinch the princess as they got her situated in her new gown. Deep blues draped over thin fabrics, allowing a pleasant breeze to catch her legs while she danced. A rather amused expression played on her face as she allowed the maids to put the finishing touches on her, pinning three strands of pearls in her hair, the dark and intricate hairstyle fitting someone of her status.

A quick knock echoed in her room, causing Vysenya to raise an arched brow before responding. “Come in.” The large doors opened and her mother quickly came inside, a slightly flustered expression on her face. “Ah! Mother, it is wonderful to see you. You look quite stunning.” The eldest’s words were so honeyed and sweet that one would be shocked to find them to be genuine. Lips were pressed against cheeks in a brief greeting as her mother, Calista, sat down across from her and exhaled, holding her daughter’s hand tightly.

“My sweet girl, I heard about earlier. Just awful business,” patting Vysenya’s hand, the princess nodded, as if she had been truly bothered by the fight. While it had been jarring and had her rather uncharacteristically helping others, she hadn’t thought much about it. Well, maybe about how the people looked while they fought. Some of them looked rather dashing. Blinking away the thoughts, she cleared her throat as a sapphire and pearl necklace was clasped around her neck, matching the earrings she wore.

“It was truly shocking. I am glad I was able to find Ser Rewan when I did.”

“Why were you alone? Were you not with your sister?”

Vysenya fought the urge to roll her eyes at the notion. Her exploring the festival with her sister? That was something that nobody would see unless they traveled back in time. “No, she was not with me. I assume she was off drinking or racing, or maybe even trying to find a husband for herself. Doing something that Father would not approve of and will scold her for I’m sure,” Calista inhaled and placed her hand against her forehead, clearly not pleased that both her children had managed to remain unsupervised during the festivities. “Don’t fret about me Mother, I was escorted around the festival by a knight. He was kind and though he was lost himself, he still kept me company until that dreadful business occurred.”

“Well, I am glad you are both home safe. Now, we must hurry to the ball or your father will not let me hear the end of it. He was quite cross that you weren’t at the docks earlier.”
A light scolding as the two women linked arms and left the room, their expressions mirroring each other, coy smiles and playful gazes.

“Oh Mother, you know how dull it is to sit there for hours. I much prefer to have my fun,” their words barely echoed in the great halls of the castle as they made their way through the Lapis Palace, two guards escorting them to the ballroom. The music and muffled voices could be heard as they walked down the ornate hallway, clearly excited for the night’s main event. Two great doors were pulled open by the staff, revealing the glittering ballroom, a sight that Vysenya always was pleased to see. A bright and excited expression formed on her face as she pressed a quick kiss to her mother’s cheek and separated from her, bounding across the floor with practiced grace.

Reuniting with friends for a few moments, Vysenya’s dark gaze found its target and she made her way over to it. Prince Malaenys was uncharacteristically leaning against a far wall, next to a guard who wore the brilliant colors of Araes on his cloak. A sweet smile formed on the woman’s lips as she approached the men, curtseying to the prince as he returned the greeting. “Malaenys, once again, I find you sequestered alone, accompanied by wine and commoners.” The jesting words were not meant to be an insult to the guard that he had been in conversation with, only an observation.

The prince laughed and shook his head before an expression of realization formed on his face. “Ah, Vysenya, I do not believe you have met my friend here. He is Ser Callum of Araes. Don’t let his face fool you, he is quite the man of honor.”

“I believe we met earlier today in the square. You proved yourself in combat Ser. I am glad that you were there to assist.”

“Yes, though he does love to tell me I go a bit overboard with how I respond to fights, do you not Callum?”
The banter between the men made Vysenya raise an eyebrow slightly but the smile remained on her lips as her gaze flickered between the two, clearly interested in understanding both of them. She was a social butterfly so it was only natural that she would want to know those that were close with fellow royals. Though a guard? Well, her father certainly would not be pleased by her conversing with one rather than single male royalty.

Tags: Callum Blackthorn junegloom junegloom | Location: The Ballroom | Wearing: 01 02
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heir of rhaeclya's guard
william riven

His knuckles were still bloody from earlier that day.

There was blood in his hair, too, and some on his cheek, but it was hardly noticeable compared to the two jagged lines that ran the length of his face.

He hadn’t bothered washing any of it off.

Hadn’t had the time to do anything, really. After the riots that afternoon, Will was constantly on his feet, making sure Naelys made it to the castle unscathed, escorting her wherever she went, keeping an eye out for anyone else foolish enough to lay hands on her again. As for the man that did, well, he was simply lucky Will didn’t choose to reach for his sword at that moment. He would, however, live with a very disfigured, crushed in face the rest of his days.

Once they made it to their chambers, the maesters came and did their business seeing to her injuries, as well as the other members of her family and councilmen. After two hours of seemingly endless discussion and questioning, the two were finally left alone.

But not even for that long.

Only thirty minutes passed until they were interrupted again — just before Will could press the ghost of a kiss against Naelys’ bruised forehead — by one of the attending girls — tall, blond and blue-eyed — who had come to inform the princess that it was time to get ready for the ball.

The two immediately stepped apart, with Naelys suddenly seeming very occupied with the skirt of her dress, and William intensely focused on something flying by outside the window. The attending girl gave them both a curious look, before laying Naelys' ballgown out across the bed.

"Thank you Ser William, that will be all." Naelys had said.

"Your grace," Will replied. Any tenderness in his eyes vanished completely, only to be replaced with the hardened, ice-cold expression he always wore.

He then bowed, and took his leave.


The party was extravagant, as expected.

They always fucking were.

And Will couldn't stand it.

The fancy clothes, the fake smiles and conversations. It was no secret that half the people in this very room hated each other, or had killed relatives of one another in battle. And yet here they were, drinking and eating as if the past never happened.

Will sighed. At this point, his only solace was solitude, which he gladly found by himself against the fringes of the crowd. He was surprisingly pleased, however, when he spotted Alexander Stormborn — a fellow guard and long-time friend — nearby, and made his way over to him.

"Alex," Will greeted the taller man with a nod. "Not even one full day in this city and I'm ready to go the fuck back home," he said, exhaling, blue eyes continuing to scan the room as they spoke. After what happened this afternoon he wasn't leaving anything to chance. He made sure to keep a protective watch on Naelys the entire time as well, mentally taking note of any unfamiliar faces around her. She was more than capable of looking after herself in a fight, he knew.

Still. The thought of something like this afternoon repeating itself...

It made him worry — a feeling he hid well.

Hell. He hid everything well. Even from Nell, sometimes.

Across the room, he noticed the attending girl from earlier looking directly at him. She stood next to another girl, a brunette, and whispered something in her ear. The two looked at each other with raised brows, gasped, then giggled. The blonde turned back to look at him, her eyes meeting his cold, icy stare. A look of fright came over her then, and almost immediately she turned away. Grabbed the brunette's arm and scuttled out of sight.

Will shrugged it off as nothing, and merely waited for his friend's response.

coded by reveriee.
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