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Fantasy The Forgotten Past Of Legendary Heroes- The Seven Deadly Sins


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

"In a land lost in time... there once lived 7 legendary heroes, each of these heroes was hired by the empire to protect their country and won many a battle... but one day the kingdom betrayed them, city's destroyed by their own weaknesses, driven mad by power and greed... they blamed it all on the heroes, over the time in battle each committed one great sin therefore each was given one of these as there new title their real names forgotten in time eventually the became known as...
The Seven Deadly Sins, hated by angels and abandoned by god, outcasts of their own world they went into hiding, shunned by society."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Seven_Deadly_Sins_past_anime.png.ec8d23abda534f0aad27b0dcdd812df9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Seven_Deadly_Sins_past_anime.png.ec8d23abda534f0aad27b0dcdd812df9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

2 years later after they were discarded but still sought after by those who believed the lies... this is their story... but now it's your decision of what happens in the next chapter of there legacy.



  • Seven_Deadly_Sins_past_anime.png
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Riku walked through the empty streets of the town, covered in a cloak hiding both her face and body, it was evening and nobody was out, the streets were a barren wasteland she trudged around slowly stumbling every now and again, her head felt hot... every noise echoed in her mind she noticed the wanted posters surrounding her as her sight became blurred she could feel her consciousness slipping as she collapsed.
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While walking on a unused road, Loud keeps taking notes of all the wondrous things he sees in his journal...

"Chapther 2 / Day number 2 / Year Unknown

Dear Journal,

After finally walking so much i stumbled across a unused road by it's shape and form, also i think i wasted too much time sightseeing, neverthless it felt wonderful to see things i only saw in books... I guess it's pretty much exciting to see it first hand then to read in a book.

I don't know where this road will lead me, but i can already feel that even it's a long journey, i still need my time to record this facts about plants and animals, which means i need to make sure not to ran out of food, though i read in a book that you can cook venison that can be obtained by hunting animals from the families of Cervidae, or as commonly refer to Deer. That gives me a good ideia for dinner, Fufufufu... Oh i almost forgot, for some weird reason my eyes feel kinda tired from looking at the sun, could this mean that the book about if you look to the sun too much time you'll be blinded? If so i need to be careful and find some way to reverse this..."

Upon finishing writting, he continues to walk the never ending road to the unknown...
I turn a corner walking the streets of a town I stumbled upon. I have a over sized hoodie on with the hood up. I keep walking and start towards a dirt path that goes into the woods. I start to walk through the dirt path as it has footprints walking through it. I start to go faster on the dirt path as the trail becomes more clear as I see a man. I pause then hide but still follows curiously. 'hmm? Strange man walking along this path' I think to myself as I walk through a pile of dried up leaves and brittle twigs
"I kinda feel famished... perphaps it's time to stop for a while and eat something."

As he says that he thinks for himself.. 'Maybe i should write down in my journal about this new experience i'm having..'

Then he takes some candy from his bag and starts to enjoy himself while updating his journal..
Some of the leaves rustle and some twigs snag. I see the candy and immediately wants some

"Not fair" I say to myself quietly watching you from a distance
Riku gets back up slowly, everything around her was spinning... What ws wrong with her? She stumbled a bit further throughout town before noticing a track, upon it she could sense two people right now she needed help, but... Could she trust them carrieing on a bit further she then once again collapses, she could feel the darkness starting to consume her. @Azer1on @motoemo
Shami was in her disguise, a mustache, hat, and wig. She grinned as she continued eating her taco in the streets. People were staring at her because of her strange appearance but she shrugged and waved. Her mustache rustled in the wind as she tripped over what seemed to look like a corpse. "Woah!" The mustache fell off and Shami looked at the person? Or corpse? Or what?

I hear a *Thud!* I get up and see you. I run to you as fast as possible and kneel by you

"What's wrong?" My hands get green tint as I try to put my hands to your stomach to heal you
Loud hears some disturbing sounds and yells...

"Nobody can eat in peace anymore...?"

I get up and go towards that noise while muttering " ...can't eat quietly... damn.. peace and muffins..."

As he approachs he notices 2 distinct individuals and says "Who made that noise and what's wrong with her..? Did she had enough sleep or what?"

Carefully trying to see what's the matter while happily thinking.. "My first encounter with new people, eheh, maybe i should record this feeling in my journal after..."
"Why don't you help instead of thinking of your stupid journal"

I keep trying to put my hand on her stomach but it won't let me

"What is happening"
"Ohohohohii!!!! Hi people!" Shami grinned and bit her taco. She took the girl who looked unconscious and set her on top of her back, piggy back style. This was her old childhood friend, Riku-chan, another sin like her, she didn't want the others to know and take her in, they might notice their markings!!! So anyways, Shami waved goodbye to the strangers and dashed off to her home. How she knew this was the face... Faces are the first things that are supposed to be recognizable....

" Hey it's not stupid, it's just... erm, a kind of diary. But on to matters at hand, it seems she collapsed and i bet it was from something rather unique..."

Loud begins to think and remembers something about collapsing because of hunger but quickly scratches that from its mind and tries to think of something...

"Pepharps this could do the trick, it's a mixture of plants that i came across and read in a book how to make... it supposedly aliviates the pressure onto ones body and perphaps could wake her up, well that's what i think try it...

Well if it doesnt work, i don't want to stick around to be blamed, see ya..."

And Loud quickly leaves the scene..
Riku opened her eyes slowly as she felt the wind against her face, suddenly realising the situation she quickly stopped the shadows from climbing up her fingertips causing them to reverse... Her breaths were short and harsh, she could tell who this person was... She could sense it throughout her entire body "sh...shami?.." She asked weakly between breaths. @yumiyukifan1
"What the...?" I run after you "Oh nononono noo you don't. So you're willing to give a serum a potion what ever to that girl to wake her up but you don't know if it works?"

I form into a wolf slowly following you. I tackle you and sit on your stomach as a human "Really?'

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Kenora watched them from the roof, her hood concealing her facial features. Her white hair was tucked in, undisturbed by the wind. Oh look, Shami's running again. And on her back was another sin, Riku.

Nowadays, the group prefers to go in their separate ways but Kenora likes to watch over the younger ones. It's something she did for years to stop the envy in her.

Still keeping a low profile, she ran, following the girls, a steady hand on her sword, ready for any necessary violence.
Riku regained consciousness fully after hitting the ground and hearing all the screaming "umm...this might be a bad time but.. What's going on?.." She muttered to Shami now doing much better but still running a high fever, noticing the girl running after them she looked down at Shami blankly for a moment before jumping off her back and facing the person. @GiannaCoco
Kenora looked slightly alarmed but she knew Shami was capable of handling it. Any more threats from the "creepy lady" would definitely give Kenora enough reasons to unsheathe her weapon.

She dropped down from the roof, hiding nonchalantly in the corner, watching as Riku woke up.
"Man i never tought my first encounter with people would be terrible... Alright fine you win, just... get off.. your heavy!"

Loud suddenly remembers what he read in a book about manners and such. Finally making his decision answers: "Okay.. I'm sorry, but seriously move it, your really heavy, and also may i observe you, i only read in books about people like you, hope you don't mind me recording this moment in my journal.." says Loud while making a gentle yet somewhat a bit weird smile..
"Run!!!! RUN!!! RUUUUNNNNN!!!!" Shami screamed as she hurriedly dashed into the forest and quickly dodged the trees and roots ready to slap or trip her. "We gotta run!!!!! Because I need to use the bathroom!!!!! And I'm hungry!!!! And Riku needs help!!!!! Go away creepy lady!!!!!"

Wait, did Shami think Kenora was the creepy lady. It makes sense and she chuckled, wondering why she didn't think of it.

"Oh Shami, you're still ridiculous." She murmured, pulling of her hood so her face is in full view.

Shami ran into the forest. Well that's inconvenient. Kenora ran inside with her, leaping over obstacles but almost tripped.
"Oh! Kenora-chan! Hi!!! Where did you come fro--" Shami tripped and landed on her face. It was the tree root's fault. "Mfohf..." She spat the dirt out and looked behind her. Nothing was following. Nobody. Only the forest, Riku, Kenora, and her. "Where did the creepy lady go?..."

@GiannaCoco @TheHappyPikachu
"I was with you all along dear." Kenora replied with a soft smile. Everything is still fine and envy girl is still under control. Then, Shami tripped and Kenora landed next to her. "You alright?" she asked, looking down at the girl. "Oh, the creepy lady..." Kenora said with an abnormal happy tone. "I think she's tackling someone..."

It was silent and Kenora couldn't help but ask. "How are you two holding up?"
Riku got off Shami gracefully dusting herself off, she'd never been one for words... Part of her and Shami's relationship relied on the fact they both looked much younger than they were... "F..fine.." She huffed out her fever was nearly gone but still lingered, she took her cloak off in one swift movement revealing her normal clothing and face... Along with the mark on her arm. @GiannaCoco ))
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Azer1on said:
"Man i never tought my first encounter with people would be terrible... Alright fine you win, just... get off.. your heavy!"
Loud suddenly remembers what he read in a book about manners and such. Finally making his decision answers: "Okay.. I'm sorry, but seriously move it, your really heavy, and also may i observe you, i only read in books about people like you, hope you don't mind me recording this moment in my journal.." says Loud while making a gentle yet somewhat a bit weird smile..
I get angry "Your rude!" I get up "You might as well be lucky I didn't jump on you" I start walking away "And no you can not observe me. I'm not a freaking lab rat you can watch go through a maze"

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