The Fifth


One Thousand Club
The Fifth - The Dreadnought

The Fifth is the largest ship built by the Citheres, also considered a moving fortress with enough armor pieces, supplies, soldiers and weaponry to survive years of constant besiege. It was build under the schematics of the Battle Cruisers, expecting this large ship to carry many of them into battle, to repair them or build more in the empty spaces as they travel among the stars.

Approaching at this ship without something known as "The Void's mark" is suicide. Not only because the Dreadnought posses a large amount of weaponry or devices to sabotage in large range any FTL, shield generators or missiles launchers; but also for it's connection through the rest of the fleet.

The ship itself, beside of it's mass-driver batteries (known as coil-guns) it has an energy weapon at the front which works as an energy cutter. Firing a direct, constant energy laser capable to cut through the most dense material. (Works like the energy of the sun but much more efficient, concentrated and powerful.) Such weapon requires a large amount of energy that the ship absorbs from the nearest star or from enemy's energy weapons that reaches the absorbing armor of the Battle Cruisers, which acts like a conduit.

The Fifth works as the H.Q for The Knights of the Void. Although they have outpost in different solar systems.  (Scale idea) (Pixel art idea)

(Here is suppose to be a more artisty idea... but I have yet to make one x.x) 

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