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Fantasy The Euranian rift (OOC)

So from what I'm reading... The characters are supposed to be kids who can control an element?
The kids are able to both use "raw magic" casting spells at a moments notice similar to a sorcerer from DnD, as well as use runes which are spells that are kept within special symbols and can be activated at a later point. So normally someone could only use one or the other, either having magic at the ready or needing to prepare it. But the blessed kids are able to having their magic as explosive in nature as the bards and keep it within runes like the poets.
The kids are able to both use "raw magic" casting spells at a moments notice similar to a sorcerer from DnD, as well as use runes which are spells that are kept within special symbols and can be activated at a later point. So normally someone could only use one or the other, either having magic at the ready or needing to prepare it. But the blessed kids are able to having their magic as explosive in nature as the bards and keep it within runes like the poets.

Okay lol... To be honest, I don't know much about magic. Is there a possible way you can break it down a little more. I apologize.
Wait so its kind of like Magi, the anime?
Kind of, the bards' magic comes and goes randomly. They have much less control over their magic but it's an instant result. The poets spend their time making runes so that when a situation comes they are prepared, since they can always use their magic and its consistent but requires some time to set up. The 5 blessed children can do both of these things.
Okay, I'm highly interested... And I'll try join once I get my first roleplay up and going. I just don't know if I should because my incomprehensive self might not be able to understand and participate.
Okay, I'm highly interested... And I'll try join once I get my first roleplay up and going. I just don't know if I should because my incomprehensive self might not be able to understand and participate.
If you're interested you should definitely join! It might seem a little dense at first, but as things go on it should become easier.

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