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Fantasy The Euranian rift (Lore)


Elder Member
IC https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-euranian-rift.316068/
Characters: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-euranian-rift-characters.316067/
OOC https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-euranian-rift-ooc.316066/

Sandalphon, God of New Life.
A passive god, not caring about the affairs of mortals as much as the well being of the entire world.

Suchlaph, God of Verdancy
Despises most humans for their lack of care toward nature, the patron of druids.

Uriel, God of Bards
The patron of the Fire Monastery, very active in the affairs of mortals.

Raziel, God of Poets
Patron of the Northern Way Monastery, does not get directly involved with mortal affairs, instead guides them to the answer.

Hasmed, God of Annihilation
The immortal judge, often followed by cultists yet little is known as all information ends up destroyed.

Eistibus, God of Balance
Gifted humans with magic, the most revered deity.

Samshiel, God of Power
Patron of battle mages, known for meddling with mortals.

Turiel, God of Death
Promotes peaceful death, responsible for punishing the damned.

Simikiel, God of War
Patron of warriors and treason
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Eurania is divided into seperate holds, each with their own capital. The borders of these lands are always in dispute and constantly shifting, making maps of them useless. The government within each hold is up to the lord. Some, like the lord of the Catharsis are totalitarian in their regime. Such is the way when in charge of the Fire Monastery. Others, like the lord of Drex are very socialist, believing in the worth of each individual regardless of power.

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