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The Etiquette of Revenge



1 x 1 RP (Daeus &


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Ivy was hiding. Well, perhaps not hiding but rather avoiding. The outside world was caught up in her personal affairs for quite some time now. It had only been a week since the funeral and journalists were still lurking around her family's property. Ivy had become almost completely numb to her emotions and her angry felt like it would consume her entirely until that was all she would ever be able to feel.

Ivy was completely alone now. Her fiance Victor and twin sister Iris has poisoned the entire family when they had all gathered together for a family dinner. Ivy herself had almost died but had only the smallest of sips of the poisoned wine. Though she lived her heart had been damaged and was a constant concern for her physician.

The news of the event which left Ivy as the sole heir to her family's fortune spread like a wildfire. Journalists has swarmed the morgue, the property, the funeral. The had plastered her family's death all over the front page news and it seemed it was the topic of the grapevine gossipers. Most of the friends tried to use Ivy to gain publicity by telling stories to the papers. Only a few friends remained with Ivy to support her and even then they too left when she showed no signs of interest in life outside of finding the villains that murdered her family.

Iris was a sister to Ivy no longer. Due to Ivy identifying Victor and Iris it meant that her life was still in grave danger. This whole murderous plot had always been about the wealth of the family. Now that Ivy had inherited everything due to Iris' involvement in the murders it wouldn't surprise Ivy if they came back to finish their task.

So now here hid consumed by rage and paranoia.
Casimir looked over the newspaper again, then back up at the property in front of him. This had Victor all over it. He doged a policeman, he was still a wanted murderer. He knew very little about Victor at this point, he had tracked him as far as these twins, where he now lurked. He had a plausible thought that Victor had left on a train, and he had confirmed that the twin that left with him did not arrive at the destination. He needed to find this twin if he was to find Victor.

It as clear to him that Victor had killed again, this time a whole family. The sisters had arrived. And due to the complete inability of the public to tell them apart he wasn't sure if it was Ivy or Iris. Just that one of them was here and one of them was missing, having not arrived with Victor. He slipped around the back, he wore as he always did; shabby clothes. These made him look homeless and was as close to invisibility as he could get. He found a back window near an ally - Locked. He slid his knife around the rim of the glass digging in to pry the panel out. It was a longer way than just smashing through but much quieter. and the house, didn't seem to be crowded. He slipped off his shoes and slipped through the window.

Padding across the unfamiliar home he looked for signs of life.
Ivy was sitting silently in the family room with a fire burning and crackling in the fireplace. The drapes were open but it felt as though everything around he was covered in a fog. She had been reading some book which now rested on the floor where it had fallen. She had perhaps fallen asleep or maybe let her mind wander and curl so deep inside of herself that she had lost touch with reality for a moment.

Whatever the case she sighed and and picked up the forgotten book and placed it on the small table that was next to the chair. She did still have a servants but no cooks as she did not trust anyone with creating meals for her after she lost her family. She also had lost her taste for alcohol entirely. She glanced at the old clock as it chimed away and decided she should eat since she would forget to later on. She had been so used to servants preparing meals and announcing them that she still forgot to feed herself.

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