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Dice The Drifting Sands, A Battle of Gods


The Son of a Shepherd
Character Application

In order to play in this game, you will need to fill out this character sheet and post it below, I will be checking this thread periodically to accept the applications if they meet the requirements.

Also all standard RP rules apply.

This is a first come, first serve basis, if you are interested in participating, post sooner, rather than later!




Faith: (Greek or Egyptian)


Appearance: (A picture or short descriptive paragraph)

Personality: (A short one is preferred, but feel free to put in as much detail as you want)

Bio: (Tell us a bit of your character's past, doesn't need to be long, but please put some thought into this. Two sentences won't fly.

Personal Belongings: (If they carry any sort of special items with them, put that here. {Note} These items cannot provide any sort of stat change. These are only sentimental items and such.


Health: [Roll 4d6]

--You get 5 points to distribute through the next 4 stats of your choice--

Faith: [Roll 2d4]

Strength: [Roll 2d4]

Intelligence: [Roll 2d4]

Athletics: [Roll 2d4]


Armor: [Determined by Class]
Last edited by a moderator:
Health: 15

Faith: 13

Strength: 6

Intelligence: 7

Athletics: 4

Armor: I do not know.

Name: Medens

Gender: Female

Class: Priest

Age: 15

Faith: Greek, Hestia

Description: Tall and willowy, healthy skin. Long golden hair worn in a braid which falls to the small of the back. She wears gentle brown, yellow, and green robes of loose fit. Considered beautiful among her temple.

Personality: Medens is incredibly naïve, and always wants to believe in the best in people. She is entirely devoted to everything that she does, and this devotion has worked its way into her spiritual life. She always tries her best to heal people, but secretly carries a depression and a certainty that she is insufficient for her duties.

Bio: Medens was born in Athens, city of mathematics and democracy, the daughter of a powerful political leader. Her mother, a priest of Hestia, devoted almost every living moment to her, and they spent it well. At this time they formed a strong family with great amounts of love, but when her mother traveled to a foreign land, to Egypt, something happened. The group of priests with which her mother had been traveling were attacked by zealots of Egyptian faith, driven to violence by their hatred of different religions and "heretics." Her mother never returned, and Medens' family went into disarray. Her father fell into a depression, sending away all of the staff, selling all of the slaves, even most of his estates. They inhabited a small home, poorly kept. She alone took care of her father, all day, and all night, for two years, until he died of depression and stress. She was forced from her home, now an orphan at ten. She went to the only place she could think of. The temple of Hestia took her in, training her, and teaching her how to protect, how to heal, even how to use magic. She emerged, 5 years later, a priest of Hestia. She decided to travel to Egypt to try to find her mother, and to heal those who had needlessly been hurt by the war.






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