The Darkness of Our Souls


An Apostle of Ghan with Fiendish Intent
Roleplay Type(s)
Charector sheet:




Gender/Gender Identity:


Sexual Orientation:







Previous Occupation (if appliable):

Skills (relating to the occupation, most likely):


Here's mine:

Name: Meredith Caine

Nickname: Mera

Age: 19

Gender/Gender Identity: Female

Ethnicity: Canadian/Dutch

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff3c15b7_MERABLACKBUTLERRP.jpg.366d14cc4bd572140c0fb42a42d317f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff3c15b7_MERABLACKBUTLERRP.jpg.366d14cc4bd572140c0fb42a42d317f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 138 pds/62kg

Birthday: Janruary 17th

History: Meredith's family had always had enough. Nothing extravagent, but enough to survive on. As the war grew more severe and supplies became more scarce, she was forced to begin work as a teenager. She ended up a computer... programmer. She was away for buisiness when her family died. Her sword was a famly heirloom. She had learned to use it young, and she brought it everywhere... She's been wandering for a long time.

Weapons: A very, very old sword.

Family: Parents: Mercy Caine and Crow Caine. Her sister was Georgia Caine. They died in the nuclear bombing, as many, many Canadians and Americans did... She was away for buisiness. Quite illegal buisiness, but even so.

Previous Occupation: Computer 'Programmer'

Skills: Hacking (though there are few computers left), she has lithe frame and is allright at running and hiding.

Other: She has a bad habit of biting her lip when anxious or scared, and is intensely claustrophobic.​



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Name:Hellen Marcou



Gender/Gender Identity:Female


Sexual Orientation:Bisexual


Also included few recovering burn marking cussed by radiation exposure.

Height:6ft 2in


History:Hellen came from a middle class family in Toronto, she joined the canadian army reserve a few years before the war to pay for medical university. She passed with flying colors and began working in a local hospital until the war began where she met her eventual partner Sandra. When war began she was called up to serve as a medic in a company used for civilian security, evacuation and assistance in towns suffering enemy bombing. She experienced the power of a nuclear weapons when her company returned to her hometown for latest bombing run, they were in the outskirts of the city when the bomb fell sending the company to disarray. What happened after that is unknown but after that is unknown but she eventually found herself as part of the inquisition operating under the nickname Needles.

Weapons:Glock 19 handgun, old steak knife, various syringes some filled with deadly chemicals, and scalpels from her medical bag.


  • Giorgos and Aphrodite Markou: parents. status: unknown presumed dead.
  • Sandra Smith: Partner. Status:Deceased complications from nuclear radiation

Open for any other relation

Previous Occupation (if appliable):ER doctor, Canadian army reserve medic. Inquisitor doctor.

Skills (relating to the occupation, most likely):Medicine, basic military training, capable cook

Other:Fears she is suffering from radiation poisoning.
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Name: Kelsey Immel

Nickname: K

Age: 16

Gender/Gender identity: Female

Ethnicity: British

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/verity.png.72d91e7496ce8b1a0731faab46aa5b2d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25239" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/verity.png.72d91e7496ce8b1a0731faab46aa5b2d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5"6

Weight: 58kg


Kelsey came from a well-off family who lived in a large, secluded home in the country. She lived with her parents, her older brother Ryan (currently 26) and her sister Eva (currently aged 7). Kelsey had a close bond with her father, a former darts champion, who taught her how to play when she was young and that became her passion. When she turned 12 her father gave her an old fashioned Swiss Army knife, the kind that they stopped making way back in the 21st century, which he had found in the woods behind their house, and she kept it with her always. However, their comfortable and secluded shelter was stormed by a group of scavengers when she was aged 14 and her father was killed by them. The remaining 4 were forced to flee. After wandering for some time they found a cabin hidden in a forest, with a copious supply of canned food (probably someone’s old hideout) and decided to stay there for the night. However, Kelsey was awoken by her brother in the night who informed her that it would be best if they set out on their own and left the mother and child in a safe place, as the food would last longer with just those two. So the pair left behind their family and found their way to a city. Though the two have currently split up and wander separately, they correspond with each other regularly. Ryan is very protective of Kelsey and tries his best to look out for her. She has been scavenging and wandering for just over a year now.

Weapons: Old-fashioned Swiss army knife, given by father, a pack of sharp darts, a large-ish pouch of poisonous powder which was stolen

Family: father was killed by a scavenger. Mother and young sister left behind in hiding, presumed alive. Keeps in contact with older brother Ryan, who can provide information and occasionally weapons.

Previous occupation: N/A

Skills: Practical thinker, level-headed. Skilled with throwing darts and knives due to practicing with father when alive.

Other: can be emotionally distant. Despite accuracy she has little stamina.



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Name: Johnathon "John" Lawrence Rhades

Nickname: Sadow, Wrath

Age: 27

Gender/Gender Identity: Male

Ethnicity: Japanese-American

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Height: 5'10"

Weight:160 lbs.

History: Born as John Lawrence Rhades, John grew up serving as a soldier before the bombs devastated his nation. Surviving the blasts, he made his way selling his services as a bodyguard or mercenary before becoming a member of the enigmatic Inquisitors, a group devoted to salvaging lore and information and aiding the world in rebuilding efforts.

He served as Wrath to the organization before eventually abandoning them after a massive battle left them in ruins. Now he wanders, searching for meaning in a world wrought by death and decay.

Weapons: Sawnoff Shotgun, rusted Machete, dual Beretta M9 Semi-automatic pistols, M16A3 Assault Rifle, pieces of shrapnel and shredded metal used as throwing knives

Family: Unknown

Previous Occupation: Soldier, Bodyguard/Mercenary, Inquisitor

Skills: Advanced military training including hand-to-hand combat and firearm use, very limited medical skill, pragmatic, inquisitive and studious.

Other: Sadow is very philosophical and reflects heavily on his stance in the world. He is practical and, when needed to be, merciless to others. He has no qualms with killing but prefers to not harm those few he deems "truly innocent".

Bijoux Belle





Gender/Gender Identity:




Sexual Orientation:




Her eyes are brown.


3 1/2 feet tall


52 lbs


Bijoux's family disappeared when she was five. She was alone, wandering around her hometown in France. No one took her in and no one thought it would be necessary to help her. That is, until her sixth birthday, when an American journalist, Ethan Sims, was looking for a good story in France, found Bijoux crying in an abandoned construction site. That moment changed her life, when he went out of his way to help her find her family.





Previous Occupation (if appliable):


Skills (relating to the occupation, most likely):

She is a quick learner.


She carries around a teddy bear, and will not go anywhere without it.

Ethan Sims





Gender/Gender Identity:




Sexual Orientation:





6 feet 2 inches


186 lbs


Ethan became interested in writing things based on modern day occurrences. He started traveling the world to get a hold of news stories that happen daily, and he writes journal entries on them. He ended up in France and as fate had it... he found Bijoux. A little girl who has seemingly lost her family. He decided to take care of her until she was reunited with her family, but there has never been any sign of them. Bijoux had grown a strong bond onto Ethan, and she will not leave his side.


He will later get a small handgun.


His Mother who lives back in Washington D.C

Previous Occupation (if appliable):

He used to work at an auto repair shop, but has left it and he became a journalist instead.

Skills (relating to the occupation, most likely):

He is a good observer, and is always making notes.



Name: Elizabeth Krant

Nickname(s): Eliza, Uris

Age: 17

Gender/Gender Identity: Female

Ethnicity: African-American

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Height: 5'3"

Weight: 87 lbs.

History: Born as the daughter of the then-High Justiciate-Kommandant James "Titus" Krant, she was raised in the Inquisition-capital city of Driedenpool, Ireland, where she was received an extended education and rose through the ranks of the Inquisition's military rather quickly, attaining the rank of Justiciar at only 13 years of age and achieving her father's old rank at age 17, her father becoming a High Councilor in the meantime. She lost her mother to radiation sickness during an expedition and has been raised by her father ever since. A prodigy child that has brought much fame and glory to her family, Uris herself is seen as a maverick for her skill despite being viewed as odd in behaviour. Despite her strangeness to others, she takes her post and assignments very seriously and works hard to see the Inquisitions efforts bear fruit.

Weapons: Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) modified to be lightweight for Uris' small frame. Fires multiple 40mm grenades.

Family: James "Titus" Krant (Father), Jessica "Iris" Krant (Mother, deceased)

Previous Occupation: Justiciar-Kommandant III

Skills: Average marksman, attentive to detail, acrobatic, speaks: English, Russian, French, Spanish, good leadership skills

Other: She is diagnosed with Arrythmia, a condition which makes her heartbeat erratically when she is under high amounts of stress. Through medication and therapy she has managed to control her condition and has not had an attack in years, and while she is prepared and trained for combat should the need arise, she doesn't relish the idea of it especially should it trigger an attack in the mist of battle.

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