The Dark City | Chatter

Anyway, sorry, but I've no clue who Chaser is

Chaser is coke's character. If you haven't I recommend reading  his character's journey so far. For a stupid pacifist his character has covered a lot of ground and seen a lot of stuff already.
"Weaponless enemy." she says, registering the new concept, "Then... I need to be stronger. I have enemies that are too powerful to kill..." she's muttering now, eyes dropping to the ground before flicking back up. Her next answer is simple and to the point, "There is no end to questions. Information... I need to know, or I'll die. That's why I cut." she holds up her 'injured' finger to the woman, "If my blade is dull, it can't cut anyone. But it can only not cut you. So... I can't cut someone with no dagger... with a dagger. I must learn to become strong, see? That's why I keep cutting.. and cutting.. until I find out all the answers." she smiles now, a feeling of clarity blossoming through her. This entire conversation, if a bit circular, was very enlightening. "I have more questions but... if I ask only one, is this hell? Someone called this hell..."


Pop nodded, smiled, closed her eyes, rubbed her temples, and did everything in her power to resist the urge to just end the existance of the psychotic minnow in front of her. For her at least, yes, this was hell.

That was pretty damn hilarious. That whole exchange was interesting to see in contrast to (because I love talking about myself) how my chara was handled by Pop on minnow duty. You really nail down crazy that's believable given the circumstance, Pinkalyn. That might be a compliment. I'm definitely taking notes as I plan on having Chaser lose it a bit too after having all hopes of finding a peaceful place crushed.

This is going to sound counterproductive to Chaser's survival, but we could do a collab if you want so we can have you kill my character get some variety in story-tellin'. I don't know. If Bow ain't heading North toward Green at the moment, then I'm fine with continuing my spiraling course.

Actually, hell no stay away Boo. If ANYONE else wants to collab that'd be coo too.

Mine Schedule for this week. (North America, EST time. Adjust accordingly.)

Tuesday, until 6:00 PM
Wednesday, until 5:30 PM

Thursday, All day.
Friday, untill 6:30 PM

Saturday, All day.
Sunday,  AFTER 4:00 PM

Oh and if haven't been stalking me Magi, that joke about ditching you was half true. This other RP I'm in has me hyped, but thankfully this one is slow and flexible and remains high on my mind.

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As always I am around, people just need to let me know when they're available.

And tomorrow afternoon I will be forcing through the scene with Judeau and MisfitGhoul's characters.
Uh, this is the only RP where I've been incredibly slow. The actions have been decided and all me and A mysterious trigger needs to do is write it down. 
Alright, mind if we post in sections? So I will post my action, and then she will respond. It might make the RP look busy as well. (Let's not let it die).
I'm so very sorry! I've been too invested in a current one on one far too much which has been limiting me from other Roleplays....ill try and find some time to continue, I promise! >.<
-_-. What do you think? To discuss actions (we used logic systems) to negotiate problems and generally sort out the format between characters. Uhh?

And to actually write the post without a conversation or fight taking up a dozen or more posts in the IC. 
I'm kinda busy with school... sorry

Not a problem. If you want to make another character and hop back in you're free to. But if a player holds up others with inactivity I will kill off their character to get the others unstuck.
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