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Futuristic The City of Tyrants [Group RP: 6-8 Needed.]

Vincious Macabre

King of Hell


1. Any number of secret society members, human or otherwise.

2. One Prince.

3. Some sort of Silverlight (rogue Silverlights are a thing. Care for details? Will be provided upon request.)

4. Demon of any kind, illegally on Earth (or even legally.)​

Appearance [photo or description]:







Rank [use this to specify your position in your secret society faction, or your placement as whatever species you choose; simply as a sort of status for whatever you decide on. If you'd like to be a Prince character, do inform me.]:





Marital Status:


Special Marks, Tattoos, Scars and Piercings:

Circle of Friends/Acquaintances:







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Appearance [photo or description]: If anime is fine, then i'm going o use my profile pic.

Name: Evan Talon

Nicknames: Talon

Age: 22

Height: 6'2"

Build: Runners build

Species: Mechtana (Mechtanas can create a robotic suit (mech) around themselves for a period of time. usually an hour or so per day.)

Rank: N/A

Family: N/A

Occupation: Thief, Bodyguard, Does anything that pays but is mainly a Bounty hunter.

Personality: Evan is a quiet guy who tries to keep the attention away from himself. He is an excellent Bounty hunter and doesnt ask questions.

Biography: Evan grew up in a middle class family, who were murdered by a gang who robbed their house. Evan survived by hiding underneath a bed that wasnt searched. This happened when he was 12. He lived on the streets and survived by pickpocketing.

Marital Status: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Special Marks, Tattoos, Scars and Piercings: A scar on his arm where a man he tried to pickpocket cut him.

Circle of Friends/Acquaintances: Is known by his regular clients as Talon. But other then that is a loner.


Weapons: Energy sword, pistol, when he is in mech form he has a minigun and 2 rocket launchers.

Range: Short to long.

Magic: Forms a mech around himself

Element: N/A

Style: Street style. A good strategist and often uses his enviroment to help him. Is not scared to play dirty if it means victory.

Type: hand to hand, Gun user.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/snow_white_resubmit_by_sakimichan-d39mh3q.jpg.82bf516b87d1299fcee1e87d76df01fc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/snow_white_resubmit_by_sakimichan-d39mh3q.jpg.82bf516b87d1299fcee1e87d76df01fc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>













<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/ookami__wolf_guy_by_anaitsu-d4mr511.jpg.2f1f01f6c6510a83c2d38f1571b75885.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/ookami__wolf_guy_by_anaitsu-d4mr511.jpg.2f1f01f6c6510a83c2d38f1571b75885.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


2nd in command/Hacker


Father: Werewolf (Status: Dead)

Mother: Witch (Status: Alive)

Older Sister: Witch/Werewolf (status: Unknown)




Ella is an adventurous 20-year-old girl, who loves to dream and storytelling. She is kind, cheerful, energetic and honest and has it easy to make friends. She always talk politely, no matter who she talks to. She is diligent and brimming with curiosity. And once she set her mind to a goal, she'll give it her all to achieve it. At times, she can also be somewhat air-headed, childish and clumsy, but she is also mature and can stay calm under pressure. She kind of has to stay calm under pressure or energy might come unstable.


Not much is really known about her or her family.

Marital Status:




Special Marks, Tattoos, Scars and Piercings:


Circle of Friends/Acquaintances:






Short, mid and long


Mirror Manipulation




Roxie has a acrobatic style to her fighting.


Hand to hand



  • snow_white_resubmit_by_sakimichan-d39mh3q.jpg
    179.5 KB · Views: 71
  • ookami__wolf_guy_by_anaitsu-d4mr511.jpg
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Name: Ravelk

Nicknames: Rav, Raven Kos, Ravek

Age: 26

Height: 5"6'

Build: Fighter build

Species: Dragon/Demon Hybrid

Special Marks: A network of scar tissue around her left hip, mostly ends around the upper thigh and halfway up her side.

Martial Status: Single

Sexuality: Ace

Rank: Enforcer/Interrogator for the Babesia

Family: Adoptive Mother; Tyna Kos

Circle of Friends/Acquaintances: Coworkers at various factories and warehouses, people by the pier, Siren pod with Rav's ma and aunts, people within the Babesia.

Occupation: General Laborer


Ravelk isn't necessarily cold or ruthless, nor is she emotionless or cruel, she's just lacking in the whole expressing department. She's capable of kind things, or helping out people, and she isn't going to hurt a kid or an animal for no reason, but sometimes she'd rather suit herself in a fighting ring rather than a tea party.


Rav was found as an egg, by a siren that lived near the rocky outcrops of a fishing district near Aerikem. Seemingly orphaned by her parents, Tyna Kos took the egg from it's place in the cliff caves, and when it hatched, raised the dragon baby to the best of her ability. Rav grew up half in the water and half out, helping her siren ma and her aunts eat and survive while also living on land. By circumstance alone, Rav ended up going to school while she was young, establishing a more human life for herself. She picked up jobs by the pier, made her face known to a few people by the docks, and her affinity to be in the water more often than land ended up with an underlying rumor being spread within the human residences of the district, making them think she was some kind of mermaid that walked amongst them.

That rumor was what lead to Ravelk's scar. A Silverlight was sent to investigate why humans were talking about an instance of a supernatural creature, when they weren't supposed to know about them at all, and the Silverlight found Ravelk. The Silverlight found that Ravelk wasn't telling anyone about the sea creatures that she called family, or hadn't told anyone that she herself wasn't human, and therefore wasn't necessarily breaking the law, but lead a lifestyle that the humans took as abnormal. Rav was told to change her lifestyle, she accidentally said something out of line, and the fight that broke out between them ended up giving Ravelk's scar on her left hip.

After that, Rav was forced to live in the city, to live out a more normal life and away from her family so that she would stop arousing suspicion.


Weapons: Teeth, Claws, Scaled skin, Fists

Range: Short to Long

Magic: No apparent magic, other than being able to transform and use her dragon abilities. (Physical features, breathe fire)

Element: Fire

Style: Animalistic/Brawling

Type: Hand to Hand
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Name: Nezara Hataan Yasemasan

Nicknames: Zara or Nez

Age: 6:36 Dragon (189 years old)

Height: 6'7

Build: Tall, muscular, curved at the hips

Species: Demon

Rank: Nezara is a roaming demon, she doesn't look for trouble, but trouble seems to find her

Family: Her 53 brothers and 25 sisters now see her as a 'traitor', so she doesn't have much family left.

Occupation: Traveler

Personality: Nezara is very brave and loud-spoken. She stands tall to look down at others as if she's a barrier of protection. At first meeting her, she will come off as cold or defensive. When you become her ally, she'll do whatever it takes to be loyal and protect you. Her humor is very dry, but her beauty is a radiance that blocks out her negative qualities.


There isn't much to say about Nezara's past. She won't share what happened to her before she made her way towards Earth. Her stories of her travel speak for her experience more than anything. Some cities, she was welcomed when she didn't pose as a threat. Other cities, she was chased out of with swords and fireballs. Either way, she isn't socially structured due to her habit of moving around without anyone to keep up. She's also never had a 'friend'. Friendship doesn't matter to her however, studying humans and how the world works does.

Marital Status: Single (Was supposed to have an arranged marriage back home, but she didn't want to be a housewife.)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Special Marks, Tattoos, Scars and Piercings: She has Qun markings on her face, two sleeve tattoos, and a Qun marking down the side of her hip.

Circle of Friends/Acquaintances: The Prince is basically the only person who can associate with her without him getting scared like everyone else.


Weapons: A Double Handed Battleaxe and The Sword of Promise

Range: High to Medium

Magic: Telepathy, Telekinesis, much more hidden that she doesn't show until battle

Element: Wind and Fire
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Riku is a rather tall man, standing at six feet and three inches. He is built like a warrior, lean with muscle and broad at the shoulders. Along the width of his neck, there is a faint scar that runs across; on his collarbone, at his left, is another scar from a stabbing; around his left elbow a pink scar that runs all around in a perfect circle, and the last scars that run along him are ten scratch marks running from his hips to the space between his shoulder blades.

Most of these scars are hidden beneath the either super-casual clothing (articles of clothing like t-shirts, jeans, boots/sneakers, sweaters and jackets) or very formal wear (e.g., suits). There is no in between for him, only one or the other.

Many of his other features include elongated incisors and sharp nails or the pointed ears that poke from his head. These so happen to be the only unnatural features from his otherwise “human” appearance. Otherwise, he resembles a young man fresh out of college with raven-like hair and eyes like brilliant emeralds.

Name: Riku Hell Kaiser Nightmare

Nicknames: Rik, Rico, Rikky, Son, Boy, etc.

Age: 24 years old

Height: 6'3”

Build: Medium build, lean

Species: Crow Tengu (Yokai*)

Rank: Secubaret Tracker/Spy

Family: Slade Nightmare (Father), Ash Crow (Deceased Mother), Amaterasu (Sister), Zoran Vampir (Maternal Uncle), Zandkar Navras (Maternal Cousin), Kevin Vampir (Maternal Uncle), Gaiak Storm (Maternal Uncle), Virus Da King (Deceased Paternal Uncle).

Occupation: Norva's Bartender (laid off), Blue Room's Janitor (fired), General of The Knights of Eden (current).


Tough and courageous, Riku plans to set and achieve goals, overcome obstacles and persist through difficult times. However, he also tends to see others as enemies and tends to think in “either/or” terms. In truth, Riku behaves in a relatively simple way, seeking to simply win in any and every circumstance, no matter what confronts him, including the monsters that live inside his mind and their underlying fear of weakness. His challenge is to bring meaning to what he does, perhaps by choosing his battles wisely, by using courage to succeed, or by developing great self-discipline where needed. This manifests itself in his desire to win, even at the expense of other people and their well-being. He is also active in his life any time he feels compelled to compromise principles in order to compete, win, or get his own way. There is also the possibility of perceiving everything as a continuous battle, where virtually everything that happens is a personal slight, threat, or challenge to be confronted. Riku embodies repressed rage about structures that no longer serve life even when these structures are still supported by society or by their conscious choices. Although he can be ruthless, he weeds the garden in ways that allow for new growth. Riku can be a paradoxical character whose destructiveness reflects the instinctual death drive and the inner fear of annihilation. As a fighter, he tends to be careless of his own safety, and can sometimes put others in unnecessary danger as well. His quest is to use his passion in a balanced way that will sustain them. He is self-destructive. This manifests itself in his life as the tendency to be prone to addictions, compulsions, or activities that undermine intimacy, job success, or self-esteem. The shadow side of Riku tends to motivate a lot of emotional and physical abuse (murder, rape, etc.) when completely out of control.


After the slaughter of his mother, Riku had become a vagabond and searched for power. Attaining power, developing his skill, and finding friends across many worlds, things have become bland for him. He is lost in confusion, unknowing if his spree of murder should continue or if he should come to accept himself and find peace among friends.

Marital Status: Divorced, not looking.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Markings: Scars**, Runic Tattoos on right forearm, Norse-esque rune on right shoulder blade.

Circle of Friends: Meebu (Best friend)


Weapons: Vinculum, Brotherhood, The Vampir, Ravage & Maelstrom, Omnibracers, Gold-plated Forks, Skin Gloves, and entire body.***

Range: Melee to Long-Range

Magic: Gravity, Polarity, Density, Kinetic and Auric Magics; Evil and Holy Magics; Interdimensional Runes, Demiplane; Partial or Total Transformation***.

Element: Non-Elemental (Primarily), Elemental (Secondly, through Evil and Holy magics.)

Style: Dishonourable Fighting style; Krav Maga, Judo, Iaido, Street Fighting.

Type: Swordfighting (Primarily), Magical (Secondary), Hand-to-hand combat (Sometimes), and Gunslinger (Rare.)


* Yokai are only considered to be "Supernatural Beings".

** The scars are described in the description of Riku's total appearance.

*** These weapons are independently magical on their own. You may message me of their nature - only magic used will be from The Vampir.

**** Riku has developed his minor skills in manipulating aspects of Physics. Innately attuned to his own Aura, he is also skilled in using spiritual-like magics. The Evil and Holy magics were stolen from Zoran Vampir, but the Holy magics were derived from Riku. The Interdimentional runes allow Riku to summon his weapons from his own Demiplane. As for the transformation, those are for the Evil Magics and Tengu nature.

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