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Old Distillery
~ Undisclosed, London ~

Zachary Costa
...and Grant

Zachary listened to Jane as she said her father would come for her. She then shouted that the man was going to kill him. "He won't get the chance for that," he assured her. He stepped back and watched on as Grant poured the petrol. Both Jane and Ari being doused in it causing them to scream out even more. Jane began pleading for them not to do it, Zachary sucking in a breath as she sobbed that she wanted her mother. Another reminder of why he kept his own son at a distance, not wanting his kid caught up in this lifestyle. If only the Porters and Kings had the same concerns for their children.

Ari then spat, the young woman reacting with anger rather than matching her friend's upset. Grant let out a laugh at her threat. "How about I call up my boss now and let him know two little girls are threatening us? I'm sure he'll give a shit, love," Grant argued back. "When they find you, they're fucked along with you. My dick will stay right where it belongs."

Zachary rolled his eyes before crouching down in front of the two young women. He proceeded to tape Ari's mouth shut and then Jane's. The corner of the tape on Jane's mouth not quite stuck down to her skin. "No more screaming or chatter, it won't help you," he firmly told them, looking Jane in the eyes as he did.

Grant stepped out of the room whilst Zachary taped a strip of sandpaper to the floor less than a foot along the path of where the door would swing open. Moving outside of the room, he got down onto his knees before he pulled the door towards him, giving enough room to reach his hand inside and tape a row of matches to the inside bottom of the door. If the door was now to be pushed open wide enough, the matches would strike against the sandpaper, igniting the petrol in flames. Zachary pulled the door fully closed before pointing to the building exit. "Time to go," he told Grant.


Old Distillery
~ Undisclosed Location, London ~

Spencer King

When he heard Syd in his earpiece telling him to get to the office, Spencer didn't hesitate to rush there. "Bring the fucking key!" he yelled at Wesley, briefly grabbing the man's arm to make him follow to the office.

Seeing Syd in tears and on the edge, Spencer had to force himself not to spiral into a similar direction. His temper had got him into trouble over the years, so he knew he needed to stay in control if he was going to give any of the four abductees a chance at survival. Still, the more time Shona was gone, the harder it became. He couldn't lose her. Not again. Even the time she was in the hospital over a decade ago had been difficult enough. The thought of her being hurt or even dead now was something he didn't want to think about, but he was certainly feeling it in his chest. "Fucking open it" he echoed Syd's words, sucking in a deep, strained breath.

It didn't take a genius to work out the crude message the contents of the safe was giving. Even before Syd spoke out to say the bastards were going to set Jane on fire, Spencer was already processing that thought about Shona. "We need to find them. Now, god damnit!" Spencer shouted, his eyes filling with tears. Syd didn't give room for deliberation as he snatched one of the addresses and rushed off. Spencer picked up the other, sparing a quick glance at it. "If any of you want to come, hurry up, I'm not waiting a minute longer," he spoke out before rushing off to get to his car.

With Klaus in the passenger seat, Spencer sped off to the address that was written on the paper. Familiar with the city's roads and no stranger to breaking the law when it came to the highway code, he reached the abandoned distillery in the quickest time possible. He rushed out of the driver's seat, but didn't immediately run into the building. It was eerily quiet around them, with no sign of vehicles or others. It felt too suspicious, prompting Spencer to look around for any potential places a gunman could be hiding ready to pounce. Other than the building ahead of them, the area was quite open, even if poorly lit. The moonlight was enough to provide some illumination, with Klaus possibly noticing the fresh tyre tracks in the mud.

Spencer retrieved his torch from inside his car door and switched it on as he approached the building. Before he shone it in any of the dark windows or rushed into the building, one window stood out as the room inside was already lit up. "Shit!" Spencer hissed as he rushed to the window. As soon as he cautiously peered inside, he saw Jane and Ari sat on the floor, clearly tied up. He tried to scan inside the rest of the room, trying to see if anyone else was with them. "Two of the girls are in there!" he called out to Klaus, tapping on the window to catch their attention. This still felt off. The two young women were left in plain sight and Spencer could help but think they were both walking into a trap.

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Jane) Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Ari) Bellz Bellz (Klaus)
Greenwich Park Playground
~Greenwich Park, London~

Jeremy Gray
The moment their hands touched, Jeremy felt a zing of electricity from their touching palms straight to his chest. He didn't even notice that the contact had gone longer than necessary as in his mind it was over so quickly he almost found himself reaching out for her hand a second time, though he did not actually act upon it. Instead he found himself watching every reaction out of her as if trying to memorize the contours of her face and read between the lines to see if anything was registering for her. Her smile - it was something he had missed for so long. He could feel the wetness blooming in his eyes again, gathering at the edges but never falling this time. It made his gaze extra shiny, as he looked around, trying to be polite and not continuing to stare. Internally he was fighting, struggling, between wanting to whisk her away and keep her until her memories came back, to get to know the girl he was certain could be his, and logic firmly reminding him he sounded completely bottoms up looney even to himself.

As she finally dropped his hand, he quickly shoved them back in his pockets, scared what he would do if he didn't put them away from her as fast as possible. Rachel Fitz. Rachel did not fit. Harper fit. Shut up or you'll be the next person in the hospital when she reports you for being a lunatic. He prevented his face from giving him away, though he did slowly regress back to a man of his true age, though seemingly more balanced now between the two version of himself that have flashed to the forefront. Looking over the park, he turned, ready to walk away and give her space, looking towards to road to decide his next move when she continued, gaining his attention again. When she was if he was going to be alright, he gave her a softer, only slightly sad smile, as he nodded. "I believe I will Ms. Fitz, but I would not deny having the company if you'd like to provide it. I was just thinking myself it was time to move along." His eyes glanced up, finding Laura across the park and seeing her nose turning a bit pink in the slowly cooling air.

"I don't live far, and if you'd like, I can call you a cab or something." What was he doing? What was agreeing to let her walk him home as if he were a defenseless schoolboy going to help with anything? Still, he didn't want to leave her presence, so he'd take any offer she'd provide him to keep going. And who knows, maybe the house would help if her if it was Harper, another familiar sight that was their home at one point. Standing a bit away, he shrugged out of his jacket, hooping it over his arm with the intent of offering it to her or Laura for some extra warmth as they left. "Please, I'll wait, go ahead and collect your daughter. If you need something to help her stay warm, you can cover her with my jacket, I won't need it while walking quite yet. Little bodies get colder much easier than us grown folks."

He laid it between them on the bench in case she needed it, took his original seat and patiently waited while the woman collected her daughter and things to leave. She thought she was doing this to take care of him, but in Jeremy's mind, he would feel much safer if he knew that she okay until the last possible minute he could. He pulled out his phone and checked for any new messages. One from Bucky just checking in on him made him smile, which he quickly replied back to that everything was good and he had something to tell him - not about the woman Rachel he couldn't get his hopes up about that - but he was certain his son would love to hear that his father was purchasing a bookstore that he intended to let him hangout and help in. Once they went to it together, he would share stories about his mom with him, about the hours they had sometimes spent sitting in chairs reading together, going over books, enjoying coffee and tea.

After giving the woman some time to collect her daughter and prepare to go, he finally stood back up, grabbing his jacket if she hadn't decided to use it as an extra blanket in the stroller, and gave a a playful wave of his hand towards the street. "Ms. Fitz, if you're ready." As they left, he put his hands back in his pockets - his one way of controlling the need to reach for her, carefully keeping distance between them. The park was closer to the house than he realized at first, only a few blocks away with Bucky's friend's house in the path of his return. He had thought about picking him up during the walk home, but now decided not to. With any hopes, he would be inside and not outside when they passed. He could take a different route but it would be a major cut around making it seem like he was trying to keep her longer than necessary and he wasn't trying to freak her out. He would do his freaking out later.

He had so many things he wanted to say, but struggled to say any of them, so as they started out he quickly explained it would only take about ten minutes or so to reach his home - their old home his mind threated to shout out. "Do you need me to call a cab to meet you at my house?"

Bellz Bellz - Rachel doesn't Fitz, it's definitely a Harper.
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En Route to Rescue!
~ Covent Garden, London ~

Jeanie Porter

She had the choice to leave. She could have made progress in uncovering the mystery within... if her sister was in danger, she could have been ahead of the game, already planning steps ahead — but there she sat, debating whether to stay put in her father's car. Hunched in the back seat, she occasionally peeked out to check for any signs of movement. The entire area seemed deserted. Surely her family wouldn't be foolish enough to leave everything to the authorities? Despite her absence for a while, she knew her father well enough to understand that in situations like this, he preferred to handle things himself.

Jeanie's right leg tapped nervously in the car, causing the suspension to sway lightly in response. She chastised herself, placing a hand on her knee to halt its motion. What if Jane was already gone? Would she even feel it? The emotional gulf she had created between herself and her family not only distanced her from her parents but also fractured her bond with Jane. Any inklings she might have sensed from Jane could have easily been muddled with her own feelings.

Absorbed in her thoughts, Jeanie failed to notice someone approaching the car. With his typical burst of anger — justifiably so this time — her father slammed the driver's side door shut, making her flinch. The car didn't start immediately, and he erupted into a string of expletives that Jeanie herself had uttered on numerous occasions. He appeared so rattled that he couldn't get it to start. What was happening?

Jeanie's chest tightened as he uttered Jane's name, urging her to hold on. Where on earth was she? Endless dreadful scenarios flooded her mind as the car finally started. She stifled a gasp of surprise as he tore out of the parking lot, causing her body to slam against the unforgiving leather back seat. She struggled to stay in place with each sharp turn, her hands pushing against the car door to prevent her head from colliding with it. As he straightened out and accelerated into traffic, Jeanie weighed her options for revealing herself without risking getting shot. In an emotionally charged state, Syd could act impulsively, and firing blindly into the back seat was not out of the question.

Reveal herself and risk being a target or just voice that she’s in the car and lay low before revealing herself? The second option was safer.

"Dad?" Jeanie's voice finally broke the silence, ensuring it carried over any road noise or potential curses he might still be muttering. "It's Jeanie!" She raised an arm, revealing her hand before gently pushing herself off the back seat to show her face in the mirror, allowing him to register her presence. "Don't shoot!" Both of her hands were raised now, her face tense as she watched him closely for any signs of accidental aggression.

Jeanie allowed him a moment to react, and once it was clear she didn't have a bullet in the center of her chest, she rolled her eyes. "Before you start lecturing me, save your breath. I’m not the one who got my sister into this mess in the first place." Jeanie carefully maneuvered herself into the passenger seat, observing his erratic driving amidst traffic. "Jane needs me. I'm here for her. I wouldn't typically involve myself in whatever bullshit you've got going on, but Jane is the exception. I'll make whoever decided to mess with her pay tonight and then I'm out." Her voice cracked with emotion, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, but she maintained her gaze ahead. After composing herself, she released a stiff breath and turned to her dad. "Fill me in. What are we fucking dealing with? Who are we dealing with?" Her tone turned dark.
with: Syd Pyroclast Pyroclast -- Hello Father!
En Route
~ London ~

Syd Porter

1714688379988.pngThe driving wasn't a problem. It was the roads. For over 40 years Syd had been driving, fixing, modifying, even hot-rodding vehicles both for fun and for business, be it legitimate or not. He knew the roads across much of Ireland, New York - even Berlin. But London? That was new territory for him. The roads were dense with traffic and he didn't know his way around. Too many people drove like they were late to get somewhere, which angered him, for who could have business more urgent than his?

Just as he was getting out of Covent Garden, a voice sounded over his shoulder and he felt someone pop up behind him. Already on edge, Syd jumped and accidentally pressed the accelerator. He had to suddenly swerve to avoid hitting the car in front of him. “Mother of -” he belted. When he looked in his mirror and saw his daughter, his shock only grew. “What the ffff- Jeanie, what the hell are you playing at?!”

When she asked him not to shoot, he made an effort to swallow the expletives on his tongue, and instead turned his eyes back to the road. The fact she felt the need to ask at all reminded him of the man he was trying to be. Jeanie knew how volatile he could be when he felt threatened, and though he knew she understood he was ill, he still didn't like his children to be exposed to that side of him.

“Jeanie -” he started, but she interrupted him, telling him not to lecture her. He was almost too bewildered to see her to lecture her anyway. As she manoeuvred herself into the passenger seat, which must have been a challenge with Syd's high-speed driving, he let out a wild laugh. “What the fuck is happening?” he asked himself.

His daughter proceeded to answer the question, explaining that she couldn't let Jane suffer alone, that her twin needed her. That she intended to make her assailants pay before the night was over. “Like shite you will,” Syd told her, his voice raised from the panic. “It's bad enough these fuckers got to Jane, you think I'm gonna let them near you, too?! It's my fault she was taken, Jeanie. It's always my fault. I try to keep you all safe but I never - GO AROUND HIM, YOU FUCKING SHITEHAWK BASTARD!”

The heel of his palm slammed against the car's horn as he waited for the driver in front to take their chance at overtaking a paused bus. A sob rose up inside him and he screamed it out. In the end he managed to overtake them both and race ahead, but by then he was so worked up the road was beginning to blur behind a veil of tears. “I can't let you go near them, Jeanie, I can't,” he implored. “You can wait in the car, but -” Even the thought of leaving her alone in the car during the exchange would put her in danger, especially since he didn't know how long it would take him to find and rescue Jane and the others. “God, you just - you shouldn't be here!”

Still, Jeanie insisted on knowing what and who they were dealing with. Syd sucked in a breath, fighting to keep his focus on the road. He didn't want to scare Jeanie about the level of danger Jane was in, especially if she was already going to try and fight for Jane herself. She at least didn't need to know who they were. “They took Jane, a-and Collin, and Arabella and Shona King,” he managed to get out. “To one of two locations, I don't know which, but I think they're going to - they're gonna set fire to -” He couldn't bring himself to say it. “So you cannot go with me, Jeanie, you can't. Please. I can't risk losing you.”

Bellz Bellz Jeanie
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Paper Mill
~ Undisclosed, London ~

Damian Nicolosi

Damian listened intently as Shona squared up to him and Julia. The woman wanted to protect Collin, asking them to let the young man go and she'd let them do whatever they wanted to her. "Oh, but it's more fun if you scream and fight," he told her, pulling an exaggerated pout. "I like your guts, though. It refreshing to hear. Granted, you can't have much self worth being married to that aggressive Cockney thug." When Shona went on to offer herself to him, Damian looked her in the eyes, feigning a lustful expression as best he could. Despite having no sexual desire at all, he maintained the stare before chuckling to himself. "No thank you. Don't take it personally. I'm sure you're a very beautiful woman, but that idea does nothing for me."

When Collin growled at them, Damian shook his head. "We brought you here so we could kill you. The games just make it more fun for us all." He nudged Collin forward, demanding they all entered the building now. "Our real targets will get what they deserve too, but for now, they get to feel the pain of knowing you two died because of them."

Damian dragged Collin into the building, using the handle of the gun to hit the back of his head when he didn't maintain the suitable pace. "Walk in a straight line before I take my irritation out on Mrs. King," he warned him. There were stacks of paper on the hallway inside the building and there was already a distinct smell of petrol in the air.

Once inside the stock room deeper in the mill, they'd see it was filled with boxes and piles of paper. Damian rushed to securely tie Collin hands to metal storage racking. He pointed for Julia to tie Shona on the opposite side of the shelving rack, so she and Collin would have their backs to each other.

"You'll both get a bit of time to say your prayers and all of that nonsense, but the fire will soon catch up to you both," Damian taunted them. Leaving the store room and moving to the building exit ready to make a quick escape. Damian looked to Julia with a crooked smile. "Would you like to do the honours or shall I?" he asked her, igniting his lighter as he held it up towards her.

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Shona, Syd) Bellz Bellz (Julia, Collin, Jeanie)
En Route to Rescue!
~ Covent Garden, London ~

Jeanie Porter

Jeanie's gaze hardened as her father's panicked voice cut her off abruptly. With a wary glance at him and the road, she ensured their safety wasn't compromised. Despite her father's self-blame, she refrained from agreeing with him before he slammed on the brakes, forcing her to brace against the dashboard. Wide-eyed, she watched the car in front, wincing at the blare of the horn and her father's anguished cry. Holding her breath, she counted to ten, suppressing the urge to flee the momentarily halted car. A painful sensation simmered in her chest, prompting her to grip the dashboard tighter.

Ignoring her father's tearful conflict, Jeanie's gaze remained fixed ahead as he accelerated past the car and bus. Trying to steady herself, she felt her right leg bouncing with nerves. A fractured laugh escaped her lips. "Wait in the car? Are you crazy?" she hissed, finally turning to confront him. This was all his fault, and if Jane died tonight — Jeanie went rigid and clenched her teeth. She sensed he was skirting around the truth, shielding her from the severity of the situation. Whether for her sake or his own, she couldn't discern, but it only fueled her frustration.

"You'll never be honest with me!" she burst out, her voice edged with emotion. "Even when my twin is fighting for her life because of your failure, yours and Spencer King's, to protect her. Why shield me? I don't want it. I don't need it. I want to protect her." Her father's unfinished words hung heavily in the air, implying a threat of fire to two locations. Panic surged through Jeanie, a red-hot rush that chilled her to the core. Silently shaking her head at first, she then shook it more violently before slamming her hands against the dashboard.

"No!" she growled, her voice strained with anger and fear. Though her hands trembled with the urge to strike, she resisted, knowing it wouldn't help, even as her frustration boiled within her.

"NO!" Jeanie's voice pierced the air, her gaze locking fiercely with Syd's. "You've already lost me. We're lost, you and I. But Jane needs me!" Her tone was desperate, on the brink of pleading. "Would you stay in the fucking car if Uncle Thomas or Aunt Olivia were in danger?!" she challenged, her eyes narrowing as she crossed her arms. "I wouldn't have broken into your car, and faced you again in such close quarters, if I didn't want to throw myself in front of a bullet, into a fire, or whatever it took for her!" Tears welled in her intense eyes, her resolve unwavering.

There hung a heavy silence for a brief moment before she spoke, her voice laced with determination. "I'm going — or you won't see me ever again." It was a threat, yet not an empty one. Jeanie had been wrestling with the idea of leaving since her family's return. If Jane weren't present, if her father attempted a futile solo rescue…and failed — Jeanie would vanish again. "You need my help. Let me help you and stop worrying about me. I've managed the past four years without you, and if you decide I can't help you, I'll manage the rest of our lives just the same."
with: Syd Pyroclast Pyroclast
En Route
~ London ~

Syd Porter

1714699491536.pngDeep down, Syd knew he had to hold it together. But once he started getting upset, it was near impossible to stop himself from spiralling. There wasn’t time for grounding exercises or breathing techniques; he was barrelling through the streets at 70 miles per hour, with one daughter at risk of imminent death and another fighting him from the passenger seat, determined to put her own life on the line to help rescue her twin. It was an impossible situation: on the one hand, if he slowed down to force Jeanie out of the car, he might waste precious time finding Jane whilst also risking his last chance to have a relationship with Jeanie; on the other hand, if he let Jeanie come with him, then her life would be at risk alongside Jane’s.

Jeanie shouted back at him that he was never honest with her and never would be. Syd didn’t have time to process fully what she meant by that, but he could already feel her slipping away from him. She seemed to be arguing that Syd didn’t understand her need to protect her twin, emphasising that it was down to his failure to protect Jane that she was in danger to begin with. “And I want to protect YOU!” Syd cried, slamming his hands down on the steering wheel. “Because I love you! You don’t seem to understand that I love you, Jeanie - you think your life can just be thrown away like it’s not worth anything, but it is to me! To your mother, to Jane! I couldn’t live with myself if I - if you - Christ -”

Despite the decades of experience Syd had with driving, it was always a challenge to do it whilst in a bad headspace. This time, his heart was racing, his head was pounding and he could hardly focus. He felt all this intense, manic energy boiling up inside him, and the car seemed like it was closing in on him. It was hard to breathe through the rising panic, hard to see through the tears. It was picturing Jane’s last moments, the terror engulfing her completely; it was having to go home and tell Roxie their daughter was dead; it was watching Jeanie run into a burning building and not come out again - or worse still, her being captured by the same people who had captured Jane, and him being forced to choose who gets to live and who has to die. Everything was building up and up and up inside him and he didn’t have the space to let it out. He wanted to escape. He found himself fighting the impulsive urge to crash the car, just to make everything stop.

Jeanie’s anger and desperation seemed to match his own. Her words erupted out of her, and Syd could feel that she was suppressing an urge to unleash more than just words. But she held it together just enough, and instead argued that she was already lost to him. Syd couldn’t be surprised to hear it - after all, she had run away and had made no effort to get back in touch with the family - but it still cut him deeply. Jeanie then tried to get him to imagine if it were his own siblings in danger, and whether he would be okay with staying in the car like he was asking her to do. “‘Course I wouldn’t stay in the fucking car, but Jeanie, that’s completely different and you know that!”

Unlike most of his children, whom he tried to keep sheltered from the details of the family business, Syd understood that Jeanie knew more than she should. She was unstoppable in that way. So, he didn’t feel the need to remind her that he had been a soldier for the family for most of his life, that over the years he had gained extensive training and experience and had killed dozens of people in numerous ways.

He was speaking so fast he was almost tripping over his words. “I know you want to protect Jane, and - and I know, I know what it’s like to not care if you live or die, I know too well the complete desire to sacrifice yourself to save a loved one but for God’s sake, if anyone’s putting their life at risk in this operation then it’s going to be ME, not you! I am NOT losing a daughter today, so just, please, for the love of Christ, don’t get involved!”

His hands twitched as they gripped the steering wheel and he ground his teeth as he tried to pull his focus back to the road again. He only hoped he was going the right way. His eyes welled up with tears again at the thought that he might fail Jane one last time. He hardly noticed the silence he and Jeanie were sitting in until she spoke again. Discarding his pleas as if he had said nothing at all, she insisted that he was going to let her go or he would never see her again. The tears all seemed to crash down his cheeks at once. “I just want you alive,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “If that means you never speak to me again, then…”

Suddenly, there it was: the paper mill. It wasn’t on fire - at least not yet. Maybe they weren’t too late after all. “I think we’re here,” he said, rolling the car to a stop. Before Jeanie could move, he reached out and grabbed her shoulder. “Stay behind me. And make no noise.”

Bellz Bellz Jeanie
Paper Mill
~ Undisclosed Location, London ~

Jeanie Porter

Jeanie clenched her teeth, tasting the metallic tang of blood as she held back the urge to retaliate. Her self-control, usually tenuous at best, seemed nonexistent at this moment, particularly with the man beside her exhibiting even less restraint—especially while driving. Glancing ahead, the brunette noted his erratic speed and the subtle swerves that bordered on dangerous. A lump formed in her throat as she realized that pushing him too far might jeopardize their mission to save Jane. Whether intentional or not, his irrational behavior posed a significant threat.

She cringed involuntarily, unable to suppress the full-body flinch, as her father's hands slammed against the steering wheel. He claimed he was acting out of love, a desire to protect her. But each word grated against her, her teeth grinding together as he insisted she didn't grasp his intentions. What he failed to comprehend was the pain his declarations inflicted—the suffocating weight of his professed love, leaving her feeling unable to reciprocate safely.

Jeanie avoided meeting Syd's gaze as he criticized her, accusing her of treating her life as expendable. Despite her fists tightening at her sides, and nails digging into her palms, she refused to look at him. In the urgency of her sister's plight, she couldn't help but ponder how many times her mother had pleaded with him to value his own life, to recognize its significance to her and their children. Time and again, she wondered.

She closed her eyes, pressing her fingertips against the bridge of her nose to maintain focus. This wasn't about her, nor was it about her father's life. It was about Jane. Jane's survival was paramount; she still had so much life ahead of her. "Really, Dad? Completely different?" Jeanie's frustration bubbled over. "I may not have all the experience of this messed-up life, but fundamentally, I'm doing what I've been taught—taking care of our own, right?" Jeanie wasn't naive. She understood her family's history, their actions, and the consequences they faced ever since Matthew was shot in that parking lot. While some kids remained blissfully ignorant or even found their parents' exploits thrilling, Jeanie saw it differently. She witnessed the toll it took on those she loved, the deaths and tortures it brought. Selfishly, and perhaps naively, she couldn't help but wonder how her parents and family might have turned out had they not been entangled in such corrupt power dynamics.

Jeanie grappled with the painful realization of just how similar she and her father were. He understood her, perhaps too well, comprehending the reasons behind her emotions to some extent. Yet, despite this understanding, he was willing to sacrifice himself, risking his life as if it held no value. Which he had just lectured her for. There was no guarantee of his survival, no reassurance that he would emerge unscathed from their destination. With each passing minute, as they drew closer to their unknown destination, Jeanie couldn't shake the gnawing uncertainty of how this reckless journey would conclude. "You're asking me to do something that I can't do. That I won't do. Jane would never forgive me, Dad. I would never forgive me!"

Once again tonight, a pang of regret pierced her as she stole a glance at her Dad, tears cascading down his cheeks. His voice trembled with emotion as he expressed his sole desire: for her to be alive, even if it meant she never spoke to him again. But as quickly as the regret surfaced, it dissolved upon the sight of the paper mill—their destination—coming into view.
with: Sydward Tennisballs


Paper Mill
~ Undisclosed, London ~

Collin McCarthy
Julia Avvocata
Collin's eyes burned with a fury he hadn't known lay dormant within him as Damian and Julia elucidated the reasons behind bringing Shona, him, and the others into this. With each word, the resentment surged within him. He hesitated for a moment when nudged forward, but quickly straightened his stance, ready to confront Damian, refusing to step foot into the building as instructed. Yet, he found himself being forcibly pulled, his resistance growing with each step, until a sharp blow to the back of his head silenced his protests.

The impact of the gun didn't instill fear in Collin; rather, it was the ominous promise that followed that compelled him to comply without hesitation. Papers littered the surroundings, and the scent of petrol hung heavy in the air, causing Collin's mouth to parch. He dared not glance back as Julia's command to Shona "Keep up!" accompanied by a forceful shove, echoed through the space, propelling them deeper into the building.

With no hint of gentleness, Julia seized Shona's hands and expertly bound them to the shelving rack, ensuring the knots were tight enough to restrict circulation should she attempt to break free. "Pfft, prayers…I doubt they’ll have time for that with the amount of petrol and paper in this dump." Julia scoffed, a smirk playing on her lips.

"You're both twisted," Collin spat, straining against his bonds as Julia merely grinned in response. "Consider that a compliment and a stellar review of our work ethic. You might want to crack a window or two; things are about to heat up," she taunted, sticking out her tongue before turning her attention to Shona. "Enjoy the show as he struggles for breath," she added with a malicious smirk.

Walking towards Damian with all the patience in the world, Julia pulled a quick-thinking face over his question. "If you wouldn’t mind?" She asked sweetly, before taking the lighter. Once ignited, the paper took to the flame as quickly as anticipated, soon it was spreading but they were already bounding out, she squealed, "Now to watch our work from a safe distance!"

Collin’s eyes widened as he saw the flames, watching them leave Shona and him to the flames. "S-Shona?" He asked, stuttering as he stuck in a deep breath while he still could. His legs started to tremble, making it hard to stand but he couldn’t move from the position given he was tied to the spot. "T-thank you. For t-trying." The smoke that started to billow burned his eyes but tears had already formed and were moving down his cheeks, "I-I’m sorry you got caught up in this."

Jeanie watched her father shift in his seat. When she turned to look at the mill, it looked empty…no traces of life anywhere. Certainly not what she would have thought an active hostage situation looked like. As if he knew that she was even thinking about shifting in her seat, her Dad grabbed her shoulder and she eyed him questioningly but stayed silent. Slowly, she nodded her head and allowed him to get out first before following behind. Patting her back, she mindlessly felt for her gun — as she normally would in a situation that called for it — only to find that it was missing. The woman nearly growled out but bit the inside of her cheek, the fucking event. She left it at home. Stupid, stupid, stupid… 

Very gently tapping her Dad’s shoulder, she made a little gun symbol with her fingers raising her eyebrows. Surely he had to have one, they weren’t going to go in there without one…were they? Then something caught her eye, light — orange light from one of the windows. Eyes went wide and she broke the rule, "Dad, look!" Jeanie hissed out, pointing to the window, "We have to go!" She said in a hushed tone before she started to maneuver past him...

Suggested Song choice: Burnin' Up by the Jonas Brothers.
with: Jeanie is with Sydward Tortellini Pyroclast Pyroclast
with: Collin is burning up with Shona Pyroclast Pyroclast
with: Julia and Damian are getting away with it Misty Gray Misty Gray
The Paper Mill
~ Undisclosed, London ~

Shona King

giphy.gifIn the past, Shona had, unfortunately, been given plenty of opportunities to stand up to those who had negative things to say about her husband or their marriage, and she hadn’t hesitated to defend him every time. This time, however, she knew better than to argue. These were people who had just shot four civilians and kidnapped three more, besides herself. They had already demonstrated a penchant for violence; injuring those four models seemed so unnecessary to Shona that it was easy to imagine they had done it just for fun. Yet, in an unexpected way, it was that penchant for violence that Shona was banking on. She stared Damian dead in the eyes as his eyes poured over her, apparently considering her offer with some graphic imagery going on in his mind. It made her feel sick and her heart race with fear. But then, when it became clear that neither Damian nor Julia had any interest in taking her up on her offer, it made her feel even worse. That was all she could think of that might have spared Collin, and it hadn’t worked.

Despite not really knowing Collin at all, her maternal instinct was driving her to protect him at all cost. Her bargaining might have meant leaving her children motherless and Spencer a widower, but she couldn’t let somebody younger than her, likely somebody’s son or brother, have his life stolen too soon if she could do something about it. Still, it all seemed unreal to want to be tortured, assaulted, enslaved, killed - she would do it for him, of course, but she never thought she would be in a situation where that was the more desirable option. As much as she wished she could punch Damian and Julia in the face, she knew it was safest to comply, if not for her sake then for Collin’s. Neither of them could afford to cause trouble - she had to do everything she could think of to try to diffuse the situation rather than make it worse.

Collin demonstrated the consequences of that when Damian pistol-whipped him for resisting being led into the building. It made Shona physically wince. He threatened to take his frustrations out on her, and though it scared her to think what that might entail, she hoped he would take them out on her rather than Collin. Julia shoved her forward then, almost causing her to trip, and when she looked up, she saw paper stacked and scattered everywhere. The place had either been abandoned, or vandalised - no doubt the job of the Carters. There was also the distinct smell of petrol stinging the air, and the power of its stench told Shona exactly what they had walked into.

Their kidnappers didn’t hesitate to tie each of them to a shelving unit - on opposite sides so they couldn’t see each other. Shona’s wrists were bound so tightly she couldn’t even twist them, and the ties were almost cutting into her skin. Her worst fear was confirmed when Damian and Julia mentioned fire. “They’ll know who did this,” she called after them as they both made their way to the exit. “My husband will find you and kill you!”

Of course, such threats were never going to save them. She only had herself to rely on, now. Shona continued to look around in desperation, determined to come up with some kind of escape. As long as she was alive, she was going to think, she was going to try. If she had only minutes left, she was going to use them.

But Collin drew her attention when he spoke up, his voice quiet and teeming with fear. He thanked her for doing her best for him and apologised for her getting caught up in this. And it broke her heart. “No,” she said, her eyes on the wall ahead of her as she listened to him softly cry. “No, Collin, please…” Suddenly tears were sprouting from her eyes and she had to take a moment to make sure her voice was level before she continued. “None of this is your fault, love. I’m…I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve this.” She hated the thought of the poor young man dying in this way: away from home, without any of his loved ones, tied up and left for dead in a burning building. Shona tried to turn her head to look at him, but the way she had been bound meant she couldn’t turn enough to see him at all but for a blurry impression of his hair at the very edge of her peripheral vision.

An orange glow flickered beyond the window of the door. Pretty soon, that glass would smash, the doors would blow open, and with the help of the paper and petrol, the fire would swallow up the entire room in mere seconds. They would die by the flames before the smoke could even asphyxiate them. “Collin,” she said, her eyes filling with tears. “Think of someone you’ve lost. Someone who loved you. We’re going to go see them, now.”

* * * * *

The Paper Mill
~ Undisclosed, London ~

Syd Porter
1715356863018.pngAs he checked himself over for the weapons he had packed on him, an HK P7 on his belt and a Buck 110 in his pocket, Syd kept glancing up to see if he could spot anyone exiting the building. He debated bringing the Tec-9 that was stashed in his glove box, but ultimately saw no point in carrying too much. “We're not too late,” he told his daughter, keeping his voice low. “But no fire means the enemy could still be on site. You just stay close to -” He felt her tap his shoulder and when he turned to look at her and saw her making hand gestures of a pistol, he just stared at her. Did she even know how to use one? Syd had been handling firearms for long enough that he knew they were only safe in the hands of someone who really knew their way around one. He knew she had her own somewhere because he had seen her drop it when he had first met her in the corridor of her apartment building. But that wasn't proof enough that he could trust her with one in this situation.

Before he could make up his mind, Jeanie suddenly alerted him to a window on the building, where an orange glow was starting to flourish. “Shit!” Syd jumped out of the car and called back to Jeanie, “Stay in here and don't move!” With his gun in hand, he raced towards the building. His tears had dried and his manic energy was under more control now that he had found the right place. He just had to make his way inside, free everybody and help them out of the building before it was too late.

The door to the mill wasn't locked, but that didn't matter. The real obstacle was the fire. As soon as Syd flung the doors open, the outside air fed the flames, causing them to billow towards him and choke him with a cloud of thick, black smoke. The entrance opened up to a series of work spaces with no doors between them to block the fire’s route. It was already everywhere. “JANE?” Syd called out as he carefully waded through, coughing into his sleeve. “COLLIN?”

The sound of flames crackling, wood splintering and metal clanging just one room away was getting louder. Tears spilled down Shona’s cheeks as she wracked her brain for a solution. There were some small, fogged up windows near the top of the wall above some shelves - if she could just get free, maybe she could untie Collin and help him out through the window somehow. Shona began trying to dislocate her thumb to make her hand small enough to escape her bounds, but she had never dislocated anything before and didn't know what to do. The more attempts she made, the further away her chances seemed of getting out alive. Just as she was on the verge of breaking down in tears, she heard a voice call out for Jane and Collin and her focus snapped towards the door. Without a moment's hesitation, she screamed, “IN HERE!”

After what felt like minutes but in reality was only a few seconds, Syd burst in through the doors, chased by a huge plume of black smoke. He rushed to slam the door behind him to minimise the spread of the fire, but smoke was already seeping in from the gap beneath the door. He reached them in a flash, and grabbed Collin by the shoulders. “We're getting out of here,” he told them both, quickly flicking open his knife before working on cutting Collin loose. “I promised your dad I’d always take care of you,” he quietly said to him, before moving on to free Shona. “Where’s Jane? Where’s Arabella? Where’s my daughter?!”

Bellz Bellz Collin, Julia
Earlier in the Evening...

Greenwich Park Playground
~ Greenwich Park, London ~

Rachel Fitz
Ft. Laura Fitz

Rachel's relieved smile greeted Jeremy as she heard he'd be alright and didn't mind her company. Despite his reassurance, she couldn't shake the feeling of needing to ensure his safe return home... wherever that might be. "A cab would be wonderful, thank you," she murmured, watching him casually remove his coat, a slight quirk on her brow. "You're too kind, truly," she added, acknowledging his gesture towards her daughter, who grew colder by the minute. With a gentle prompt, Rachel turned to follow Laura, noticing the rosy tint in her cheeks. "Come along, dear. It's time to head out." Convincing Laura to leave without a fuss proved a bit challenging, but Rachel attributed it to her daughter's newfound friendships and exhaustion.

"I promise we'll come back another day, just like always," she assured her daughter, gathering her up in her arms and gently wiping away the tears, though she knew they were partly an attempt to persuade her to stay. Laura fell silent only when she noticed Jeremy, an unfamiliar adult as she was being settled into her stroller and fastened in securely. Her gaze lingered on him as she sniffled, prompting Rachel to click her tongue gently. "Laura, sweetheart, it's not polite to stare." But Laura remained fixated on Jeremy, ignoring her mother's admonishment and gazing intently at him.

Rachel gestured towards the jacket Jeremy had left on the bench and reached for it. "Come, sit back," she urged, tucking the coat around Laura and planting a tender kiss on her forehead before rising to face Jeremy. "Thank you. The poor thing is freezing," she remarked with a sympathetic smile. As Jeremy gestured towards the street and inquired if she was prepared, Rachel nodded gently. "Lead the way, Mr. Gray."

The silence enveloped them, a strange blend of comfort and unease. Rachel sensed there was something unsaid, yet she couldn't grasp it. Laura's silence signaled she had likely drifted off to sleep, adding to the tranquility of their stroll. Only the sound of their footsteps and the gentle rustle of autumn-bare trees disturbed the quiet. Dead leaves crunched beneath their feet and the stroller's wheels. Jeremy mentioned it would take roughly 10 minutes to reach his home, his words hurried, and Rachel couldn't shake the feeling of conflict she detected in his eyes whenever she glanced his way.

"I wouldn't mind, but we can always call one once we arrive. The cab service here is surprisingly prompt despite the quiet surroundings," Rachel smiled before shifting her gaze ahead. "So, Jeremy, what do you do?" she asked, trying to sound casual. "And forgive me if that comes across as prying. Have you always been based in London?"
The Caller you are trying to reach is unavailable BasDorcha BasDorcha
Old Distillery
~ Undisclosed, London ~

When reading this scene, listen to these tracks together:

Jane Porter

1715695036374.png Jane had seen enough for the dread of imminent death to take over her mind. She couldn’t imagine a way out - all she could do now was wait for the fire to ignite, and for the searing agony to come and kill them. Arabella had a clearer head; she was putting on a brave face for both their sakes, standing up to their kidnappers while doing her best to alleviate Jane’s panic. Jane didn’t really believe her when she mouthed to her that they would be okay - they were tied up in an unfamiliar location, with seemingly no one around but their kidnappers; screaming out for help was futile; getting out of their restraints was proving to be impossible. Yet, even if the hope she was trying to give to Jane would lead nowhere, it was at least kind. And if kindness was the only comfort left in the last few minutes of their lives, then Jane was going to hang onto it.

The two women caught each other’s eye. It struck Jane how beautiful Ari was, how sisterly she behaved towards her. She thought of J.J. and how devastated he would be to lose her. Memories came to her of her sweet little sister Lucia and brother Sebastian, how close she had always been to them and how she was about to leave them behind, forever. And what of Jeanie? What happened when a twin lost their other half? Would she feel the heat when the flames swallowed Jane whole? Would she sense her slipping away as she passed?

So caught up in the grief for her family and the encompassing horror of what she was about to endure, Jane hardly registered Arabella’s threat to the kidnappers, or their response. Tears continued to flow from her eyes but her cries died down, replaced by a sort of stupor as she hung forward from her restraints. It wasn't until one of the men - the handsome one she had been flirting with before - squatted down to her eye level and slapped a piece of tape over her mouth that she regained responsiveness, and she recoiled so fast that she smacked the back of her head against the metal apparatus she was tied to. He looked into her eyes with a piercing gaze and told her there was no use crying or pleading anymore. There they were: another step closer to death.

Finally, the two men made their way to the exit. As scared as she was of them, it was even scarier to see them leave, as she knew they were only escaping the building so they could set it alight. Their time was running out. With nothing left but to sit and wait for the beginning of the end, Jane bowed her head began to desperately pray. She wasn't sure she believed in a God, but regardless, she needed to express some kind of gratitude for her life, for her family and her memories. She asked that they would be taken care of, and for the torment to stop. She asked for none of her loved ones to ever be hurt again, that her mother and father would get through the pain, that Lucia and Sebastian would grow up strong, that J.J. would find love again, that Jeanie would live a good and long life on her behalf, and that Bo-Bo would always be taken good care of.

A scuffling sound interrupted her then, and she looked up to see Zachary on his knees, fixing some sort of paper to the floor. She couldn't see the other man but she could hear that he was on the other side of the door. It kept moving slightly, as if he was fixing something to it, but she couldn't see what.

Once the two men had left and closed the door behind them, Jane's panic only intensified. As her heart raced and her breathing weakened, she found it was getting harder and harder to get enough oxygen with the tape over her mouth. She began desperately swiping the corner of the tape against her knee, and it was only then that she realised it hadn't been stuck on properly. She was too afraid to remove the whole piece just in case the men came back and she had to quickly seal it over her mouth again, but she was able to remove it enough to take a full breath. “Ari,” she gasped. “Ari…” But all that followed were quick, frightened sobs. She couldn't think of anything to say. There was nothing she could say to make it better, now. “The door, th-they did something t-to the door -”

She near jumped out of her skin when she heard a tap on a nearby window, expecting to see the faces of their kidnappers again, ready to taunt them as they were burned alive. Instead, she saw someone familiar. It was Spencer King, the man working alongside her father. Expecting he wasn't alone, Jane’s eyes widened with sudden hope. “Dad?!”

If her father was there, she couldn't see him. Instead, Jane glanced to the door and then back through the window to Spencer. It struck her then that maybe what they had done to the door was trap it. She had no idea what they have done, but it had seemed like they had set some kind of trap which would endanger whoever entered. Desperate not to ruin her only chance of rescue, Jane looked back up at Spencer and shook her head at him, her eyes brimming with terror.

Misty Gray Misty Gray Spencer
Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Arabella
Old Distillery
~ Undisclosed Location, London ~

Klaus Jäger

Klaus worked discreetly, assembling the puzzle behind the curtains. He ensured backup remained ready, supervised the loading of the injured onto ambulances, and maintained a secure perimeter. With multiple voices clamoring in his earpiece, communication grew challenging.

The hunt for the safe proved exasperating, but once located, Wesley's hands trembled—a rare display of vulnerability —as he unlocked it. As the safe yielded its contents, Klaus's expression drained of color, rendering him speechless. Any hostility aimed at Warwick seemed misplaced, at least temporarily, Klaus surmised. With no opportunity to speculate on the significance of the addresses, Syd seized one and departed before further discussion could ensue. Klaus didn't dare intervene.

"I'll accompany you," Klaus informed Spencer, briefly meeting his gaze before turning to Wesley. "You've got this under control?" he inquired, though he was confident Wesley did. With a single nod from Wesley, Klaus didn't hesitate as he left the room, his purpose clear.


Klaus refrained from clutching the door handle tightly as Spencer navigated through traffic, his driving style bordering on reckless as he narrowly avoided collisions at stoplights. Despite the questionable legality of Spencer's speed, Klaus trusted him implicitly, especially given the gravity of the situation involving his wife's life. It still took some adjustment to acclimate to the breakneck pace. However, they arrived at an abandoned distillery astonishingly quickly. Spencer darted out of the driver's seat, but Klaus proceeded more cautiously, scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. Finding none immediately apparent, he exchanged a glance with Spencer. The eerie silence of the place unnerved him; it seemed too quiet for a hostage scenario, in Klaus' estimation.

However, Klaus stepped out of the car, carefully shutting the door to avoid drawing any unwanted attention to their arrival. Casting another glance around, the moonlight offered some clues: fresh tire tracks to their right hinted that someone had been present recently.

Spencer, anticipating the need for illumination, promptly activated his flashlight. Meanwhile, Klaus checked his chest holster, ensuring his gun was loaded and the safety was off before gripping it firmly in his right hand. Positioning himself behind Spencer, Klaus scanned their surroundings vigilantly, wary of any potential threats. Suddenly, Spencer emitted a hiss of alarm, prompting Klaus to swiftly pivot in the indicated direction, his eyes widening in response. Hastening to join Spencer at the window, Klaus crouched beneath it, awaiting confirmation from Spencer regarding what he had observed inside.

"Are they alone in there?" Klaus asked, sensing Spencer's astuteness. "No one keeping watch? No guards?" he murmured, his voice low with suspicion as he pondered the possibility of a trap. Why were they being led to separate locations? Klaus peered over the window ledge, verifying that only the two figures occupied the room. "Spencer, what's your assessment?" he inquired, turning to his companion. "None of this feels right to me."

Klaus glanced towards the front door, which seemed far too easy to access. Suspicious, he looked back through the window. "This feels almost like a trap," he said. Just then, he heard Jane's voice, asking if her father was there. "We're going to get you out!" Klaus called softly, careful to avoid attracting unwanted attention. He examined the windows, noting they were too narrow to use as an entry point, even though he had hoped to bypass the potential trap at the front door. Realizing they had no other choice, he turned to Spencer. "Let's go around," he said, nodding and leading the way, ready to take any danger head-on to protect Spencer.
with: WE ARE HERE TO RESCUE YOU Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Pyroclast Pyroclast Misty Gray Misty Gray

Paper Mill
~ Undisclosed Location, London ~

Jeanie Porter
Collin McCarthy

Jeanie, poised for action, watched as her father swiftly exited the car, already several steps ahead, instructing her firmly to remain inside. "You're charging into a burning building alone!she called out, questioning whether he grasped the gravity of his actions. Yet, in that moment, she realized it was quintessentially her father – a stark reminder of his tendency to act impulsively when clear-headedness was crucial. She couldn't fault him entirely; after all, he had generously bestowed upon her those very same traits through their shared genetics. And yet, he seemed perplexed as to why she had even joined him in the car. With a resigned sigh, Jeanie crossed her arms, a subtle expression of her exasperation.
Then the stillness of her surroundings seeped deep into her being, permeating her very bones.
Jeanie's throat constricted, her azure eyes scanning the expansive view beyond the car's oversized windows, leaving her feeling vulnerable. She sank into her seat, knees pressing against the dashboard, as she surveyed her surroundings. Eventually, her gaze fixated on the growing orange glow outside the windows. In that moment, she knew exactly where she belonged, and it wasn't sitting idly in the car awaiting her father's return.

Aware of her lack of a weapon and her father's oversight in providing one or indicating its location, Jeanie began her search. She meticulously checked every possible compartment in the car: the door cards, the center glove box, even beneath the seats at the back. Desperation fueled her thoughts as she sought any means of defense. Perhaps in her haste, she had overlooked the most obvious location, but eventually, her quest led her to the glovebox, where she finally found what she was looking for.

She couldn't suppress a near-hysterical laugh as she laid eyes on the Tec-9, seizing it without hesitation. It was a departure from the gun she was accustomed to, one acquired during her travels from Germany to the U.K., through a small town outside of Bordeaux. That journey had been more than just a scenic route. Examining the firearm, she quickly located the safety and confirmed that the magazine was fully loaded.

If she were already dead at some point, Dad couldn't kill her.

The manner of her demise was inconsequential; her sole focus was rescuing her sister. The solitude of the car threatened to push her over the brink of sanity, a precipice she was already balancing upon. Gripping the gun tightly, she cautiously opened the passenger door, using it as a shield as she surveyed her surroundings.

Once confident that she wasn't in immediate danger of being tackled or shot, Jeanie sprinted in the direction her father had gone. The mill's door loomed wide open, engulfed in a menacing cloud of flames and smoke, making it a daunting entry point. As she searched for a safe way in, the smoke seared her lungs, intensifying the sensation of being engulfed in flames. A gust of wind momentarily shifted the blaze, revealing a relatively unscathed area inside. All she had to do was breach the entrance.
Jeanie pushed aside any lingering anxieties, her focus solely on Jane and the possibility of her father being in need. Drawing strength from this purpose, she silenced her inner doubts. She could do this. Despite her protesting lungs, she pressed on, reminding herself that life sometimes demanded sacrifices, even if it meant less oxygen. Stepping back to gain momentum, she launched herself toward the entrance, veering left to avoid the flames licking at the ground. The heat seared her clothes upon impact, leaving her breathless. In a moment of reflex, she gasped for air, only to realize the folly of her action.
Tears welled in her eyes as the smoke stung, and violent coughs shook her chest, rattling her ribs. With no time to spare, she flattened herself against the wall, inadvertently knocking down hanging objects in her path as she maneuvered forward…

Collin's tears offered a brief respite from the searing heat of the building, a fleeting comfort in the face of their inevitable fate. Unsure of what more he could say or do, he resigned himself to the encroaching flames. The throbbing ache from where the gun had struck him added to his torment, but he knew it would soon be dealt with permanently. Would his family ever find him amidst this chaos? Would they even have the chance to bury him? Frustration and panic surged within him, his hands instinctively struggling against the binds while his mind grappled to comprehend the unfolding nightmare.

Shona's words pierced through, urging him to conjure memories of those he'd lost, those who held love for him, as if they were about to reunite with them. His brow knit in anguish, a sob threatening to escape and contort his features, but he suppressed it, unwilling to squander the precious breath he needed for survival.

In an instant, though he never met him, his mind went to his biological father. Despite Adam's paternal role in Cuba, providing guidance and love, a part of Collin always pondered what it would have been like growing up with Jackson McCarthy as his father. Collin only knew Jackson through others' accounts, and they were always glowing. Yet, that was a reality Collin would never experience. Now, it seemed he was on the verge of meeting him, preceding even those who yearned for and loved him. The thought brought fresh tears, mingled with memories of his family—Michael, Lucas, and all the others he held dear.

Lost in a whirlwind of memories, Collin couldn't gauge how long he'd been ensnared in their embrace when Shona's voice abruptly pierced through, snapping him back to the present. His gaze shot up just as the doors burst open, flooding him with shock at the unexpected sight of Syd, alone and rushing toward him. Though Collin tensed at the sudden contact on his shoulders, a wearied smile of relief crossed his features as Syd assured him they were getting out. Syd's mention of his father struck Collin profoundly as if Syd had sensed his thoughts drifting towards Jackson in those harrowing final moments. "Thank you, Syd," Collin murmured softly, wincing slightly as the ties binding his wrists were cut. Once freed, he flexed his wrists, grateful for the newfound mobility. "We were taken in two vans," he informed Syd, his voice steady despite the lingering uncertainty. "We don’t know where they were taken. But they separated us back at the show."

"Are you alo-?"

The sudden crash of the doors reopening jolted Collin, his body tensing in anticipation of the impending threat. With narrowed eyes, he watched as flames danced at the door's edge, illuminating the figure of a woman rushing inside, straining to close the doors behind her. As she turned, Collin immediately recognized her, exchanging a glance with Syd, silently questioning if this encounter had been orchestrated. Jeanie's labored breaths didn't escape Collin's notice; her pallid complexion spoke volumes, drained not only by the smoke but also by the scarcity of air.

Her gaze swept the room before settling on Syd, her words emerging in strained gasps, "Where… is… she?" The raspy sound made Collin wince. He couldn't help but notice the gun clutched in her trembling hands, now aimed towards the ground as she scrutinized them.
with: TIME TO GO!! Pyroclast Pyroclast
Syd Porter & Shona King

Not knowing where Jane was at a time like this was hard for Syd to take. She wasn’t in the burning building he was currently in, but that was hardly a relief when the alternative could be just as dangerous or worse. He could only hope it wasn’t too late for her, that Spencer had managed to track her and Arabella down and rescue them both from wherever they were. But he didn’t have time to think about that right now - the most important thing to note was that she was one less person to evacuate. All he had to do was get Collin and Shona out of there.

“There’s a small window up there,” Shona informed him, pointing up above a tall shelving unit. It was dangerously high off the ground and they would have to climb up the precarious shelves only to take a fall on the other side, but it had to be safer than going back through the building’s entrance. Syd was already concerned he had inhaled poisonous smoke on his way in, and the toxicity of the air was only going to get worse as the seconds went by.

“I’ll hold the shelves steady,” Syd said, ushering Shona and Collin towards the shelves beneath the window. Collin was just asking him if he had come alone when the doors blew open. Syd instinctively grabbed his gun and aimed it at the door, expecting whoever had kidnapped them to have returned. But that would have been a relief compared to who he saw instead. “JEANIE!”

There was no time for a lecture - there was no time even for anger. Syd shoved his gun back on his belt and sprinted over to his daughter, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her away from the smoke. In her hands was the Tec-9 he kept stowed in the glove box of his car. “Spencer’s got her,” he quickly told her. “We have to get out, NOW!”

The doors that Jeanie had shut behind her suddenly broke open again, no longer strong enough to withstand the intensity of the fire. Thundering clangs and crashes sounded from the foyer as the building began to collapse, and towering flames lashed into the room they were in, accompanied by a dense cloud of toxic black smoke. Syd pointed his gun at the tiny window and fired. The glass shattered but left jagged edges. “Okay, Jeanie, you’re up first,” he commanded, placing his hands on her shoulder and looking her dead in the eyes. The window was already barely visible for the smoke that was rising up through it. “You’re going to climb up these shelves, and with the gun, if you can, you’re going to clear the rest of the glass from the window so it doesn’t cut you on your way out, okay? And don’t touch the glass, it’ll burn your skin right off.” He sent her to the shelves, one hand on her back and the other holding the shelves steady for her. “Jeanie, you have to hold your breath for me, okay? Whatever you do, do not breathe in the smoke!”

He watched as his daughter climbed, doing his best to help her until she was out of reach. “You can do it, baby,” he called after her. “Hold your breath, and drop to the other side! It’ll be okay, I promise!”

Once she was through, it was Shona’s turn. Up until now, Shona had fought tooth and nail to put Collin ahead of her, but now they were under Syd’s command. She knew it would only waste time to argue, so she went ahead, climbing the shelves as fast as she could while Collin and Syd held it steady for her. She held her breath as she climbed up into the worst of the smoke. Once she reached the window, she realised it was impossible not to hold onto the window frame - up there, the smoke was so thick that she could only feel her way around. It was such a tight fit she didn’t think she could make it through. The edges of the window were still lined with small, jagged shards of glass and they tore up her body as she fell feet first out of the window.

The second she landed on the gravel outside she felt a nauseating crack as her tibia splintered in two. She heard herself scream in pain, and when she looked down she saw the bone sticking out of her calf, blood pulsing from a gaping hole. But not even the agony of her broken leg and shredded skin all over her body could pull her away from the urgency of her surroundings. Drawing laboured breaths, Shona looked around for Jeanie and once she spotted her, she began to drag herself along the ground, bits of gravel lodging into her wounds. “Hey,” she croaked. The pain and shortness of breath was making her dizzy and it was becoming increasingly difficult not to just pass out. The young woman’s name escaped her for the moment but she still felt protective of her. The girl looked so unwell, her face evidently pale even with all the soot on her skin. “We…we have to get away…from the building,” she said. She was struggling for breath herself, but when she got closer to Jeanie she could hear a wheeze in the girl’s lungs and her concern only grew. “Oh, God…” she whispered to herself. “Get…get yourself far from the smoke, love, and I’ll…I’ll come to you.”

Back inside, time was running out. Syd had been in a burning building before. He knew that every second that passed by exponentially decreased their likelihood of surviving. If he was going to keep his promise to Jackson, he needed to get Collin out fast. Shona’s scream sounded distant, drowned out by the cacophonous crashes and roaring flames that surrounded them. By now the room was fully alight. It was hard even to see in front of him, let alone the window. Syd grabbed Collin and pulled him down to the floor, beneath the worst of the smoke. “The window’s too small,” he asserted, having to shout over all the noise. “We have to get out another way. Stay as low to the ground as you can and follow me!”

Making sure Collin remained close beside him, Syd crawled through the dirt and debris back towards the foyer. His clothes were sticking to him like glue and in places where the fabric had melded to his skin, patches of his flesh would tear away as he extended his limbs. He could feel burns forming, most notably in his throat and nose, but he kept on moving forward - wherever forward was taking him. He saw no exit. In fact, he could see nothing but fire and smoke, hear nothing but the flames tear through the fabric of the building. He kept going and going, every now and then turning to make sure Collin was still there and still moving. It seemed to go on forever, just endless fire and noise and heat. He was losing strength as his body reached temperatures well above a safe level. Maybe there was no exit. Maybe he was already dead. Maybe this was it, forever: always moving, never arriving. Suffocating, melting from the inside out, too weak to make a sound.

Just as his body was about to give up on him, Syd saw a dim light through the darkness where the smoke was escaping. He looked behind him. Collin wasn’t there. Syd just stared into the space where his Godson should be, unable to call out for him. It seemed like his cue to give up. His head had just laid on the ground when he saw a dark silhouette crawl towards him. When it became clear that it was Collin, Syd managed to raise his head and keep going. The exit wasn’t far now.

A metal shelving unit suddenly collapsed and came crashing down only inches away from his head, but he was too weak to even react. He just crawled over and around it, hardly even able to feel the metal burning into his skin. Eventually, he felt a breeze. The smoke was still too thick to see through, but he could tell it was getting clearer. The heat was lessening, replaced by the cool air. He reached back to touch Collin, and waited until he was beside him before letting him pass and following him outside.

In pure survival mode, Syd just kept crawling forwards until the air was clear enough to breathe. It seemed unlikely at this point that he would live to see the morning light, but he had done it. He had got everyone out. Syd laid on his side, his head resting on the gravel. He could see Collin close beside him, and in the distance he could see Shona on the ground, and his daughter with her. That was the last thing he saw before he passed out.

Bellz Bellz Wheezy Peasy, Crispy McNugget
Old Distillery
~Undisclosed Location, London~
Arabella Bellamy

They weren't letting them go. Ari knew that. No matter how much screaming and threatening and cursing they did, they weren't letting them go. Yet for some reason Ari couldn't help but continue to do so. If not for her sake for Jane's. Despite the trauma she'd been through at a young age, Jane seemed to hold onto that innocence only a child could access. She was so warm and happy and kind. In their current moment it was as if Ari was trying to preserve that innocence - to instill hope in her that they were getting out. It didn't matter if Ari believed it or not; she needed Jane to. Putting on a brave face would help her succeed. Tape was placed over their mouths and a certain panic began to settle in. Her shouts were silenced and the tugging and pulling she was doing on her restraints stopped. As she watched the two men leave and do something to the door, her eyes grew wide.

They were about to die.

All the willpower she'd summoned to try and be brave for Jane now wavered. If no one could hear them scream, how were they going to get out? Was anyone even going to find them? If so, how long would it be until they did? The hope she extended to Jane was near gone for herself and she wasn't sure she could keep up the facade. Tears unknowingly fell down her face as she felt her mind shift elsewhere. To a future with J.J.

They'd moved back to Germany where it was nice and quiet and peaceful. Where no harm would come to them or their children. A boy and a girl. Noah and Emma. A future she had never not once thought about or even considered yet here she was seeing it as if she'd already experienced it.

Ari was kneeling down in front of her daughter, the little girl frozen in terror and fear. It was taking everything in Ari not to burst out laughing as she slowly reached for the caterpillar crawling across the young girls shoulder. The two of them had been resting under the tree in their backyard when it fell out of the tree. Now Emma was clutching her small hands into fists and scrunching up her face. "Mimi, it's okay," she said through stifled laughter. She pulled her in close and rubbed her back letting out silent laughs. Well, she thought they were silent. Emma had heard them and pushed Ari away staring back up at her; the same eyes as her father. Who, conicidentally, had been watching the scene from the kitchen window. "I'm telling Noah," she huffed, stomping away. J.J. then soon made his way out to her and the moment he stood a few feet away, she collapsed into him from laughter. Tears were rolling down her eyes as her husband held her laughing along. When they were finally able to catch their breath, J.J. leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Laughing at an insect terrorizing our daughter makes you a shoo-in for mother of the year," he chuckled. Ari shook her head, wiping the tears away from her face as she settled down. "Look who's talkin'. Pot or kettle?" J.J. looked down at her with warm and tender eyes - a look that even after 10 years being together still made her giddy. "Pot. Kettle suits you more," he joked. Ari playfully scowled at him and just as she was about to reach up and touch him she heard her name being shouted.

Arabella blinked back into focus, looking around her and placing herself. She was still tied up on the ground, doused in petrol. Slowly looking around her to familiarize herself she found the source of the call. Jane. The tape had fallen from her mouth and she was able to breathe and speak. For a split second she'd forgotten just what was going on but it all came flooding back. They'd been abducted for God knows what and now their lives were in peril. Panic settled in then but before she could say anything Spencer's face came into view. At first she thought she was hallucinating again but when Jane started shouting to him she realized it wasn't. He seemed like he wanted to enter but Ari remember the suspicious activity happening as the kidnappers left. With the tape over her mouth she shouted but they were only muffles. The tears started getting heavier and she looked at Jane, hoping she could understand what she was trying to say; It's a trap.
Greenwich Park Playground
~Greenwich Park, London~

Jeremy Gray
As little Laura stared at him, he smiled back giving her a goofy face while Rachel wasn't looking before regaining his composure and waiting silently. She was an adorable child, he could only hope his own daughter would have been so beautiful as he was sure she would have been. As they finally got started down the sidewalk towards the house, a gentle silence enveloped them. The sound of crunching leaves and tree limbs rattling above them was comforting in a way he couldn't explain. For a moment, it was like his life that never happened was coming true before his face, yet he couldn't acknowledge it. Instead, he silently enjoyed it. This is what it would have been like… he thought to himself. For a few minutes, this is how it went. From the outside perspective they would have looked like any couple, out with their child, enjoying the crisp fall air. Inside it was a mixture of pleasure and torture.

Up ahead, on the next block, sat Bucky's friend's house. From this distance, it didn't appear that anyone was outside, allowing Jeremy to breathe a sigh of relief. He visibly relaxed and his walk became more natural. As she started asking questions, he looked over with a gentle smile and nodded, "I work in waste management. I'm like a contractor, working for those who need additional support in various areas of their business. I was born here, spent most of my life here, then spent twelve years in Germany with my wife and son before she died." His voice choked up slightly, but he cleared it and tried to push forward pleasantly. "Work has since pulled me back here to work on a new project that required them to work with an outside group and I'm liaising between them." It sounded reasonable in Jeremy's mind as a way of explaining what he was doing without giving in the in depth details or acknowledging that he was in fact working with both the feds and the underworld at once.

"What about you, tell me more about you," He said casually, eyes carefully peeled for his son to walk out the door so he could hide Rachel if need be. "You seem like you fit in here pretty well, you look comfortable at least, are you from this area?" He looked down at little Laura and a flash of pain hit his chest, causing him to reach down and adjust the jacket that had been pushed away by the sleeping girl and tucking it where it wouldn't both her but still keep her warm. "You're very lucky, Ms. Fitz. Little girls are a gift to their parents, as are sons, but daughters are something extra special. I wish I could have met mine. Thank you for talking with me today, and for allowing me to walk with you and her home. For a moment I'm able to imagine what my life would have been like." With a self-depreciating little laugh, he rubbed the back of his head with the hand furthest from her. "Sorry if that sounds creepy. I didn't mean it like that." A light blush covered his cheeks as he turned his eyes forward again and monitored around them. They were almost past Bucky's friend's house.

Bellz Bellz - The Once and Future Queen

(Left you an opening for Bucky if you want to Amp Up The Drammmamamamamamama)
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A Hospital
~ Somewhere in London ~

Jeanie Porter
Collin McCarthy

The three figures before her melded into a blur as she struggled to draw a breath. This, she admitted, was quite possibly the most foolish thing she'd ever attempted. Glancing around frantically, Jane was nowhere to be seen. Even when her father grabbed her, Jeanie couldn't muster her usual resistance. Weak and wheezing amidst the smoke, she was reluctantly pulled away. Her father's reassurance that Jane was with Spencer only added to her anxiety. She could only pray that they were all safe elsewhere. "Yep," she managed to rasp, craving nothing more than fresh air. Each inhale felt like a torturous scrape against her raw lungs.

The smoke and flames engulfing her senses made concentration nearly impossible, especially as a shot rang out. Collin flinched beside her, but remained by Shona's side. Her Dad’s hands on her shoulders forced Jeanie to look at him, though the instructions sounded garbled amidst the hissing and crackling of burning wood, the acrid smoke searing her nostrils and lungs. As she turned towards the shelves, doubt crept into Jeanie's eyes, questioning if they would withstand the chaos unfolding around them."Okay!" she conceded, her voice lacking the forcefulness and sharpness it had possessed in the car. With one final glance at him, she returned her attention to the shelves, looking up before inhaling deeply and starting to climb. The air had been sparse from the moment she entered the building, but now, holding her breath, her head spun so violently that she ascended the shelves slowly, reaching out for objects that weren't there more than once.

Fortunately, working at the club had shown her a commendable level of upper and lower body strength. Despite the oxygen deficiency, her arms and shoulders managed to sustain her, while her legs compensated for their weakness. Even amidst the chaos, her father's words of encouragement provided some solace. Upon reaching the top, she forcefully pressed his Tec-9 against the window, clearing the glass as best she could. The exertion left her breathless, and she saw stars dancing before her eyes. It was now or never. As she heaved herself through the narrow opening, the searing heat of jagged glass tore at her hands and exposed skin. Just when she felt she was about to clear it and descend onto the slippery gravel below, her favorite jacket snagged on a protruding nail. A sharp gasp escaped her lips, triggering a fit of coughing, but her arms slipped free from the jacket, and she plummeted downward. The unyielding gravel met her left shoulder blade with a merciless impact, sending a wave of red-hot agony coursing through her. A strangled cry struggled to escape her lips, stifled by the dwindling supply of air in her lungs.

As she sat upright, the world seemed to spin around her. Examining her arm in the flickering light of the fire, she noticed the gravel had shredded the thin fabric of her shirt, gouging into the skin of her left arm and shoulder, leaving behind painful road rash. Surprisingly, despite the discomfort, there was no burning sensation—likely overshadowed by the agony emanating from her shoulder blade. Flexing her hand and wrist, she found they moved without issue...A piercing scream shattered her concentration, and when Jeanie laid eyes on Shona, a wave of nausea swept over her. If Jane and Ari were elsewhere, this figure had to be Shona King with a bone protruding from her calf. Despite her gruesome injury, Shona was somehow dragging herself toward Jeanie—a remarkable display of resilience.

Gasping for air, Jeanie struggled to meet Shona's gaze, her attention torn between the woman's face and her injured leg. "I'm..." Jeanie began, her head shaking in disbelief at Shona's determination, pausing to regain her breath. "I'm coming to you... just hold on!" Her jacket—where had it gone? Jeanie blinked slowly, recalling its descent. With a soft cry that bordered on a groan, she managed to pull herself upright. Spotting it just behind Shona, Jeanie didn't hesitate, conserving precious air as she moved swiftly towards it. Though she had the energy to walk briskly, she had to reach for it with her right arm. Once retrieved, she returned to Shona's side, collapsing to her knees beside her, letting the gravel bite into her skin, "N-n-n-n-need to stop the bleedin’."

As the women fled through the window, Syd seized Collin, dragging him to the floor where they huddled low as he instructed. Crawling through the dirt, glass, and debris, each movement was agonizing. The fire raged closer, its intense heat searing Collin's skin, leaving behind painful burns. Gritting his teeth, he fought to suppress any cries of agony, desperate to conserve his dwindling breath. Amidst the inferno of fire and smoke, it felt like navigating an endless maze of hell. Collin couldn't shake the fear that despite the hope of rescue, this might be their final moments. As fate seemed to close in on him, Syd vanished into the swirling smoke. "Syd?" Collin's desperate call was swallowed by the roaring fire. Moving cautiously to the right, a sudden lick of flame-seared his hand, eliciting a cry of pain as he clenched it into a fist. The burning sensation spread, icy-hot blisters forming on his skin, but he pressed on, ignoring the voice of reason in his mind. "Syd?!" he called out once more, his eyes stinging and watering as tears mingled with smoke and ash, streaming down his face. Then, a flood of relief washed over him as he finally spotted Syd. "Come on!" Collin urged, seeing his Godfather struggling to rise. Concern etched his features; Syd looked on the verge of collapse.

Unable to see his hand in the dense smoke, Collin could still feel its chilling touch, the blisters throbbing against the scorching ground. Strangely, it didn't burn as intensely as his lungs, eyes, and face. As the smoke cleared slightly, a hint of cleaner air brushed against Collin's skin, and he felt a surge of emotion welling up within him. Motioning for him to proceed, Syd signaled for Collin to go first, though it took some effort for him to pass his godfather. Gasping for fresh air, Collin coughed and hacked, expelling the lingering smoke from his lungs. As his injured hand met the rough gravel, the blisters burst, eliciting another cry of pain. The absence of Syd's voice prompted Collin to turn and find him, his eyes widening in alarm. "Syd?!" he gasped, his voice strained and raw from the smoke and flames scorching his throat. "No, no, no, no, no..." Each word was a struggle to utter. "You have to wake up!" Collin placed his hand near Syd's nose, checking for signs of breathing. It was weak.

Jeanie had been focused on staunching the bleeding from Shona's leg with her jacket when Collin and her father emerged. It was Collin's desperate gasp of her father's name that drew her attention. "Dad?" she croaked, looking from her father’s still form on the ground, meeting Collin's gaze filled with urgency. Locking eyes with him, Jeanie nodded toward Shona. "Press the jacket against her leg, not the bone." she instructed. As they switched positions, Jeanie knelt beside her father, placing a hand on his back to feel for any signs of breathing. It was shallow, too shallow for comfort. Much like her own, except she was conscious... for the moment. Tears welled in her eyes, but not solely from pain or smoke. "He needs oxygen and burn treatment, now. Mrs. King…you need surgery. Collin…are you okay?" She wheezed, her breath hitching in her chest, the muscles straining painfully. Collin shook his head, holding up his burned hand and Jeanie nodded, "His car... the keys are in it. Stay here, I'll retrieve them. Keep an eye on him," she ordered, glancing at her father before slowly rising to her feet. She said nothing about her shoulder pain or the continuous battle for breath…which was only getting more difficult. It didn’t matter right now.

After retrieving the car and pulling it as close as possible, Jeanie kept the engine running. "Mrs. King... let's get you into the car first," she urged. Collin and Jeanie worked together to lift Shona, their movements quiet despite their own injuries as they carefully assisted her. Jeanie adjusted the passenger seat to maximize legroom in the back. When Collin returned, they turned their attention to her father. "I'll take his legs, you grab his arms," Jeanie wheezed to Collin, who nodded in agreement. "You'll sit between them in the back seat." Jeanie clenched her teeth so tightly that she tasted blood on her tongue, fighting back the urge to scream as she and Collin lifted her father's limp body into the car. She was certain she could feel whatever had torn in her shoulder strain even more. Once everyone was inside, Jeanie leaned against the driver's side door for a moment, feeling a wave of drowsiness washing over her. Shaking her head to dispel the sensation, she sucked in another short, raspy breath before getting behind the wheel and driving off.

The drive to a hospital was nearly debilitating. By the time Jeanie pulled up to the entrance, she was so overwhelmed that she didn't even put on her hazard lights. Her vision had narrowed to a tunnel, and in hindsight, she probably shouldn’t have driven. Shona’s leg was so badly injured she couldn’t drive, her dad was passed out in the back seat, and Collin...what was wrong with him again? Confusion clouded Jeanie's mind as unfamiliar voices urged her to go inside and get help. Her neck muscles tensed, and her breathing felt like she was sucking air through a straw. She nodded heavily, shakily reaching for the car door handle beside her, almost blindly. Where? Where was she supposed to go? Blinking slowly, she reminded herself that her dad needed help. She glanced at his reflection in the rearview mirror; he was still unconscious. Help. She needed to get help...but where? Her eyes drifted to the hospital doors, which were sliding open and shut intermittently. Before she could open the door herself, it swung open, and she turned her head to see who was there. Dizzy, the car cabin spun around her, and she barely made out Collin's voice. "Jeanie?! Stay awake, okay? I’m going to get someone to help us inside."

Nodding her head, it slumped back against the driver's seat as she noticed the flicker of ambulance lights pulling in behind her. Her eyes fluttered closed as breathing became increasingly difficult, feeling more like a chore. She found herself holding her breath more often than forcing it in and out through her nose and mouth, the seconds ticking by without oxygen until she gasped out a shallow breath and then heaved in an even shallower one. As her body fought both smoke inhalation sickness and an asthma attack, she leaned over the side of the still-open door and vomited onto the ground, which clogged her airway causing her to choke.

Collin’s voice sounded distant in her ringing ears as she clung to the steering wheel. Suddenly, strong hands gripped her shoulders, causing her to cry out and shake her head. Medics were asking her questions as they worked to get Shona and her father out of the back seat, but Jeanie couldn’t respond, paralyzed by shock. Collin watched anxiously as the medics placed Shona, Syd, and Jeanie on gurneys to take them inside. He was already being wheeled into the hospital in a wheelchair. "She’s having a hard time breathing!" he croaked, looking at Jeanie with worry. Her lips, in the dim light, were visibly darker than the rest of her pale face. The medic pushing Collin reassured him that they would take care of all of them.

Jeanie felt unsettled by the sight of doctors and the sick, and the sounds of hospitals only added to her discomfort. Everything seemed to blur as she lay perfectly still on the gurney, each breath escaping her faster than the last as she was rolled behind Shona and her father. Before she could protest, a mask was gently placed over her face, and she could feel the cool, steam-like air of oxygen flowing and tickling her nose and mouth, enveloping her completely.
with: One-handed Jack (me), Gimpy and did someone order Fries with that Burnt Syd? Pyroclast Pyroclast
mentions: Hope Y'all are doing better than this group lol Misty Gray Misty Gray Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
St Thomas' Hospital Emergency Department
~ London ~

Shona King
and Syd Porter...if he is even still alive

giphy.gifEven keeping her leg off the ground as she moved, each time Shona hauled her body a little further along the gravel made her gruesome wound throb in agony. She was in so much pain that she was beginning to lose her bearings, and her ability to analyse the situation dwindled to almost nothing. She forgot all about Jane and Arabella, about the kidnapping, even about Spencer and the children. At that moment in time, she was purely fixated on reaching Jeanie. That was her only goal.

Her vision suddenly grew spotty before going completely dark, and when it finally cleared she was lying on her back, staring up at the clouds of smoke above them, and Jeanie was there beside her. The girl's breathing still rattled, but she was pushing through it to tend to Shona's leg. With somebody now taking care of her, Shona almost gave into her body's urgent desire to hand the fight over to Jeanie and give into the shock that was threatening to consume her. But hearing Jeanie's stammering words and strained breaths was just enough to keep her focused - as focused as she could be through all the pain, at least.

There was some kind of commotion, then - Jeanie left her side and when Shona rolled her head to see where she went, her eyes landed on a body laid out on the ground, silhouetted by fierce, dazzling flames. For a moment, Shona forgot all about the bone sticking out of her leg and just watched as the embers swirled to dizzying heights above the scene. She could just make out the distressing sound of panicked shouting, though what was being said Shona could hardly tell for the roaring fire and the shock that was muddling her senses.

Suddenly an agonising pain hit her leg and she screamed involuntarily. Collin had taken Jeanie's place at her side and was wrapping the jacket around her leg above the open wound, using the sleeves to tighten it. Shona tilted her head down to watch what he was doing, instinctively grabbing onto his arms to stop him from touching her leg too close to the break - and when she saw the bone again, protruding from her open wound, the flesh raw and bleeding and torn wide open, a sudden and intense wave of nausea washed over her. Before she knew it, her head was back on the ground, too dizzy to support its own weight. "Don't touch it," she begged him, tears sprouting from her eyes. "Don't move me..."

Struggling to bear the agonising pain having her injured leg bound and squeezed and touched, Shona reached out to grab Collin's hand and instead pulled him close to her. Not an inch of his face was unsullied by ash, soot or blood. By contrast, it made his eyes seem to gleam brighter, the flickering flames reflecting in his tears. "Syd," she said. "Is he -" But Jeanie gave her answer enough. He wasn't dead, not yet - but he needed oxygen and had apparently got burned in the blaze. Jeanie was taking control of the situation now, assessing the damage. Her breaths still sounded worryingly tight, but she was pushing forward. "Hey," Shona called out weakly to her. "Don't...you'll..." But then she gave up. What could she say? Someone had to take control, and as much as she wanted to, Shona was unable to stand. It wasn't until Collin held up his hand to Jeanie that Shona realised how badly Collin was hurt, too. They all needed urgent care. He and Jeanie were being so brave and Shona wished she could just pile everyone into the backseat of Syd's car and drive them all away. If she hadn't taken such a terrible fall, she didn't doubt she would already have them on their way.

Instead, she had to lie back while Jeanie brought the car around. At least the girl was on her feet and able to breathe enough to move around. Eventually, much to her horror, Shona had to be lifted off the ground. It took everything in her not to scream and sob in pain as Jeanie and Collin hoisted her up into a chair hold. Every part of it was torture: the exposed bone shifting as her knee was forced to bend, her foot hitting the side of the car and sending a shockwave of excruciating pain through her leg. But still she wanted to be brave, anything to make things easier for the two younger ones who were in the tough position of having to save everybody. As she caught her breath, Shona watched through the car window at Jeanie and Collin struggling to carry Syd to the car. His body was completely limp, and she wondered if she was looking at a dead body.

After what felt like forever, they were finally in the car together and on the road, their surroundings growing darker as the fire became more distant. It struck Shona how close they had all come to death; how only minutes before, she and Collin had been trapped in a burning building and if Syd and Jeanie hadn't found them when they did, they could still be in there tied to that shelf, choking and burning to death. Tears filled her eyes and she began shaking as the shock took its hold. She and Collin could have been dead by now. Jeanie was silent in the drivers seat but she could sense her distress and wished there was something she could do. But for all they knew, the young woman's father may already have died. That man propped up against the car door, so still and lifeless she couldn't tell if he was breathing at all. "Open the window for him," she ordered Collin, almost too choked up to speak. She pushed Syd towards the car window, hoping to give him as much air as possible. But that was all she could do.

When they got to the hospital, Jeanie managed to drive all the way up to the entrance before rolling to a stop. She didn't even get out of the car - it was like she had used up all her energy and now she had nothing left. Before Shona could call over to her, Collin had scrambled out of the car and was on his way to get help. Shona was trembling all over and she could feel herself rapidly losing control of her emotions as the minutes went by. She leaned over and fumbled in Syd's pocket for his mobile phone before flipping it open and finding Spencer's number. She hit dial and while it was ringing she turned to Jeanie. "Hey, just - just hold on, okay?" Shona tried to reassure her, though she herself was fighting a losing battle.

As soon as Spencer picked up the phone, Shona burst into tears. It took her a few seconds to find her voice. "We're at St. Thomas hospital," she eventually managed to get out, her voice high and strained. "Syd, he's - I don't know - I don't know, he's - it's bad," she sobbed. "Baby, it's bad. He's barely breathin' and there's bone stickin' out of my leg, and Syd's daughter's -" She was starting to hyperventilate now, sweat dripping down her pale face as the adrenaline wore off. "I need you. I'm so - I'm s-so scared." She clasped the phone to her ear with both hands as she watched paramedics run towards the car. Jeanie pitched forward in her seat and Shona gasped and reached for her, concerned she had passed out. Instead, the girl began to be sick. "Hey, it's okay!" Shona attempted to console her through her own wavering, tearful voice. "They're here now, okay? They're gonna help you!"

Into the phone again, she said, "They're gonna take us inside now. Please come and find me. Please be okay, Robbie, please, I need you -"

She didn't remember hanging up the phone, but all of a sudden she found herself frantically and tearfully trying to explain Syd's condition to the surrounding paramedics so they would take him in immediately, and then telling them that the girl was suffering from asthma and also needed help breathing. Eventually she lost track of Syd, Collin and Jeanie altogether as she herself was laid out on a gurney and carted away with an oxygen mask over her face, grey skies rolling into harsh, white lights.

Bellz Bellz Collin, Jeanie
Misty Gray Misty Gray Spencer
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Old Distillery
~ Undisclosed, London ~

Spencer King

Looking directly at her, Spencer had seen Jane shaking her head at him with something of a desperation etched on her face. Surely she would have been more relieved to see help had arrived. That only served to further concern him that it was a trap. He’d only accounted for Jane and Ari so far. Whilst Syd had rushed to the second location, Spencer still couldn’t be sure that’s where Shona and Collin were. They could be here too and he had no doubts the likes of Damian would be willing to play even more games with them now.

“I can’t see anyone else in there with them,” Spencer replied to Klaus, taking another moment to have a good look through the window into the room the two young women were being held in. “No guards inside the room, but that’s doesn’t mean they’re not elsewhere.” When asked for his assessment, Spencer turn around to face Klaus. “It ain’t feeling right to me either. It’s too easy, finding them alone in there, no wankers attacking us out here, and no doubt the door isn’t even locked,” he said, pointing to the nearby main entrance. “And Syd’s daughter doesn’t seem relieved we’re here. She was shakin’ her head at me, and the other lass looked scared still too."

Spencer took a step back whilst Klaus examined the windows and reassured Jane they were going to get them out of the building. Klaus then told Spencer to go with him around the building. After hesitating to leave the girls alone, Spencer followed the other man, but was soon stopped in his tracks as he felt his phone vibrating in his back pocket. Given everything going on, he didn't hesitate to stop and grab the device. Seeing Syd's name on the screen, he rushed to answer the call and hopefully get an update on his wife.

He was surprised to hear Shona on the other end of the line. Any relief he felt was overwritten with concern as he could hear her sobbing. "Shona? Hey, Shona, love," he spoke, trying to keep his voice calm for her. He covered his mouth with his free hand when she said she was at the hospital and Syd's state was unknown. "What do you mean? What happened to him? What happened to you?!" he firmly asked. "Fuck!" he hissed when she told him about her leg and Syd's serious condition. He brought his hand up to massage his forehead as he reminded himself he had to help Jane and Ari right now, no matter how much he wanted to be at his wife's side. "Shona, listen to me. I'll be there soon, okay? You don't need to be scared now - you're at the hospital and you're safe. You're going to be okay," he reassured her. "What about the lad? Collin. Is he with you now?" he asked, wanting to make sure all of the abductees were now accounted for, even if Jane and Ari were still in danger.

Spencer heard Shona reassuring Jeanie, giving his wife a moment to do so. As he was about to speak again, Shona said she had to go and pleaded with him to be okay. "I'll be okay," he told her. Whether or not he knew for certain he would be, he couldn't let her sense his doubt. "I'll come find you very soon. Klaus an' me are just helping Jane and her friend, but we'll be there. I love you, Shona," he told her.

After the call ended, Spencer took a moment to compose himself, clearing his throat as he fought against his emotions; his distress at hearing Shona in the state she was in, along with his concern for Syd. "That was Shona," he told Klaus. "She's at the hospital with a nasty broken leg. Syd's there too, but she isn't sure if he's going to be okay. We just... we need to get those two lasses out of that shithole," he said, quickly adopting his more assertive tone.

"If the bastards are still here, then they already known we're here too," he decisively told Klaus. He then rushed back to the front of the building and back to the window. Looking inside at Jane and Ari again, he took a deep breath before using the back of the torch to forcefully smash in the small window so he could hear Jane. "Jane. Listen to me. I need you to tell us what you know. Right now, we can just kick in the doors and walk right on in to get you. Is that safe, do you know?" he asked, unable to ignore the way she'd been desperately shaking her head at him before.

Pyroclast Pyroclast (Jane) Bellz Bellz (Klaus) Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Ari)

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